Mathemathics Definition and 104 Threads

Mathematics (from Greek: μάθημα, máthēma, 'knowledge, study, learning') includes the study of such topics as quantity (number theory), structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change (analysis). It has no generally accepted definition.Mathematicians seek and use patterns to formulate new conjectures; they resolve the truth or falsity of such by mathematical proof. When mathematical structures are good models of real phenomena, mathematical reasoning can be used to provide insight or predictions about nature. Through the use of abstraction and logic, mathematics developed from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity from as far back as written records exist. The research required to solve mathematical problems can take years or even centuries of sustained inquiry.
Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid's Elements. Since the pioneering work of Giuseppe Peano (1858–1932), David Hilbert (1862–1943), and others on axiomatic systems in the late 19th century, it has become customary to view mathematical research as establishing truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions. Mathematics developed at a relatively slow pace until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that has continued to the present day.Mathematics is essential in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, finance, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics has led to entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and game theory. Mathematicians engage in pure mathematics (mathematics for its own sake) without having any application in mind, but practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered later.

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  1. H

    Find the limit as h --> 0 for this trigonometery equation

    Homework Statement ##\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x - 2h) - f(x + h)}{g(x + 3h) - g(x-h)}## While f(x) = cos x g(x) = sin x Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Using L Hopital i couldn't make it more simple. I tried to divide it by cos and sin Can you give me clue?

    B Need some help with understanding linear approximations

    Hello. My problem is that I began with Linear Approximation and I'm terribly stuck. I have problems understanding its very concept and with calculations. (It may sound stupid but I'm autodidact and I'm studying mathematics in english (not my mother tongue) and sometimes it gets hard). It would...
  3. pairofstrings

    B What are some commonly used mathematical constants and their purposes?

    Hi. π is a constant. The purpose of π is to use it to find circumference of a circle or area of a circle. Correct? Can you please elaborate? Can you point out any other two constants and its purpose? Thanks.
  4. S

    B Why does the multiverse theory have only 4 levels?

    Why does max tegmark's and brian greene's levels of multiverses consider as the highest level the mathematical multiverse hypothesis if other authors like David Lewis consider that there could be also universes non described by maths? Why does it stop at level iv (mathematical universes...
  5. F

    I Please suggest whether I should use delta or dx method.

    I previously made a derivation of Neumann potential. It can be found in the pdf file below. I originally made it in the ##dx## method. It involved equations like ##dm=I dS##. My maths teacher told that such an expression has no meaning, at least in elementary calculus. However I argued that my...
  6. C

    Mathematica Is this a bug in Mathematica 11 ?

    I calculated a simple complex function integration using Mathematica 11. As the screenshot shows, the only difference between the two inputs is that I set a = 1 in the second one. However, the two outputs differ by a factor of 2. What's wrong? Is this a bug?
  7. R

    What is the expected value of the area of a triangle formed from a broken stick?

    Here's a math question I've been thinking about lately. We have a stick of length one which is broken in one spot (with that spot chosen randomly and uniformly). Of the two broken pieces we take the one on the right and break it into two pieces in the same manner as before. With our three...
  8. S

    What is 'phase space in chaos theory and nonlinear dynamics?

    The term 'phase space' is often used in the study of nonlinear dynamics.What is it.
  9. S

    I What is the difference between phase space and state-space?

    In state space, the coordinates are the state variables of a system.So,each point in state space represents a specific value of state variables.Thus,state space representation represents the changes in a dynamical system. The state variables are the minimum number of variables which uniquely...
  10. S

    Why Is Chaos Deterministic and Not Random?

    Chaos is deterministic behavior.Why is chaos deterministic.Why chaos is not random. Chaos is sensitive dependence on initial conditions,a slight change in initial condition can give rise to totally different trajectories.
  11. ohwilleke

    I Do these equations have a non-trivial solution?

