Linear algebra Definition and 999 Threads

  1. Y

    Proving Orthogonality of Vectors Using Linear Algebra Techniques

    Homework Statement Show that B|A|+A|B| and A|B|-B|A| are orthogonal. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I'm not too sure exactly how to start this. I do know that for two things to be orthogonal, the dot product has to be equal to 0, but I'm not sure how to evaluate...
  2. B

    Linear algebra 1: cauchy schwarz problem

    Homework Statement If llull = 4, llvll = 5 and u dot v = 10, find llu+vll. u and v are vectors Homework Equations llu+vll = llull + llvll cauchy schwarz The Attempt at a Solution (1) llu+vll = llull + llvll (2) (llu+vll)^2 = (llull + llvll)^2 (3) (llu+vll)^2 = llull^2 +...
  3. T

    Electrical Circuits - Linear Algebra

    Homework Statement Here is a picture of the diagram. I must use the Gauss Jordan elimination method and solve for X1, X2 and X3 I am having problems setting up my equations Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  4. E

    Unique Solution for Linear Algebra System with Nonsingular Matrix

    Homework Statement Consider the system: (1) 6x + ky = 0 (2) 4x + 6y = 0 The system will have a unique solution when k is: (a) equal to 9 (b) any real number Which statements are true. Homework Equations (1) 6x + ky = 0 (2) 4x + 6y = 0The Attempt at a Solution If m=n (number of equations is...
  5. U

    Dynamics Moments - Linear Algebra / Cross Product

    Some background: I am self studying dynamics and I have encountered a fundamental problem with either my understanding of linear algebra, or I am just plain dumb. So, I print screened the page of the book we're on. Now let me try to reduce some ambiguity in my question, I have a general...
  6. I

    Bra-ket notation and other linear algebra stuff

    forgive the messiness; i take bad notes in class. towards the middle of the page where it says "this is equivalent to..." and then my professor wrote what follows but i thought the row vector should be complex conjugates? ie, the red writings are not actually...
  7. I

    Linear algebra quick silly question

    so i just wanted to get this confirmed: the only two defined algebraic operations for matrices are addition and multiplication right?
  8. L

    Linear Algebra on a Regular Hexagon

    Homework Statement We are supposed to compute the magnitude of vectors that make up a regular hexagon. We are given the magnitude of one side (its magnitude is 1). We are also supposed to compute one of the interior angles. Homework Equations I feel like this isn't enough...
  9. A

    A certian Linear Algebra gimmick needed for a part of my project

    1. I need to prove that for any matrix A(n,n) and a vector v(n,1) the following is true... vTAv=vTATv So far I wasn't able to think of anyway for proving this... any help will be appreciated.
  10. E

    A clarification in linear algebra

    Homework Statement This is a general question in linear algebra Determine whether the following subset of R^3 is a subspace The elements go vertically but I can't show them in this way and will show them horizontally however. ( s-2t, s, t+s ) / s, t ε R ... Homework Equations...
  11. J

    Linear algebra vector space question

    Homework Statement Let V=Pol_3(R) be the vector space of polynomials of degree \leq3 with real entries. Let U be the subspace of all polynomials in V of the form aX^3+(b-a)X^2+bX+(d-b) and W be the subspace of all polynomials in V of the form aX^3+bX^2+cX+d such that a+c-d=0 (i) Does...
  12. I

    Quick question in linear algebra review for quantum mechanics

    so in my book there is an example basically saying that linear transformations can be applied to basis vectors or, more specifically, i think they're using orthonormal basis vectors |e1>,|e2>, ... i'm just a little confused on how they're applying it to the basis vectors. my book...
  13. sheldonrocks97

    Intro to Linear Algebra vs Calculus II

    I am thinking of taking an Intro to Linear Algebra course at a community college to save money while I am at a university. It is a 200 level course just like Calc II and I just was wondering if it was harder than Calc II. I really struggled in that class and I am taking it again this semester so...
  14. J

    Do These Vectors Form a Basis for the Vector Space?

