Maple Definition and 266 Threads

  1. A

    Mathematica Plots over Z in mathematica and maple

    im sort of new to using maple and mathematica for number theoretical functions, is there any way I can plot the values of an integer defined function in either of these programs? thanks
  2. B

    Maple Maple simple integration HELP

    Maple "simple" integration HELP ! hi, somebody please try to help me to integrate an expression in Maple or Mathematica or other... I don't have any of these programs and I don't want to solve it "by hands", because it seems to be long... You can find the expression in my .pdf attachment...
  3. M

    Maple How Do I Draw a Convex Hull in Maple?

    Urgent Question: Drawing a Convex Hull in Maple Homework Statement Drawing a Convex Hull of 5 2D Points... Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution Hi there, I am trying draw the convex hull of the 5 points x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 below. Is this the correct way of doing...
  4. P

    Maple Changing Default Units in Maple 10

    Well, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, but it seemed like a good place for it, heh... My question is, in Maple 10, how do you change the default units? More specifically, the program comes with the default angular unit as Radians, and I want to change it to Degrees...
  5. S

    Maple Drawing a Koch Curve with MAPLE

    I try to create my first program with MAPLE! Therefore, I really need your help! I'd like to draw a Koch curve with the two function f and d and a constant a=0.5+sqrt(3)/6 *I. Koch curve:=proc(x,y); local a ,d, f,m; z:=evalf(x+y*I); a := 1/2+sqrt(3)/6*I; d :=a*conjugate(z) ...
  6. R

    Maple Is maple syrup nicer tasting than honey?

    Is maple syrup nicer tasting than honey?
  7. L

    Maple Plotting Fresnel Integral Equations in Maple: How to Generate a Table of Values

    hello, I am plotting the fresnel integral equations in maple. I was able to plot them, but I also need to tabulate various x and y values of the function between x=-8.5 and x-8.5 in 0.1 increments. Is maple able to do this? I searched for "table" in the help file with no real solution. Can...
  8. Hootenanny

    Maple Maple plot piecewise function for a mark scheme

    I need to plot the following piecewise function for a mark scheme I'm writing, but I can't seem to get maple to plot it. I can define the function, but when I ask maple to plot it, it just hangs. Any help would be much appreciated. The function; f(\theta):= \left\{\begin{array}{lcr}...
  9. A

    Mathematica Comparing Maple and Mathematica: Pros & Cons

    Hi... I have a simply question...Which program is better and why? Maple or Mathematica?
  10. N

    Mathematica Simple tensor manipulation in Maple or Mathematica

    I know that this might not be the best forum for the question but I am sure people here can help. I want to do some simple tensor contraction using Maple or Mathematica. The calculation is simple but extremely long. All I want is to teach Maple/Mathematica to do tensor contraction without...
  11. D

    Mathematica HS setting: Mathematica vs Maple vs?

    I'm wondering what your opinions are concerning Mathematica and Maple. I'm about to order one or the other for my calculus class (in a high school, college credit/level class). I'm anticipating on getting students at least somewhat familiar with what software will do. I'm also planning on...
  12. C

    Maple Maple numerical integration and eq. solving

    How can I speed up some calculations in maple? I have a function f(A)=A*I_0(A)/I_1(A)-c0*log(A/I_1(0))-1 I_0(A)=NInt(exp(A*c1*cos(x)*cos(y)*cos(z)), 0..2*Pi) I_1(A)=NInt(cos(x)*cos(y)*cos(z)*exp(A*c1*cos(x)*cos(y)*cos(z)), 0..2*Pi) c0 and c1 are known constants. I need to solve the...
  13. A

    Solving Punishment with Maple: Double Looping for Fun!

    i need help with maple. its for college. i have no idea what i am doing. can someone help me get that. i tried to get the ans but i just don't get it. Thanks if you can help me out. here is the problem. lolz its not that big. i have the ans for what i tried that's why its big...
  14. mattmns

