Magic Definition and 109 Threads

  1. B

    'Quantum Magic' Without Any 'Spooky Action at a Distance'

    Folks, I found this article." What are your comments on this? Thanks
  2. N

    Discover the Magic of Cubic Splines

    Cubic Splines! It looks like the message i wrote was not allowed because i gave you my excersize as it was. Well now i ' ll post again the picture i have but i don't want to give me the answer , but only a help how to start . Please give some idea , i have only five hours left to give my...
  3. H

    Comp Sci How to Test if a Matrix is a Magic Square in Java?

    Homework Statement Magic squares. An n × n matrix that is filled with the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., n2 is a magic square if the sum of the elements in each row, in each column, and in the two diagonals is the same value. Write a program that reads in n2 values from the keyboard and tests...
  4. G

    What are some movies with bad physics that I can analyze for my assignment?

    I have an assignment on movie magic in which I have to pick a scene from a movie and analyse the physics (including calculations of physics in movie, description and calculations of correct physics etc.) Problem is, I haven't picked a movie yet :frown: I was going to pick 2 different scenes...
  5. O

    What is the Engineer's Magic Box?

    I figured this is the best place for asking this question. My apologies for those that find it inappropriate. I am looking for an image of the engineer's magic box for a powerpoint :(. If it has a proper name, please tell me. See the attachment for my MS Paint representation.
  6. L

    Do All Gauge Fields Intrinsically Contribute to the Lagrangian?

    After deriving the Lagrangian for the electromagnetic field using only gauge invariance of the action, the result is: (i.e. to say \delta L \equiv 0.) L \equiv (\partial_{\mu} + ieA_{\mu})\phi(\partial^{\mu} - ieA^{\mu})\phi^* - m^2\phi^2. Et. viola'. Done. Finished. Complete. Let's go home...
  7. Z

    Can Physics Explain the Secrets Behind Card Magic Tricks?

    Is there any Physics law behind this-" Or is it just a trick? I can't find any strings around the card.
  8. rubenvb

    Double integral to single by magic substitution

    double integral to single by "magic" substitution Hi, I have a double (actually quadruple, but the other dimensions don't matter here) integral which looks like this: \iint_0^\infty \frac{d^2 k}{k^2} Now, someone here told me to replace that with \int_0^\infty \frac{1}{2} 2\pi...
  9. B

    What is the equation for finding the magic constant of a magic square?

    Hey all. I'm trying to convert a series which gives me the magic constant for a magic square into an equation. How would I go about doing this? The series is: \mbox{S}=\left[ \frac{n+1}{2}+\left( n-1 \right)n \right]
  10. G

    Mirror-Mirages: The Science Behind the Magic

    Today it got kinda hot, and while I was in the car, I noticed those stupid mirror-mirages-things on the road, where it reflects everything. I know that it does that because it is hot, but can someone explain the complicated version of why it looks like a mirror puddle?
  11. D

    Can this be done in a simplier way? Magic Squares

    Proving Axiom 1 of all 3 x 3 magic squares. I used summation notation to do so but it is extremely long and cumbersome. I attached the pdf file with the work. Is there a way to do this in a simpler more concise manner?
  12. I

    What Are the Key Properties and Patterns of Magic Squares?

    Homework Statement a) Show that the magic constant of an nth order normal magic square is n(n^2+1)/2. b) Show that the center of a 3x3 must be occupied by the number 5. c) Show that in a normal magic square of 3x3 the number 1 can never occur in a corner cell. Homework Equations...
  13. D

    How Can You Generalize 3 x 3 Magic Squares?

    How would I generalized the set of all 3 x 3 magic squares? I don't know what to do this at all for this.
  14. F

    Is Magic Merely Unknown Science in Disguise?

    Let's say all things are known in the Universe and magic doesn't exist, then: K is the set of all things known and Magic, M, doesn't exist. M \notin {K} Let {\neg K} be all things not known. {\neg K} \notin {K} Since Magic can not be defined by {K} Then M \in {\neg K} by...
  15. Helios

    Ancient Alchemy & Fire Magic Effects

    In many fantasy books and movies, like Harry Potter for example, there are wizards or priest who perform "fire magic" by throwing various powders into a fire cauldron. The effect is a poof of smoke or a flash. I guess the intent is to evoke some spirit or something. My question is what agents...
  16. Q

    Using the Product of the Integrals is integrals of Product Magic in multivar

    Using the "Product of the Integrals is integrals of Product" Magic in multivar This isn't actually a question on a homework problem, but It is coursework related so I thought it belonged here. I've noticed a lot of magic in Griffiths and other textbooks, where say, in integrating in spherical...
  17. B

