Linearly Definition and 227 Threads

Linearity is the property of a mathematical relationship (function) that can be graphically represented as a straight line. Linearity is closely related to proportionality. Examples in physics include the linear relationship of voltage and current in an electrical conductor (Ohm's law), and the relationship of mass and weight. By contrast, more complicated relationships are nonlinear.
Generalized for functions in more than one dimension, linearity means the property of a function of being compatible with addition and scaling, also known as the superposition principle.
The word linear comes from Latin linearis, "pertaining to or resembling a line".

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  1. C

    Is the set T = {w1,w2,w3} linearly dependent?

    Homework Statement Suppose that S = {v1, v2, v3} is linearly independent and w1 = v2 w2 = v1 + v3 and w3 = v1 + v2 + v3 Determine whether the set T = {w1,w2,w3} is linearly independent or linearly dependent. Homework Equations Let c1, c2, c3=scalars c1w1+c2w2+c3w3=0...
  2. P

    Proof of Linearly independence

    The problem is attached. I just wanted to see if the way I proved my statement is correct. My answer: No, because there exists more columns than rows, thus at least one free variable always exists, thus these vectors are linearly dependent.
  3. E

    Determination of polarization for combination of linearly polarized vectors

    Question Source : Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics 6th edition by Rao. Page 202 problem3.30 Problem: Three sinusoidally time-varying polarized vector fields are given at a point by F1 = 3^(1/2) * ax * cos(wt +30) F2 = az * cos(wt+30) F3 = [ 0.5ax + 3^(1/2)ay + 0.5*3^(1/2)az ] *...
  4. E

    Moment of Inertia of a body with linearly increasing density?

    A thin wire of length L and uniformly density ρ is bent into a circular loop with center at O.The moment of inertia of it about a tangential axis lying in the plane of loop is. Ans : Mass M is not given,but ρ is given. So M=ρL3->(1) (L3 means L cube,no idea how to post it in that manner!). For...
  5. D

    Is our complementary solution guaranteed to be linearly independent?

    I had kind of a general question. Say I have a second order, homogeneous ODE. Say I use one of the general techniques to generate a complementary solution for my ODE and I end up with something of the form y = C1(solution1) + C2(solution2) Am I gauranteed that these two solutions will be...
  6. H

    Is Ice Melt Linear? Investigating Possible Errors in a Lab Experiment

    I'm trying to find possible errors in this lab experiment that I did, and one question I am thinking about is "Does ice melt linearly?" I assumed that it does so in my calculations, but now I'm not so sure. I measured the mass of melted ice (water) over a period of time and assumed that it...
  7. F

    Linearly independent sets within repeated powers of a linear operator

    Homework Statement Suppose that T:W -> W is a linear transformation such that Tm+1 = 0 but Tm ≠ 0. Suppose that {w1, ... , wp} is basis for Tm(W) and Tm(uk) = wk, for 1 ≤ k ≤ p. Prove that {Ti(uk) : 0 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ p} is a linearly independent set.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  8. J

    Linearly independent eigen vectors

    Hello everyone, this nxn matrix arises in my numerical scheme for solving a diffusion PDE. M = \left(\begin{array}{cccccccccc}1-\frac{Dk}{Vh} & \frac{Dk}{Vh} & 0 & 0 & & & \ldots & & & 0 \\[6pt] \frac{Dk}{h^2} & 1-2\frac{Dk}{h^2} & \frac{Dk}{h^2} & 0 & & & & & & \\[6pt]0 &...
  9. B

    Finding Linearly Dependent Rows in a Large Matrix

    I have a large real symmetric square matrix (with millions of rows/columns). How can I identify the sets of rows that are linearly dependent? More generally, can I determine linear independence of rows with a continuous function where, say, the function is 1.0 for a row that is linearly...
  10. K

    Is {V1, V2, V3} Linearly Independent or Dependant?

    The numbers are subscripts. U1 + U2 + U3 = V1 + V2 + V3 U1 + U2 = V2 I have tried solving for each V in terms of U, but this isn't working out too well.
  11. C

    Rockets - in theory, does thrust scale linearly with mass?

