Magnitude Definition and 1000 Threads

An order of magnitude is an approximation of the logarithm of a value relative to some contextually understood reference value, usually ten, interpreted as the base of the logarithm and the representative of values of magnitude one. Logarithmic distributions are common in nature and
considering the order of magnitude of values sampled from such a distribution can be more intuitive. When the reference value is ten, the order of magnitude can be understood as the number of digits in the base-10 representation of the value. Similarly, if the reference value is one of certain powers of two, the magnitude can be understood as the amount of computer memory needed to store the exact integer value.
Differences in order of magnitude can be measured on a base-10 logarithmic scale in “decades” (i.e., factors of ten). Examples of numbers of different magnitudes can be found at Orders of magnitude (numbers).

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  1. emarie

    Calculate the magnitude of the velocity at point from a given equation, a(t)

    These questions keep appearing in my past-papers and yet at no point in the course notes can I find a worked solution. Unfortunately I'm not sure where to start. My initial thoughts were regarding getting an equation using known values but w.r.t. to t and integrating for v, but like I said I...
  2. themountain

    The magnitude and direction of the minimum magnetic field

    F=ILB F=(48)(.76)B F/36.48=B I am stuck at how to find F, is there a different formula I am missing?
  3. S

    I Main Sequence Rules: Definition & Interpretation

    When viewing an HR diagram, the main sequence curve is apparent, and the general shape of it is obvious. However, in this truncated version, it's unclear to me exactly which stars should be considered main sequence. I've added a shaded grey area as what I think I should count as main sequence...
  4. JD_PM

    Computing the Magnitude of F Using Gradient

    Homework Statement Homework Equations $$F = \nabla \phi$$ $$| F | = \sqrt{F \cdot F}$$The Attempt at a Solution I want to compute ##| F | = \sqrt{F \cdot F}## $$| F | = \sqrt{F \cdot F} = \sqrt{\frac{(km)^2 (r-r_0)^2}{|r-r_0|^6}} = \sqrt{\frac{(km)^2}{(r-r_0)}} =...
  5. J

    What is the magnitude of the average force?

    Homework Statement An athlete on a sled is moving with a speed of 3m/s across a pond with ice. If the total mass of the sled-athlete system is 95 kg, what magnitude of force is required to bring the sled to rest in 15 seconds? Homework Equations Force acting = change in momentum/time that...
  6. T

    How do I determine the uncertainty value of the star's absolute magnitude?

    Homework Statement I have a star that has an apparent magnitude of 13.73 with uncertainty of 0.03303 It's distance Modulus is 13.9967 so it's absolute magnitude is -0.26 The distance is 6300 parsecsHomework Equations [/B] The uncertainty on log10(d) is given by Δ(log10)≈0.4343 Δd/d ΔQ) =...
  7. Jozefina Gramatikova

    Cosmology: luminosity and magnitude

    Homework Statement Homework Equations [/B]The Attempt at a Solution (a) (b) Could you tell me if what I am doing is correct? In part (b) they want M as a function of L so I assumed we have to get rid of the l. Do I have to use l(m=0) = 1.52 x 10 ^(-8) ?[/B]
  8. P

    Calculate the magnitude and direction of the torque

    Homework Statement [/B] a) (a) Assuming the HCl molecule consists of point-like ions (H+ and Cl) separated by 1.0 * 10^-10m, find the dipole moment of the molecule. b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the torque exerted on this dipole if the molecule is subjected to an external electric...
  9. L

    What Is the Magnitude of the Electric Field Between Parallel Plates?

    Homework Statement An electron is projected with an initial speed v0 = 4.65×106 m/s into the uniform field between the parallel plates in (Figure 1). The direction of the field is vertically downward, and the field is zero except in the space between the two plates. The electron enters the...
  10. AgNO3

    Find the magnitude of this velocity - SHM problem

    Homework Statement Two rubber pads are affixed at the bottom of a box and the assembly thus formed is placed on a uniform slope of inclination 0.5 degrees. Coeff of friction is 0.60 between the pads and the plane. Two electric motors installed in the box can make the pads move back and forth...
  11. Zack K