    Homework Statement Let v_1,...,v_k be vectors in a vector space V. If v_1,...,v_k span V and after removing any of the vectors the remaining k-1 vectors do not span V then v_1,...,v_k is a basis of V? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If v_1,...,v_k span V but...
  15. T

    What does Z_2^5 mean in linear algebra notation?

    I know how to solve linear systems but I came across this question where I've never seen the notation before. I searched all over the internet but still couldn't figure it out. The question asked to find all solutions in Z_{2}^{5} of a linear system. I'm guessing that Z^5 means all integers on...
  16. W

    Best learning material for intro to Linear Algebra?

    I'd post in the learning materials section but I am unable to do so there for some reason. Which of these is the best to learn from...
  17. B

    Linear algebra, when does the implications hold?

    Hi, I have 4 implications I am interested in, I think I know the answer to the first 2, but the last two is not something I know, however they are related to the first 2 so I will include all to be sure. Assume that T is a linear transformation from from vectorspace A to B. T: A -> B A* is n...
  18. 1

    Are Matrix Multiplication Rules the Same for Composing Linear Transformations?

    So as I'm preparing for finals, I'm wondering: The multiplication of two matrices is only defined under special circumstances regarding the dimensions of the matrices. Doesn't that require that compositions of linear transformations are only defined in the same circumstances? I can't...
  19. R

    Linear Algebra Unique Vectors Help

    1. (A)Homework Statement Let the following be A= \left|-1/\sqrt{6} ... 1/\sqrt{3}\right| \left|1/\sqrt{6}... -1/\sqrt{3}\right| \left|2/\sqrt{6}... 1/\sqrt{3}\right| ***excuse the "..." on the matrix, I didn't know how to space them out so I used dots instead*** And the other B=...
  20. M

    How Do I Express Vector PA as a Linear Combination of Vectors a and b?

    The Problem: Let O be the origin and let A, B, C be three points so that the quadrilateral OABC makes an parallelogram. Name (1/4){OA} a, and the diagonal {OB} b. Let P be the point that splits the side OC in the ratio 3 :2 from O. Write the vector {PA} as a linear combination of a and b...
  21. C

    Linear Algebra - Concept Question

    Homework Statement Please See Attached Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Since matrix B is an invertible 2x2 matrix, its row reduced echelon form will be the 2x2 identity matrix. Therefore, B, has rowspace span{[1,0][0,1]}, nullspace is the empty set and dimcol(B) is 2 Row reducing...
  22. J

    [Linear Algebra] Pulling two vectors out of a one equation matrix.

    Homework Statement Determine a basis for each eigenspace and whether or not the matrix is defective. \begin{array}{ccc} 3 & -4 & -1 \\ 0 & -1 & -1 \\ 0 & -4 & 2 \end{array} Homework Equations Regular ol' eigenvector, eigenvalue business. The Attempt at a Solution Ok, so I've...
  23. B

    Linear Algebra and Eigenvalues

    Suppose A is a diagonlizable nxn matrix where 1 and -1 are the only eigenvalues (algebraic multiplicity is not given). Compute A^2. The only thing I could think to do with this question is set A=PD(P^-1) (definition of a diagonalizable matrix) and then A^2=(PD(P^-1))(PD(P^-1))=P(D^2)(P^-1)...
  24. M

    Understanding Solutions in Linear Algebra: The Case of m>n

    I don't remember exactly how the question on my test was phrased but I believe it was phrased "Let A be an mxn matrix where m>n. Explain why in general there is not a solution to the equation Ax = b where b is a vector in Rm" This question was confusing to me because to me the meaning of...
  25. Superposed_Cat

    Where can I learn linear algebra online?

