Max Definition and 1000 Threads

Max Payne is a neo-noir third-person shooter video game series developed by Remedy Entertainment (Max Payne and Max Payne 2) and Rockstar Studios (Max Payne 3). The series is named after its protagonist, Max Payne, a New York City police detective turned vigilante after his family was murdered by drug dealers. The series' first and second installments were written by Sam Lake, while Max Payne 3 was primarily written by Rockstar Games' Dan Houser.
The first game of the series, Max Payne, was released in 2001 for Microsoft Windows and in 2002 for PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Apple Macintosh; a different version of the game was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2003. A sequel entitled Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne was released in 2003 for PlayStation 2, Xbox and Microsoft Windows. In 2008, a movie adaption, loosely based on the original game, entitled Max Payne, was released, starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis in the roles of Max Payne and Mona Sax, respectively. Max Payne 3 was developed by Rockstar Studios and released on May 15, 2012 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and on June 1, 2012 for Microsoft Windows.
The franchise is notable for its use of "bullet time" in action sequences, as well as being positively received by critics, although Max Payne 2's sales were considered underwhelming. As of 2011, the Max Payne franchise has sold over 7.5 million copies. The film rendition received negative reviews but was commercially successful.

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  1. R

    Find Frequency and Amplitude from Max Velocity and Accn

    Homework Statement See attached screenshot Homework Equations Vmax=Aω ay=-ω2A The Attempt at a Solution The given max velocity is 1.2 m/s, so 1.2 = ωA Ay = -ω^2A 1.2/A = -√260/A A = 0.005
  2. A

    R through a wire: What's the max error in diameter if your R has 1% uncertainty?

    Homework Statement I have a wire of some resistance, resistivity, and length. What is the maximum error in measuring the diameter that you can have if the resistance is to have 1% uncertainty? Homework Equations R = \frac{ρ*l}{\pi*r^{2}} for which I substituted the area as \pi(.5...
  3. S

    Max number of roots of radical equation

    I am doing some independent study and appreciate that a polynomial (in x) of integer degree (n) can have at most n roots; many proofs to this effect exist. My query concerns the number of roots of equations in which the powers of x are not integers (or rational numbers) but irrational...
  4. P

    What Is the Optimal Delivery Date d to Maximize the Expected Contract Award?

    Homework Statement Given: f(x) = 1/2 - 1/4 |d-x| where x is the deliver date If the actually delivery date from target date falls within the interval of 6 < x <8, an incentive award of C results. However if x < 6, a penalty of C1 is imposed, while if x > 8, the penalty is C2. Find the...
  5. S

    Driven Harmonic Oscillator: Proving that the max power is given by ω_r = ω_0

    Homework Statement Prove that that the power given by \bar{P} = \frac{1}{2} \gamma m \omega_r^2 A_{(\omega)}^2 is at a maximum for \omega_r = \omega_0 Only variable is \omega_r \omega_r is the resonant frequency of the external force while \omega_0 is the eigen frequency of the...
  6. S

    Rank of a matrix and max number of missing values

    Hello all, I have a question: assume in matrix M(n*n), each element M(i,j) of matrix is computed as M(i&)*M(&j) / M(&&) where M(i&) is the summation of ith row, and M(&j) is the summation of jth column and M(&&) is the summation of all M(ij) for i=1..n and j=1..n. Now I want to know what is...
  7. Z

    Max Velocity of Electron in Pion Rest Frame: Homework Solution

    Homework Statement A pion in its rest frame decays into a muon and a neutrino. Find the velocity of the muon and its mean-lifetime in the pion rest frame. (I've done this part). The muon decays into an electron and two neutrinos. If the two neutrinos happen to travel in the same direction...
  8. U

    2-body collision: Min and Max speed

    Homework Statement A ball of mass M traveling at non-relativistic speed v elastically collides with a stationary ball of mass m. (a)Show that the maximum speed which the second ball can have is: 2Mv/(M+m)(b)What is the minimum speed?The Attempt at a Solution (a) Method 1 Go into ZMF...
  9. S

    Solving the Olympic Ring Puzzle: Calculate Max Mass

    Homework Statement This is the diagram A single large circular Olympic ring hangs freely at the lower end of a strong flexible ring which is firmly supported at the other end. Two identical beads each has a mass...
  10. karush

    MHB Max dimensions of box template

    find the dimensions of the largest rectangular box with a square base and no top that can be made from out of $1225 in^2$ of material. well, this might be over simplified but since the volume is max of cube to the a surface area I thot making a cube out of the material would be max volume...
  11. P