    An example of what I mean: Suppose you had a blueprint for a chemical rocket. You build one, and it has mass m and provides thrust x. Suppose you scale the whole blueprint up by 1% and build another. The volume (and therefore the mass) of each part in the rocket has increased by a factor of...
  12. M

    Frequency of EM wave from linearly accelerating charge.

    Hello everyone! This is my first posting. According to Maxwell, an accelerating charge emits a EM wave. All the books I have referred to, talk about the frequency of oscillating charge. How can we determine the frequency of EM wave emitted by a charge that is accelerating linearly? Thank you...
  13. I

    MHB Vanishing wronskian for linearly independent solutions

    Hi I am trying to do this problem. Verify that \( y_1=x^3 \) and \(y_2=|x|^3 \) are linearly independent solutions of the diff. equation \( x^2y''-4xy'+6y=0\) on the interval \((-\infty,\infty) \). Show that \( W(y_1,y_2)=0 \) for every real number x. I could actually show the above by...
  14. A

    DC motor mounted on a glider which slides linearly on a frictionless surface

    Hi guys,if i mount a dc motor on a glider that slides in 2 directions without friction, AND, instead of having it drive a mechanism, have a circular plate with an eccentrically drilled hole in it (not centre) mounted on the motor shaft though this hole, i should observe the glider sliding back...
  15. W

    Span of a linearly independent subset of a hilbert space is a subspace iff finite

    Homework Statement Let S be a linearly independent subset of a Hilbert space. Prove that span(S) is a subspace, that is a linear manifold and a closed set, if and only if S is finite. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Assuming S is finite means that S is a closed set...
  16. H

    Question involving a linearly independent set of vectors

    Homework Statement Show that if {a, b, c} is a linearly independent set of vectors, then so are {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a}, {b}, and {c}. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution Well I was just thinking that if {a, b, c} is a linearly independent set of vectors, then...
  17. T

    Linearly Independence and Sets of Functions

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution I don't think I'm really understanding this problem. Let me tell you what I know: A set is linearly independent if a_1 A_1 +...+a_n A_n = \vec0 for a_1,...,a_n \in R forces a_1 = ...=a_n = 0. If f,g,h take any of the x_i \in S, then one of the...
  18. S

    Multiple sets of linearly independent vectors

    hallo I am trying to calculate the probability to obtain 2 sets of linearly independent vectors from a set of binary vectors of length k. For example: k = 4, and therefore I have 2^k = 16 vectors to select from. I want to randomly select 7 vectors (no repetition). What is the...
  19. A

    Integral of solids with linearly decreasing charge density

    Homework Statement Calculate the total charge embodied in a solid with charge density that decreases linearly with height from a value of λ at the bottom to 0 at the top. Solve for a rectangular prism and a sphere. Homework Equations ∫∫∫ρdxdydz ∫∫∫pr^2sinθdrdθd∅ The Attempt at a Solution...
  20. C

    Subspace of P3, linearly independence?

    Homework Statement Let U be the subspace of P3(ℝ) spanned by E={x^3,x^3-x^2,x^3+x^2,x^3-1} find a linearly independent subset F of E spanning U. Homework Equations E={x^3,x^3-x^2,x^3+x^2,x^3-1} The Attempt at a Solution a(x^3)+b(x^3-x^2)+c(x^3+x^2)+d(x^3-1)=0x^3+0x^2+0x+0...
  21. C

    Find a linearly independent subset F of E

    Homework Statement Let U be the subspace of R5 spanned by the vectors E={(1,1,0,0,1),(1,1,0,1,1),(0,1,1,1,1),(2,1,-1,0,1)}. Find a linearly independent subset F of E with Span(E)=U Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I figured out that E is linearly dependent and that...
  22. D

    Prove of linearly dependency of rows in matrices

    Homework Statement If the rows of A are linearly dependent, prove that the rows of AB are also linearly dependent.The Attempt at a Solution A = \begin{pmatrix}a&-a\\b&-b\end{pmatrix} the rows are linearly dependent because a - a = 0 and b - b = 0. B =...
  23. A

