Loops Definition and 275 Threads

  1. F

    Understanding Current Flow in Two Loops

    Homework Statement [PLAIN]http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/4889/adszsj.png in two loops at the top, when different currents float in different loops, can they change their current or , while one of them is increasing, is other one decreasing..? i could not decide if the question is so easy...
  2. S

    Java How can I count the number of times a loop runs in Java?

    For my class I need to make a "Guessing Game" Program. Basically you just pick a number between 1-1000. It tells you if you are too high, too low, or correct. If your too high or low you guess again until you get it right. When you get it right it is supposed to tell you how many tries it took...
  3. M

    Time loops and those superluminal neutrinos

    I believe there needs to be an intelligent discussion somewhere about the possibility that theories with time loops can be rendered consistent by nondeterministic (probabilistic) physics, and specifically about the possibility that genuinely spacelike neutrino effects - which, let us recall...
  4. W

    Comp Sci Mulitplication Table in C++ with Loops

    I have to write a program in c++ that can be repeated as many times as needed. It should ask for a number to multply like Enter a number to multply: 5 output is this 1 x 5=5 2 x 5=10 3 x 5=15 4 x 5 =20 5 x 5 =25 Enter a number to multiply : 8 1 x 5=5 2 x 5=10 3 x 5=15 4 x...
  5. C

    Choose Your Path: Strings or Loops?

    This goes for the people of loop quantum gravity and string theory. Think that you want to convince a very smart student of going into your field (strings or loops). How would you convince him ?? But, by doing it on a 5 lines paragraph talking about your theory and a 5 lines paragraph talking...
  6. M

    How can I simplify my sorting class and user input for my TestStudent program?

    I'm having issues with a sorting class that I'm trying to call from my main program, TestStudent. I don't think it's taking the user's input correctly when I try to read it into an array but I can't figure out why. class Student: public static void selectionSort(double[] numbers) {...
  7. H

    Current Induced in Loops by Resistance Change

    Homework Statement a). If the resistance of the resistor in Fig. 21-46 is slowly increased, what is the direction of the current induced in the small circular loop inside the larger loop? b). What would it be if the small loop were placed outside the larger one, to the left? Homework...
  8. T

    How Often Should Steps Be Sized to Eliminate Expansion Loops in Sloped Pipework?

    I am working on a system that requires expansion loops. I have located formulae on engineering toolbox.com and the spirax sarco website for determining the size of the loops required. So a 2m wide loop needs to be 4m tall, and I need one every 17m, roughly. What I struggling to get my head...
  9. G

    LastRatioBut I'm not sure if this is correct or not.

    Homework Statement One interesting property of a Fibonacci sequence is that the ratio of the values of adjacent members of the sequence approach a number called “the golden ratio” or PHI. Create a program that accepts the first two numbers of a Fibonacci sequence as a user input and then...
  10. A

    Magnetic Field of Three Circular loops

    Homework Statement The radius of the circular loop is R = 21.2 cm and the wire carries the same electric current I = 19.3 A in all three cases. In the first and in the second case the plane of the circle is parallel to the straight wire segments, in the third case the plane of the circle is...
  11. W

    Calculating Loops and Radius for a Cart

    A cart slides down a frictionless inclined track to a circular loop of radius R = 13 m. In order for the cart to negotiate the loop safely, the normal force acting on the cart at the top of the loop, due to the track, must be at least equal to the cart's weight. (Note: This is different from the...
  12. marcus

    7 papers from Thiemann's Erlangen group, going into Loops 2011 conf.