    I was reading the following article that tries to use some equations originally proposed by Pauli in 1951 to reason from one of two reasonably plausible axions that there are tight constraints on the fundamental particle content and mass spectrum of the Standard Model together with BSM...
  12. AD MCFC

    Engineering BS Physics to Materials Science Graduate Advice/Thoughts

    Hello All, I am currently a junior in physics and have set sights on Materials Science (Electronic Materials/Nanotechnology) for grad school. My school does not offer MS.Eng as a degree and so the only Materials Science course I can enroll in as the general "Introduction to Materials Science...
  13. pairofstrings

    B A single or multiple equations of 'y'?

    Hello. I have an object that I want to talk about. The object above does not seem to have numbers in a definite pattern, so, I think that this object will not have a single equation that describes the object, but instead there will be multiple number of equations of 'y' in 'x'. Correct?
  14. daniele1234

    Number Theory Undergraduate Number Theory Book Recommendations

    Hi , everyone! This is my first post/thread/anything on this forum so first I apologise if I slip up or make any mistakes. Anyway, my question is about recommendations for textbooks for Undergraduate Number Theory. So far, I have studied Calculus 1-3 (including things like line integrals...
  15. H

    How to find the angles of a triangle in a semicircle?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations d(y)/d(x) --> max area area of triangle = 1/2 . base . height The Attempt at a Solution for number (2) [/B] x^2 + y^2 = r^2 --> circle equation base = 2R, height = y Area = 1/2 . 2R . y area = 1/2 . 4. √ (r^2 - x^2) area now is half of max = 2, so...
  16. pairofstrings

    Job Skills Becoming Part of the AI Revolution: Skilling Up for the Future

    Hello. I am looking for guidance. I have been working in software industry for about eight years now. I see that the trend is moving towards making a machine intelligent. I want to be part of this trend and move forward. My questions is: What skills do I need to become part of this era of...
  17. G

    Courses Which version of Real Analysis to take?

    Hello,I am a mechanical engineering student that loves mathematics and fluid mechanics. My school offers three different analysis courses and I’m not sure which to take. I took honors Fundamental of Mathematics, where we covered Abstract Linear Algebra, Set theory (along with rings and fields)...
  18. F

    I Show me how terms with Q disappear

    The general Ampere force law equation given by Maxwell is: According to Maxwell, all terms containing function ##Q(r)## will vanish after closed integration w.r.t. ##s'## because they will get reduced to functions of ##r## and the upper and lower integration limits will be same since the...
  19. Harshna

    Jobs in Physics/Mathematics that Actually do Calculus

    Hi, I am finding it a bit difficult to find a job where pure maths is actually done and looking for some ideas or examples from people who have done this please. I am in my last semester of a Graduate Diploma of Science (Applied Data Science) and am considering what to study for my Masters/pHD...
  20. Marcus95

    Fourier Series Coefficient Symmetries

    Homework Statement Let ## f(x) = \frac{a_0}{2} + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (a_n \cos nx + b_n \sin nx) ## What can be said about the coefficients ##a_n## and ##b_n## in the following cases? a) f(x) = f(-x) b) f(x) = - f(-x) c) f(x) = f(π/2+x) d) f(x) = f(π/2-x) e) f(x) = f(2x) f) f(x) = f(-x) =...
  21. M

    Understanding Integration Limits for Spherical and Cartesian Coordinates

    Homework Statement Shown in the photo attached. 2. Homework Equations ∫V r2Sinθdθdφdr in spherical coordinates ∫V dxdydz in cartesian coordinates equation of a sphere x2+y2+z2=r2 The Attempt at a Solution In this case y=(y-2): sphere displaced on the y-axis. and since it is bound by all...
  22. T

    Maximum likelihood of a statistical model

    Homework Statement I look at the distribution ##(Y_1,Y_2,...,Y_n)## where ##Y_i=μ+(1+φ x_i)+ε_i## where ##-1<φ<1## and ##-1<x_i<1## . x's are known numbers. ε's are independent and normally distributed with mean 0 and variance 1. I need to find the the maximum likelihood estimator for μ and...
  23. F

    Foundations I have complied a list of textbooks about Trig, Algebra, Etc

    I am planning to self-teach myself Trigonometry and all the other required fields before jumping into calculus. I have compiled a list of books that I have researched and would like your opinions and recommendations. Books: Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell: Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry...
  24. Timvizz95

    Studying How Can You Effectively Teach Yourself Algebra and Beyond?

