Magnification Definition and 182 Threads

Magnification is the process of enlarging the apparent size, not physical size, of something. This enlargement is quantified by a calculated number also called "magnification". When this number is less than one, it refers to a reduction in size, sometimes called minification or de-magnification.
Typically, magnification is related to scaling up visuals or images to be able to see more detail, increasing resolution, using microscope, printing techniques, or digital processing. In all cases, the magnification of the image does not change the perspective of the image.

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  1. A

    How Is Magnification Calculated with Two Thin Lenses?

    Homework Statement A light source placed in the focus of a (thin) lens with a focal length of 50mm. A second (thin) lens (with focal length = 400mm) was placed 600mm after the focal point of the first one, an image of the light source was captured at the seonds lens focal point. How...
  2. K

    Finding object distance with only the focal length and magnification?

    A magnifying glass has a diverging lens with a 13.0 cm focal length. At what distance from a toothpick should you hold this lens to form an image with a magnification of +5.00? I simply have no idea what to do. I tied moving around the equations to make them work, but I can't figure it out...
  3. H

    Series LC circuit and voltage magnification?

    I am trying to figure out what the voltage across each component will be. In the cirucit above resonance occurs between inductor L1 (5 Henries) and Capacitor C1 (10nF) The other inductor (L2) is 10 Henries and the circuit's resistance is 1,000 Ohms. Here's my attempt at figuring the voltage...
  4. C

    Magnification; What's focal point

    After using the equation 1f = 1÷do + 1÷di I found what the focal point / f was. Now, what would the focal point represent? Is the focal point the image height or object height in the equation m = hi÷ho = -di÷do
  5. C

    Calculating Magnification of a Microscope: Solving the Magnification Problem

    A microscope produces an image that is 1.00 x 10-4 m high from an object that is 4.00 x 10-7m high. What is the magnification of the microscope? I've already tried applying this with the formula 1f = 1÷do + 1÷di So: 1f = ( 1÷ 4.00 x 10-7) + ( 1÷ 1.00 x 10-4 ) 1f = 250 000 + 1000...
  6. S

    Magnification (major confusion with the signs)

    In magnification, I keep confusing the signs. I don't know if the signs change when comparing converging and diverging lenses (apart from the focal point). I think that: (a) real image = positive magnification (b) virtual image = negative magnification (c) upright/errected = positive...
  7. A

    How Far Should a Magnifying Glass Be Held for Maximum Angular Magnification?

    Homework Statement If you have normal vision and are properly using a magnifying glass with a refractive power of 12.5 diopters, how far should you hold it from the object to achieve maximum angular magnification?Homework Equations 1 diopter = 1/focal length = m^-1 M=angular magnification Mmax...
  8. L

    Curved mirror identification & magnification question

    Homework Statement I can't seem to figure out whether I'm dealing with a + or - radius value. Anyways here's the question: An object 5.0 cm tall produces an image that is 7.0 cm behind the mirror. If the radius of the curvature of this mirror is 10.0 cm, what is the magnification of the...
  9. P

    Lenses- magnification adn focal length

    Homework Statement Hey,, I was wondering if anyone could help me with some physics work i am doing as i am completely stuck. Is there supposed to be any relationship with the magnification and focal length of lenses and if so what is it? I did an experiment and measure the magnification of...
  10. R

    Can our eyesight framerate capability be improved through reverse magnification?

