Loss Definition and 841 Threads

Loess (US: , UK: ; from German Löss [lœs]) is a clastic, predominantly silt-sized sediment that is formed by the accumulation of wind-blown dust. Ten percent of the Earth's land area is covered by loess or similar deposits.Loess is an aeolian (windborne) sediment being an accumulation of: twenty percent or less clay and the balance mainly equal parts sand and silt typically from 20 to 50 micrometers per particle often loosely cemented by calcium carbonate. It is usually homogeneous and highly porous and is traversed by vertical capillaries that permit the sediment to fracture and form vertical bluffs.

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  1. T

    Loss of cooling water to condenser

    If a condenser were to lose its supply of cooling water and no trips were activated how could you calculate when the vacuum would be lost? i.e. calculate the length of time before no more steam could be accepted by the condenser.
  2. B

    What is the Best Shape for a Hose Clamp to Provide Predictable Friction Loss?

    I am researching the best shape for a hose clamp to provide a consistent and predictable friction loss in the 1 to 2 psi range. The hose diameter will be either 3 or 4 inches and the water flow will typically be in the range of 10 to 50 gpm. The idea is that the hose clamp can be finely...
  3. F

    How much energy is lost due to friction?

    Homework Statement A 15.0 kg block is dragged over a rough, horizontal surface by a 74.9 N force acting at 17.6 degrees above the horizontal. The block is displaced 4.91 m, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.266. Find the work done by the 74.9 N force = 351 J Find the work done...
  4. M

    How do I calculate heat loss due to wind?

    Is there a formula for calculating heat loss due to wind (not wind chill temperature)?
  5. J

    Power loss in sinusoidal electric fields

    Homework Statement In my electromagnetics book, in the section that talks about loss tangents, the equation for average power dissipation per unit volume is P=(1/2)*J*E (W/m^3). What does the coefficient of 1/2 come from? Earlier in the book, it gave the differential power dissipation dP=...
  6. A

    Do lasers suffer R^2 propagation loss

    The intensity (W/m^2) of an electromagnetic wave from an ordinary antenna decreases with the square of the distance from the emitter (in the far field.) Is the same true for a laser beam?
  7. S

    Why does haemotocrit decrease in acute blood loss?

    In acute blood loss both RBC and fluid is lost, so why doesn't haemotocrit stay normal. I know compensatory mechanism would increase the fluid, eg kidney. But red blood cell prodcution would take few weeks. Is that the reason haemotocrit decreases? Thanks :smile:
  8. M

    Energy Loss vs Energy Delivered and Voltage Drop - Confused

    Hi, ok so everytime I think that I have understood the concept of Energy transmission, losses and voltage drop, I get even more confused about things. I have searched several threads on this forum and the physics forum but failed to find anything that directly answers my query. So I...
  9. Z

    Expansion, redshift, energy loss

    Maybe this question has already been asked, anyway, here it goes. The universe is expanding and according to relativity, the radiation is redshifted, meaning there is a loss of energy. If energy is conserved, where does that loss of energy go?
  10. Delta2

    Medical Loss of Taste: Causes, Symptoms, and Possible Brain/Neural System Diseases

    This problem of loss of taste started for me about 2 years ago but now it has reach the point that it is very annoying. I get no taste or the taste is somehow distorted when i eat foods that have fats like meat, cheese. When i eat foods like sweets that contain sugar the taste seems to be ok...
  11. P

    Binary Stars energy loss calculation

    I can't seem to get any of the answers for this - please help! Two stars of equal mass M orbit a common centre. The radius of the orbit of each star is R. Assume that each of the stars has a mass equal to 1.5 solar masses (solar mass=2x10^30kg) and that the initial separation of the stars is...
  12. B

    Convex loss function & normal posterior - Bayes's rule?

