What is Maple: Definition and 266 Discussions

Acer is a genus of trees and shrubs commonly known as maples. The genus is placed in the family Sapindaceae. There are approximately 132 species, most of which are native to Asia, with a number also appearing in Europe, northern Africa, and North America. Only one species, Acer laurinum, extends to the Southern Hemisphere. The type species of the genus is the sycamore maple, Acer pseudoplatanus, the most common maple species in Europe. The maples usually have easily recognizable palmate leaves (Acer negundo is an exception) and distinctive winged fruits. The closest relatives of the maples are the horse chestnuts. Maple syrup is made from the sap of some maple species.

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  1. Y

    Mathematica Solving equation with mathematica

    hi i want to solve this equation a/x=Cosh[b/x] i set a=1 and b=5 and use NSolve code but mathematica say it can not solve it. but with maple i get real and imaginary parts. 1-is there another method to solve this equation numerically? 2-can this equation be solve for arbitrary a and b...
  2. E

    Maple Finding the Right Math Software for Summer Calculus Class

    In a couple weeks, I'm going to be teaching a summer calculus class and I wanted to introduce my students to the mathematical software that can be used. However, where I teach they do not have maple or mathematica, so I have to use one of the open source programs (octave, maxima, scilab etc)...
  3. A

    Mathematica Which Math Program is Best for Differential Equations & Vector Analysis?

    Hi, I am new to this forum, so forgive me if this is a really obvious question. I am a high school student interested in doing a project involving differential equations, and vector analysis (basically calc 1 - III, linear algebra, and a bit of differential equations). I will use this program...
  4. S

    Maple When Will I Need Math Software in My Studies?

    Hi all. Ok, so I'm a mathematics major, but I'm only so far as my first linear algebra course right now. I have not had any need to use Maple or Mathematica or Mathlab or a calculator for that matter. So, I'm curious WHEN I might have to start using these programs (what level math)...
  5. MathematicalPhysicist

    Maple Solving a Nonlinear PDE in Maple 18 using Numeric Methods

    I wrote the next code: restart; pde := diff(u(x, t), t)+diff(u(x, t), x)-(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), t))^2 = u(x, t); tmax := 0.5e-1; xmin := 0; xmax := 1; N := 10; bc1 := du(xmin, t) = 0; bc2 := u(xmax, t) = 0; ic1 := u(x, 0) = 1; ic2 := du(x, 0) = 2; bcs := {u(x, 0) =...
  6. J

    Maple Have you tried Maple 18 Personal Edition?

    Has anyone tried or heard of Maple 18 Personal Edition? I'm looking for individual software programs that I can use.
  7. dkotschessaa

    Maple MAPLE - Simple procedure to test primality

    This is technically a "homework" type question so I just need a bit of help. I'm just learning maple and writing a very basic procedure. I'm testing primality exhaustively by using the mod function. (Yes, maple has a built in procedure for this, but this is just an exercise). ISPRIME...
  8. D

    Maple Maple: Swapping Enter & Shift+Enter for Line Break?

    I want Enter to produce a line break, and shift+Enter to evaluate. Swapping the default commands. Is it this possible? Programming in maple is a pain if I have to press shift+enter every time.
  9. dkotschessaa

    Maple Some very basic Maple help (numtheory)

    This is EXTREMELY basic. I am using maple to run a Pohlig Hellman algorithm to solve discrete logs. If I use ifactor to get a result, i.e. > ifactor(p-1); (2)3 (5) How do I assign the...
  10. darida

    Maple Maple - Error (in plots:-display)

    I tried this on maple: eps1 := [0, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1]: start1 := 2.3: base1 := 1.1: for i from 1 to 6 do R := start1*base1**0: points1[i] := [R, evalf(eval(mH, {M=1, r=R, epsilon = eps1[i]}))]: for a from 1 to 20 do R := start1*base1**a: points1[i] := points1[i], [R, evalf(eval(mH, {M=1...
  11. D

    Maple Maple calculates the wrong answer?

    Hi all! I have tried to calculate a1 using Maple as shown here: http://screencast.com/t/iV1XwJ1CXiqU The problem is when I do this exact same calculation by hand with the exact same values I always end up with 59.99 but Maple gets 65.03? How can there be such a big difference? Thanks!
  12. J

    Mathematica Maple check of Mathematica code for Puiseux expansion

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone here with Maple could run the algcurve[puiseux] routine to compute the expansion of the algebraic function: f[z,w]=2 w^9+5 w^{10}+20 w^7 z+3 w^8 z+8 w^5 z^{10}+9 w^6 z^{10}+z^{14}+3 z^{15}+4 w^3 z^{15}+w^4 \left(10 z^5-z^6+2 z^7\right)+w^2 \left(3 z^{15}-20...
  13. W

    MATLAB What is the difference between matlab & maple?