    Max horizontal displacement of a projectile

    Homework Statement A catapult is capable of firing a projectile with a velocity of 25 m/s, the catapult is surrounded by a wall of height 20.4 m what is the maximum distance measured from the wall, that the catapult projectiles are capable of hitting? Homework Equations...
  12. PhizKid

    Max distance up incline plane with variable friction

    Homework Statement A block with initial velocity of 10 m/s is sent up an incline at 30 degrees from the horizontal. The coefficient of friction is 0.2x where x is the displacement. Find the maximum distance the block moves up the incline. Homework Equations F = ma (1/2)mv^2 mgh The...
  13. F

    Normal force max min constraints on a roller coaster

    Homework Statement passengers cannot have a normal force equal to 0 or greater than 4 times their weight. What are the heights H1 and H2. Coaster starts at H1 and and ends at H2. H1>H2 and there is a low point between the two hills defined as zero height. The radius of the curve at the...
  14. T

    Max value of the average normal stress in the links.

    Homework Statement Here is the problem along with the solution: I am confused about part (a). Why is it that the area used is 2*0.008*(0.036-0.016). If you draw a cross section at just one of the holes, wouldn't that give you the max average stress? So the area used should instead be...
  15. M

    Pretty easy relative max problem calc 3

    Homework Statement Locate all relative max,min,and saddle points if any. f(x,y)=x2+xy+y2-3x fx=2x+y-3 fy=x+2y Skipping some algebra I get the critical points (2,-1) fxx=2 fyy=2 d=fxx*fyy-f(x0,y0)2 d=4-9=-5 I know I'm messing up at f(x0,y0) I'm simply plugging in...
  16. P

    For what slide extensions will trombone produce max sound intensity?

    Homework Statement A 285Hz sound wave is directed into one end of a trombone slide A microphone is placed at the other end to record the intensity of sound waves that are transmitted through the tube. The straight sides of the slide are 80cm in length and 10cm apart with a semicircular bend...
  17. N

    Determine the max height for which there is no slipping

    Homework Statement The rectangular steel yoke is used to prevent slippage between the two boards under tensile loads P. If the coefficients of static friction between the yoke and the board surfaces and between the boards are all 0.25, determine the maximum value of h for which there is no...
  18. S

    Can I Use Submaximal Data to Estimate VO2 Max for a Conditioned Athlete?

    Homework Statement Alright, so I am a graduating senior studying Exercise science and physiology. I just had what we call "Client Testing" and ran my client (who was a collegiate athlete for the last four years and this year was her first year not competing or training) in the Bruce protocol...
  19. H

    How to get the place of max bending moment ?

    what i know is the the max BM at zero shear but it is said that max BM in the cantileaver beam is at the fixation how? is the shear there )0) ?? there is reastion so how?
  20. L

    Finding a max load from the yield stress

    1. Homework Statement I have a bar, 500mm long (0.05m) 10mm wide (0.01m) and 3mm deep (0.003 m)The bat has a load applied in the centre of 30nI know the maximum yield stress is 150 mpa 150x10^6How do I calculate the maximum load the bar can take?2. Homework Equations I used stress = m y / I3...
  21. J

    How Is the Maximum Length of a Spring Calculated with a Hanging Mass?

    A mass of 0.5 kg hangs motionless from a vertical spring whose length is 0.80 m and whose unstretched length is 0.40 m. Next the mass is pulled down to where the spring has a length of 1.00 m and given an initial speed upwards of 1.5 m/s. What is the maximum length of the spring during the...
  22. C

    How to cut power when given max voltage reached?

    Hi all I need to disconnect the power once a given voltage drop at some component (a capacitor in this case) is reached. For example at first the voltage between the leads is 0 and starts climbing up once there is power. When the voltage reaches 2.0 V, I want the power to be cut off...
  23. L

    Find Max Potential Energy per Unit Length of Wire

    Homework Statement A wire is fixed at both ends vibrating fundamentally. For what value of x (x position on the wire, with 0 being one edge and L being the other) is the potential energy per unit length has the maximum value? Known: Length of wire (L), Tension in wire (T), Mass of wire (m)...
  24. M

    Determining max horizontal force using friction coefficient

    Homework Statement A 0.5 kg wooden block is placed on top of a 1.0kg block. The coefficient of static friction between the two blocks is 0.35. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the lower block and the level table is 0.2. What is the maximum horizontal force that can be applied to the...
  25. F

    The theoretical max. speed in deep space

    Hello, Isn't the theoretical max. speed in deep space unlimited? There is no friction. Therefore, any energy we add to the spacecraft will increase its speed. So can't the speed of light be reached? Thanks.
  26. 9

    Max/Min of xlnx^2: Getting Help w/Math Homework

    Homework Statement Please check my answer. I am weak at math. Homework Equations Y = xlnx^2 The Attempt at a Solution Y' = (lnx^2) + (x)(2x/x^2) For the max/min, I would just set Y' = 0 by trial and error and then do y", but I don't want to do that until I know y' is correct...
  27. L

    Engineering Max Vout: What is the Maximum Voltage Output?

