Limit Definition and 999 Threads

In mathematics, the limit inferior and limit superior of a sequence can be thought of as limiting (i.e., eventual and extreme) bounds on the sequence. They can be thought of in a similar fashion for a function (see limit of a function). For a set, they are the infimum and supremum of the set's limit points, respectively. In general, when there are multiple objects around which a sequence, function, or set accumulates, the inferior and superior limits extract the smallest and largest of them; the type of object and the measure of size is context-dependent, but the notion of extreme limits is invariant.
Limit inferior is also called infimum limit, limit infimum, liminf, inferior limit, lower limit, or inner limit; limit superior is also known as supremum limit, limit supremum, limsup, superior limit, upper limit, or outer limit.

The limit inferior of a sequence



{\displaystyle x_{n}}
is denoted by

lim inf










{\displaystyle \liminf _{n\to \infty }x_{n}\quad {\text{or}}\quad \varliminf _{n\to \infty }x_{n}.}
The limit superior of a sequence



{\displaystyle x_{n}}
is denoted by

lim sup










{\displaystyle \limsup _{n\to \infty }x_{n}\quad {\text{or}}\quad \varlimsup _{n\to \infty }x_{n}.}

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  1. Rectifier

    Does this series converge? Using the limit comparison test

    The problem In this problem I am supposed to show that the following series converges by somehow comparing it to ## \frac{1}{k\sqrt{k}} ## : $$ \sum^{\infty}_{k=1} \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{k}} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{k+1}} \right) $$ The attempt ## \frac{1}{\sqrt{k}} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{k+1}} =...
  2. binbagsss

    Taking classical limit question (statistical mechanics )

    1. Homework Statement Question attached. I am looking at the second line limit ##\beta (h/2\pi) \omega << 1 ## 2. Homework Equations above 3. The Attempt at a Solution Q1)In general in an expansion we neglect terms when we expand about some the variable taking small values of the...
  3. O

    I Theory of Acceleration: Is There a Limit?

    Is anyone aware of any theory which includes a theoretical limit on acceleration in the same way C is the universal speed limit? [[By this I do not mean some sort of practical limit set by energy density and known systems of propulsion.]]
  4. F

    B Quotient Limit Law: Find the Value of the Limit

    The quotient limit laws says that the limit of a quotient is equal to the quotient of the limits. If we had a limit as x approaches 0 of 2x/x we can find the value of that limit to be 2 by canceling out the x’s. If we split it up we get the limit as x approaches 2 of 2x divided by the limit...
  5. A

    I Exploring the Eddington Limit: Deriving the Formulation of Accretion Processes

    I am studyng accretion process on "Astrophysics in a nutshell" by Dan Maoz and I have some doubts about the derivation of the formula for the eddington limit. I understand what the edding limit is. The accretion rate cannot be arbitrarly large. The starting point is to consider an electron at a...
  6. T

    MHB Maclaurin Limit of lnx: \frac{1}{2}

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  7. Giovanni Cambria

    A Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit?

    Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit? I mean: a strong gravitational field can separate virtual dipoles with tidal forces. The force applied to the positron is different from that applied to the electron (though both are attractive) and, if this difference is high enough, the...
  8. MountEvariste

    MHB Sum of powers limit via Riemann sums?

    One of the many excellent problems by lfdahl in the challenge questions and puzzles subforum was recently: My first idea was Riemann sums! I didn't succeed. So I ask, can this limit be calculated via Riemann...
  9. R

    Evaluating the limit of a multivariable function with paths?

    Homework Statement From here, question C. lim (x,y) -> (0,0) \frac {x^2y^2}{x^4 + 3y^4} Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution So if we approach along the x axis, we know y will be 0, so we get lim (x,0) -> (0,0) \frac...
  10. BWV

    B Question about a limit definition

    From Rosenlicht, Introduction to Analysis: Definition: Let E, E′ be metric spaces, let p0 be a cluster point of E, and let f(complement(p0)) be a function. A point q ∈ E" is called a limit of f at p0 if, given any e > 0, there exists a δ > 0 such that if p ∈ E , p < > p0 and d( p, p0) < δ...
  11. H

    Find the limit as h --> 0 for this trigonometery equation

    Homework Statement ##\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x - 2h) - f(x + h)}{g(x + 3h) - g(x-h)}## While f(x) = cos x g(x) = sin x Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Using L Hopital i couldn't make it more simple. I tried to divide it by cos and sin Can you give me clue?
  12. R

    Limit of x^α.sin²(x)/(x+1) as x approaches infinity is?

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  13. R

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  14. Mr Davis 97

    Showing a limit of the recurrence relation

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  15. F

    MHB Can someone please explain why marks were taken off in this limit question

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  16. F

    How Does Choosing N Affect Limit Proofs in Calculus?