    Homework Statement W(\theta - \delta) the loss function. \theta the true parameter. \delta an estimator of \theta W a smooth, non-negative, symmetric, convex function. p(\theta | x) the posterior density of the parameter \theta. Prove that, for normal posterior density p(\theta | x)...
  13. A

    Effect of sudden loss of reactive power for an induction generator

    So I am having this problem at work where a 150kW induction motor is being used as an induction generator. There is a capacitor bank in parallel to the induction generator which is primarily for PFC(the reactive power requirement of the generator is fed by the grid). Assume the induction...
  14. T

    Why Is the Total Area for Calculating Heat Loss 320 Square Feet?

    Homework Statement Calculate wall loss rate in BTUs per hour. For a 10 ft by 10 ft room with an 8 ft ceiling, with all surfaces insulated to R19 as recommended by the U.S. Department of Energy, with inside temperature 68°F and outside temperature 28°F: heat loss = \frac{Q}{t} = \frac{(Area)...
  15. D

    Energy loss of an electron through Air?

    Homework Statement What is the energy loss in 3 mm of air (density = 1.20479E-03) of an electron with energy of 1.77MeV? The Attempt at a Solution I've found the Mass stopping power which is 1.696 MeV cm^2/g and then linear stopping power of 2.04E^-3 MeV/cm but from this point I'm stumped...
  16. J

    Redox Reactions: Loss and Gain of Electrons

    Not particually a paradox, just liked the word play. Anyway... The definition of a redox reaction is a reaction with both reduction and oxidation. As we know, oxidation is loss, reduction is gain of electrons. So redox is a reaction with both loss and gain of reaction. Does it follow that...
  17. S

    Exit Temp / Heat Loss in External Pipework

    I have been trying to establish what the heat loss and exit temp (in deg C) for 100ml of water traveling down a pipe located externally to a building and subjected to -10degC air temperatures will be if: The pipe has an internal diameter of 19mm and a length of 3m. 100ml of water with...
  18. Y

    Heat loss through an insulated pipe

    Homework Statement A pipe of radius R is maintained at temperature T. It is covered in insulation and the insulated pipe has radius r. Assume all surfaces lose heat through Newton's law of cooling \vec{J} = \vec{h} \Delta T, where the magnitude h is assumed to be constant. Show that...
  19. N

    How Much Heat Escapes Through a Concrete Floor in an Hour?

    Question: How much heat is lost in one hour through a 15 cm x 3.7m x 6.1m concrete floor if the inside temperature is 22 degrees c and the ground temperature is 13 degrees c? some info: thermal conductivity of concrete=1.1 change in temperature=8 Relative Equations: kAchangeT/L...
  20. D

    Does radiation from phones/PC's increase hair loss?

    Does radiation from electrical devices such as computers, phones, WiFi etc.. have an effect on hair loss? Can't really find a lot of articles on the net about it.
  21. A

    Billards Physics: Estimating Kinetic Energy Loss

    I've been thinking of developing a program which predicts the motion of two colloding billard balls, I wanted to encorperate some energy loss in the collision since its not an elastic collision. My question is which root would be the valid or real result of a collision. Imagine two billard...
  22. D

    Exploring the Effects of Energy Loss on Nucleons

    Hi there... My question is that when nucleon's loses energy (such as in fusion),does that affect their size as well? do they also shrink or grow by losing or gaining energy?
  23. fluidistic

    Getting a polarization without polaroid and loss of intensity

    Homework Statement I was stuck on a question today in my Optics exam (I didn't have time to think well about it but I'm still stuck). The problem was more or less like this: There's an incident linearly polarized light in the direction of \hat x; we want to polarize it so that we get \hat E =...
  24. K

    Heat Loss From Sweating: Weight & Evaporation

    How can I determine the heat loss of person from sweating when given the weight of the person and the weight of the amount of sweat that was evaporated throughout the day?
  25. M

    How is Work Potential Destroyed in Heat Transfer Between Reservoirs?