    Hey all, does anyone a great place to learn linear algebra online? Thanks for any help.
  26. C

    Linear Algebra solution to a system of equations

    Homework Statement x + y+ z = 0 3x + 2y -2z = 0 4x + 3y -z = 0 6x + 5y + z = 0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I put the equations into a matrix and reduced to RREF. This is what I end up with: x - 4z = 0 y + 5z = 0 The other two rows in the matrix are all...
  27. G

    Numeric linear algebra or machine learning

    I'm an EE/applied physics student (probably interested in an academic path involving signal processing, programming, computation, mathy stuff) with a hole in my upcoming schedule. The choice is basically between these two courses - numeric linear algebra and a course called "neural networks and...
  28. P

    I really need a good linear algebra book

    Here is the syllabus for my first linear algebra course: Right now, we are going through stuff like operations such as curley E(i,j;lambda) curley D(i,lambda) etc and I don't know where to find extra work on these, so I really need a book...
  29. C

    Linear algebra question about subspaces

    Homework Statement This is probably a very dumb question, but I just can't wrap my head around what I'm supposed to be doing. The question is: "Determine whether the set is a subspace of R3: All vectors of the form (a,b,c) where a = 2b + 3c" Homework Equations u + v is an...
  30. M

    Solve Linear Algebra Problem with Invertible Matrix - Finding Matrix B(t)

    Hey guys, I'm having problems with a question. Let P be an invertible matrix and assume that A = PMP^{-1}. Where M is M = [{3,1,0}{0,3,0}{0,0,2}] Find a matrix B(t) such that e^{tA} = PB(t)P^{-1}. Now this might be an easy problem, but I really have no idea what to do because my...
  31. I

    Linear Algebra Matrix Addition Algorithm

    Homework Statement let L and M be two symmetric nxn matrices. develop an algorithm to compute C=L+M, taking advantage of symmetry for each matrix. Your algorithm should overite B and C. What is the flop-count? Homework Equations How to minimize the number of flop count? I want to make...
  32. C

    Proving Subspace of ℝ^{n} from Linear Algebra Homogeneous System

    Homework Statement SHow that the set of solutions to a homogenous system of m linear equations in n variabes is a subspace of ℝ^{n} (Show that this set satisfies the definition of a subspace) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If {V1,...Vk}=ℝ^{n} then every vector...
  33. C

    Linear Algebra Basis for Hyperplane - Example 8 Explanation

    Homework Statement I'm studying for my linear algebra midterm, one of the challenge questions from my textbook is as follows: Using the procedure of Example 8 of Chapter 2.3, find whether or not {(0,1,0,1),(-1,1,4,1),(-1,0,2,2)} is or is not a basis for the hyperplane...
  34. Sudharaka

    MHB The Meaning of Degenerate in the Context of Linear Algebra

    Hi everyone, :) Here's a question I encountered. Don't give me the full answer but explain what is meant by degeneracy in this context. Thank you.
  35. M

    Proving the Invertibility of a Matrix Using Eigenvectors

    Homework Statement Prove or disprove the following statements. I and 0 denote respectively the identity and zero matrix of the same size as A. If A is a square matrix such that A^2 - 3A +2I = 0 then A-cI is invertible whenever c is not equal to 1 and c is not equal to 2. Homework...
  36. D

    Augmented matrix linear algebra

    Homework Statement Given the system whose augmented matrix is  1 1 1 1   1 −1 0 a   0 1 b 0  Determine (if possible) conditions on a and b such that this system has (a) no solution (b) many solutions (c) a unique solution. Homework Equations -Row reduction -No solution...
  37. P

    Linear algebra ordered basis problem

    [b]1. The problem statement find the β coordinates ([x]β) and γ coordinates ([x]γ) of the vector x = \begin{pmatrix}-1\\-13\\ 9\\ \end{pmatrix} \in\mathbb R if {β= \begin{pmatrix}-1\\4\\ -2\\ \end{pmatrix},\begin{pmatrix}3\\-1\\ -2\\ \end{pmatrix},\begin{pmatrix}2\\-5\\ 1\\ \end{pmatrix}}...
  38. M

    Using linear algebra to find a number of independent equations

    Hello, How am I to find then number of independent equations in a set using matrix techniques? Thanks
  39. I

    Proving the Frobenius Norm Identity for Matrices

    Homework Statement Prove ∥A∥F =√trace(ATA), for all A ∈ R m×n Where T= transpose Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried and i just can prove it by using numerical method. Is there anyway to prove the equation in a correct way?
  40. 1

    How do I prove the subspace property for M and N in Linear Algebra?