    The Erlangen group just posted 7 papers: a series developing an new canonical approach to LQG more explicitly able to generalize to spatial D > 3, also possibly with some advantage in accommodating matter. Thiemann has been invited to address the Loops conference at Madrid and present the main...
  13. L

    Mutual Inductance - Two rectangular loops

    Homework Statement Consider two rectangular loops. An outer and inner loop. Assign outer loop a length a and width b. Assign inner loop length c and width d. Apply a current to the outer loop. Determine an expression for the mutual inductance between the loops. Homework Equations...
  14. O

    Generalise the magnetic field of multiple current loops

    Homework Statement Determine an equation to calculate the flux density at the center of a range of current loops encircling each other. Homework Equations The equation for the magnetic flux density at the center of a current loop is mu*I / (2*r) The Attempt at a Solution I...
  15. marcus

    Loops 2011: abstracts of all talks now online

    http://loops11.iem.csic.es/loops11/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=75&Itemid=73 The Loops 2011 conference starts in a little over 3 weeks (23 May) in Madrid. On the posted schedule, the titles of the talks link to abstracts. So we can see in more detail what each talk is about...
  16. E

    Solving 3 Non-Linear Equations with Fsolve and FOR Loops

    Hi I'm using the fsolve method to solve for 3 variables in 3 non-linear equations. I would like to find out, how the 3 variables change, when I change a parameter in the 3 equations. Let's assume the parameter runs from 1 to 5 (1:1:5). The iteration looks like this: c=(1:5); for i = 1:5...
  17. T

    Help with MatLab/C++ Loops (Heat Transfer, Matrices)

    Basically, I need to solve a transient heat transfer conduction problem. I've got most of the work done but I need to solve the problem using MATLAB or C++ or some other kind of coding. That's what I need help with. The actual aspects of the problem aren't really that important, so I will try...
  18. R

    Physics:roller coaster questions with loops, weight, and angles

    Homework Statement You are on a roller coaster ride, and enter the bottom of a loop of radius r moving at a velocity v0. You decide to measure your initial velocity v0 by using a simple bathroom scale and a little physics. As you go through the loop, the scale you are sitting on reads 5/2...
  19. F

    Mathematica Mathematica Beginner question: Nested loops

    Hello, I'm quite new to Wolfram Mathematica and do like the elegance of some parts of the language. However, I think that loop controls are quite different and not very intuitive. Here is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do (now of course done manually): k[1] = {200, 300, 400...
  20. O

    3 consecutive loops with one being moved from the other two. Len'z Law

    Homework Statement Three wire loops and an observer are positioned as shown in the figure below. From the observer’s point of view, a current I flows anticlockwise in the middle loop as that loop moves towards the observer with a velocity of v ms^-1 Loops A and B remain...
  21. R

    Connecting plot points from nested loops

    Here's small part of a project I'm working on. The code is not part of the grade. I'm just doing this for my own benefit and I figured that MATLAB can do the plotting automatically for me. Calculate the Mach number at each of the three altitudes for mdotf=.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7 The flight...
  22. S

    Solving MatLab "for" Loops With Vectors

    MatLab "for" loops Homework Statement Write an m-file to evaluate y(x)= x^2 - 3x +2 for all values of x between -1 and 3, in steps of .1 . Do this twice, once with a for loop and once with vectors. Plot the resulting functions. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  23. F

    Calculating Current in a Kirchhoff Loop Circuit

    Homework Statement In the circuit below find the current I2 (in A) when R1 = 64 , R2 = 32 , R3 = 243 ; V1 = 86 V, and V2 = 200 V. Be careful about the sign! Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I1 = I2 + I3 V1 - I1*R1 - I3*R3 + V2 = 0 V1 - I1*R1 - I2*R2 = 0 V2 - I2*R2 - I3*R3 = 0...
  24. M

    Magnetic Field loops of wire Question

    Homework Statement What is the direction of the magnetic field at the center of the two current carrying loops of wire? Homework Equations Right hand rules The Attempt at a Solution I understand that the current from the horizontal wire produces a field going in the upward direction...
  25. H

    Algebraic Sums of Currents/EMFs in Junctions/Closed Loops

    1. What causes the algebraic sum of the currents (signs included) flowing into each of the four junctions NOT equal to zero? 2. What causes the algebraic sum of the EMFs in each closed loop NOT equal to the algebraic sum of all the IR drops in each loop?For the first question, I thought that...
  26. P