    Bases of linearly isomorphic vector spaces

    Finite-dimensional V and W are linearly isomorphic vector spaces over a field. Prove that if \{v_{1},...,v_{n}\} is a basis for V, \{T(v_{1}),...,T(v_{n})\} is a basis for W. My attempt at a proof: Let T:V\rightarrow W be an isomorphism and \{v_{1},...,v_{n}\} be a basis for V. Since T is an...
  24. M

    Linear Algebra - showing sets are linearly independent/dependent

    Homework Statement Using the fact that a set S is linearly dependent if and only if at least one of the vectors, vj, can be expressed as a linear combination of the remaining vectors, obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a set {u,v} of 2 vectors to be linearly independent. Determine...
  25. A

    Registered events X in time interval t are distributed linearly n = n0

    Registered events X in time interval t are distributed linearly n = n0 + bt. Find probability density function, then t = 10, n0 = 5 and b =2. Find average amount of registered events per day and Mean squared error. Find the probability to register an event per 5th and 6th days. What is the...
  26. B

    Is the Set Linearly Independant?

    Homework Statement Let V be a real vector space and {b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4} a linearly independent set of vectors in V Is the set \left \{ b_1,b_2,b_3,b_1+b_4,b_2+b_4 \right \} The Attempt at a Solution \alpha_1b_1+\alpha_2b_2+\alpha_3b_3+\alpha_4\left \{ b_1+b_4 \right \}+\alpha_5\left \{...
  27. G

    For which L(s) will be these vectors linearly dependent?

    So i have 3 vectors: a= [1 1 1] b= [2 L 0] c= [L 2 3] How do I calculate the L in order to make these vecotrs linearly dependent? How does ß depend from L if v= [ß 0 -1] and v is in span(a b c)? Thank you!
  28. K

    Understanding Linear Dependence in Vector Spaces

    If I create a matrix whose columns are the vectors, and then I row-reduce it and there's a zero row, are the vectors lineraly dependent? why?
  29. K

    Prove that α+β is linearly independent.

    Homework Statement Let F be a subset of the complex numbers. Let V be a vector space over F, and suppose α, β and γ are linearly independent vectors in V. Prove that (α+β), (β+γ) and (γ+α) are linearly independent. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution None. Thanks for your time.
  30. S

    Decide if specified elements are linearly independent, span V, and form a basis

    Homework Statement "In each of the given cases, decide whether the specified elements of the given vector space V (i) are linearly independent, (ii) span V, and (iii) form a basis. Show all reasoning. V is the space of all infinite sequences (a0, a1, a2, ...) of real numbers v1 =...
  31. A

    Can circularly polarized light interfere with linearly polarized

    Can circularly polarized light interfere with linearly polarized light?
  32. N

    Determining whether sets of matrices in a vectorspace are linearly independent?

    Given matrices in a vectorspace, how do you go about determining if they are independent or not? Since elements in a given vectorspace (like matrices) are vector elements of the space, I think we'd solve this the same way as we've solved for vectors in R1 -- c1u1 + c2u2 + c3u3 = 0. But I'm...
  33. M

    Does infinite solutions imply the row vectors are linearly dependent?

    if i have a 4x3 matrix, this means there are more equations than unknowns and so there are no solutions to the system. does this mean that the row vectors are linearly dependent?
  34. M

    Finding values of t for which the set is linearly independent

    hey i have the set s = {(t,1,1),(1,t,1),(1,1,t)} and i want to find for which values of t this set is linearly independent. For a set of vectors containing all numbers i setup c1v1 + c2v2 .. +cnvn = 0 and I need the only solution to be c1=c2=c3..=cn=0 for linear independence. so then put...
  35. J

    Linearly Independent/Dependent

    Is a linear equation y'+P(x)y=Q(x) not linear if P(x) and Q(x) are not linearly dependent function? Does linearly dependent mean a constant multiplied by P(x) will equal Q(x)? Thank you.
  36. G

    MATLAB MATLAB help finding a set of linearly independent vectors

    If I'm given a set of vectors {-4; 3; -10} = v1 {2; -2; -3+k} = v2 {2; -6; 14} = v3 I want to find that they are linearly independent if and only if k != something to solve this is simple but a huge tedious pain (although not nearly as tedious as trying to find a solution to this...
  37. C

