Limits Definition and 1000 Threads

Els Límits (Catalan pronunciation: [əlz ˈlimits]) is a Spanish village, a civil parish of the municipality of La Jonquera, situated in the province of Girona, Catalonia, in Spain. As of 2005 its population was of 115. Its Spanish name is Los Límites.

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  1. opus

    Why no change in limits of integration here?

    Homework Statement Please see attached image for the full scope of the problem, and to see the work drawn out by the text. My question lies with line 3 as it is clear that u-substitution was used on a definite integral, but the limits of integration were not changed. Homework EquationsThe...
  2. maxhersch

    B I want to define a function knowing only it's limits

    This is a random problem I am trying to figure out. The context doesn't matter. I wish to define a function z(x, y) based on the following limits: 1. lim z (x→∞) = 0 2. lim z (x→0) = y 3. lim z (y→∞) = ∞ 4. lim z (y→0) = 0
  3. Umaxo

    I Limits of the variatonal principle

    Hi, I got curious on the limits of variatonal principle. As far as i know all of the theories can be reformulated as problem of finding extremum of some action. Not only that, but it seems to be most convenient method for looking for new theories in a lot of cases. So my question is, what are...
  4. A

    MCNPX - Question in SDEF card about AXS and EXT

    My code version is 2.7 I have a disk source of R=0.3 cm, 60 cm above in z axis. I want set limits for the x and y axis, but, I can only put one command "axs" and "ext". How can i define two limits with one command? my code it is like this SDEF pos=0 0 60 rad=d1 axs=1 0 0 ext=d2 PAR=2 ERG=0.018...
  5. ohwilleke

    I How credible are CKM matrix limits on new physics?

    A pre-print of a conference paper from eleven months ago analyzes the extent to which the available data on the CKM matrix element values rules out beyond the Standard Model Physics. It finds that in the most rigid model dependent analysis, that new physics are excluded up to a characteristic...
  6. D

    I Order of integration and taking limits

    Hi. I came across the following integral in contour integration lim(ε→0) "integral of" exp(iaεeiθ) dθ = θ If I take the limit first then it just becomes the integral of 1 which is θ. I have 2 questions - If I take the limit first and then perform the integral do I always get the same answer as...
  7. opus

    Finding limits with a radical in denominator

    Homework Statement Evaluate: ##\lim_{x \rightarrow -\infty} {\frac{3x^3+2}{\sqrt{x^4-2}}}## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution For limits involving fractions, it's a good idea to divide the numerator and the denominator by the highest degree x in the fraction. In doing this, we can...
  8. Mr Davis 97

    Do Convergent Ratios in Sequences Imply Equal Limits?

    Homework Statement Let ##(a_n)## be a arbitrary real sequence. Given that the sequence ##\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}## is convergent, show that ##\lim \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n} = \lim \frac{a_n}{a_{n-1}}## Homework Equations Take ##\mathbb{N} = \{1,2,3, \dots\}## The Attempt at a Solution In general, I...
  9. Mr Davis 97

    I Distribute Limit over Addition: Evaluating w/o Knowing Convergence

    The theorem that allows one to distribute the limit over addition is the following: Let ##(a_n), (b_n)## be sequences that converge to ##L## and ##M## respectively. Then ##\lim (a_n+b_n) = L + M##. So evidently, a hypothesis of distributing the limit is that we know ##a_n## and ##b_n##...
  10. opus

    B Limits on Composite Functions- Appears DNE but has a limit

    Please see my attached image, which is a screenshot from Khan Academy on the limits of composite functions. I just want to check if I'm understanding this correctly, particularly for #1, which has work shown on the picture. Now my question: We are taking the limit of a composition of...
  11. Likith D

    Solving Limits with L'Hospital's Rule

    Homework Statement Find y; $$y=\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} {\frac {1} {x^2}-\frac{1}{tan^2(x)}}$$ Homework Equations $$\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} {\frac{tan(x)}x}=1$$ $$\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} {\frac{sin(x)}x}=1$$ The Attempt at a Solution \begin{align} y & = \lim_{x \rightarrow 0} {\frac {1}...
  12. V

    Solving Limits: Finding a, b, c, and d for ∞-∞ Form

    Homework Statement lim x~∞ 〈√(x⁴+ax³+3x²+ bx+ 2) - √(x⁴+ 2x³- cx²+ 3x- d) 〉=4 then find a, b, c and d[/B]Homework Equations all the methods to find limits The Attempt at a Solution it can be said that the limit is of the form ∞-∞.I am completely stuck at this question.the answer is a=2...
  13. V

    What is the limit of the form 0/0?