    Why Do Eddy Currents Form Circular Loops?

    i know i haven't understood the concept of eddy current and that is why i am posting this question: why are EDDY currents CIRCULAR (why form a loop in circular form)? please also explain this answer that statement that i found on : http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_an_eddy_current "When...
  27. A

    Understanding Controlled & Count Controlled Loops

    greetings, what is the meaning of controlled loop and count controlled loop? advanced thanks.
  28. H

    Solve "For" Loops Problem with Mathcad 2001i

    "for" loops problem Homework Statement I would like Mathcad 2001i to calculate a trajectory for me. The idea is to take initiating x,y coordinates and x,y velocity, calculate the x,y acceleration at that point and then calculate where it will be after 1 t, then calculate the new acceleration...
  29. M

    MATLAB Troubleshooting Matlab Loops: Discovering a Simple Solution | Get Help Now

    I have recently found a silly problem with Matlab loop try the following simple program : >> clear all >> for s=0:0.1:1 >> V(10*s+1)=s; >> end it will get into trouble when s reaches 0.6 would anybody please check and let me know the result
  30. M

    Are Same-Action Deck Transformations & Loops Equal for S1 x S1?

    I'm self studying some alg topology for next semester just working through chapter 0 and 1 of hatcher really. My question is: for any universal cover p of X there are two actions of pi_1(X, x0) on the fiber p^-1(x0) given by lifting loops at x0 and given by restricting deck transformations to...
  31. B

    Magnetic field from two current carrying loops and variable extreme.

    Homework Statement Two loops carry identical currents counter-clockwise, I and share the same radius, R. They are separated by the distance R with the z axis passing through the center of each loop. Find the magnetic field at a point x distance above the center of the two loops in terms of I...
  32. T

    Kirchoff's Law: Identifying Loops in Circuits

    Homework Statement I am doing Kirchoff's law and i have problems in identifying different loops in a circuit, especially multiple loops. For example, in my attachment for diagram 1, there are 2 loops(ABCFA and ABCDEFA) ? But for diagram 2, the loops are ABCFA and CDEFC?
  33. S

    MATLAB Matlab help: indexing in for loops

    Hello! I consider myself typically a confident Matlab user. But I have encountered a new problem that I have no idea how to solve, so I'm hoping I can find some help. I have set up a for loop in my code to the effect of for i = 1:n if MyArray(i,1) < some value perform other...
  34. Z

    MATLAB Matlab Problem with loops and genvarname

    I've been stuck for weeks on a code that I have been generating for image processing. And made an example of what I need. I have this code: (BTW I am new to this MATLAB world) A = [2, 5, 6; 3,6,7]; B = [5, 3, 1; 7,3,2]; for i=1:3 v = genvarname('C', who); eval([v '=...
  35. M

    How Can I Convert a Nested For Loop to a Do-While Loop in C++?

    I am trying to create a code that does the exact same thing as this does #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int len; cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> len; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { for (int j = i+1; j < len; j++) {...
  36. T

    Return values in while loops in functions.

    Homework Statement I'm just trying to interpert how the return statement works. bool check(int item, vector<int>& v2) { int i = 0; while (i < v2.size()) { if (item == v2[i]) return true; i++; }return false; } Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm confused about the return parts of...
  37. P

    Magnetic Fields and Two circular loops of wire

    Homework Statement Two circular loops of wire, each containing a single turn, have the same radius of 3.6 cm and a common center. The planes of the loops are perpendicular. Each carries a current of 2.0 A. What is the magnitude of the net magnetic field at the common center? I have been...
  38. M

    MATLAB Building a matrix using while loops? (MATLAB)

    Building a matrix using "while" loops? (MATLAB) Hello Here is my code: i = 1; j = 1; S = zeros(11,11); while i < 12 while j < 12 S(i,j) = Test1(a(i,j),b(i,j),c(i,j)); j = j + 1; end i = i + 1; end a,b,c are all 11x11 matrices and Test1 is a...
  39. W

    Are Multiple Current Loops Linear?