    Homework Statement Let V = V1 + V2, where V1 and V2 are vector spaces. Define M ={(x1, 0vector2): x1 in V1} and N = {(0vector1, x2) : x2 in V2 0vector 1 is the 0v of V1 and 0vector is the 0v of V2 and 0v is 0 vector of V a) prove hat both M and N are subspace of V b) show that M n N...
  41. 1

    Linear Algebra - Field Subspace

    Homework Statement 1. Let X be a set and F a Field, and consider the vector space F(X; F) of functions from X to F. For a subset Y\subseteq X, show that the set U = {f \in F(X; F) : f |Y = 0 } is a subspace of F(X; F). NB: the expression \f |Y = 0" means that f(y) = 0 whenever y \in Y...
  42. 1

    Linear Algebra - Show that T is Linear

    Homework Statement Let y \inℝ^{3} be a fixed vector, and define T:ℝ^{3}→ℝ^{3} to be Tx = X \times Y, the cross product of x and y. Show that T is linear.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution For this question do we have to define another T with the cross product of two other variables...
  43. T

    Help decide between this books [linear algebra]

    this is for a first course in LA,can I ask the avid readers :Which teaches more of the theory and meanings Please?Which is better?: Introduction to Linear algebra and linear algebra by serge lang? Linear algebra by Shilov? Halmos P. R Linear Algebra Problem Book ?
  44. S

    Linear Algebra Matrices Problem(s)

    Homework Statement Here is the problem: Homework Equations None really, just gauss jordon elimination I assume unless I am missing out on something The Attempt at a Solution First I multiplied the first row by -5 then added...
  45. S

    Proving C(AB) = C(A) with Orthogonal Complement and Matrix Multiplication

    Homework Statement R(M) and C(M) are the row and column spaces of M. Let A be an nxp matrix, and B be a bxq matrix. Show that C(AB) = C(A) when the orthogonal complement of R(A) + C(B) = R^p (i.e. the orthogonal complement of R(A) and C(B) span R^p). Homework Equations I know that the...
  46. T

    Taking first course in linear algebra

    I'm going to do linear algebra for first time,so I look online and found Halmos' Linear Algebra Problem Book ,does it fit in the course(does it teach everything without much prequistes?),what book do I use after that? Any suggestion or...
  47. FeDeX_LaTeX

    Linear Algebra Question (Kronecker Delta?)

    Homework Statement For fixed m ≥ 1, let ##\epsilon(i,j)## denote the m x m matrix ##\epsilon(i,j)_{rs} = \delta_{ir}\delta_{js}##, where i,j may denote any integers in the range 1 ≤ i,j ≤ m. (a) When m = 4, write out all ##\epsilon(i,j)## explicitly and label them correctly. The attempt at a...
  48. 1

    Proving K as a Field: Closure of Qu{i}

    Homework Statement Let K be the closure of Qu{i}, that is, K is the set of all numbers that can be obtained by (repeatedly) adding and multiplying rational numbers and i, where i is the complex square root of 1. Show that K is a Field. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  49. 1

    Linear Algebra Field & Vector Space Problem

    Homework Statement Let V1 and V2 be vector spaces over the same field F. Let V = V1 X V2 = {f(v1, v2) : v1 \in V1; v2 \in V2}, and de fine addition and scalar multiplication as follows.  For (v1, v2) and (u1, u2) elements of V , defi ne (v1, v2) + (u1, u2) = (v1 + u1, v2 + u2).  For...