    Homework Statement lim x~a 〈√(a⁺2x) -√(3x)〉 ÷ 〈√(3a+x) - 2√x〉[/B]Homework Equations rationalisation and factorisation[/B]The Attempt at a Solution i had done rationalisation but the form is not simplifying.pleasez help me.[/B]
  14. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Limits and integration problem

    Homework Statement if f(x)= lim(n→∞) e^(xtan(1/n)log(1/n)) and ∫f(x)/(sin^11x.cosx)^1/3 dx=g(x)+c, then 1) g(pi/4)=3/2 2) g(x) is continuous for all x 3) g(pi/4)= -15/8 4) g(pi/4)=12 2. The attempt at a solution Part a-Evaluating the limit, since 1/n tends to 0, log(1/n)→-∞=-n, using...
  15. Scrope

    Solve Multi Var Limit: Help Appreciated!

    Homework Statement <----- The question Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Had this on a test today, honestly not sure how to evaluate. I know you can pass the limit to the inside of arctan but I can't see how the inside goes to...
  16. Mr Davis 97

    I Changing the limits of integration, getting 0

    I have the integral ##\displaystyle \int_0^{2 \pi} \frac{1-\cos x}{3+\cos x} ~ dx##. I want to make the tangent half-angle substitution ##t = \tan (x/2)## so that I can get a rational function. However, both limits of integration just become zero. This is the first case. In the second case, I...
  17. BWV

    News The Economic Limits of Bitcoin and the Blockchain

    Interesting economic paper on the limits of bitcoin: The amount of computational power devoted to anonymous, decentralized blockchains such as Bitcoin’s must simultaneously satisfy two conditions in equilibrium: (1) a zero-profit condition among miners, who engage in a rent-seeking competition...
  18. FallenApple

    I Can we use removable discontinuities to extend a function to the entire plane?

    So we know that we typically have to use epsilon delta proofs for determining a limit of a multivariable function because there are infinite paths. But can we use removable discontinuities to prove a limit? Say we want to evaluate the lim( x^2-y^2)/(x+y) as (x,y)->(0,0). we can factor as...
  19. P

    Limits to accelerate a spacecraft by spinning it in a circle

    The basic concept is to have your space probe(s) - likely nanocraft [1] on a spinning object in space which allows you to preserve the momentum you give it while accelerating it faster. Then once you are at a speed you can simply release the nanocraft in the direction you want it to go in. More...
  20. C

    I Temperature limits on Debye's Calculationp

    Debye assumed sound wave dispersion relation for phonons(##ω=vK##) and this corresponds to acoustic modes in low frequency limits. That's why it explains low temperature heat capacity fairly well. But how could this also explain high temperature limit(##C=3k_B## per atom)? I know Debye...
  21. A

    Finding the limits of integration and quadratic formula

    Homework Statement Please look at the photo! Homework Equations -x^2+4x=x^2-6x+5 The Attempt at a Solution I got 2x^2-10x+5 but it says it's wrong
  22. karush

    MHB How is the Change in Limits from (1) to (3) in this Calculus Problem Explained?

    \begin{align}\displaystyle &=\int_{0}^{8}\displaystyle \int_{\sqrt[3]{x}}^{2} \frac{dydx}{y^4+1}&&(1)\\ &\qquad D: 0\le x \le 8, \quad \sqrt[3]{x}\le y\le 2 &&(2)\\ &=\int_{0}^{2}\int_{0}^{y^3} \frac{1}{y^4+1} \, dxdy&&(3)\\ &=\int_{0}^{2}\frac{y^3}{y^4+1} \...
  23. E

    Then, as ##b## goes to 0, can you find the limit of each factor separately?

    Homework Statement a. Compute the limit for f(x) as b goes to 0 Homework Equations $$f(x) = \frac{(a+bx)^{1-1/b}}{b-1}$$ ##a \in R##, ##b\in R##, ##x\in R## The Attempt at a Solution ##a+bx## goes to ##a## ##1/b## goes to ##\infty## so ##1-1/b## goes to ##-\infty## ##(a+bx)^{1-1/b}## then goes...
  24. itssilva

    A Limits of the classical oscillator

    Some time ago I was playing with the oscillator when I noticed a few funny things. Consider first the 1D oscillator with Hamiltonian $$ \displaystyle H(q,p) = \frac{p^2}{2m} + \frac{m\omega^2}{2}q^2$$ whose solutions are $$ q(t) = q_0cos(\omega t) + \frac{p_0}{m\omega}sin(\omega t), p(t) = m...
  25. T

    Regarding Real numbers as limits of Cauchy sequences

    Homework Statement Let ##x\in\Bbb{R}## such that ##x\neq 0##. Then ##x=LIM_{n\rightarrow\infty}a_n## for some Cauchy sequence ##(a_n)_{n=1}^{\infty}## which is bounded away from zero. 2. Relevant definitions and propositions: 3. The attempt at a proof: Proof:(by construction) Let...
  26. ertagon2

    MHB Sequences and their limits, convergence, supremum etc.