    Hi.Non-physics student posting here for first time purely out of curiosity. I was wondering if we could improve our ability to percieve high speed objects which move to fast to see, by, for want of a better phrase, using a big magnifying glass backwards. For instance, if a car moves down a 500...
  11. P

    The Magnification of a Microscope Given Distances and Focal Lengths

    Alright, I was hoping that someone could help me out with this... The problem is: "The distance between the eyepiece and the objective lens in a certain compound microscope is 21.0 cm. The focal length of the eyepiece is 2.60 cm, and that of the objective is 0.400 cm. What is the overall...
  12. D

    Magnification due to a Diverging Lens

    Homework Statement The focal length of the diverging lens is 74 cm. If an object with height h = 0.6 cm is located at d = 37 cm, what is the height of the image? Homework Equations Thin-Lens Equation: (1/do)+(1/di)=1/f Magnification Equation: m=-di/do The Attempt at a...
  13. M

    Converging Lenses and Magnification

    I'm in the middle of studying for the MCAT, and just want to get all the concepts instead of memorizing how to solve problems. I'm having a hard time understanding converging lenses. From what I understand, converging lenses create real images that are inverted. This property of inversion...
  14. S

    Finding focal length given magnification and object distance?

    The distance between an object and its upright image is 15.5 cm. If the magnification is 0.7, what is the focal length of the lens being used to form the image? Answer in units of cm. So I tried combining the equations p+q=15.5 and -q/p=.7 and still was unable to come up with a correct...
  15. L

    Solving for Magnification in a Microscope

    1. Your task in physics laboratory is to make a microscope from two lenses. One lens has a focal length of 2.8 cm, the other 1.1 cm. You plan to use the more powerful lens as the objective, and you want the eyepiece to be 15 cm from the objective. What is the magnification of your...
  16. E

    Angular Magnification: Deriving M_pn & Proving M_pn = M_infty + 1

    Homework Statement Conside two ways to use a convex lens (1) image formed at infinity s'=-\infty and (2)s' at the near-point s'=-p_n. The angular magnifications are M_\infty and M_pn respectively. Derive the angular magnification M_pn and show that M_pn = M_\infty + 1 Homework Equations...
  17. A

    Total magnification of microscope

    I have a small question. I am using coumpound microscope with video attaced and I got using 40X times objective and 10X eyepiece that my magnification on video screen is 1000 times.I know that between eyepeace and video system where is a beam splitter and between beam splitter and video screen...
  18. L

    Why Is My Calculation of Lens Object Distance Incorrect?

    1.An object is placed to the left of a lens, and a real image is formed to the right of the lens. The image is inverted relative to the object and is one-half the size of the object. The distance between the object and the image is 102.0 cm. (a1) How far from the lens is the object...
  19. Q

    Stargazing Understanding the Magnification of a Telescope: Why is M = f_o / f_e?

    hi, i don't understand why the 2 converging lens telescope's magnification is given by M = f_o / f_e where f_o = focal length of objective, and f_e = focal length of eyepiece... issn't M = image distance / object distance... in the case of a infinity object, the image is also infinity...
  20. A

    Microscope magnification question

    Homework Statement A compound microscope has a length of 25 cm. The objective lens has a linear magnification of -20cm, and the eyepiece has an apparent magnification of 10, what are their focal lengths (fe and fo)? How close to the objective lens should the object be placed for viewing the...
  21. M

    Angular magnification and image size

    Homework Statement You have a lens with f=1m. You decide to make a camera to take a picture of the solar eclipse. The image of the sun and its corona have an angular size of 1.00 degrees. Find the diamter (in cm) of the resulting image. Homework Equations M=theta'/theta = 25cm/f The...
  22. E

    Finding the Position of a Sample Using Microscope Magnification

    Homework Statement A microscope with a tube length of 200 mm achieves a total magnification of 800\times with a 40 \times objective and a 20\times eyepiece. The microscope is focused for viewing with a relaxed eye. How far is the sample from the objective lens? Homework Equations...
  23. B

    Solar Magnification: Benefits & Potential Downsides

    As kids, we all tried the magnifying glass trick outside, using the sun's rays through the glass to burn paper. My question is, is this simple magnification used to increase solar heating of water in (rooftop) solar heating systems? If not, why not? Potential downsides realized...perhaps it...
  24. F

    What Happens When You Look Through Binoculars Backwards?

