Magnetic force Definition and 414 Threads

In physics (specifically in electromagnetism) the Lorentz force (or electromagnetic force) is the combination of electric and magnetic force on a point charge due to electromagnetic fields. A particle of charge q moving with a velocity v in an electric field E and a magnetic field B experiences a force of








{\displaystyle \mathbf {F} =q\,\mathbf {E} +q\,\mathbf {v} \times \mathbf {B} }
(in SI units). It says that the electromagnetic force on a charge q is a combination of a force in the direction of the electric field E proportional to the magnitude of the field and the quantity of charge, and a force at right angles to the magnetic field B and the velocity v of the charge, proportional to the magnitude of the field, the charge, and the velocity. Variations on this basic formula describe the magnetic force on a current-carrying wire (sometimes called Laplace force), the electromotive force in a wire loop moving through a magnetic field (an aspect of Faraday's law of induction), and the force on a moving charged particle.
Historians suggest that the law is implicit in a paper by James Clerk Maxwell, published in 1865. Hendrik Lorentz arrived at a complete derivation in 1895, identifying the contribution of the electric force a few years after Oliver Heaviside correctly identified the contribution of the magnetic force.

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  1. D

    Is My Magnetic Force Calculation on a Power Line Correct?

    Homework Statement A high-voltage power line carries a current of 106 A at a location where the Earth's magnetic field has a magnitude of 57.1 µT and points north, 71.9° below the horizontal. Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic force exerted on a 251 m length of wire if the current in...
  2. S

    How Does Magnetic Force Affect a Wire in a Field?

    Homework Statement A wire is oriented along the x-axis. It is connected to two batteries, and a conventional current of 2.3 A runs through the wire, in the +x direction. Along 0.27 m of the length of the wire there is a magnetic field of 0.82 tesla in the +y direction, due to a large magnet...
  3. B

    The true speed of Electric and Magnetic force.

    To all the experts: Ok, in this example, I'm going to have an "ideal" circuit with no ohmic losses, etc. just for ease of calculation... The circuit is connected to a power source with it's own on/off switch. I turn on the power source and... 1. How fast does the Electric Force...
  4. K

    Magnetic Force of a copper wire

    Homework Statement The top wire is 1.00 mm diameter copper wire and is suspended in air due to the two magnetic forces from the bottom two wires. The current flow through the two bottom wires is 95 A in each. Calculate the required current flow in the suspended wire. Homework...
  5. C

    Net magnetic force on a loop parallel to a wire

    Homework Statement A long, straight wire carries a current of I1 = 15.8 A. Next to the wire is a square loop with sides L = 1.17 m in length. d = 1.42 m, as shown in the figure below. The loop carries a current of I2 = 2.66 A in a direction parallel to the wire. Calculate the magnitude of...
  6. H

    Can I calculate magnetic force of a magnet?

    Is there a way of calculating how much force can be applied to an object if you are given the magnetic field strength of an electromagnetic? For example, if an electromagnet produces a B field of 4T, what is the maximum mass of iron it can hold? And also, how does one calculate the...
  7. K

    What is the Magnitude of Magnetic Force on an Electron in Various Orientations?

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  8. M

    Charge Acted By Magnetic Force AND Friction

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  9. M

    How can Gauss value be used to calculate magnetic force in Newtons?

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  10. S

    Magnetic force would it take to launch 1,000 , 5,000 and 10,000 pounds

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  11. A

    Magnetic Force on Moving Charges

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  12. KleZMeR

    How Does a Rectangular Loop in a Magnetic Field Behave?

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  13. S

    Magnetic force on a wire problem

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  14. M

    Net magnetic force in unit-vector notation

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  15. B

    Magnetic force on wires -direction of B

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  16. B

    Magnetic force question - should be easy

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  17. I

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  18. G

    Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge

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  19. S

    What Happens to a Proton in a Magnetic Field?

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  20. S

    How powerful should the magnet be to repel against gravity?

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  21. T

    Calculating Charge Ratio in a Uniform Magnetic Field

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  22. K

    What is the Maximum Magnetic Force on an Electron in a Television Set?