    Sad feeb needs help with magic pixy-dust stardrive math

    Admit it, you clicked through because of that ridiculous thread title. I'm working on a bit of speculative fiction, and I don't want to grossly embarrass myself- despite a few specific black-box departures from the strictly possible, I want a rough sense of physical verisimilitude... I need...
  18. K

    Determination of e/m of electron by magic eye method

    tell me how to perform this experiment and please post the figure of its apparatus.
  19. K

    Solving 3x3 Magic Squares: 4/6-Folder Reflection & Found

    3x3 magic squares * updated given a 3x3 block with 3 numbers inserted e.g. |2|_|_| |_|_|6| |_|3|_| How would I solve this magic square? Is there a pattern for this? The method in wikipedia...
  20. W

    Nuclear fusion. Magic neutron. (Basic)

    This question is probably very basic for those who understand nuclear fusion but it has been annoying me for a while now and I would like an answer. I have tried searching these forums but I can't find what I'm looking for. The sun is constantly fusing hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms...
  21. russ_watters

    Experience the Magic of the Wine Clip

    Call me crazy, but I have a hard time with 'we don't know how it works, but it works great! (Buy it!)'
  22. H

    Six Flags Magic Mountain Physics Day Solutions?

    My teacher gave us a giant packet full of experiments to do over spring break and it seems simple enough, but he grades us on accuracy so I want to make sure I have the correct solutions to the problems. Does anyone know where I can find the solutions? (btw I won't be copying the answers...
  23. D H

    My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants

    That's" of "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas". The new rhyme, which lists the planets and then minor planets in order in terms of distance from the Sun, was chosen as the winner of the winner of the...
  24. Greg Bernhardt

    Why Won't My Magic Bullet Blender Turn On?

    So I bought the magic bullet blender last xmas and loved it. Used it for several months and then one day it just stopped working. The blender base that you press down on just didn't respond anymore. So I thought it died. I bought a new base on ebay and that didn't work either, so I thought...
  25. marcus

    Is There Evidence of a Delay in High-Energy Photons from Distant AGN Flares?

    In August 2007 the MAGIC team caused controversy by posting a paper on arxiv that 1. reported they thought they might have observed a 4 minute delay of the more energetic gammaray photons, compared with less energetic, from an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) flare...
  26. Evo

    Happy Magic Birthday Gale and Child of Evo

    Happy Magic Birthday Gale and Child of Evo!1111 They both turned 20 today! Happy magical birthday to both!
  27. G

    What Age is Best for Discovering Magical Powers?

    Harry Potter was 11. Sabrina was 16. Jesus was 12? What do you think seems like the right age to learn that you have magical powers? Does it happen on your birthday? Does someone come down from somewhere and whisper it in your ear? Do you just suddenly start accidently blowing things up...
  28. kach22i

    Magnesium Injection Cycle (MAGIC) engine

    MAGIC engine The exciting thing about the MAGIC engine is that it introduces competition to the market, the first time since the demise of the steam and electric motor cars. Just watch oil prices drop like a brick striving...
  29. marcus

    Quantum Gravity and Photons: Reuter's Fixed Point Theory and the MAGIC Report

    Reuter makes quantum gravity renormalizable by letting the action run to a fixed point as the proximity k --> infty. so he gets a whole series of metrics gk these metrics probe spacetime at a finer and finer scale. k is like the reciprocal of the characteristic length of an interaction---a...
  30. marcus

    Could MAGIC IACT Reveal Insights into Quantum Gravity?

    HERE IS A WEBPAGE ABOUT HOW IACT WORKS this page helps to survey gammaray astronomy and put IACT in broader context. Observing high energy gammarays which have traveled cosmological...
  31. marcus

    The MAGIC gammaray flare result, if true, favors Spinfoam LQG

    Energy dependent speed of gammaray photons may have been observed, by the MAGIC collaboration at its Canary Islands observatory. Lee Smolin has been making the point for several years now that if an energy dependent speed of gammarays is ever observed it will be an enormous stimulus to LQG...
  32. Q

    Magic Squares & Cubes: Uncovering a 3D Arithmetic Sequence

    Hello to you all! I've been involved in Magic Squares & Cubes for the last 8-9 years. I've recently developed 3-D models of that, too. What I've observed is a unique relationship between simple Arithmetic Sequence & Magic Squares & Cubes. Combining the two, I've reached a new 3 Dimensional...
  33. C

    Real Magic - a truly fascinating demonstration

    This link is to a truly amazing experiment involving sodium hexafluoride. I won't spoil it for you by explaining it, just click the link and see. It really made my day to see this. PS, there will be some 15 second video...
  34. G

    Transistors: Gaining Insight into the Physics Behind the Magic

    Hi, I'm currently a graduate level physics student taking a course in analog electronics, and I'm really stuck on the idea of transistors. I am reading "the art of electronics", and it's explanation of transistors is horrible, and aside from the fact that i know they "magically" cause a gain in...
  35. ZapperZ

    How Long Did It Take to Create This Amazing Video Montage?

