Limits Definition and 1000 Threads

Els Límits (Catalan pronunciation: [əlz ˈlimits]) is a Spanish village, a civil parish of the municipality of La Jonquera, situated in the province of Girona, Catalonia, in Spain. As of 2005 its population was of 115. Its Spanish name is Los Límites.

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  1. C

    Inverse Laplace with given limits

    Homework Statement Problem reads: find inverse Laplace transform of f(t) of F(s)=(2s+3)/(s(s2+7s+10) What is the value of the function f(t) at t=0 and t=∞?Homework Equations Inverse laplace transformThe Attempt at a Solution I solved F(t) down to F(t)= .3/s+0.166/s+2-0.465/s+5 thus lead me to...
  2. S

    Limit Solving Strategies for Non-L'Hôpital's Rule Problems

    Homework Statement Find the limits of the following Homework Equations We can't use L'Hôpital's rule as it's not in our syllabus.We have to use only The Attempt at a Solution I attempted a lot but can't find a way to solve these three (out of about 80 limits) pls show me the...
  3. S

    Double Integral with Limits: Solving for (x+2y)^-(1/2)

    Homework Statement Calculate the integral: ∫ ∫_R (x+2y)^{-(1/2)} dxdy Where R is defined as points (x,y) which satisfy: x-2y ≤ 1 and x ≥ y2 + 1 Homework Equations So basically I'm completely stuck on this exerzice. As far as I can see, you could make the x limit go from...
  4. S

    Spherical limits of integration for a region bounded by a cone and a praboloid

    Hi everybody, I am trying to solve the following problem and I get stuck on the last question. I would appreciate a lot that someone helps me . Here is the problem: Let D be the region bounded from below by the cone z= the root of (x^2 + z^2), and from above by the paraboloid z = 2 – x^2 –...
  5. Z

    Limits on an Integral of a semi-circle

    Homework Statement A question asks to calculate the integral over the region R given by: x^2 + y^2 <= 4 0 <= y <= 2 Which would be the upper half of a circle of radius 2 centred on the origin. The integral is done in the book I have and the limits of x are given as -2 to 2, which I...
  6. S

    Surface Integral finding the limits

    Homework Statement I need to evaulate ∫ ∫S dS where S is the surface z = x² + y², 0 ≤ z ≤ 4. Homework Equations dS = √( 1 + ƒ²x + ƒ²y)dxdyThe Attempt at a Solution dS = √( 1 + 4x² + 4y²)dxdy here's the problem what are the limits to the surface integral? no clue.. dx means i should find...
  7. Z

    Are There Limitations to Using L'Hospital's Rule for Calculus Limits?

    I'm retaking Calculus I right now during the summer. It's been quite a while but I am pretty much breezing through it except for the limit section. I remember the first time around, my prof didn't put ANY emphasis on limits and I haven't really had to do much of anything with limits since then...
  8. Saitama

    What is the Limit of a Fraction with Variable Exponents as x Approaches 1?

    Homework Statement \stackrel{lim}{x→1}(\frac{p}{1-x^p}-\frac{q}{1-x^q}) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried writing 1-xp as (1-x)(1+x2+x3...xp-1) and same with 1-xq but i don't seem to find any way further.
  9. azizlwl

    Really couldn't catch the concept on epsilon and delta in limits

    Really couldn't catch the concept on epsilon and delta in limits. Let ∂x=x2 - x1 In finding a gradient the value ∂y is taken at certain value. But in finding area using integral, the ∂y is seen to taken as zero. F(x2)=F(x1) Maybe one multiplication and the other is division.
  10. M

    Limits - Prove that xsin1/x approaches 0 near 0

    limits -- Prove that xsin1/x approaches 0 near 0 Prove that xsin1/x approaches 0 near 0. Similiar Proof from book |sin1/x| ≤ 1 | xsin1/x | ≤ |x| for all x not equal to 0, so we can make |xsin1/x|< ε by requiring that |x| < ε and not equal to 0. MY QUESTION: Prove x2sin1/x...
  11. B

    Understanding Infinite Limits: Clarifying the Definition and Misconceptions

    I have attached this definition that my book provides. My question is does that part "for each M > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that f(x) > M, mean that whenever you M close to the limit, you can find a δ that will give M1 that is closer to the limit?
  12. R

    Rationalizing the numerator with limits

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution I don't see how the above step is legal. I plugged in 4 for z and 9 for z and it works, but what is this move called? it's neither rationalizing the numerator nor rationalizing the denominator.
  13. R

    Why are we dividing by x in the solution for this limit problem?