    Magnitude of an Electric Field due to a dipole

    Homework Statement A dipole is located at the origin, and is composed of charged particles with charge +e and -e, separated by a distance 2x10-10m along the x-axis. Calculate the magnitude of the electric field due to the dipole at location ##\langle 0.2\times 10^{-8}, 0, 0\rangle##m Homework...
  12. Zack K

    Location of charged particle given magnitude of position

    Homework Statement A charged particle has an electric field at ##\langle -0.13, 0.14, 0 \rangle## m is ##\langle 6.48\times10^3, -8.64\times10^3, 0 \rangle## N/C. The charged particle is -3nC. Where is the particle located? Homework Equations ##\vec E=\frac 1 {4π\varepsilon_0} \frac q {|\vec...
  13. Haddon

    Calculating the magnitude of an electric field

    Homework Statement An electron enters the lower left side of a parallel plate capacitor and exits precisely at the upper right side (just clearing the upper plate). The initial velocity of the electron is 7*10^6m/s parallel to the plates. The capacitor is 2cm long and its plates are separated...
  14. mikelison womack

    How do you find the magnitude of acceleration?

    Homework Statement . If F = 4.0 N and m = 2.0 kg, what is the magnitude a of the acceleration for the block shown below? The surface is frictionless. Homework Equations F=MA +/- Mg The Attempt at a Solution 19.6[/B]
  15. ParticleMan

    Amplitude vs Magnitude: Explaining the Probability Density

    While trying to get a better understanding of amplitude vs magnitude, something I should frankly already know, the following video popped up near the top of my google search. Hmm...anything to point out? How many things? But seriously, how would YOU explain amplitude vs magnitude? Would...
  16. F

    The change in magnitude of centripetal acceleration

    When an object (e.g. racecar) moves around in circles with constant tangential velocity, constant centripetal acceleration is present. What happens to the centripetal acceleration when the racecar is at rest, then increases its speed? I know that the tangential velocity increases due to the...
  17. H

    Maximum speed and magnitude of the acceleration of a spring?

    Homework Statement If a midpoint of a guitar string executes simple harmonic motion following the form x(t)=Asin(wt+φ), and its angular frequency is ω = 2.76 × 103 s−1 and A=1.60mm. What is then its maximum speed of the string during this motion? And what is the maximum magnitude of the...
  18. lomidrevo

    SR: magnitude of a particle's 3-momentum

    Homework Statement We observe an experimentalist moving by with 4-velocity ##u^\mu## and a particle zipping by with 4-momentum ##p^\mu##. Show that magnitude of the particle's 3-momentum as seen by the experimentalist is given by $$ |\vec p| = \left [ (p \cdot u)^2 + (p \cdot p)^2 \right ]...
  19. YMMMA

    What is the magnitude of acceleration?

    Homework Statement Objects X and Y, shown below, are released fronm rest in outer space. The only force acting on the objects is their mutual gravitational attraction. The mass of X is one-half that of Y. With respect to the original rest frame, the magnitude of the acceleration of X is (A)...
  20. E

    Determine the magnitude of the vertical clamping force at E

    Problem: Determine the magnitude of the vertical clamping force at E in terms of the force P applied to the handle of the toggle clamp. Picture: I separated the machine into different parts and tried using ΣFx=0, ΣFy=0, and ΣM=0, but I can't seem to get the equations to link up to each other...
  21. J

    What is the magnitude of the acceleration of cylinder's com?

    Homework Statement In the figure below, a constant horizontal force app of magnitude 18 N is applied to a uniform solid cylinder by fishing line wrapped around the cylinder. The mass of the cylinder is 19 kg, its radius is 0.11 m, and the cylinder rolls smoothly on the horizontal surface. (a)...
  22. YMMMA

    Where is the electric field greatest in magnitude?

    Homework Statement In the file Homework Equations No equations needed The Attempt at a Solution I answered it C. Since I learned that at the tip there are most of the charges. Therefore, it’s the point of the greatest E field magnitude. But another tutor told me that it is a circle, and...
  23. CivilSigma

    What is the equation for determining the magnitude of a vector in 2D space?

