Reading a locked thread a post caught my eye:
"Well...that's easy; if you have a finite temporal interval 1/2, and you add 1/4 and 1/8 and 1/16 and so on, then you get a temporal interval of 1. I really don't understand what "physical interpretation" is supposed to mean in this context. If...
you ever felt like math was more then just something to use or more then what's outside your work experience, and you just want to explore it and see how it all works; connecting it to things.
even using it as makeup; everything.
And then you go into the class; and you get failing grades...
Hey. I Will Be attending University in approx. 1 year, and I am having a hard time deciding for either mathematics or physics. Thing is, I've always preferred mathematics. This may be due to the rather trivial physics I am presented with here in HS, but so far mathematics seems more interesting...
This is my first post and I've decided to make a thread right away. I just want to ask about how should I work on my maths?
Not so long ago I flunked one mathematics quiz, I don't know if it's because I'm not studying hard enough or if it's because of my careless mistakes or if it's plain...