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  17. |Glitch|

    I What is the New White Dwarf Mass Limit?

    For the last 88 years we have used Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar's calculations to determine the maximum mass of a white dwarf. As a result of that calculated mass limit, a peak brightness was derived and the Standard Candle was born. However, those calculations were made based upon certain...
  18. A

    What Is the Limit of t Plus a Complex Fraction as t Approaches Infinity?

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  19. Euler2718

    Limit of Partial Sums involving Summation of a Product

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  20. T

    Two Limit exercises of functions of two variables.

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  21. K

    Endurance limit / fatigue strength at high temperatures

    Hello All, I had been reading a book on Machine Design. I understand that at high temperatures, yield strength of the material drops. The behaviour of the fatigue strength i.e. the drop in fatigue strength may at times be taken to be of same proportion as that of yield strength. It is also...
  22. D

    I How Do You Prove the Limit of a Riemann Summation Integral?

    I tried to find the integral of x^m using the definition of Riemann summation. Everything went smoothly until the limit of ∑n=1kn^m divided by k^( m+1), when k approached infinity, showed up. It is clear that it approaches to 1/m+1, but it has to be proved, of course. One could induce that fact...
  23. H

    Find limit x to infinity from f(x) contains squareroot of x

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  24. F

    Limit proof as x approaches infinity

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  25. pawlo392

    A Convergence of an Integral Involving Lebesgue Measure and Sine Functions

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  26. Martin117

    How this kind of limit with variables in solved ?

    Homework Statement [/b] This is mentioned in my maths book, I m not able to understand it what they did. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  27. N

    A Averaging over the upper sum limit of a discrete function

    Hi, Let the following function: X = ∑^{L}_{k=1} f(k)/L, where f(k) is a continuous random function and L is a random discrete number. Both L and f(k) are non negative random variables. Thus, X is the average of f(k) with respect to L. Is it right to say that X equals (or approximately) to...
  28. Cheesycheese213

    Tips for presenting under a time limit?

    I have a presentation with a 2 minute time limit, but I keep going over, and I'm a bit worried because I have to memorize it and I can barely fit it in just reading it aloud. I would really appreciate any tips to make it a bit faster! Thanks! P.S. also how would I read a quote with ellipses in it?
  29. G

    I General Relativity & Quantum Theory: Where's the Limit?

    I've always read that these two theories are incompatible, and how General Relativity works for large scales while Quantum Theory represent reality in extra-small cases. So my question is where is the limit where General relativity ceases to exist and Quantum Theory gives a better portrait of...
  30. rishi kesh

    Please explain this limit problem

    Please explain the above limit problem.i am able to understand last steps but can't get initial 4 steps.
  31. shihab-kol

    B Prove Limit Rule: Learn the Constant Concept

    Hello, I would like to begin by saying that this does not fall into any homework or course work for me. It is just my interest. I need to prove that limit of a constant gives the constant it self. Can some one provide a link? I have exams or I would have searched myself but unfortunately I don't...
  32. D

    I Weak Gravitational Field: Solving Einstein Field Eqs

    What do I have to do if I want the EFE's to approximate a weak gravitational field, where for example, an inversely proportional to the cube ( ##1 / r^3## ) of the distance law between the masses applies?
  33. E

    MHB Find a Sequence to Make lim(An/An+1)=∞

    Hey suppose I have sequence An limAn,n→∞ = ∞ Is it possible to find a sequence which makes: lim (An/An+1) ,n →∞ = ∞? I tried to search a sequence like that and could not find, but I don't know how to prove that this is can not be happening. could you help please?
  34. S

    B Is there a particular symbol in Math for inexisting limits?

    Hi, I was looking for a symbol in math that is commonly applied when a limit to a function does not exist. Is there such a symbol? I could not find any.
  35. E

    MHB Prove limit with convergence tests

    I need to prove that the limit of the sequence is as shown(0): 1.limn→∞ n*q^n=0,|q|<1 2.limn→∞ 2*n/n! but I need to do this using the convergence tests. With the second sequence I tried the "ratio test", and I got the result limn→∞ 2/n+1 which means that L in the ratio test is 0 and so it...
  36. T

    A Why Can't a Lower Energy Photon Remain After Pair Production?

    In pair production, if the photon has an energy greater than 1.02 MeV, why can't a lower energy photon remain after creation of the electron-positron pair? For example, if you have a 10 MeV photon interacting with a carbon nucleus, why are the stated products of pair production the carbon...
  37. E

    MHB Calculate Limit of Series: Step-by-Step Guide

    hey I am trying to calculate the limit of : limn→∞(1/2+3/4+5/8+...+2n−1/2^n) but I am not sure how to solve it, I thought to calculate 2S and than subtract S, but it did not worked well. I did noticed that the denominator is a geometric serie,but I don't know how to continue. could you help?
  38. pawlo392

    What Conditions Determine the Existence of These Mathematical Limits?