    This is my first post on the forums, Hello! my names Tim, nice to be on here! I will keep this as short as possible. In high school, I hated math and loved science. Its a story I hear often. I was bad at math, or maybe it just wasnt introduced to me correctly. It took a lot of soul searching...
  25. T

    How to properly use the nlm function in R for minimizing functions?

    I try to find out how to minimize functions i R by using nlm function: > f<-function(x,y){x^2+y^2+10-5*x-y} > nlm(f,0.1,0.1) That only gives me an estimate for x. How would write the code to get x and y?
  26. A

    Apprentice in fiberoptics and test and measurement equipment

    I come from totally different field. studied previously business management but I was always fascinated by technologies. I find it really difficult to keep up with all the new terms and mathematical equations to follow up. I have to look after each words in every paragraphs. I have searched for...
  27. Marcus95

    Colinear points in a vectorplane

    Homework Statement If a, b and c are coplanar vectors related by λa+μb+νc=0, where the constants are non-zero, show that the condition for the points with position vectors αa, βb and γc to be collinear is: λ/α + μ/β + ν/γ = 0 Homework Equations Dot product Cross product Tripple product Vector...
  28. Indiana

    Which is More Mathematical: The Princeton Companion or Mathematics for Physics?

    Which is more mathematical among The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics and Mathematics for Physics by Michael Stone and Paul Goldbart? Both of them are applied mathematics books. What are the main differences between them? Which is more mathematical i.e. mathematically advanced...
  29. AnthoPhysx

    Engineering Which career can I get the most out of science?

    Long story short... I have been in community college for quite a while now and I just recently switched my major to Electrical Engineering from Business Administration. I personally just found that career path so boring and so I started hanging out with the science nerds at my community college...
  30. Alettix

    Trigonometric Equation Solving: Cosine and Sine Identities for Homework

    Homework Statement The following equation is to be solved for all x: ## \cos(x) + \cos(3x) = \sin(x) + \sin(3x)## Homework Equations The tripple angle formulas: ## \cos(3x) = 4\cos^3(x) - 3\cos(x) ## ##\sin(3x) = 3\sin(x) - 4\sin^3(x) ## The Pythagorean trig identity: ## \sin^2(x) + \cos^2(x)...
  31. david102

    Find the argument of the complex number.

    Homework Statement If modulus of z=x+ iy(a complex number) is 1 I.e |z|=1 then find the argument of z/(1+z)^2 Homework Equations argument of z = tan inverse (y/x) where z=x+iy modulus of z is |z|=root(x^2+y^2) The Attempt at a Solution z/(1+2z+z^2) = x+iy / 1+2(x+iy)+( x+iy)2 ...
  32. J

    Particle Group Theory book for Undergraduates

    Hello, what are some good books to learn group theory for physicists at an undergraduate level? Is Zee's Group Theory in a Nutshell good? Thanks in advance
  33. J

    Programs What should I major in if I'm not passionate about anything?

    So I’ve just turned twenty-one years old as of May 2016, and I will be a third year physics major starting in August for the Fall semester. I always hated school growing up, all throughout elementary, middle, and high school; I didn’t find any of the subjects interesting at all. When I was in my...
  34. Houeto

    Is this ODE a Bernoulli Equation? Exploring Solutions with Substitution

    consider ODE : Show that the solution to this ODE is: Can someone tell what kind of ODE is it?I thought,it's on the form of Bernoulli ODE with P(x)=0.Is it possible to still solve it by using Bernoulli Methodology?I mean by substituting u=y^1-a with a=2? Thanks
  35. C

    Mathematics of The Multi Dimensional Universe

    What are the mathematics behind multiple dimensions? Does mathematics allow for the existence of more than four dimensions? What allows the ability to possesses more that four dimensions, if there is already proof? I looked around, but I didn't find much by way of the answer I was looking for.
  36. M

    Schools Studying mathematics in university

    Hello all. Next year, I'm going to attend the university. I really want to study mathematics, since I enjoy doing this. My grades are quite high, but I spend a lot of time understanding what's really happening, although this is not always possible. I also spend time by learning things like...
  37. DrYassine

    Relationship between "Coriolis Effect" and "Gold Ratio"?