    Maple Old Software Maple 8/9: How to Acquire and Use with Maple 7

    How would one acquire an old version of Maple (say 8, or 9)? Is it something that is easy to do? Thanks.edit... Maybe I should add that I have Maple 7, but one of the classes I am taking next semester will have a book that has programs that need some of the things from Maple 8+ (I guess they...
  15. murshid_islam

    Maple How to Draw a Vector Field in MAPLE?

    i am new in using MAPLE. can anyone please tell me how i can draw a vector field in MAPLE? suppose i want to draw the vector field of \vec{A} = x\hat{i} + y\hat{j}. or you can take any other vector you like to demostrate how i can draw it.
  16. H

    Maple Plotting arrays of values in Maple

    I'm tring to plot a nuclear decay curve in Maple. I need to calculate the activity at regular time intervals which I'm doing by using a repetition statement to create an array something like: > for time from 1 by interval to 600 do... etc. It's working the arrays out fine, but when I...
  17. S

    Mathematica Which CAS should I choose for my math courses: Maple 10 or Mathematica 5.2?

    I'm going to get a CAS for next semester, since I'll be taking Differential Equations as well as a Matrices course. The price for the student version of each is about the same, so which one do you think I should get? I've tried Mathematica, and it's not bad, but after checking out the demos on...
  18. E

    Maple How to Solve Display and Adjoint Calculation Problems in Maple 10?

    Hi folks. I just got Maple 10 and I'm having some problems with it. First off, whenver I read in a matrix from a file, it will display the whole thing on screen (which is quite a mess) if the dimensions are less than 11x11. Is there anyway to change the default on this so It will always put...
  19. tandoorichicken

    Maple How to Clean Maple Syrup Vandalism

    Hello PF peoples! Today was a sad, sad, day.:cry: I was on my way to class and I stepped on something sticky right outside my front door. Long story short, someone thought it would be really funny to coat my car, front doorstep and patio with a generous layer of maple syrup.:mad: I know...
  20. P

    Maple Function extrema and Maple accuracy

    Hi, I have a function f(x) = \frac{\cos(x^2)+x}{x^2+2},\quad x\in[0,3] I have to find the extreme values of the function in in the range [0,3], with Maple, by solving f'(x) = 0. Maple will solve these numerical, and I get 3 values. c_1 = 0.5345058769, c_2=1.732313261 and c_3=2.461303848 ...
  21. S

    Maple Floating point representation in Maple

    How do i show the floating point reprensetation of a number like say ... 100! or 1000! in maple?? i am relatively new to maple so i am not familiar with many of the commands
  22. dextercioby

    Maple Tricky integral and nasty Maple

    Let's say i feed Maple with this baby \int_{0}^{\infty }\frac{x\ln x}{1+e^{x}}dx After some thinking he gives me \int_{0}^{\infty }\frac{x\ln x}{1+e^{x}}dx = \frac{1}{12}\left( \ln 2\right) \pi ^{2}+\frac{1}{12}\pi ^{2}-\frac{1}{12}\pi ^{2}\gamma+\frac{1}{2}\zeta \left( 1,2\right)...
  23. L

    Maple Getting Started with Maple 10 - Issues with Integrals

    hi all, I am new to the forums and am certainly enjoying my stay here (great topics and threads!) :-p Well, I just started out installing and playing around with Maple 10 today. It is a little different to use. Maybe someone can help me. I plug in this equation exactly the way it...
  24. V

    Maple Grouping Terms with Maple: Simplify Expressions with e | Step-by-Step Guide

    I have an expression like this: expr1:=x*e^2+y*e+(x^2-1)*e^2 How i can, using maple, group terms with e. In this case with result like: expr2:=e^2*(x+x^2-1)+e*y
  25. L