    Homework Statement For any vector in 2D space, it can be broken down into its horizontal and vertical components. Homework Equations In one of my engineering classes, we are using the following equation to determine the magnitude of a vector: $$u=v_1 \cdot cos\theta +u_2 \cdot sin\theta$$...
  24. Al_Pa_Cone

    Determine the position and magnitude of the max bending moment

    Homework Statement For my question, I am following a previous method I used in my HNC where I had to determine the position and magnitude of the maximum bending moment. I am now working on my project and I have revisited this question but I am having some issues in my method. The above diagram...
  25. B

    B Magnitude vs. Size: Understanding the Difference

    What's the difference between magnitude and size? I mean, how can I say that AB vector has a magnitude of 9 Newton, and its length is 4 cm.
  26. isukatphysics69

    What is the magnitude and direction of the electric field

    Homework Statement What is the magnitude and direction of the electric field at the position indicated by the dot in the figure below? Give your answer in component form in the blanks below. What is the x-component of the electric field at the indicated point? Homework Equations kq/r^2 The...
  27. alexi_b

    Finding Vector Angle using cosine law

    Homework Statement Vectors A and B have equal magnitudes of 4.93. If the sum of A and B is the vector 6.79j, determine the angle between A and B Homework Equations c^2 = a^2 + b^2 -2abcos(theta) The Attempt at a Solution I just rearranged the formula above so that I could solve for the...
  28. StillLearningToronto

    Calculating Quasar Variability Using CCD Camera and Magnitude Comparison

    Homework Statement You have decided to use a CCD camera to check if a 16th magnitude quasar is variable. With your telescope/camera combination, you know that a star with a magnitude of 0 would deliver 1 × 109 photons/second to one pixel, so this allows you to work out the photons/second from...
  29. W

    My Second Post: Change in Magnitude of Normal Force?

    Hello, Let us imagine a solid immersed in a liquid in a container such that the density of the liquid is less than the density of the solid. This means that the solid must sink. Let us study the solid when it reaches the bottom surface and is now at rest. The forces acting on the solid when it...
  30. P

    A Calc Magnitude of Proper Accel w/ 3-Vectors & 4-Vectors

    I've been wondering if there is an expression for the magnitude of the proper acceleration of an observer in terms of three-velocities and three-accelerations. I didn't find any, so I took a stab at calculating it. However, it was not at all convenient to do the calculations without 4-vectors...
  31. A

    A Magnitude of resulting decay rates due to Anti-Zeno effects

    Regarding the Quantum Anti-Zeno effect (AZE), we know that frequent measurements of a decaying system (such as a decaying radioactive nucleus) can induce greater decay rates. However, if I understand correctly, you can change the percentage of change in the decay rate. For example, if you have...
  32. Muhammad Danish

    What is the proper way to present mathematical problems on online forums?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Is my solution correct? If not then please point out the mistakes and help me solve this question in the right way. Thanks in advance. The Attempt at a Solution
  33. P

    Magnitude of the electric field at equator (measured in kV)

    Hi there Only known variables include the solar flux on the Earths atmosphere at the equator is 1.5 kWm^ -2. I've calculated the total energy from the Sun as 4 x 10^26 W, but can't seem to get to a calc of the mag of electric field at equator (measured in kVm^-2).
  34. alijan kk

    Finding the Magnitude of 3 Forces on a Square

    Homework Statement Three forces each of magnitude 1N act from one corner towards the other corner of a square there sum has a magnitude nearest to : Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution diagonal of a square is equal to √2 , the answer should be 3√2
  35. granzer

    I What is the magnitude of a tensor?

    I know that a vector is a tool to help with quantities that have both a magnitude a direction. At a given point in space, a vector has a particular magnitude and direction and if we take any other direction at the same point we can get a projection of this vector in that direction. Tensor is a...
  36. N

    Calculating the magnitude of an impulse

    Homework Statement Aplayer bounces a 0.43-kg soccer ball off her head, changing the velocity of the ball from Vi = (8.8 m/s)x + (-2.3 m/s)y to Vf = (5.2 m/s)xN + (3.7 m/s)y[/B] . If the ball is in contact with the player’s head for 6.7 ms, what are (a) the direction and (b) the magnitude of...
  37. J

    Magnitude of the force of static friction

    Homework Statement A block of mass M is at rest on an incline that makes angle theta with the horizontal. Given that the static coefficient of friction is mu_s1 and the kinetic coefficient friction mu_k, what is the magnitude of the force of static friction exerted on the block by the incline...
  38. berkeman

    Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake in Hawaii versus on the Hayward Fault -- What am I missing?