    Homework Statement A pair of binoculars has a magnification of 7X. What would be their magnification if you were to look through them the wrong way, that is, through one of their objective lenses instead of the eyepieces? Homework Equations focal length f = -L/M The magnification...
  25. J

    Angular Magnification for mirrors and lens

    Homework Statement I'm looking for someone to clarify a strange result regarding angular magnification. For both mirrors and lens. Homework Equations m(angular) = θ'/θ M(lateral) = h'/h = - d'/d θ ≈ h/d (for small angles) The Attempt at a Solution Using the angle equation, I get a...
  26. K

    Convex Mirrors and Magnification

    Homework Statement What is the image distance for an automobile 4.5 m in front of a convex miror with a 0.15 m focal length? I found this to be 0.155 m The question I'm having a problem with is: What is the magnification? Homework Equations magnification = - (image distance/object distance)...
  27. P

    Understanding Magnification in Lens Systems

    GREEN= Correct Homework Statement The lens in the figure is used to produce a real image of a candle flame at the 36 cm mark. What is the focal length of the lens? focal length= 9 (My attachments aren't working, however, if you were to draw a line, put a lens in the middle, then a...
  28. S

    A Few Question On Lens and Magnification

    Homework Statement So i thought it was Real, magnified, and inverted but just wanted to check. Then also i wanted to know this here is the picture Look up the size of Jupiter and the distance to Jupiter when it...
  29. J

    Magnification for concave mirror

    A concave mirror creates an image on the screen 2x larger than the object. BOTH objects and screen are subsequently moved in order to create an image on the screen 3x larger than the object. If the screen is moved 0.75 m in this process, how far is the object also moved? --- Magnification, M =...
  30. F

    An intro question about the magnification factor of an SEM

    An intro question about the "magnification factor" of an SEM A scanning electron micrograph of xylem vessels in a corn root shows the vessels magnified by a factor of 600.? In the micrograph the xylem vessel is 7.0 cm in diameter. (a) What is the diameter of the vessel itself? (b) By what...
  31. H

    Discover the True Magnification of Your Magnifying Glass: A Complete Guide

    How to Measure magnification How can I see how strong a magnifying glass is? I hear a lot of people talk about magnifying and how strong the magnification is, but I would like to know the true magnification of my magnifying glass. I have a few of them and some seem stronger then...
  32. H

    Discovering the True Magnification of Your Magnifying Glass: Tips and Tricks

    How to Measure magnification How can I see how strong a magnifying glass is? I hear a lot of people talk about magnifying and how strong the magnification is, but I would like to know the true magnification of my magnifying glass. I have a few of them and some seem stronger then...
  33. I

    Please: Find the angles, magnification, total length of the roometc. of paint-

    URGENT please: Find the angles, magnification, total length of the roometc. of paint- Homework Statement The well known 17th Century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer only painted 30 paintings during his life. However, they were created with incredible, almost photographic-like detail. The use...
  34. H

    Focusing on Object K: Magnification & Adjustment of Focal Length

    Homework Statement Suppose the lens in a human eye has far focal length equal to f0 = 40.1 mm, for distant objects to be in focus. A. An object K is 1.69 m from the lens. How much should the focal length change to focus on the object K? B.What is the magnification ( = image size...
  35. K

    Calculating Magnification of Christmas Tree Ornament

    Homework Statement A spherical Christmas tree ornament is 4.76 cm in diameter. What is the magnification of the image of an object placed 11.9 cm away from the ornament? Homework Equations f = .5* r (1/di) + (1/do) = 1/f m=-(di/do) The Attempt at a Solution f = .5*2.38 =...
  36. L

    Angular Magnification of Microscope

    Homework Statement Hey, I'm having trouble with this question on microscopes. A microscope is made up of an objective of power +100D and an eyepiece of power +50D, the two lenses being separated by 18cm. How far in front of the objective must an object be placed if the image of the object...
  37. A

    Analyzing 2-Lens System: Image Position, Magnification & Nature

    Homework Statement A convex lens (f1=300mm) is placed 200 mm from a concave lens (f2=-50mm). An object is placed 6m away form the convex lens. (the order is as follows: object - 6m - convex lens - 200mm - concave lens). Determine the position, magnification and nature of a final image...
  38. G

    Magnification in a Convex Lens: + or -?