    Could someone check if my answers are right and help me with question 5?
  27. Mr Davis 97

    I Proof that a sequence has two subsequential limits

    Suppose I have the sequence ##a_n = 2^{(-1)^n}##. So ##\displaystyle (a_n) = (\frac{1}{2},2,\frac{1}{2},2,\frac{1}{2},2,\frac{1}{2},2,...)##. Clearly, this sequence has two subsequential limits, ##\displaystyle \{\frac{1}{2},2 \}##. This clear from observation, but I'm not sure how I can be sure...
  28. Mr Davis 97

    I Proving $\lim a_n<L \implies$ There Exists $N\in \mathbb{N}$ s.t. $a_N< L$

    I have a question, not based on any homework but just based on my own readings. If ##L \in \mathbb{R}## and ##L>0##, and if ##\lim a_n < L##, does there necessarily exist an ##N \in \mathbb{N}## such that ##a_N < L##? How would I prove this if its true? I tried to use the definition of...
  29. FallenApple

    I Is Analyzing |a(n)-a(n-1)| Sufficient for Monotonic Cauchy Sequences?

    If I have monotonic sequence, would it suffice to analyze |a(n)-a(n-1)| as n gets large? I know for Cauchy sequences, you have to analyze every term after N, but for monotonic sequences that are also Cauchy, can you just analyze the difference between consecutive terms?
  30. Eclair_de_XII

    Proof for convergent sequences, limits, and closed sets?

    Homework Statement "Let ##E \subset ℝ##. Prove that ##E## is closed if for each ##x_0##, there exists a sequence of ##x_n \in E## that converges to ##x_0##, it is true that ##x_0\in E##. In other words, prove that ##E## is closed if it contains every limit of sequences for each of its...
  31. MermaidWonders

    MHB Integrals & Limits: Intuitive Understanding of Convergence

    Suppose that $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x)\,dx$ converges. Then $\lim_{{x}\to{-\infty}}f(x) = \lim_{{x}\to{\infty}}f(x)$. Why is it true? I have some trouble understanding this intuitively.
  32. M

    I Looking for additional material about limits and distributions

    I would like some help to find some additional info on generalized functions, generalized limits. My aim is to understand the strict definition of delta dirac δ(τ).If you could provide a concise tutorial focusing on δ(τ) not the entire would be of great help. I am not a math...
  33. M

    Change integration limits for cylindrical to cartesian coord

    Homework Statement I want to change the integration limits of an integral in cylindrical to cartesian coordinates. For example the integral of function f(r) evaluated between b and R: ∫ f(r)dr for r=b and r=R (there is no angular dependence). For write de function in cartesian coordinates...
  34. Math Amateur

    MHB Subsequences and Limits in R and R^n .... .... L&S Theorem 5.2 .... ....

    In the book " Real Analysis: Foundations and Functions of One Variable" by Miklos Laczkovich and Vera T. Sos, Theorem 5.2 (Chapter 5: Infinite Sequences II) reads as follows: Can someone inform me if there is an equivalent theorem that holds in...
  35. L

    Proof of uniqueness of limits for a sequence of real numbers

    Homework Statement [/B] The proposition that I intend to prove is the following. (From Terence Tao "Analysis I" 3rd ed., Proposition 6.1.7, p. 128). ##Proposition##. Let ##(a_n)^\infty_{n=m}## be a real sequence starting at some integer index m, and let ##l\neq l'## be two distinct real...
  36. SemM

    I What are the limits of the boundaries for the Schrödigner equation

    If one considers the quantized levels of E, for the solutions to the Schrödinger eqn,, then I am wondering: what are the lowest possible energies that can occur for the Schrödinger eqn? I take the highest possible energy is at the classical limit, but is the zero-point energy the absolute...
  37. Math Amateur

    MHB Limits of functions .... D&K Lemma 1.3.3 .... another question ....