    Are they both same? I have been using maple from past couple of months in order to find solutions & to plot graphs etc & I am quite comfortable with it. If Matlab is better than maple then is it hard to use MATLAB & is the syntax of MATLAB same as maple?
  14. G

    Maple Maple gives plot inconsistent with equation

    Hi, OK, its night, I've been in front of this computer for eight hours and am slowly but surely going insane, not least because of the latest in a series of issues in what, I was hoping, would be a straightforward calculation. So here it goes: Basically I'm using Maple to conduct what...
  15. J

    Maple Maple soft, transcendental equations

    Hello guys, I am new to maple software and I am stuck on solving a simple transcendental equation: sin(x)=x/2 over the range x=-3,...,3. I know how to solve this equation for individual intervals, for example: > fsolve(sin(x) = (1/2)*x, x = -3 .. -1); >...
  16. K

    Maple MAPLE: Superimpose graphs of 10 discontinuous functions

    Hi, I'm working on an assignment which requires me to superimpose the graphs of 10 different discontinuous functions on the same graph. Can someone please explain step-by-step how to do so in MAPLE? By the way, I have absolutely no experience in any computer programming in any form and I've...
  17. S

    Mathematica List of CAS: Mathematica, Maple

    Hello All, I would like to ask about experience in general math as well as general engineering software. At university time we used in different departments 1. Mathematica http://www.wolfram.com/ + add on http://www.fgg.uni-lj.si/Symech/ 2. Maple http://www.maplesoft.com/ + add on Mechanics of...
  18. T

    Maple Maple Partial Sum Problem: How to Find the Sum of a Series on Maple 13

    So I'm trying to figure out how to find that partial sum of a given summation of a series on maple 13. Iv tried looking all over the internet for answers to my problem, but no site seems to answer my problem. I am trying to find the sum of a series. When i plug in 1/x^2 and evaluate I get the...
  19. I

    MATLAB Area command in Matlab or Mathematica or Maple

    Hi, I would like to know if there is a command in Matlab or Mathematica or Maple, which shows the area of a closed curve. For example, find the area enclosed by a circle, x^2+y^2=1. I wish I could use a command like "SOME_AREA_COMMAND[x^2+y^2=1]" and it can give me the answer Pi. I know I...
  20. L

    Mathematica Plotting and Integrating difficult functions/Maple or mathematica

    Hi Everybody, So basically I spent the summer working on some optics related stuff and now they want me to present my research work. This means I'm going to have to do numerical simulations for diffraction of Laguerre-Gaussian beam modes. In a word, the integrals are ridiculously long and...
  21. C

    Maple Basic Maple plotting problem not workin

    any how, i have this equation. I have read a quick online tutorial on maple. this is my equation in raw form Br*(arctan(W*L/(2*x*(4*x^2+W^2+L^2)^(1/2)))-arctan(W*L/((2*(x+2*T))*[4*(x+2*T)^2+W^2+L^2]^(1/2))))/Pi because i have 5 varibales, i did B1(Br,W,L,T,x):= [the above function] Now, i...
  22. Barnak

    Maple How to numerically solve differential equs with MAPLE ?

    I need help with the Maple maths software, which I don't know very well. I need to numerically solve a system of three second order differential equations, specifically with Maple. I have to write a code which numerically solves the Newton's equation, using some initial conditions, and then...
  23. G

    Maple Maple 14 - substitution into Differential equation

    I'm working on a lab for my Differential Equations class where we have to use a computer graphing program to do the work for us. I have chosen to use Maple 14. So far what I have to do is graph a differential equation and find the solution to it. However, it says that I should substitute y=ax+b...
  24. S

    Maple Help Plotting a Piecewise Graph(in Maple) But No Range is Given

    I need to know the command to how to plot a piecewise function graph, All the ones I have found successfully plot but they "ranges" to go with the domain value. The Two I have to graph don't have ranges or just have x(not equal to)= 0 or x=0 (Graphs are) attached thanks
  25. J

    Maple Software to recognize math stuff

    Hi I have a Genius tablet. Is there a software which provides a space where I can write math stuff on the tablet and it automatically converts the written (or, more correctly drawn on the tablet) into digital form? I don't need a software to recognize handwritten material such as Abby...
  26. W

    Mathematica How do mathematica and maple solve cubics?