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  23. T

    Calculating Maximum Magnetic Force on Electrons in a Television Set

    magnetic force help ? Homework Statement In a television set, electrons are accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 23 kV. The electrons then pass through a 0.27 T magnetic field that deflects them to the appropriate spot on the screen. Find the magnitude of the maximum...
  24. S

    Magnetic force, finding angle between velocity and magnetic field

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  25. S

    Current on wire, three axes, magnetic force

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  26. S

    Magnetic force between conductors

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  27. T

    How Much Is a Charged Bullet Deflected by Earth's Magnetic Field?

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  28. G

    Radius of Circular Path Affected by Magnetic Force: Increase or Decrease?

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  29. A

    Involves magnetic force and point charges with constant velocity.

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  30. R

    How Do You Calculate Magnetic Force in a Moving Conductor Setup?

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  31. Q

    Is the Magnetic Force Really Doing No Work?

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  32. rocomath

    Magnetic Force, simple length question

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  33. A

    Magnetic Force on a Wire with a Changing Direction of Current

    Homework Statement A segment of wire carries a current of 62 A along the x-axis from x=-6m to x=0 and then along the z-axis from z=0 to z=2.9m. The magnetic field is equal to 110 mT in the positive z direction. What is the magnitude of the force on this segment of wire? Answer in units of...
  34. E

    Magnetic Force of Attraction Between Spinning Charged Shells

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  35. Q

    Copper wire magnetic force help

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  36. G

    Magnetic Force: Causes & Effects of Opposite Poles

    What causes the magnetic force between 2 magnetic poles?
  37. N

    Magnetic Force on Charged Particle: True or False?

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  38. S

    Solving a Magnetic Force Problem: Finding q & r

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  39. G

    How does a magnetic crane lift a car if the magnetic force doesn't do any work?

    My professor brought this up in class the other day, but has yet to elaborate on it and i can't stop thinking about it. I don't know if my wording is correct either so correct me if I'm wrong: The magnetic force will always act perpendicular to the displacement of a particle. Therefore, the...
  40. A

    Magnetic force between two parallel moving charges

    Hi everyone, I have been trying to find an answer to the following question on several websites on the topic, but no luck until so far. Maybe there is someone who can help me here: question: If two charges move parallel to each other (say in vacuum and relative to me), with equal speed...
  41. Y

    Photons associated with magnetic force

    Hi guys First of all apologies if my question appears naive or simplistic - new to this field. I have read that the force carrier for the electromagnetic force is the photon. So I bring the same poles of two magnets together and feel the repulsive force thus produced. I am unaware of any...
  42. A

    Magnetic Force on a Charged Particle in Constant Magnetic Field

    Homework Statement A charged particle is moving in a uniform, constant magnetic field. Which one of the following statements concerning the magnetic force exerted on the particle is false? It changes the velocity of the particle. It increases the speed of the particle. It does not...
  43. T

    Magnetic force on a charge carrying wire

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  44. B

    Calculating Angle for Magnetic Force of 2.2F

    When a charged particle moves at an angle of 19° with respect to a magnetic field, it experiences a magnetic force of magnitude F. At what angle (less than 90°) with respect to this field will this particle, moving at the same speed, experience a magnetic force of magnitude 2.2F?
  45. B

    Calculating Maximum Magnetic Force on an Electron in a Television Set

    In a television set, electrons are accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 23 kV. The electrons then pass through a 0.28 T magnetic field that deflects them to the appropriate spot on the screen. Find the magnitude of the maximum magnetic force that an electron can experience...
  46. J

    Investigating the effect of magnetic force on a current carrying wire

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  47. K

    How Fast Must You Drive to Experience a 210N Magnetic Force on Your Head?

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  48. K

    How Does Earth's Magnetic Field Affect a Charged Object in Motion?

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  49. K

    How Is Magnetic Force Calculated on an Electron in a Uniform Field?

    Homework Statement An electron in a vacuum is first accelerated by a voltage of 48200 V and then enters a region in which there is a uniform magnetic field of 0.183 T at right angles to the direction of the electron's motion. What is the force on the electron due to the magnetic field...
  50. F

    Magnetic force with spring and resistor problem

    I am having a great deal of trouble solving the following problem. Can anyone help? A straight wire of mass 10.2 g and length 5.0 cm is suspended from two identical springs that, in turn, form a closed circuit (Fig. P19.66). The springs stretch a distance of 0.51 cm under the weight of the...