    Maple Using Variables in Maple for Quantum Calculations and Fourier Analysis

    Is there anyway to use a variable in Maple but assign the variable to be an integer, or a multiple of 2Pi, or to be a real number, or anything like that? For instance, I want to do a quantum calculation, involving Fourier analysis, but I want the computer to know that the n's and m's I'm...
  26. V

    Maple Probability in Maple: Solving with \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}

    Gday, I am trying to write some code in Maple involving probabilities. Here is an example of what I want to do: with probability \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} y:=3 with probability \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} y:=4 with probability 1-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} y:=5 its easy enough for a probability of...
  27. quantumdude

    Maple Tutorial: Circuit Analysis with Maple

    Since Greg recently started allowing Maple worksheets as attachments and since this lonely little forum gets hardly any traffic, I'm going to start using it as an incubator for the development of tutorials for use at PF. I've attached a Maple worksheet (done in Maple 9.5) that shows how to do...
  28. D

    Maple Maple, Integration, Invaild Differential

    I want to use maple to check my homework problems, but I can't get it to integrate even a simple function. I keep getting the error : Error, Invalid differential. I have been looking thorought the help for quite some time, and don't see anything on what is and what isn't a valid differential...
  29. quantumdude

    Maple Maple Worksheets at the Maplesoft Website

    Say, did you guys know that you can become a registered member at Maplesoft for free and get access to an entire library of professionally-written Maple worksheets and code?? I just found out about this, and I'm like a kid in a candy store! One of the applications is for truss analysis, which...
  30. M

    Solving a DE Using Maple 9: Integral of (-25x)/(3e^(5x))

    Hello everyone. I'm solving this D.E. and i used maple 9 to figure out the integral of: (-25*x)/(3*e^(5*x)) it spit out: (1/3*1/(ln(e)^2)+5/3*1/ln(e)*x)/exp(5*x*ln(e)) Here is what it is, sorry i don't LaTeX it up, its easier for me to just scan...
  31. G

    Mathematica Where Can I Download Maple or Mathematica Software and How Much Does It Cost?

    Hi all, I'm currently searching for downloadable maple/mathematica software, do any of you know where I could go online to find one? If I were to buy one, how much would it typically cost?
  32. C

    Mathematica Math Software Comparison: Mathematica vs Maple

    I'm looking for some math software that I'll be able to use through university. I'll be doing honors in physics next year. I know there are nice TI graphing calculators but how do they compare to computer software? What are your opinions on Mathematica vs Maple vs ______?
  33. C

    Maple Solving Maple Function Minimize Problem with Cristian

    Hello, I have a problem with maple. My code is like this: f(A1(v),A2(v),A3(v)) fm:=minimize(f,A1=-1..1,A2=-1..1,A3=-1..1) so that I obtain a fm(v). But I also need to find A1(v),A2(v),A3(v) that minimize f. Do you know any way to do this? Cristian
  34. O

    MATLAB New section for Maple, MatLAB, Mathematica?

    Can we create a section on dedicated to the different mathematics software? Separate forums for Maple, MatLab, and Mathematica would allow us to group together questions on those different software packages.
  35. Clausius2

    MATLAB Maple Download and Maple-Matlab

    Hi i) Do you know some free website for free downloading Maple? ii) I've heard that Matlab 6.5 has some kind of Maple built inside. What kind of things one can make with that Maple of Matlab? May I solve ODEs? Thanx
  36. M

    Maple Maple Help: Introducing Numerical Functions for Dielectric Constant Calculation

    Hi, someone knows if and how is possible to indroduce nuemrical function in a Maple worksheet? For example, I want to calculate the dielectric constants for a material knowing its optical constants "n" and "k" for a set o walength. How I can introduce somenthing like an orign worksheet or a...
  37. D

    Maple Maple gaussian reduction multiplying rows

    Hello, I am using maple for gaussian reduction. I have to do it row by row for 1 part > g:=swaprow(f,1,2); [ 0. 3.5 3.5 3.5] [ ] g := [ 2 -1 -5 -7] [ ]...
  38. J

    Maple Why don't untapped maple trees explode?