    Hi, Does anyone know how mathematica and maple solve cubics? Do they do it numerically?
  27. M

    Maple Plotting f(x) with Maple: -4 < x < 4

    I have to plot the function f(x) in maple, for -4 < x < 4. I have got: a:= 0.58 b:=0.61 c:=0.35 f(x) := e^(-a)(x^2) - (b)(x)*ln((x^2) + 1) ....2 + (x^2) + (c)*sin(x(Pi)) Maple interprets this correctly, but when i go to plot it, it comes up with 'Warning, unable to evaluate the...
  28. I_am_learning

    MATLAB What are Matlabs,Mathcad,Mathmatica,Maple?

    They all look the same:rolleyes:. Could Somebody point out the differences and tell me which is the best for engineering Analysis and Visualization.
  29. O

    Mathematica Mathematica -difference of two Symbolic summations

    I wish to compute Sum[f[i], {i, 0, m}] - Sum[f[i], {i, 0, j}] but can't get the expected result Sum[f[i], {i, j+1, m}] I also tried Sum[f[i], {i, 0, m}] - f[0] but can't get the expected result Sum[f[i], {i, 1, m}] It seems that mathematica can't change the minimum/maximum...
  30. A

    Maple How to Plot the Third Column Versus the First in Maple 9.5?

    I have a data file with 3 columns, and I am running Maple version 9.5 I want to read and plot the third column versus the first. How? When I do: :> datafile=readdata(datafile, float, 3); and then :>plot(datafile); Maple just gives me a plot of column 2 versus 1 - leaving the...
  31. P

    Maple Troubleshooting GRTensorII Error in Maple 12: Unable to Load Metric

    Hey! I'm running GRTensorII version 1.79 on Maple 12. When I try to load a metric, I get the following message Error, (in grload) unable to read `C:/Programme(x86)/Maple12/metrics/kerr.mpl` I've installed everything according to the guide, but it just won't work. Maybe anybody has an...
  32. Z

    Maple How to Integrate a Numeric Solution to a Differential Equation in Maple?

    Hi, I have a question about integrating an numeric solution to a differential equation in Maple. I have solved a system of 3 odes: sol := dsolve({initial, syst}, func, numeric) where syst := diff(OmegaLambda(x), x) = ode1, diff(OmegaK(x), x) = ode2, diff(lnH(x), x) = ode3. This then gives me...
  33. A

    Maple What is the best textbook for learning how to use MAPLE?

    I have to learn how to use it for: 1. The Basics: arithmetic operations, brackets, constants and variables. 2. Functions: expressions vs functions, Maple's functions, substituting in an expression, piecewise defined functions, simplifying an expression. 3. Basic Calculus: limits...
  34. W

    Simplying linear equation to get quartic in q using Maple

    Using the maple I am trying to get quardic in q from this big linear equation. Then use Descarte’s rule of signs to determine the number of positive roots. \begin{equation} \frac{\gamma*q*P_Q}{k_p*(1-q)*P_C} = \frac{I*\alpha}{k_f+k_d+\frac{k_n*\lambda_b*\gamma*q*P_Q}{\lambda_b* \gamma...
  35. R

    Maple How Can I Simplify This Linear Equation to a Quartic in q Using Maple?

    Using the maple I am trying to get quardic in q from this big linear equation. Then use Descarte’s rule of signs to determine the number of positive roots. \begin{equation} \frac{\gamma*q*P_Q}{k_p*(1-q)*P_C} =...
  36. L

    Maple Heat equation with Neumann B.C. in Maple

    Hello! I have written the code in Maple for Heat equation with Neumann B.C. Could anyone check it? I will be very grateful! Heat equation: diff(u(x,t),t)=diff(u(x,t),x,x); Initial condition: U(x,0)=2*x; Boundary conditions: Ux(0,t)=0; Ux(L,t)=0; I use centered difference approximation for...
  37. K

    Maple demonstration of kepler law

    Hello, I have been trying to do an assignment for one of my physics class. We are trying to demonstrate the planetary motion using Kepler's law. I have been trying to solve a integral. I was able to solve it using maple. I am trying to solve equation 29 in attached figure. I got equation 31...
  38. Y

    Maple Exploring Level Curves of a Function with Maple

    Hello all, I am trying to draw the level curves of this function: \[z=\frac{x^{2}+y^{2}}{y}\] at C=-1,-2,1,2 I started with C=1, and I got kind of stuck with this shape \[x^{2}+y^{2}=y\] Maple gave this as the answer, I don't get it: thanks !
  39. F

    Maple What Are the Mistakes in This 4-Door Monty Hall Simulation Code in Maple?