    Linearly polarised light through half and quarter wave plate

    Homework Statement A half wave plate and a quarter wave plate are placed between a Polariser and an analyser .All of these are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of propagation of unpolarised incident light.The optic-axis of the half-wave plate makes an angle 300 with...
  38. K

    Linearly dependent numbers over the rationals

    Hi, Assume that the real positive numbers x_1,x_2,...,x_n are linearly dependent over the rational numbers, i.e. there are q_1,...,q_n in Q such that x_1*q_1+...+x_n*q_n=0. Is there an algorithm to calculate the coefficients q_i? Is there an algorithm to even check if the x_i's are linearly...
  39. O

    Test for Exactness, linearly dependent?

    Hey guys was wondering if anyone knew what the go is with linearly dependent solutions to test for exactness, by that I mean I have the differential equation (2x + y^2)dx + 4xydy = 0 (M,N) So i test for exactness and \partialM/\partialy = 2y \partialN/\partialx = 4y So I...
  40. F

    I have a pivot in every row, but it is still not linearly independent

    Homework Statement I need to argue this properly Let's say I have a matrix A and rref(A) is given as \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0&-1 \\ 0& 1 & -1 \end{bmatrix} Since I have a pivot in every row, why isn't this linearly independent? Don't give me other arguments like "because there...
  41. K

    Linearly Independent Sets After Subtraction

    Homework Statement Here is a really simple lin.alg problem that for some reason I'm having trouble doing. Assume that \left\{ v_i \right\} is a set of linearly independent vectors. Take w to be a non-zero vector that can be written as a linear combination of the v_i . Show that \left\{ v_i...
  42. R

    Proving the Existence of a Vector for a Matrix with Linearly Independent Rows

    So i have a problem in front of me Let A be a m x n matrix whose rows are linearly independent. Prove that there exists a vector p such taht Ap = e_1 where e_1 =( 1, 0 , 0, 0, 0,0 ,0 ... 0)T i don't even know where to begin
  43. E

    Find value of T with vectors A and B linearly independant

    Homework Statement The vectors a, b are linearly independent. For what values of t are = t^2a + b and d = (2t-3)(a-b) linearly independent. also another similar question If the vectors a, b , c are linearly independent, show that a-2b-c, 2a+b, and a+b+c are also linearly...
  44. C

    Determining if the functions {cosx , e^-x , x} are linearly independent

    Homework Statement Basically, the title says it all, I need to figure out whether these functions are linearly independtend on (-infinity, infinity) Homework Equations Wronskian (the determinant of the matrix composed of the functions in the first row, first derivative in the second...
  45. T

    Extending Linearly Independent Vectors to Create a Basis in R^4

    Homework Statement Let u1 = (2; 1; 1; 1) and u2 = (4; 2; 2;-1).I need to extend the linearly independent set u1 and u2 to obtain a basis of R^4. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution u1 and u2 are linearly independent since both vectors are non-zero and none is a multiple...
  46. A

    Linearly independent set in a vector space

    Homework Statement I need to prove that, if {u;v;w} is a linearly independent set in a vector space, then the set {2u + v + w; u + 2v + w; u + v + 2w} is also linearly independent. Homework Equations ... The Attempt at a Solution if {u;v;w} is a linearly independent set=>...
  47. P

    Linearly Independent Sets and Bases

    Homework Statement V is a subspace of Rn and S={v1,...,vk} is a set of linearly independent vector in V. I have to prove that any list of linearly independent vectors can be extended to a basis for V. Homework Equations None that I can think of. The Attempt at a Solution So to be...
  48. A

    Proving Linear Independence: Fixed t€R with {u,v}CR^2

    Let t€R be fixed. Show that {u,v}CR^2 with u=(cost,sint), v=(-sint,cost) is a linearly inpedendent set.
  49. H

    Prove the eigenvectors are linearly independent

    Homework Statement Suppose that a matrix A has real entries (which we always assume) and a complex (non-real) eigenvalue  \lambda= a + ib , with b not equal to 0. Let W = U + iV be the corresponding complex eigenvector, having real and imaginary parts U and V , respectively. Show that U...