    In my food and culture/biology class, our teacher played an audio file about untapped maple trees exploding, but after it was over, she told us it was an April Fool's prank. However, I am curious to know. Why don't untapped maple trees explode?
  39. W

    Maple Solving Maple Procedure Problem with DE_soln

    Having a problem with a procedure in maple the procedure is > proc1:=proc(f,a,b,xmin,xmax) > local locallist; > locallist:=[seq(rhs(f),_C1=a..b)]; > RETURN(locallist); > end; the test function I am using for f is DE_soln = y(x) = (arctan(x)+_C1)/(1+x^2)^2; Which I got from...
  40. W

    Maple Solving Maple Procedure Issues with DE_soln

    Having a problem with a procedure the procedure is > proc1:=proc(f,a,b,xmin,xmax) > local locallist; > locallist:=[seq(rhs(f),_C1=a..b)]; > RETURN(locallist); > end; the test function I am using for f is DE_soln = y(x) = (arctan(x)+_C1)/(1+x^2)^2; Which I got from using the...
  41. M

    Maple How to use the function pi in maple

    Maple Help! could anyone tell me how to use the function pi in maple. i need to figure it out for a statistical mechanics assignment. Thanks
  42. T

    Maple How to change the font and font size in graphs in Maple?

    Does anybody know how to change the font and fontsize in graphs in Maple?
  43. T

    Maple Maple 10, have you tired it yet?

    Maple 10, have you tried it yet? I posted this in the software forum but I didn't get an adequate response and it was recommended that I try asking the question here. I currently have Maple 9.5 and I find it easy to get started, powerful and useful. What I was wondering is if anyone...
  44. T

    Maple Maple 10, have you tired it yet?

    Has anyone tried the new Maple 10 yet? I have 9.5 and I want to know if Maple 10 is worth it for an upgrade? Thanks
  45. D

    MATLAB Matlab vs mathematica vs maple?

    I currently don't know how to use any such programs like this. I took a C++ class along time ago but barely remember it. I am a junior undergrad and feel like it is very important that I learn to use some such program like one of these. Does anyone...
  46. M

    MATLAB Why is the Iteration Method Not Working Correctly in Matlab and Maple?

    hello i want to solve the folowing problem with MATLAB or maple but the answer is wrong: we have: rho0:=0.57; eta:=rho0*(evalf(Pi))/6; lambda1:=((1+2*eta)^2)/(1-eta)^4; lambda2:=-((1+eta/2)^2)/(1-eta)^4...
  47. P

    Maple Revive Your Maple Tree: Tips for Saving a Dying Norway Maple

    Help my maple tree ! The maple tree in our front yard hasn't been going to well, the past year. We cut down as many dead branches as we could. Branches that are uninfected seem to be perfectly fine ( for now) the branches that are dead/dying have buds on them but the buds didn't open like the...
  48. N

    Maple Dynamic Allocation with Maple Pointplot3d for Photon Propagation

    I'm making a MCML program on Maple, and I want to use the pointplot3d feature in conjunction with connect=true to show photon propagation. For each photon run , x, y, and z values are generated. I know how to make a pointplot3d plot given the points. e.g. points:=...
  49. J

    Maple Solving Differential Equations in Maple

    Hey all, I'm having trouble setting initial conditions when solving differential equations in Maple. Here's the equation: \theta(t)''+4\pi^2 sin(\theta(t))=0, with \theta(0)=A and \theta'(0)=B as initial conditions. I'd like to solve it with a command like...
  50. JasonRox

    Maple Solving DEs in Maple: DEPlot for y' = sin(x+y)

    I am trying to do a DEplot of... y' = sin(x+y) I know you do... with(DEtools): f:= **** (What do I put here?) DEPlot(f, ****(I don't know this either.)) Any help is appreciated. NOTE: I got it. I googled it and found some good websites. The help button on Maple sucks ass.