    Hi, Iam a new user of Maple and having hard time to figure out what Iam doing wrong. I need to set up Monty Hall simulation problem with 4 doors. Monty will open door twice and give opportunity to the player to switch the door or not. That's what I came up with. Could anyone point out my...
  40. C

    Change of variables in a differential equation in Maple

    Homework Statement Consider the differential equation zZ'' + Z' + γ2 Z = 0, where Z = Z(z). Use the change of variables x = √(z/b) with b a constant to obtain the differential equation Z'' + (1/x)Z' + α2Z = 0, where Z = Z(x) and α= 2γ √b Homework Equations Maple commands The Attempt at a...
  41. alane1994

    Maple Maple Diff.Eq. Help: Pick Correct Value for ktemp

    Maple Diff.Eq. Not really sure where to place this, as it crosses a couple lines. However, much of the confusion arises from the programming. Here is what I have. My code, My problem, My confusion is from what does it mean for Pick correct value for ktemp in the last line of code that I...
  42. M

    Probably a simple Maple syntax error(hopefully). Help?

    Probably a simple Maple syntax error(hopefully). Help? :) 1. I'm working on a research project. I've used this exact syntax below before and it worked on maple. I tried it a couple weeks later on the same computer in the math lab, and it didn't work. Then I tried it on my laptop- I think it is...
  43. S

    Maple How to plot and animate an ODE in Maple using finite difference scheme

    Hi, I am currently trying to plot and animate a wave function using the Schrodinger equation. I currently have the following finite difference equation:- i(\psi(x, t+\Delta t)-\psi(x,t))/(\Delta t)=-(1/2)*(\psi(x+\Delta x, t)+\psi(x-\delta x, t)-2*\psi(x,t))/((\Delta...
  44. S

    The mean value theorem for integrals and Maple

    Homework Statement I have function f which is defined upon an interval [a,b]. I have calculated the mean value using the theorem \frac{1}{b-a} \int_{a}^b f(x) dx What I would like to do is to plot in Maple the mean value rectangle. Where the hight of this rectangle represents the mean value...
  45. S

    Maple Wrong maple leaf on Canadian currency

    Canada has apparently issued a 20 CAD bill with a Norwegian maple leaf on it's face side according to an expert . Tsk!TsK! http://news.yahoo.com/canada-put-wrong-maple-leaf-canadian-dollar-20-195337455--business.html
  46. B

    How do i plot 2D steady state temp in maple?

    Hi all, I am wondering how I plot the steady state temperature distribution of a square flat sheet in maple. I solved the initial partial differential equation I was given and ended up with a function generalized as T(x,y) =(constants)*sum(stuff). Which is a Fourier series representing...
  47. stripes

    Why Is Maple Giving Incorrect Answers for Summations?

    Homework Statement Verify the following summations using Maple (see image). Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution For the first one, I enter sum(k^3, k=1..n); in Maple, and the result is 1/4*(n+1)^4-1/2*(n+1)^3+1/4*(n+1)^2, which is definitely not the...

    Maple Maple issue - inverse laplace transform equation from a basic series RLC circuit

    maple issue -- inverse laplace transform equation from a basic series RLC circuit Pretty simple for some of you I know, but I have a laplace transform equation from a basic series RLC circuit ((sV-v(0))/L+si(0))/(s^2+sR/L+1/LC) = I(s) I want to take the inverse laplace of it, I am given all...
  49. T

    Maple Can I find a Maple program example for solving tensors on Planet Source Code?

    Hi. I really need an maple program example that solve tensor. Plz help me
  50. K

    Approximating Root of Equation with Newton's Method Using Maple

    Homework Statement Use Newton’s Method to approximate the indicated root of the equation to correct six decimal places. The root of 2.2x5 – 4.4x3 + 1.3x2-0.9x-4.0=0 in the interval [-2, -1] USE MAPLE. Homework Equations Newtons'method. The Attempt at a Solution I am...