    Hello . I have problems with two exercises . 1.\lim_{t \to 0 } \frac{2v_1-t^2v_2^2}{|t| \sqrt{v_1^2+v_2^2} } Here, I have to write when this limit will be exist. 2.\lim_{(h,k) \to (0,0) } \frac{2hk}{(|h|^a+|k|^a) \cdot \sqrt{h^2+k^2} } Here, I have to write for which a \in \mathbb{R}_+ this...
  39. D

    Fundamental noise limit for an ideal photodetector

    Homework Statement As the title says, I'm trying to calculate the fundamental noise limit for an ideal photodetector, by specifically looking at the rate of incidence of annihilation of photons (and subsequent excitation of conducting electrons) on the detection surface. Since I'm looking for...
  40. T

    I Low mass limit of a neutron star

    Note: this is QM question, not about stellar science. I am not asking what are the lightest neutron stars found in the Universe. The same star (say, 1 sun mass) can exist both in a form of a white dwarf and a neutron star. Both states are stable. However, let's say I start to stripe outermost...
  41. D

    LaTeX Sample problems; Simple Limit (Epsilon - Delta proofs) Latex code included

    Remember to use the appropriate packages; these are in similar post if a mod wants to add the link if you choose to use Latex. Here is the PDF \begin{document} \begin{center} {\LARGE Epsilon-Delta Proofs \\[0.25em] Practice} \\[1em] {\large Just for practice, don't use Google to cheat!}...
  42. N

    I Problem when evaluating bounds....Is the result 1 or 0^0?

    Consider the summation ∑,i=0,n (t^(n-i))*e^(-st) evaluated from zero to infinity. You could break down the sum into: (t^(n))*e + (t^(n-1))*e + (t^(n-1))*e + ... + (t^(n-n))*e ; where e = e^(-st) To evaluate this, notice that all terms will go to zero when evaluated at infinity However, when...
  43. A

    What is the difference between the yield point and the elastic limit?

    I don't understand the difference between the elastic limit and the yield point. I understand that if you stretch a material within the elastic limit, then the material should return to its normal shape. However, the yield point is described as the point at which a permanent increase in length...
  44. lfdahl

    MHB Derive a closed form and find its limit

    Let $S_n(k)$ be defined by: $S_n(k) = 1 + 2k+3k^2+...+(n+1)k^n$, where $|k| < 1$ and $n \in \Bbb{N}$. Derive a closed form for $S_n(k)$ and find the limit: $$\lim_{{n}\to{\infty}}S_n(k)$$.
  45. HeartEcho

    Ultrasound Nyquist limit conundrum

    Hi all, I work as a cardiac sonographer. I've been struggling to understand a concept as dictated in ultrasound textbooks and it regards the Nyquist limit. During my work I observed that when I increased my ultrasound transducer frequency (e.g. from 1.7 MHz to 3.0 MHz) when using pulsed wave...
  46. Clara Chung

    Question about finding the limit of a^(1/n)

    Homework Statement First part (a>1) of the proof: Denote h = a^(1/n) - 1> -1 Then a = (1+h)^(n) >= 1+nh so h <= (a-1) / n Assume a > 1, so that 0 <h <= (a-1)/h n tends to infinity By sandwich principle, lim n tends to infinity of h is 0 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Why is h >...
  47. G

    Can the Limit of Bayes' Risk Be Bounded by the Error in Conditional Expectation?

    Homework Statement Prove ##\lim_{n\rightarrow +\infty}\frac{\mathbb{E}(L_n)-L^*}{\sqrt{\mathbb{E}( ( \eta_n(X)-\eta(X) )^2 )}}=0## if ##\eta_n## verifies ##\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \mathbb{E}( ( \eta_n(X)-\eta(X) )^2 )=0## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The idea might be to use...
  48. S

    I GR in Newtonian Limit: Understanding Weak Fields & Inequalities

    Hello! I am reading A first course in General Relativity by Schutz and at a point he proves that for a weak gravitational field and assuming ##\Lambda = 0## we have ##\Box \bar{h}^{\mu \nu} = -16\pi T^{\mu \nu}##. Leaving the notations aside, he says that for a weak gravitational field (and...
  49. N

    Some questions about math education -- my time limit for solving a problem

    Background about myself (Can be skipped) I'm a gifted math student in the 11th grade, I studied Differential Calculus 2 years ago and I did pretty well in it, unfortunately I'm not studying math a lot these days, but I've gained a lot of experiences in life that made me more mature than I was 2...
  50. W

    Does gravitational collapse limit Neutron Star size?

    Is there a theoretical limit to the size of neutron stars? It seems likely neutron stars are not simply electrons orbiting a proton so what is their life cycle? Can they just evaporate slowly by neutron decay?