Magic Definition and 109 Threads

  1. N

    Creating a Magic Square Program: How to Check if an n x n Grid is Truly Magical

    "The arrangement of numbers with n rows and n columns to be a true magic square is that it contains all the integers 1, 2, 3, n(squared)" What does this mean? I have to write a program that checks to see a n rows and columns is a magic square, how do I check for this?
  2. P

    Welcome to the Magical World of Magic Squares

    Greetings, I suppose all of us have at one time or another been fascinated by "magic squares" My question is: has the relationship of numbers in a magic square been found to be useful in the mathematical sciences in any advanced analytical work? Or is is just a mathematical curiousity?
  3. arivero

    Magic numbers and elementary particles

    This thread is not to be here (it is not speculative, nor it proposes any alternate theory, not it gives hints about building one). It was moved from "nuclei & particles". I have tryed to delete it, but the system does not let me to do it. In any case, the preprint is already out, it can be...
  4. L

    New Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution for Magic Numbered Nuclei

    New Geometrical Polar-Ring Solution for Magic Numbered Nuclei. It is well known that if the neutron- or proton number within atomic nuclei have the following quantities (2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126: the magic numbers), then the atoms are showing a more than average stability. As an example...
  5. R

    News How the Right Hijacked the Magic Words

    How the Right Hijacked the Magic Words By Stanley Fish, New York Times, August 13, 1995 DURHAM. N.C. When the verdict in the first Rodney King beating trial was announced many were amazed at the acquittal of the police officers, especially since their actions had been filmed by an amateur...
  6. G

    Unleashing the Power of Nanocomputers: The Potential of Smart Dust Technology

    Does anyone know real magic? i mean physical magic. something very obvious, not just the subtle kind. Not, that subtle magic isn't as great, pagan magics i mean mostly being that's about the only magics i can think of, but I'm looking for something pretty apparent.
  7. Saint

    Create a 200-word Document with Magic Winword | Easy Tutorial

    Open a new document, in the first row, type this : =rand(200,99) and press Enter :wink:
  8. S

    Does anyone here believe in magic?

    magic... Who here believes in magic...and if you do what do you think it is like and how it works...give it a try...
  9. A

    Math Magic Trick: Equidcomposability & the Banach-Tarski Paradox

    This is related to the Banach-Tarski paradox. One of the sites mentioned in that thread has a beautiful "experiment" on equidcomposability: Let A be a unit circle, and B be a unit circle with one point missing. It turns out that you can divide B into two subsets, rotate one of them, and then put...