    Hi I am studying this topic at the moment and came across this question but cannot solve it. Any help would be much appreciated. Heat is transferred from a resevoir at 1200C to a second resevoir at 350C at a rate of 500 KJ/s. Calculate the rate at which work potential is destroyed during...
  26. B

    Physics Lab: Negative Energy Loss on Roller-Coaster Track

    Homework Statement We recently did a lab in my physics class where we looked at the conservation of energy of a ball on a roller-coaster track. We got the data as seen in the picture below http://tinypic.com/r/168zx2s/7 the question now is why is there negative energy loss, is this...
  27. M

    What is the fragment loss for 51 peak in the given mass spectrum?

    Homework Statement I'm analysing a mass spectrum I've been given for a molecule with the molecular formula of C9H10O2. The structure iv deduced is a Benzene ring with COOC2H5 substituent. so its... Benzene-C(=O)-O-C2H5 I'm working out the fragments shown on the mass spec. Those...
  28. 6

    Spur Gear, Friction and Energy Loss

    For an analysis of a robot component: a Spur gear drive/train. How can I account for friction losses? I can calculate the torque, with neglecting friction. And what about the change in energy? I know power = torque*angular velocity
  29. V

    Question about thermodynamics (heat loss)

    Homework Statement Suppose that you own a poorly insulated small house, with outside walls l = 0.25m thick, total outer wall plus roof surface area 210m^2 (about 1992 ft^2) and your walls have a thermal conductivity of 1.3 W/m·K (limestone). Calculate how much power your air conditioner will...
  30. P

    How to Calculate Heat Loss Per Hour Through a Glass Window Pane?

    Homework Statement A glass window pane is 2.7 m high, 2.4 m wide and 2 mm thick. The temperature at the inner surface of the glass is and at the outer surface 4°C. How much heat is lost each hour through the window? The Attempt at a Solution I have the stats on the glass like...
  31. V

    What is a reasonable loss of energy?

    Does 0.25 J or 0.0082 J seem like a reasonable loss of energy in terms of a 83 g ball rolling down a ramp?
  32. V

    Another way to calculate loss of energy

    Homework Statement How would you calculate the loss of energy down the ramp, given only the following information: Mass of ball = 0.0083 kg and http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g349/Physics_/Energy.jpg Homework Equations E = mgh E = 0.5mv^2 The Attempt at a Solution I...
  33. V

    Measuring Energy Loss: Ball on Ramp Experiment

    Homework Statement I am supposed to measure the loss of energy of the ball on the ramp when it rolls down, in more than one way. The only measuring instrument we were allowed to use, though, was a meter stick. This is the link to the rough outline of what I measured...
  34. H

    Energy loss in a pulley, but cleverer

    Homework Statement A block of mass 7.00×10-1kg is suspended by a string which is wrapped so that it is at a radius of 5.80×10-2m from the center of a pulley. The moment of inertia of the pulley is 4.00×10-3kg*m2. There is friction as the pulley turns. The block starts from rest, and its...
  35. A

    Do derivatives introduce loss of solutions?

    For example, if I want to show that there is no real # solution to x2 + 24x2 = -1 is it correct to show that d2/dx2( x4 + 24x2 ) = d2/dx2(-1) ---> 12x2+48 = 0 And since x^2 is >0 or =0, 12x2+48 ---> 0 + 48 \neq 0 Therefore, there is no real number solution to x2 + 24x2 = -1...
  36. A

    D1=30cm D2=13cm, Q(flow rate)=0.2m3/s, find loss due to sudden

    D1=30cm D2=13cm, Q(flow rate)=0.2m3/s, find loss due to sudden contraction and compare it with gradual contraction. head loss due to suddden contraction is given by (resistance coffiecent* v*v/2*g) and resistance cooficent is given by (1-(d2/d1)sq)sq) d2 being smaller dia of pipe.. by this...
  37. T

    HP or PWOER Loss between 2 different sized Pulleys?