    I am studying unit on limits and one of the example given to prove and established limit simply doesn't make sense. in the given solution of the example righhand side is simply not making sense to me - please see attached document and anyone can throw some light on this will be great so i can...
  14. DryRun

    Find Limits of Converging and Diverging Series for Homework Solutions

    Homework Statement Determine if the following series converges or diverges and find the limits for those series that converge. (a)\;\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{1}{3^{n-1}} (b)\;\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{4n^2+n}{(n^7-n^3)^{1/3}} (c)\;\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{\sin^2n}{2^n} Homework Equations...
  15. T

    Multivariable Calculus: When to use Squeeze Theorem to solve limits?

    Homework Statement For example in: lim (x,y) -> (0,0) [(xy^2)/(x^2+y^4)] This limit does not exist (according to textbook), but if you use squeeze theorem since y^2<(x^2+y^4) y^2/(x^2+y^4) <= 1 and therefore 0 <= (xy^2)/(x^2+y^4) <= x as x--> 0 so lim (x,y) -> (0,0)...
  16. B

    Double Integral with Strange Limits of Integration

    Homework Statement For the double integral ∫[0,1]∫[0,x^3] e^(y/x) dxdy (a) sketch the region of integration (b) evaluate the integral and (c) re-express the integral with the order of integration reversedHomework Equations NoneThe Attempt at a Solution The problem is that I've never seen a...
  17. GreenGoblin

    MHB Choosing Limits for Volume Integrals

    Help choose the limits of the following volume integrals: 1) V is the region bounded by the planes x=0,y=0,z=2 and the surface z=x^2 + y^2 lying the positive quadrant. I need the limits in terms of x first, then y then z AND z first, then y and then x. And also polar coordinates, x=rcost...
  18. R

    Analysis (left and right-hand limits, monotonicity)

    Homework Statement Assume that f is a monotone increasing function defined on \mathbb{R} and that for some x_0\in \mathbb{R} the left and right limit coincide. Can you prove that f is continuous at x_0? Either give a complete proof or a counterexample. Homework Equations The...
  19. R

    Limits and Rational Functions: What Rule Must Be Followed When Evaluating at 0?

    what rule are you supposed to follow when you evaluate a rational function at 0? eg in this problem if you evaluate at s=0 for the one under "result" it will be different from the value obtained for the one under "alternate forms"...
  20. T

    Limits and continuity test questions

    Homework Statement 2. Show that the function is continuous on the given interval. (a)f(x)= (2x+3)/(x-2) range:(2, infinity) (b)f(x) = 1- sqrt(1-x^2) range:[-1,1] 3. Prove that the following limits do not exist. (a) lim x tends to 0 ( absolute|x|/x) (b) lim x tends to 3 (2x/(x-3))...
  21. I'm Awesome

    Do Alternating Series Have Limits?

    I would imagine that an alternating series that goes of to infinity doesn't have a limit because it keeps switching back and forth, but I can't find anything in my textbook about it. I just want to make sure that this is right.
  22. D

    Limits to pure reason and nature of reality

    Hi all, I have a little out of track question and I was forced to consider this after reading FQXI Essay competition title Is Reality Digital or Analogue and Kant's Critique of Pure reason simultaneously. If I am not wrong, according to Kant, there are limits of pure reason. Is not the...
  23. C

    Mathematica Mathematica Limits: How to Evaluate Limits with 2 Variables Approaching 0

    Can MMA take limits as 2 variables approach a value? I want to take the limit as h and k both approach 0 for f(x+h,y+k)-... Is there some trick to doing this?
  24. J

    Finding Tangent Slope at General Point with Limits

    I've been using the formula lim x-->a f(x)-f(a) -------- x-a I haven't had any problems until I was asked to find the slope of the tangent at the general point whose x-coordinate is a. How do I do it with an a instead of a point? I'm trying to find it for...
  25. F

    Confusion over notation for finding limits

    I don't know how to properly present my answer to find the limit of a converging sequence like (1/2)^n. I would just write something like this... y=1/x+1, x=∞ } y=1/∞+1=0+1=1 but the syllabus gives something completely different and my textbooks don't seem to cover this portion of the...
  26. H

    Finding the Lower Limit of x in Area Integrals: Strategies and Considerations

    Let R be bounded by y=0, x=2 and y=x^2. Then ∫∫6xydA= ? (Note the integral is to be evaluated over R) Now what will be the lower limit of x. I took it to be 0 and the answer was 32. which turned out to be correct. Is their any way in such questions by which we can determine the lower limit...
  27. K