    I assume that if one has several current loops that the magnetic fields that they generate just add together linearlly. Just want to make sure.

    C/C++ Using try catch vs do while loops in C++

    Hello all, First let me state the following: 1. The programs that I write are not production code. 2. I am not a trained developer. 3. I do not work for a software development company. My question pertains to the use of try catch exception handling vs. using do while loops...
  41. A

    Project Homework: Loops for Electromagnet Strength

    Homework Statement I need to get 2 major loops in my method or hypthesis. My experiment is which of the following factors affects strength of electromagnet the most: number of coils, the voltage of the power source, the diameter of the core, or the thickness of the wire. Can you...
  42. Simfish

    C/C++ Segmentation faults with huge loops? (C++)

    So I'm writing a program for a professor (not for class) for research related with spike triggered averages in neurons. Which involves a lot of data analysis. So basically my code looks like this: for(int i=0; i<SIZE; i++){ Write a lot of things into arrays in memory (although far fewer items...
  43. W

    Current Loops and fundamental group

    The Law of Biot and Savart Law tells us how to find a differential form that generates the first de Rham cohomology of S3- embedded loop. Run a steady current through the loop. This form is just the dual of the induced magnetic field (using the Euclidean metric). Ampere's Law tells us...
  44. L

    Calculating power in a circuit with loops

    Homework Statement http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1147/question1x.jpg Homework Equations V = IR, Sum of currents at junction = 0. The Attempt at a Solution Just doing some exam revision, and found this one in my notes. I'm not really sure how to go about it. Using Kirchhoffs rules, you...
  45. H

    Setting up a "for loop" Eqn in Matlab for hc

    Homework Statement Can someone help me set up a "for loop" for this equation I intialize hc = x0 then I have to compute hc1 = C.*(log(hc./b)+1)+ gamma.*(1-exp(-hc./gamma)) hc2 = C.*(log(hc1./b)+1)+ gamma.*(1-exp(-hc1./gamma)) hc3 = C.*(log(hc2./b)+1)+ gamma.*(1-exp(-hc2./gamma)) hc4...
  46. MTd2

    What resources are available for the 2009 Loops conference online?

    It is a bit hidden in the page, because you cannot get the links directly from the main page. But an easy guess lead me to this: http://www.mighty-security.com/loop/resource.htm It is now up all audio and video recordings of the conference.
  47. R

    Wilson loops (srednicki eqn. 82.37)

    In eqn. (82.37) Srednicki derives for the string tension between two quarks as \tau=\frac{c(g)}{a^2} where c(g)=ln(g^2), 'g' is the coupling, and 'a' is the lattice spacing. He later goes on to say that the string tension should be independent of the lattice spacing 'a', and using this...
  48. M

    Solve Problems in Loops: Get Feedback & Robustness

    Hi There Can anyone check the following algorithm and tell me what I am doing wrong. If every thing is OK then please give me some feedback to make it robust. Please check both the algorithms Algorithm-1 B=gallery('tridiag',10,-6,4,4);n = 10; BL = kron(eye(n),B); [p1,q1] = size(B)...
  49. A

    Tangent Galvanometer help (square loops around compass)

    What I had to do for a physics prac was to create a tangent galvanometer using this like...square piece of wood and a flat piece of wood in the middle... and we put a compass in the middle and increased the number of coils (carrying current) and recorded the deflection made by the compass and...
  50. S

    MATLAB How Can I Store Loop Results in Arrays for Plotting in MATLAB?

    Hello, I am trying to store the results in the form of an array every time the code goes through a loop. This is what my code looks like: for j = 1:100 for i= 1:100 if S(i)==0 if rand < T S(i)= 1; t_inf(i) = j; end...