    hello guys..! i have one pulley of 8" (Driver) and another one 10" (Driven) he driver pulley is driven by 2Hp motor, so is there any equation or formula to calculate the Hp loss or power loss from 2Hp?
  38. B

    Modern Physics I: Find Energy Loss & Wavelength

    Homework Statement An electron with energy 10^3 MeV collides with a photon whose wavelength corresponds to the maximum wavelength of the 2.7-K cosmic background radiation. What is the maximum energy loss the electron can suffer as a result of the collision? What is the wavelength of the photon...
  39. C

    Rate of heat loss ramining constant

    Does the rate of heat loss remain constant during any period. I'm doing a lab on heat loss where I'm comparing the loss of heat in a aluminum soda can with hot water to a aluminum can with hot water covered with insulation material.
  40. H_man

    Power Loss Of An EM Wave Hitting A Cu Wire

    Hi all, :rolleyes: I am trying to calculate the loss in power of a wave which is partially reflected and partially transmitted from a wire. The skin depth of the wire is many times the thickness of the wire. My first attempt to solve this problem was to consider...
  41. wolram

    Eating for Weight Loss: What Should I Eat to Reach My Ideal BMI?

    I am 9LBs overweight for my ideal BM, i all ready go to the gym 3-5 times a week. So what sort of food should i be eating.
  42. T

    Energy loss of a photon moving against gravity

    Hi. Since photons lose energy when moving against gravity (because of gravitational redshift), there must be some other energy that is increased, i.e. the energy converts to another form. That other energy must be potential energy, right? But for a photon to obtain potential energy, it must...
  43. N

    Bethe-Bloch : energy loss to a single electron?

    Hi guys, the Bethe bloch (BB) equation, in combination with the material density, gives the energy deposited in the material per unit path length. One of the terms in the BB equation is the maximum energy transferred to an electron by the incident particle. So i am assuming, the...
  44. K

    Heat loss due to Evaporation in a closed environment

    I am working on an incubator/shaker for laboratory use. I am trying to work out a temperature failure and repair it, but that is besides the point here. I was looking through the user manual to try to get some clues about the failure and I came across this: "Depending on various conditions...
  45. T

    Another Simple Heat Loss Question

    I'm trying to size (in watts) a heater to heat a glass of water from ambient (Ti) to a certain temperature (Tf) in a given time period (say, 1 hour). The heat-loss from the glass at Ti is 0 watts. The heat-loss from the glass at Tf is Y watts. I'm assuming that the heat loss increases...
  46. C

    Headloss Calculation for Pipe Quadfurcation & Junction

    Hey I am designing a pipe system for a class and am required to calculate headloss. At one point in the design, a pipe splits into 4 smaller pipes and then these rejoin to recreate a pipe at the original pipe. I can't seem to find the loss coefficients associated with the quadfurcation and...
  47. G

    Loss in gravitational energy during condensation of star

    Homework Statement A spherical star of uniform density p and radius R is formed by the condensation of the interstellar dust from large distance due to gravitational forces. Find the energy change that occurs at some intermediate stage as the radius increases from r to r+dr Hence derive an...
  48. V

    Is My Calculation for Pressure Loss in German Pipework Accurate?

    My sincere apologies if this is not the right place however I will pose the problem: Being a humble plumber rather than a physicist I am used to calculating pressure loss in copper pipework for hot water heating systems by determining the required flow rate kW/h / specific heat x delta T...
  49. A

    Energy loss in collision in oscillator

    Is there any loss of energy of a particel (electron) while getting collission with the walls of a finite square/rectangular barrier? since there is a enormous no. of collision a particle takes.
  50. D

    Field loss in a shunt wound dc motor

    In a field loss event, why does a shunt wound dc motor run away? From my understand of electric motor, the armature spins because it's magnetic field pushes/pulls against the field winding's magnetic field. If I remove power to the field winding, then shouldn't the motor slows down because the...