    Limits for a truncated random variable

    Suppose that X is a random variable distributed in the interval [a;b] with pdf f(x) and cdf F(x). Clearly, F(b)=1. I only observe X for values that are bigger than y. I know that E(X|X>y)=\frac{\int_y^b xf(x)dx}{1-F(y)}. Moreover, \frac{∂E(X|X>y)}{∂y}=\frac{f(y)}{1-F(y)}[E(X|X>y)-y] I...
  28. S

    Evaluating limits with constant?

    Homework Statement Is there such a number b such that lim x->-2 (3x^2+bx+b+3)/(x^2+x-2) exists? If so, find b and the limit.Homework Equations lim x->-2 (3x^2+bx+b+3)/(x^2+x-2)The Attempt at a Solution for the denominator we have zeroes at x = 1 and -2. so we need to get rid of the -2 part...
  29. R

    Can the relationship between the series be proven using this information?

    Consider 3 series: A(0) = 0, A(1) = 4; A(n) = 6*A(n-1) - A(n-2) + 4; B(0)=1, B(1) = 3, B(n) = 6*B(n-1)-B(n-2) - 4; and C(0) = -1, C(1) = -11, C(n) = 6*C(n-1)- C(n-2) -4. Is there a way to prove that the limit as n => infinity of A(n)/B(n) = -C(n)/A(n)? Note that series C is actually...
  30. S

    Limits of a picewise function?

    Homework Statement We're given a piecewise function g(x) = { x if x < 1 3 if x = 1 2-x^2 if 1<x<=2 x-3 if x > 2 ] and were asked: lim x-> 2- Homework Equations 2-x^2 if 1<x<=2 x-3 if x > 2 The Attempt at a Solution when i drew it out i was getting that the answer...
  31. L

    Does the Sequence {sin(kx)} Converge Weakly to 0 in L^2(0,1)?

    Homework Statement Prove that the sequence \{sin(kx)\} converges weakly to 0 in L^2(0,1). Homework Equations A sequence of elements \{f_k\} in a Banach space X is to converge weakly to an element x\in X if L(f_k)→L(f) as k→∞ for each L in the dual of X. The Attempt at a Solution...
  32. S

    Why is the limit of cot(x) approaching pi from the negative side -infinity?

    Homework Statement lim x->pi- cot(x) Homework Equations cot(x) = cos(x)/sin(x) The Attempt at a Solution so substituting pi into: cot(pi) = cos(pi)/sin(pi) = -1/0 so you have a negative over 0, approaching from the -ve side of pi wouldn't it be +infinity? why is it -infinity...
  33. S

    Improper integral convergence and implications of infinite limits

    Homework Statement Let f be a continuous function on [1,∞) such that \lim_{x\rightarrow ∞}f(x)=α. Show that if the integral \int^{∞}_{1} f(x)dx converges, then α must be 0. Homework Equations Definition of an Improper Integral Let f be a continuous function on an interval [a,∞). then we...
  34. V

    Limits of integration for regions between polar curves

    Alright. I completely confused about determining the area between regions of polar curves. However, I do feel that I have a solid grasp in finding areas for single functions. For a given function in polar form, I know that I find the limits of integration by setting the function equal to zero...
  35. S

    Finding limits in differentiation from first principles

    Homework Statement Differentiate sin(ax), cos(ax) and tan(ax) from first principles. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have used first principles to differentiate the three expressions and have been successful until I encountered limits of some expressions in the...
  36. K

    Show the product of convergent sequences converge to the product of their limits

    Homework Statement Use the fact that a_n=a+(a_n-a) and b_n=b+(b_n-b) to establish the equality (a_n)(b_n)-ab=(a_n-a)(b_n)+b(a_n-a)+a(b_n-b) Then use this equality to give a different proof of part (d) of theorem 2.7. Homework Equations The theorem it is citing is: The sequence...
  37. T

    Exploring Limits of (1 - 1/n)^n as n Approaches Infinity

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution So I know that the limit as n → ∞ of (1 - \frac{1}{n})^n = \frac{1}{e}. Using this information, is it legitimate to observe: The limit as n → ∞ of (1 - \frac{1}{n})^{n ln(2)} = the limit as n → ∞ of ((1 - \frac{1}{n})^n)^{ln(2)} = e^{-1...
  38. A

    Directional Derivatives and Limits

    How can I use the directional derivative of a two variable function to show that the limit does not exist? For example, suppose I have a function f(x,y)=g(x)/f(y) and g(a)=f(b)=0 and the limit as x and y go to a and b is 0. How would I use the directional derivative to show that the limit at...
  39. M

    How to find equations for confidence limits in Poisson distribution?