    In a conversing lens, if the object is not within the focal point, then the magnification is "-". But in the case where the object is placed in the focal point, then the magnification is "+"?
  39. G

    Understanding Negative Lateral Magnification in Optics

    Homework Statement If lateral magnification is negative what does that mean? Homework Equations m = -di/do The Attempt at a Solution From what I understand that focal distance for converging devices (concave mirrors and convex lens) is always positive. So this would make m="-"...
  40. F

    Calculating Image Height from Magnification: How to Solve

    my question is how do you determine the height of the image do you have to draw the ray diagram first to scale and then measure physically with a ruler or is there a way to mathematically do it the formula for calculating magnification of an object is M=hi/ho (magnification = height of...
  41. C

    Magnification and focal length

    Homework Statement A lens has a focal length of 120 cm and a magnification of 4.0. How far apart are the object and the image? Homework Equations I used the thin lens equation 1/f = (1/di + 1/do)^-1 and M = -d image/d objectThe Attempt at a Solution I have been trying this by rearranging the...
  42. rootX

    Calculating Angular Magnification: f=10cm, i=25cm

    Homework Statement f = 10 cm i = 25 cm Find angular magnification of lens Homework Equations Ang mag = theta_image/theta_object The Attempt at a Solution I found p to be 16.67 using 1/p+1/25=1/10 and I am not sure about the next step. theta_0 = atan (16.67/25) theta_f =...
  43. M

    Lenses - Thin-Lens Equation and Magnification Equation

    [SOLVED] Lenses - Thin-Lens Equation and Magnification Equation I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, your help would be greatly appreciated :) Here is the Homework Problem A camera is supplied with two interchangeable lenses, whose focal lengths are 35.0 and 150.0 mm. A woman whose...
  44. V

    Angular magnification of a microscope

    Homework Statement The image formed by a microscope objective with a focal length of 5.00\;{\rm mm} is 160\;{\rm mm} from its second focal point. The eyepiece has a focal length of 26.0\;{\rm mm}. What is the angular magnification of the microscope? Homework Equations The...
  45. J

    Stargazing Magnification of dobsonian telescope

    how can i get the magnification of dobsonian telescope i made??
  46. Y

    Stargazing Optic Quality and Useful Magnification of the Orion Skyview Pro 6 Telescope

    Hi I am slightly confused... Many books and website says that your telescope's useful magnification ranges from 20X per inch to 100X per inch according to the optic quality. How do i find out the optic quality and useful magnification for my own telescope? (p.s. i am using a Orion Skyview Pro 6")
  47. J

    How Is Telescope Magnification Calculated?

    How to get the magnification of my telescope if my objective lens (double convex) has a focal length of 500mm, and an eyepiece w/ 4 lens (double convex) that is close together (touching each other) and has a focal length of 500mm each lens?
  48. R

    Optics - What is the magnification of the lens?

    Object O1 is 15.0 cm to the left of a converging lens of 10.0-cm focal length. A second lens is positioned 10.0 cm to the right of the first lens and is observed to form a final image at the position of the original object O1. (a) What is the focal length of the second lens? (b) What is the...
  49. R

    Magnification of an image - How does the image look like?

    If the magnification for an image is equal to –3.5, what is the nature of the image? I am having difficulties understanding this question and finding answer. Can anyone can tell me where can I find information about this question or how to solve it?...
  50. J

    How i can find the magnification of a lens?

    how i can find the magnification of a lens?? how i can find the magnification of a lens if i don't know it's focal length??