    A common claim that hurricanes and cyclones have geometrical proportions that resemble a logarithmic golden spiral. Knowing that cyclones and hurricanes rotate because of the well-known Coriolis Effect, is it possible that the Golden Ratio is just a natural manifestation of the Coriolis effect?
  38. CheesyPeeps

    How Do You Calculate Dot Products in Geometric Problems?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations p.q+p.r The Attempt at a Solution I've expanded p.(q+r) to give p.q+p.r. The magnitude of p is 3, and since ABE is an equilateral triangle, the magnitude of q is also 3, right? So then p.q=9, but the answer scheme states that p.q=4.5. I'm still pretty...
  39. Kiarash

    Why is the logarithm of the number of all possible states of

    Temperature of a system is defined as $$\left( \frac{\partial \ln(\Omega)}{ \partial E} \right)_{N, X_i} = \frac{1}{kT}$$Where Ω is the number of all accessible states (ways) for the system. Ω can only take discrete values. What does this mean from a mathematical perspective? Many people say we...
  40. Avatrin

    Overcoming Abstraction in Mathematics

    Hi As I am venturing in graduate level mathematics, I am having a recurring problem; I keep getting stuck in the abstraction of it. Usually it involved set theory; I never get "fluent" in it. However, the main problem is abstraction. For instance, this semester I had topology, and the...
  41. M

    Unusual Math Formulas on Blackboard: Understanding Pi and Lambda

    Someone has spray-painted (no idea why) these formulas on the blackboard. I assume they are from the math class that is held before our physics class. I'm guessing it to be calculus or mathematical logic but I don't know. What I'm reading is that pi equals lambda and therefore f equals 1. Does...
  42. J

    What should I major/minor in for a career in engineering?

    Hello world, (or whos reading) My names JJ King, and I am a 1st year under grad at a community college majoring in mechanical engineering (not 100%) and stuck on it, and i'd like to minor in either mathematics or physics- but that's a little bit on me - i'd like to really get a good idea on...
  43. M

    Exponential behavior in elasticity?

    Hi! I know some constitutive models for elastic materials like Neo-Hooke or Mooney-Rivlin, which give a relation between elongation ##\lambda=y/y_o## (where ##y## and ##y_o## are the length of the elastic material in a uniaxial compression test in the direction of the compression at stress ##P##...
  44. Oliver Ross

    Reaching skill level for Mathematical Research

    I'm a highly determined (and slightly stubborn) high school freshman who wants to learn enough mathematics to conduct mathematics research with a mentor. Looking on the internet, I found a program called MIT Primes, where students can be matched with graduate students/professors at MIT to...
  45. jaskamiin

    Are master's 'easier' to get into than PhD?

    I'll give you my questions first, so you don't have to read the rest of the mess if you don't feel like it. are (non-thesis) master's programs typically less picky than a PhD program? are master's programs typically a good place where I could bolster my GPA with some mathematics courses that I...
  46. Ben Espen

    What's John D. Cook's Career Transition Advice?

    Computational Imagination has an interview up with John D. Cook. John is an applied mathematician who I have occasionally corresponded with, and in this interview he talks about his transition from academia to industry, the different careers he has had, and offers some tips on software...
  47. fobsnation

    Mechanical analysis of a simple object

    Homework Statement presentation of a component and its mechanical concerns along with some mathematics behind it. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I really have no idea how to even start this but I thought of doing the spring in mechanical pens. I would appreciate any help :)
  48. H

    What Lies Beyond the Stars? A Scientist's Exploration of the Universe

    hi my name is Hessam and study mathematics. so i try look at any things behind the skin
  49. S

    Is Cantor's work on transfinite numbers linked to philosophy and religion?

    Lets begin with the Philosophy of Cantor. Here is a quote from wikipedia: "Philosophy, religion and Cantor's mathematics The concept of the existence of an actual infinity was an important shared...