Loops Definition and 275 Threads

  1. K

    Trees to Loops: Computing SUSY Yang-Mills Amplitudes

    From Trees to Loops and Back Andreas Brandhuber, Bill Spence, Gabriele Travaglini 49 pages, 17 figures http://www.arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0510253 We argue that generic one-loop scattering amplitudes in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories can be computed equivalently with MHV diagrams or with...
  2. marcus

    Is Loops '06 the Future Name for Quantum Gravity Conferences?

    "Loops" has become a defacto provisional collective name for all the main efforts to get a nonperturbative backgroundindependent theory of QG. If these approaches are going to coalesce into one broad field of research and have an annual meeting, should it be called Loops '06 like it was this...
  3. marcus

    Robert Helling live-blogs Loops 05

    http://atdotde.blogspot.com/2005/10/others.html Robert Helling is a string theorist. He is winning the gratitude-for-life of many Loop-fans by blogging live from the Albert Einstein Institute at Potsdam-Golm. Non-perturbative/background independent QG people are, for him, "the Others"...
  4. C

    Solving Hysteresis Loops with Brown's Equation

    Dear every one, I'm studying on micromagnetics problem using Brown's equation for static solving case, this equation derived from minimization of energy and it allows us to obtain a hysteresis loop of a magnetic material. All of my documents only say that from Brown's equation, we can...
  5. marcus

    What is the latest research on spin foam models of quantum gravity?

    http://loops05.aei.mpg.de/ it's out
  6. MathematicalPhysicist

    Permutation Loops- successor operation

    in this page I've encountered this topic (it's a topic from combinatorics, so it's relevant to discrete maths with sets and so on [that's my justification to post it here o:) ), anyway from my point of view the page describes poorly the successor operation: "The resulting sequence of...
  7. L

    How to compute the number of loops in a Feynman diagram?

    In doing my \phi^{3} theory I didn't know exactly how to count the number of loops in a diagram given the number of vertices, internal and external lines. Is there a general algorithm in doing this? What if we have more than one interaction vertex (e.g. the Standard Model)? PS. What does it...
  8. M

    Proving the Number of Loops in r=sin(n{theta})

    How does one prove that the curve r=sin(n{theta}) has n loops when n is odd and 2n loops when n is even?
  9. marcus

    Loops 05, this year's big LQG conference

    http://loops05.aei.mpg.de/index_files/Home.html October 10-14 at Potsdam, Albert Einstein Institute The aim of this conference is to summarise the status and open problems of the various approaches to quantum gravity and to present new ideas and research directions. "The topics of this...
  10. M

    Phys: Induction and Induced Current (2 loops)

    I've been having trouble with the solution my book (and the solution manual) gives for a problem. Basically, there are two inductors (wire coils): one is on the left, hooked to a battery and a switch. Then there's one to the right of it, hooked to only a resistor. The left switch is closed...
  11. B

    Distance between current-carrying loops

    If I generate current through two identical loops (parallel) of transformer wire in the same direction, why do they produce an uniform magnetic field at the centre of the space between the loops ONLY IF the separation distance between the loops is equal to the radius of each coil? and not if...
  12. K

    Strings and loops have me all tied up

    Is there someone out there who could explain string theory and loop quantum gravity to me in plain English, please? I have no mathematical ability whatsoever, so I'm looking for an explanation of the concepts. Numbers leave me scratching my head. I am not suggesting that my numerical stupidity...
  13. H

    Improved Euler Method for Rocket Position Vector Calculation

    I'm trying to use the improved euler method to calculate the position vector of a rocket on a mission from the Earth to the moon. The method involves calculating new values of acceleration whilst time is incremented and using this IN ADDITION to the previous values of acceleration to find the...
  14. R

    Current Loops in a Magnetic Field Problem Question.

    Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows how I should be setting up my FBD for this question, or any hints as to how to go about doing this question: "A long piece of wire with a mass of 0.100 kg and a total length of 4.00 m is used to make a square coil with a side of 0.100 m. The coil is...
  15. Math Is Hard

    C++ printing and positioning with loops

    I am working on a little piece of a program that prints two diagonal lines. I am using a variable "num" to specify how far down to draw each diagonal. What I would like to do is be able to start at a position on the screen and have the printing begin at that position, and also track the...
  16. B

    Circular motion: An aeroplane loops the loop

    Question: An aeroplane loops the loop in a verticle circle of radius 200m, with a speed of 40m/s at the top of thel oop. The pilot has a mass of 80kg. What is the tension in the strap holding him into his seat when he is at the top of the loop?. Answer: The centrifugal force...
  17. P

    What is the difference btw 2 loops?

    What is the difference btw 2 conducting loops? Hello. What is the difference between a conducting loop with charge q distributed over the loop that is rotating and a stationary loop with current flowing around the loop? Do they have the same effect when it comes to calculating magnetic...
  18. Z

    Can Oscillating Current Loops Produce Equal and Opposite Forces?

    Hiya, Materials: - Two current loops oscillating at ~ 9GHz Square Wave Orientation: - Stack the two loops one on top of the other at ~ 1cm seperation. What I See: - At that distance and frequency of oscillation it appears as if you could get a force with an equal reaction...
  19. john baez

    Marseille workshop on loops and spin foams

    I just got back from the Marseille conference on loop quantum gravity and spin foams: http://w3.lpm.univ-montp2.fr/~philippe/quantumgravitywebsite/ It was really great, so I devoted "week206" of my column This Week's Finds entirely to this conference...
  20. marcus

    The Duel: Strings versus Loops by Rudy Vaas

    "The Duel: Strings versus Loops" by Rudy Vaas http://arxiv.org./ftp/physics/papers/0403/0403112.pdf it's a 10-page popular article about the Strings meets Loops conference last October written for Bild der Wissenschaft (translated into English by Martin Bojowald and Amitaba Sen) Part...
  21. B

    Uniform Magnetic Field Causes Induced Current in Loops

    by faraday's law induced current in a conducting loop is caused by changes in magnetic flux through that loop.. now, if you move a conducting loop through uniform magnetic field (fixed magnitude and direction) there is an induced current even though there is (apparently) no change in magnetic...
  22. D

    RL Circuit with Two Loops: Solving for Current and Switch Equation

    I have a homework problem with an RL circuit. There are two loops in the circuit. One has the emf and two resistors and a switch and the other has two resistors and an inductor. The resistors, the inductor and the emf are all given values and I'm given that the switch is closed at time = 0...
  23. S

    Farday's law in two conducting loops

    consider two conducting loops with fixed geometries and at fixed positions. Let I1 and I2 be the currents flowing in the loops 1 and 2. how does Faraday's Law allow the currents I1 and I2 to affect each other? farday's law says that changing the flux between loops 1 will induce an emf in...
  24. marcus

    Strings Meets Loops at the Albert Einstein Institute

    John Baez just posted this announcement and tentative schedule for a conference this month at the Albert Einstein Institute (Max Planck Institute for Gravitation Physics) on the outskirts of Berlin. We have had several threads at PF studying work by AEI people---Hanno Sahlmann, Martin...
  25. Loren Booda

    Effect of time loops on evolution

    It occurred to me that the existence of localized time reversal would manifest an evolution that relies more on free will than genetic determination. The connectivity between two events completing a time loop takes place arbitrarily to Darwinism, either fulfilling spacetime continuity or...