    Homework Statement What kind of equations you'll get when trying to find confidence limits 100(1-a) % for λ in Poisson distribution? Homework Equations Poisson distribution P(X=x) = e-λ λx / x! (x=0,1,2 ...) The Attempt at a Solution I made an equation as follows: Ʃ (k = from k0 to n) e-λ...
  40. E

    Limits in the complex vectorspace

    Hi, I am trying to prove that a limit exists at a point using the epsilon delta definition in the complex plane, but I can't seem to reach a conclusion. Here's what I have been trying to get at: \lim_{z\to z_o} z^2+c = {z_o}^2 +c |z^2+c-{z_o}^2-c|<\epsilon \ whenever\ 0<|z-z_o|<\delta...
  41. T

    How to graph a sin function with respect to it's limits and x intercepts

    I have been given a question to sketch the curve of y=sin(x). I have looked into finding the domain which I understand but I don't understand how I prove the x intercepts mathematically as when I make x=0 I obviously get a 0 value for y but a sin curve obviously intercepts and pi and 2pi etc...
  42. B

    Does the Existence of lim f(x)g(x) Imply the Existence of lim f(x) and lim g(x)?

    Homework Statement the ques says: lim x tending to 0 [f(x)g(x)] exists. Then both lim x tending to 0 f(x) AND lim x tending to 0 also exist. True or False Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution lim f(x)g(x) =lim f(x) * lim g(x) so if LHS exists then limf(x) and lim g(x) must exist so it...
  43. K

    Limits and L'Hospital: Determining the Existence of a Limit

    Homework Statement Determine if limit exists: ## \left( !x_{,y}^{im}\right) \rightarrow \left( 1,2\right) =\dfrac {xy-2x-y+2} {x^{2}-2x+y^{2}-4y+5} ## Above is just lim (x,y)-->(1,2) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ## c_{y}x=a,y\rightarrow b ## ## \lim _{\left( 1,y\right)...
  44. C

    Calculus, left hand, right hand limits.

    Homework Statement Its just a general query about problems along these lines... f(x)=|x^2+3x-18|/(x-3) and a =3, discuss the limiting behaviour of f(x) as x→a^+, as x→a^- and as x→a. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So my basic solution to these types of...
  45. T

    Can I Construct an Infinite Series that Approaches a Specific Limit?

    I know you can determine what number the limit of a series approaches, such as 2. Is there a way to do that in reverse? Is there a method where I can I come up with an infinite series that approaches a limit of, say, 7.5? or 11.75? And is the possible different series that will approach, say...
  46. M

    Is this proof (about limits) acceptable?

    This is not homework. Earlier today I was trying to prove that if a limit of a certain function exists, then it's unique: limf(x)=a \wedge limf(x)=b (as x→x0) then a=b I began to use the sum of limits like so: limf(x)+limf(x)=a+a → lim2f(x)=2a (as x→x0) And the same thing for...
  47. X

    Can L’hospital rule work for finding limits of complex functions

    I know for multivariable function it doesn’t work. However if the function is in the form of f(z) and z is the only variables shown. Can I use it? Thanks
  48. D

    Limits for double integral over trapezoidal shape

    Homework Statement I'm trying to determine the limits for a double integral over a symmetric trapezoid or equilateral triangle. I'm not trying to determine the area, and therefore using symmetry to simplify the integration is not an option. The limits for the integration over the y-axis are...
  49. M

    Multivariable limits (NOT TO THE ORIGIN)

    Homework Statement Hi everyone! I'm pretty good with multivariable limits, but this one has me stumped: Find the limit or show that it does not exist: \underset{\left(x,y,z\right)\rightarrow\left(1,-1,1\right)}{\lim}\frac{yz+xz+xy}{1+xyz} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I could...
  50. H

    I just have a question about Uniqueness of Limits with divergent sequences.

    Homework Statement I'm supposed to answer true or false on whether or not the sequence ((-1)^n * n) tends toward both ±∞ Homework Equations Uniqueness of Limits The Attempt at a Solution I did prove it another way, but I would think that uniqueness of limits (as a definition...