    This is probably old, but it is so cool! I hate to think how long it took to design and set it up. Zz.
  36. J

    Circular motion, forces, magic mountain ride.

    Hi there. On a midterm we just had on Monday, one question asked about a magic mountain ride called the rainbow. You get in this circular apparatus and it starts to spin, you're against the wall. Then it goes from horizontal to vertical and you stick to the walls. Anyways, one question asked...
  37. Bob3141592

    Is the Apocalyptic Magic Square connected to religious symbolism and beliefs?

    In honor of today's date, June 6, 2006, I've been circulating the Apocalyptic Magic Square around the office (yes, I get some strange looks, but I'm used to that). This remarkable object is a 6 by 6 magic square with a total of 666, with every number in it being a prime. This object can...
  38. DaveC426913

    What is a Magic Eraser and is it safe to use?

    I have heard rumours that, while these Magic Erasers (a white bar of foam like a chalkboard eraser) are truly magic at erasing almost any sort of blemish from hard surfaces - they are made of urea-foraldehyde, which, as an insulating material in houses, has been illegal for years. Does anyone...
  39. P

    Can Magic Squares be Applied in Mathematical and Scientific Research?

    Greetings, I'm curious if "magic squares" have been found to be useful in mathematical or scientific endeavors apart from an "oddity" or "game"
  40. L

    What do you make of witchcraft, voodoo, and black magic?

    Not sure if this thread should be listed here, but thought I'd try. So, what do you make of witchcraft, voodoo, and black magic? My mom said she tried black magic when she was in college (so that had to be in the 50's). She said she saw something so bad that it scared her and she never did it...
  41. wolram

    Discovering the Magic of My Home Town

    About the place you live ?
  42. E

    What are the Best Magic Tricks Using a Regular Deck of Cards?

    Best magic tricks? I'm wondering what the bests "magic ticks" you guys know without using any "cheating devices"... just a regular deck of cards.. or any other at hand devices.. heh... and how it's done.. ? I dunno... just curious.. seems a lot of them involve math..that's cool .. I would...
  43. C

    Differentiation: How does it overcome the 0/0 problem?

    How does differentiation overcome the fact that as we let \Delta x \rightarrow 0 until it is truly 0, our two coordinates to take the slope with will be the same and thus give a slope of \frac{0}{0}?
  44. S

    Uncovering the Mystery of Magic Squares

    Magic Square Hello, Don't know, which forum, so i put it to general... Yesterday i saw something like an magician on an exposition, showing some math to angle for attention. He asked the audience to give him a number between 41 and 100. So he got the 47. He worked out a magic...
  45. D

    Mind Power and Black Magic: Fact or Fiction?

    Do you people believe in them? Do they have any scientific bases? As for me, I myself think that they are nothing but non-sense.
  46. C

    Solve 3x3 Magic Square Puzzle with 8-16

    I need this very quickly: There is a cube 3x3. you have to use numbers 8-16 fill it up such that the sum is 36 all ways
  47. H

    Calculating Probability in Magic: The Gathering with a Decreasing Deck

    Hi everyone, I have no background in Probability and Statistics, but I do understand some Calculus, so I think I will be able to understand your answer if you so choose to answer. The game is called Magic: The Gathering. In this game you build a deck of sixty cards or more, but sixty...
  48. R

    Can a Single Probe Accurately Measure RF Power on Multilayered PCBs?

    I often use Spectrum Analyzers to probe RF signal powers at different points on multilayered PCBs. These probes have a single conductor (or at least only require a single conductor). Placing the probe on a signal trace on the top exposed surface of the PCBs instantly shows us the RF power at...
  49. S

    Shake it to Light: The Magic of Mechanoluminescence

    Is there some kind of liquid that glows when you shake it, then shines for a while and fades away (mechanic energy to light without anything else needed except a bottle of that liquid)?
  50. Q

    Unleashing the Mysteries of Magic Tricks

    Know any good Magic Tricks? :smile: