Linear algebra Definition and 999 Threads

  1. SpaceMonkeyCaln

    [Linear Algebra] Matrix Transformations

    Evening, The reason for this post is because as the title suggests, I have a question concerning matrix transformation. These are essentially test prep problems and I am quite stuck to be honest. Here are the [questions]( and here are the...
  2. G

    Fast pentadiagonal matrix solver

    Hello, I'm currently writing a numerical simulation code for solving 2D steatdy-state heat conduction problems (diffusion equation). After reading and following these two book references (Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow from Patankar and And Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics...
  3. Mondayman

    Linear Algebra What are some recommended second texts for self-studying linear algebra?

    Hello folks, I am currently finishing up a class on linear algebra, covering vector spaces, bases and dimension, geometry of n-dimensional space, linear transformations and systems of linear equations. I am only getting accustomed to proof writing for the first time in this course. However, I...
  4. B

    Question about linear transformations

    Summary:: linear transformations Hello everyone, firstly sorry about my English, I'm from Brazil. Secondly I want to ask you some help in solving a question about linear transformations. Here is the question:Consider the linear transformation described by the matrix \mathsf{A} \in \Re...
  5. Lauren1234

    Proving Spectrums: K6-$\lambda$I Matrix Trace

    This is my solution so far however I’m not sure where to go from here I think it’s something to do with the trace of the matrix but. This is the full solution but I did row reduction on the matrix K6- $lambda$I
  6. M

    Help with a Linear Algebra problem please

    For the following statement: V = R ≥ 1; x ⊕ y = max (x,y), with z = 1 My attempt is as follows: Should R3 be z ⊕ (x ⊕ y)? I am confused at to the notation of this rule. Moreover, I am struggling to find examples and answers of such problems in linear algebra online. Should I always view such...
  7. Avatrin

    3D geometry exercises with linear algebra

    Hi I have noticed that while I have the grasp of the theoretical underpinnings of linear algebra, I need work on applying it to geometric problems (think computer vision and rigid body motion). So, I am looking for a book that allows me to practice 3D geometry problems. Is there any obvious...
  8. G

    What are Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in Linear Algebra?

    Five words: Linear Algebra can be interesting. Find out how in this article!
  9. H

    What Are Calculus, Differentials, Integrations, and Linear Algebra?

    Hi,i need some basic understanding of some things. I need to know what;Calculus IS,Differentials and Intergrations ARE and whatLinear Algebra IS.Maybe is should not have placed so much weight on the ontlogical aspect of these things, but I dont have any mental construct which allows me to make...
  10. T

    Should I Study Linear Algebra After Calculus for Theoretical Physics?

    I have just recently finished teaching myself calculus. I was wondering wether or not I should look into linear algebra. I have been told both that it is necessary and I have also been told that diff eq and linear algebra are basically the same. Any suggestions? Also, does anyone have any...
  11. Lauren1234

    Is this matrix a non-abelian group?

    I know for a group to be abelian a*b=b*a I tried multiplying the matrix by itself also but I’m not sure what I’m looking for. picture is below of the matrix
  12. Lauren1234

    I Linear Isomorphisms: Understand & Apply

    how would I go about answering the above question I need some pointers on how to start?
  13. Lauren1234

    I Proving Linear Transformation of V with sin(x),cos(x) & ex

    Let A={ex,sin(x),excos(x),sin(x),cos(x)} and let V be the subspace of C(R) equal to span(A). Define T:V→V,f↦df/dx. How do I prove that T is a linear transformation? (I can do this with numbers but the trig is throwing me).
  14. JD_PM

    Matrix representation of a linear mapping

    I know that to go from a vector with coordinates relative to a basis ##\alpha## to a vector with coordinates relative to a basis ##\beta## we can use the matrix representation of the identity transformation: ##\Big( Id \Big)_{\alpha}^{\beta}##. This can be represented by a diagram: Thus note...
  15. A

    Matrix which reverses Gram-Schmidt - Linear Algebra

    My idea was to write out the formulas for the orthogonal q vectors in terms of the input vectors using the basics of gram-schmidt. Then, I would rewrite those equations suhc that the a vectors were written in terms of the q vectors. And then, try to find some matrix which would capture the...
  16. S

    Find the sampling matrix and sampling structure for R, G and B components

    Hello, everyone. :) All I could gather is that, if I'm correct, lattices are spans of the column vectors of the matrix within the "LAT()" notation and the X and Y occurrences are unit placeholders (such as the pixel unit (since this is in the context of image processing)). And, as an attempt...
  17. A

    I Meaning of each member being a unit vector

    Summary: Meaning of each member being a unit vector, and how the products of each tensor can be averaged. Hello! I am struggling with understanding the meaning of "each member is a unit vector": I can see that N would represent the number of samples, and the pointy bracket represents an...
  18. christang_1023

    Decompose Involutory Matrix into Difference of Two Idempotents

    I feel confused about proving the two terms are idempotents.
  19. T

    Simplifying a matrix algebra equation (revised)

    I have a matrix equation (left side) that needs to be formatted into another form (right side). I've simplified the left side as much as I could but can't seem to get it to the match the right side. I am unsure if my matrix algebra skills are lacking or if I somehow messed up the starting...
  20. S

    Understanding Eigenvectors: Solving for Eigenvalues and Corresponding Vectors

    Okay so I found the eigenvalues to be ##\lambda = 0,-1,2## with corresponding eigenvectors ##v = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} ##. Not sure what to do next. Thanks!
  21. C

    Schools Where should I take my calculus and linear algebra online?

    Has anyone taken these two courses online in a self-paced course for credit? If so, where and how was it in terms of quality? How about price? Opinions/thoughts are much appreciated. I'm working and the closest community college is a commute away, so that's out. I'm finding $1100-3000~ for...
  22. Eclair_de_XII

    If you were a linear algebra teacher, would you dock points for this?

    Let's say you were proctoring some test that required proofs of Jordan canonical forms and rational canonical forms. Would you dock points from a lazy student abbreviating the former as "J-canonical forms" and the latter as "##\mathbb{Q}##-canonical forms" in their proofs?
  23. F

    Python Invert a matrix from a 4D array : equivalence or difference with indexes

    I have a 4D array of dimension ##100\text{x}100\text{x}3\text{x}3##. I am working with `Python Numpy. This 4D array is used since I want to manipulate 2D array of dimensions ##100\text{x}100## for the following equation (it allows to compute the ##(i,j)## element ##F_{ij}## of Fisher matrix) ...
  24. G

    MHB Solve linear algebra equation 2x – 1 = 9 – 3x

    Hi, Could someone help me with this question: 2x – 1 = 9 – 3x Thank you in advance!
  25. E

    Expectation value of operators and squeezing in the even cat state

    I started and successfully showed that the expectation of X_1 and X_2 are zero. However the expectation value of X1^2 and X2^2 which I am getting is <X1^2> = 0.25 + \alpha^2 and <X2^2> = 0.25. How do I derive the given equations?
  26. bluesky314

    I Question about an eigenvalue problem: range space

    A theorem from Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right says that if 𝑇 is a linear operator on a complex finite dimensional vector space 𝑉, then there exists a basis 𝐵 for 𝑉 such that the matrix of 𝑇 with respect to the basis 𝐵 is upper triangular. In the proof, he defines U=range(T-𝜆I) (as we have...
  27. M

    Proof a property for a 3x3 matrix

    Let a 3 × 3 matrix A be such that for any vector of a column v ∈ R3 the vectors Av and v are orthogonal. Prove that At + A = 0, where At is the transposed matrix.
  28. RikaWolf

    I Linear Algebra - Inner Product problem

    I need help to know if I'm on the right track: Prove/Disprove the following: Let u ∈ V . If (u, v) = 0 for every v ∈ V such that v ≠ u, then u = 0. (V is a vector-space) I think I need to disprove by using v = 0, however I'm not sure.
  29. synMehdi

    I Linear least squares regression for model matrix identification

    Summary: I need to Identify my linear model matrix using least squares . The aim is to approach an overdetermined system Matrix [A] by knowing pairs of [x] and [y] input data in the complex space. I need to do a linear model identification using least squared method. My model to identify is a...
  30. M

    Linear Algebra: LU Decomposition

    Here is the initial matrix M: M = \begin{bmatrix} 3 & 1 & 6 \\ -6 & 0 & -16 \\ 0 & 8 & -17 \end{bmatrix} I have used the shortcut method outlined in this youtube video: LU Decomposition Shortcut Method. Here are the row reductions that I went through in order to get my U matrix: 1. R_3 -...
  31. U

    Vector space has dimension less than d

    Homework Statement Problem given to me for an assignment in a math course. Haven't learned about roots of unity at all though. Finding this problem super tricky any help would be appreciated. Screenshot of problem below. [/B] Homework Equations Unsure of relevant equations The Attempt at...
  32. GlassBones

    Isomorphisms preserve linear independence

    Homework Statement Let ##T:V \rightarrow W## be an ismorphism. Let ##\{v_1, ..., v_k\}## be a subset of V. Prove that ##\{v_1, ..., v_k\}## is a linearly independent set if and only if ##\{T(v_1), ... , T(v_2)\}## is a linearly independent set. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution...
  33. A

    A The product of a matrix exponential and a vector

    Hello everybody! I was studying the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam theory and I have found this relation: $$e^{\frac{i\beta}{2}}\,e^{\frac{i\alpha_3}{2} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \\ \end{pmatrix}}\, \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{pmatrix} 0\\ v \\ \end{pmatrix} =...
  34. H

    MHB Linear Algebra Rank of a Matrix Problem

    Let A be a n x n matrix with complex elements. Prove that the a(k) array, with k ∈ ℕ, where a(k) = rank(A^(k + 1)) - rank(A^k), is monotonically increasing. Thank you! :)
  35. Eclair_de_XII

    Linear Algebra Can anyone recommend an advanced linear algebra book?

    I have already taken two elementary linear algebra courses, and have taken the upper-division linear algebra course offered at my school. However, I feel that I did not learn as much from the latter as I should have. I can owe this to not applying myself as much as I should have, due to other...
  36. TachyonLord

    B How do I improve my proof writing style?