    I am reading "Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation by J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk ... I am focused on Chapter 1: Continuity ... ... I need help with an aspect of the proof of Lemma 1.3.3 ... Duistermaat and Kolk"s proof of Lemma 1.3.3. reads as follows:In the above proof...
  38. M

    MATLAB Numerical Integration with variable limits MATLAB

    Hi PF! Suppose I have two functions ##f(x),\,g(y)## that are numerically defined as vectors (i.e. ##g(y) = [0,1,4,9,16]:y = [0,1,2,3,4]## and say ##f(x) = [0,1,8,27,64]:x = [0,1,2,3,4]##) and am trying to compute $$\int_0^1 f(x) \int_x^1 g(y)\, dydx.$$ How would I do this in MATLAB? I could be...
  39. D

    I Infinity & Limits: Why Does Energy Not Become Infinite?

    Hi I'm confused about something from quantum mechanics but it concerns infinity and limits. For an infinite well the energy levels vary as n2 and for an harmonic oscillator the energy levels vary as n with n taking integer values in both cases with no upper bound. In both cases there are...
  40. Y

    Automotive What limits the max power rating of a V-Belt drive?

    We know that belt drives are limited in their max possible power rating and most high power/torque applications(trucks) use gear drives. I wanted to know the main factor that limits the power/torque rating of belts. Is it Frictional slip or Belt material? If the frictional slip could be...
  41. lpetrich

    I Compositeness Limits -- Have We Reached Rock Bottom?

    Particle Data Group - 2017 Review has some strong lower limits for the mass scales of possible quark and lepton compositeness, or at least the compositeness of the easier-to-study ones, like up and down quarks and also electrons. The limits are well into the TeV range, though they are somewhat...
  42. M

    MHB Proving Limits of Exponential Series at Infinity

    Hey! :o I want to show that $\displaystyle{\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty}\frac{e^x}{x^{\alpha}}=\infty}$ and $\displaystyle{\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty}x^{\alpha}e^{-x}=0}$ using the exponential series (for a fixed $\alpha\in \mathbb{R}$). I have done the following: $$\lim_{x\rightarrow...
  43. binbagsss

    Understanding Limit: N=1 +/- sqrt(Ae^(2rt))/sqrt(1-Ae^(2rt))

    Homework Statement [/B] Trying to understand this limit: where ##r>0## Homework Equations [/B] I think it's best to proceed by writing this as: ## N=1 \pm \frac{\sqrt{Ae^{2rt}}}{\sqrt{1-Ae^{2rt}}} ## The Attempt at a Solution [/B] since ##r>0 ## the exponential term ##\to ## ##\infty##...
  44. M

    Can somebody tell me what this topic is?

    Homework Statement Could somebody link me to a youtube video explaining this topic, its from an exam paper at me college and I can't find notes on it.It think it has something to do with limits. Many thanks.
  45. S

    B Is there a particular symbol in Math for inexisting limits?

    Hi, I was looking for a symbol in math that is commonly applied when a limit to a function does not exist. Is there such a symbol? I could not find any.
  46. pawlo392

    What Conditions Determine the Existence of These Mathematical Limits?

    Hello . I have problems with two exercises . 1.\lim_{t \to 0 } \frac{2v_1-t^2v_2^2}{|t| \sqrt{v_1^2+v_2^2} } Here, I have to write when this limit will be exist. 2.\lim_{(h,k) \to (0,0) } \frac{2hk}{(|h|^a+|k|^a) \cdot \sqrt{h^2+k^2} } Here, I have to write for which a \in \mathbb{R}_+ this...
  47. Adgorn

    I Differentials of order 2 or bigger that are equal to 0

    So I've seen in several lectures and explanations the idea that when you have an equation containing a relation between certain expressions ##x## and ##y##, if the expression ##x## approaches 0 (and ##y## is scaled down accordingly) then any power of that expression bigger than 2 (##x^n## where...
  48. V

    Can you handle this integration with limits problem?

    Homework Statement Integrate ∫ (tan √x) / (2 √x) dx Homework Equations Limits from 0 to ∞ The Attempt at a Solution Put u = √x du/dx = 1/ (2 √x) dx = du * (2 √x) now question becomes ∫ tan u du = log sec u = log (sec √x) now applying limits ∫ tan u du = log (sec √∞) - log (sec √0) = log...
  49. L

    I Exploring the Limits of Trigonometry: 0 < sin x < x

    Given that 0 < sin x < x is true for 0 < x < π/2. From the above, can we conclude that 0 < sin (x/2) < x/2? How about 0 < sin (x/5) < x/5? Why? How about 0<sin 3x < 3x ? Why?
  50. Erenjaeger

    Limit Evaluation: Explaining Existence or Non-Existence

    Homework Statement Evaluate the following limit or explain why it does not exist: limx→∞ 24x+1 + 52x+1 / 25x + (1/8)6xThe Attempt at a Solution I know there is the method where you divide through by the highest term in the denominator, but can that be applied here?