    How come I saw a video of a magnitude 6.9 earthquake on the island of Hawaii on the evening news just now, and the grocery store products were not even falling off the shelves (and no deaths or injuries), versus the same magnitude earthquake prediction here on top of the Hayward Fault (east of...
  39. isukatphysics69

    Magnitude of the total momentum of both blocks

    Homework Statement Find magnitude of momentum of both blocks Homework Equations p=mv The Attempt at a Solution I am doing my homework right now and just need help understanding finding the total momentum given a before collision/ after collision situation. So i am unsure if i should take the...
  40. G

    I Magnitude of the gradient of a constant scalar field

    Hey! Short definition: A gradient always shows to the highest value of the scalar field. That's why a gradient field is a vector field. But let's assume a constant scalar field f(\vec r) The gradient of f is perpendicular to this given scalar field f. My Questions: 1. Why does the gradient...
  41. D

    Calculating the magnitude of the total electric field at P

    Homework Statement Two electric charges each produce electric fields. At a certain point in space P, the electric field due to the first charge has a magnitude of 8 N/C, and points directly to the right. The electric field at that point due to the second charge has a magnitude of 3 N/C, and...
  42. J

    Magnitude of the average force during a collision

    Homework Statement A 0.170-kg baseball pitched horizontally at 36.0 m/s strikes a bat and is popped straight up to a height of 36.0 m. If the contact time between bat and ball is 2.0 ms, calculate the magnitude of the average force between the ball and bat during contact. ##m_b=0.17kg##...
  43. C

    Finding the magnitude of the voltage gain in dB

    Homework Statement Hi, so in a MOSFET amplifier question(a common-source amplifier in particular), we are examining the effects of the parasitic capacitances of the MOSFET when included in the small-signal model. In particular, the gain of the amplifier with these capacitances. So I derived the...
  44. bornofflame

    Rank forces according to magnitude: Newton's 2nd/3rd laws

    Homework Statement Two crates, A and B, are in an elevator as shown. The mass of crate A is greater than the mass of crate B. a. The elevator moves downward at constant speed. ... iii. Rank the forces on the crate according to magnitude, from largest to smallest. Explain your reasoning...
  45. syamsul andry

    Magnitude of the acceleration of the fly

    Homework Statement A buzzing fly moves in a helical path given by the equation r(t)=ib sin(wt) +jb cos(wt) + kct2 Show that the magnitude of the acceleration of the fly is constant, provided b, cc, and c are constant. Homework Equations v = r/t The Attempt at a Solution
  46. rocky4920

    Finding the magnitude of the current flowing through a wire

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution [/B] My question: in order to find the answer for part d, I have the L, the B, and the mass. However, the F equations have I, which I do not have. Would I have to solve for I in order to find F? If so, I would like some...
  47. E

    A frictionless incline with a block sliding down it....

    A frictionless incline (the triangle below) is bolted to the floor so that it can not move. A block of mass m slides down the slope, which makes an angle with the horizontal.a)Draw a free-body diagram for the block, labeling all forces uniquely. b)Describe all the forces listed above in the...
  48. D

    What is the displacement and average velocity of a classic car in a road rally?

    Homework Statement You enter an antique classic car road rally with your 1956 Studebaker Golden Hawk. The rally course consists of the following segments: travel north at 25.0 m/s for 30.0 min, then east at 32.0 m/sfor 40.0 min, and finally northeast at 30.0 m/s for 50.0 min. For the entire...
  49. L

    Finding magnitude of vector without direction (kite problem)

    Homework Statement A child is flying a large kite of mass 6.8 kg on a windy day. At the moment shown the tension from the string on the kite has a magnitude of 17.0 N and makes an angle of = 32.6° from the vertical, and the acceleration of the kite has a magnitude of ak = 7.72 m/s2 and makes...
  50. brioches

    A positive charge of magnitude Q1 = 8.5 nC is located....

    Homework Statement A positive charge of magnitude Q1 = 8.5 nC is located at the origin. A negative charge Q2 = -8.5 nC is located on the positive x-axis at x = 16.5 cm from the origin. The point P is located y = 7.5 cm above charge Q2. Calculate the x-component of the electric field at point P...