    So I've taken this Linear Algebra class as an elective. So there's stuff that is so obvious and logically/analytically easy to prove but I honestly don't understand how to prove them using the standard way. So what should I do about this ? And I really like linear algebra so I don't want to mess...
  37. V

    Final Grades for Linear Algebra Course

    Homework Statement Consider the below vector x, which you can copy and paste directly into Matlab. The vector contains the final grades for each student in a large linear algebra course. x = [59 70 83 89 72 70 54 55 68 61 61 58 75 54 65 55 62 39 43 53 67 100 60 100 61 100 77 60 69 91 82 71 72...
  38. S

    I Can't understand a step in an LU decomposition proof

    I'm reading about the LU decomposition on this page and cannot understand one of the final steps in the proof to the following: ---------------- Let ##A## be a ##K\times K## matrix. Then, there exists a permutation matrix ##P## such that ##PA## has an LU decomposition: $$PA=LU$$ where ##L## is a...
  39. GlassBones

    How to show a subspace must be all of a vector space

    Homework Statement Show that the only subspaces of ##V = R^2## are the zero subspace, ##R^2## itself, and the lines through the origin. (Hint: Show that if W is a subspace of ##R^2## that contains two nonzero vectors lying along different lines through the origin, then W must be all of...
  40. GlassBones

    Formulation of a proof of subspaces

    Homework Statement Let W be a subspace of a vector space V, let y be in V and define the set y + W = \{x \in V | x = y +w, \text{for some } w \in W\} Show that y + W is a subspace of V iff y \in W. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Let W be a subspace of a vector space V, let y...
  41. Essence of linear algebra series -chapter 1 - 3blue1brown

    Essence of linear algebra series -chapter 1 - 3blue1brown

    The first video In 3blue1brown’s essence of linear algebra series.
  42. F

    A How to measure the first qubit in two qubit system? QC

    I was wondering how to measure the first or even the second qubit in a quantum computing system after for example a Hadamard Gate is applied to the system of these qubits: A|00>+B|01>+C|10>+D|11>? A mathematical and intuitive explanation would be nice, I am a undergraduate sophomore student...
  43. G

    Reduced equation of quadratic forms

    Homework Statement Given the following quadric surfaces: 1. Classify the quadric surface. 2. Find its reduced equation. 3. Find the equation of the axes on which it takes its reduced form. Homework Equations The quadric surfaces are: (1) ##3x^2 + 3y^2 + 3z^2 - 2xz + 2\sqrt{2}(x+z)-2 = 0 ##...
  44. Destroxia

    I DSP: Recurrence Relations in a Linear Algebra Equation

    Hello, I've been working through some Digital Signal Processing stuff by myself online, and I saw a system that I wanted to write down as a Linear Algebra Equation. It's a simple delay feedback loop, looks like this: The (+) is an adder that adds 2 signals together, so the signal from x[n]...
  45. SebastianRM

    I Understanding the Hermitian Conjugate in Inner Products

    Hey, I am currently reading over the linear algebra section of the "introduction to quantum mechanics" by Griffiths, in the Inner product he notes: "The inner product of two vector can be written very neatly in terms of their components: <a|B>=a1* B1 + a2* B ... " He also took upon the...
  46. E

    I Linear Algebra and Identity Operator Generalized to 3D

    I'm just getting into 3D quantum mechanics in my class, as in the hydrogen atom, particle in a box etc. But we have already been thoroughly acquainted with 1D systems, spin-1/2, dirac notation, etc. I am trying to understand some of the subtleties of moving to 3D. In particular, for any...
  47. M

    Linear Algebra: Question about Inverse of Diagonal Matrices

    Homework Statement Not for homework, but just for understanding. So we know that if a matrix (M) is orthogonal, then its transpose is its inverse. Using that knowledge for a diagonalised matrix (with eigenvalues), its column vectors are all mutually orthogonal and thus you would assume that...
  48. O

    Change of basis computation gone wrong....

    Homework Statement Consider the real-vector space of polynomials (i.e. real coefficients) ##f(x)## of at most degree ##3##, let's call that space ##X##. And consider the real-vector space of polynomials (i.e. real coefficients) of at most degree ##2##, call that ##Y##. And consider the linear...
  49. T

    Number of indie vectors ##\leq ## cardinality of spanning set

    Homework Statement In a finite-dimensional vector space, the length of every linearly independent list of vectors is less than or equal to the length of every spanning list. It's quite long :nb), hope you guys read through it. Thanks! :smile: Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution...
  50. I

    Can Direct Sums and Projections Fully Describe Subspaces in Linear Algebra?

    Homework Statement Let ##V = \mathbb{R}^4##. Consider the following subspaces: ##V_1 = \{(x,y,z,t)\ : x = y = z\}, V_2=[(2,1,1,1)], V_3 =[(2,2,1,1)]## And let ##V = M_n(\mathbb{k})##. Consider the following subspaces: ##V_1 = \{(a_{ij}) \in V : a_{ij} = 0,\forall i < j\}## ##V_2 =...