    Approx what is the maximum value of Vout I don't have any idea I am just guessing but there's not enough details I think is 0 V but I am not sure.. how am I suppose to answer this??
  28. STEMucator

    Find the max and min using lagrange

    Homework Statement Find the max and min values of f(x,y,z) = x3 - y3 + 6z2 on the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 25. Homework Equations I will use λ to denote my Lagrange multipliers. The Attempt at a Solution So clearly there is no interior to examine since we are on the boundary of the sphere...
  29. U

    What Speed Causes Weightlessness on a Circular Hill?

    Max. speed you can drive on a circular hill an still be in "Uniform Circular Motion" Homework Statement The top of a hill is in the shape of a circle of radius 25 meters. Homework Equations a) What is the normal force that the road exerts on an 1800kg car as it tops the hill with a...
  30. L

    Little Man Computer- Find Max / Multiply two Numbers

    Homework Statement I'm currently learning the little man computer and Currently I'm working on two programs. On one of them, I have the code to find the minimum value in an array, however I have to modify that code in order to find the maximum value. What would I have to change? And for the...
  31. karush

    MHB *find coefficients of cubic f(x) given min max & inflexion pt

    find a, b, c, and d, such the cubic $f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$ satisfies the given conditions Relative maximum (3,3) Relative minimum (5,1) Inflection point (4,2) I approached this by using the f'(x)= a(3)(x^2)+b(2)(x)+c with the min and max and f''(x)=6x+2b for inflection pt to get $27a +6b + c...
  32. M

    Max EMF in a Model AC Generator Coil

    Homework Statement In a model ac generator, a 500 turn rectangular coil, 8.0 cm by 20 cm, rotates at 120 rev/min in a uniform magnetic field of 0.60 T. (a) What is the maximum emf induced in the coil? (b) What is the instantaneous value of the emf in the coil at t = (∏/32)s? Assume that...
  33. P

    Solving an RC Circuit: Find Time to Reach 65% of Max Value

    Homework Statement An RC circuit has EMF=12.0V, R=15 kΩ and C=3.8 μF. How long does it take for energy stored in the capacitor to reach 65% of its maximal value? Homework Equations 1) Q = Cε 2) Q X .65 = desired charge 3) q(t) = Q(1 - e-t/RC) The Attempt at a Solution This is...
  34. A

    Max and Min of a function of four variables

    Homework Statement Find the maximum and minimum values of the function f(x,y,z,t)=x+y+z+t subject to the constraint x^2+y^2+z^2+t^2=400. Homework Equations I think the Lagrange multiplers can be used ∇f=λ∇g The Attempt at a Solution So I found ∇f=<1,1,1,1> and ∇g=<2x,2y,2z,2t> and...
  35. C

    Max and Min of function via Lagrange multipliers

    Homework Statement If n is a fixed positive integer, compute the max and min values of the function (x-y)^n = f(x,y), under the constraint x^2 + 3y^2 = 1 The Attempt at a Solution I got the 4 critical points (±\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}, ±\frac{1}{2\sqrt{3}})\,\,\text{and}\,\...
  36. V

    Minimum beam dimension for specific max stress

    Homework Statement A beam (note: part of a truss, I chose to use the beam in the truss with the most force and length for my calculations, which I assume is the correct thing to do) of length 6m with a force of 9N is being constructed out of a material with a Young's Modulus of E = 70 \times...
  37. C

    How to find full width at half max for non-Gaussian peaks.

    I have a signal that has several distinct peaks. I need to characterize these peaks by their max y value, their x location, and their width. I thought FWHM would be a good measure. However, these peaks are just from a data logger. They are pretty Gaussian curves. Furthermore, the curve...
  38. S

    Use Lagrange multipliers to find the max & min

    Homework Statement Use Lagrange multipliers to find the maximum and minimum values of the function subject to the given constraint. f(x,y) = exy; g(x,y) = x3 + y3 = 16 Homework Equations ∇f(x,y) = λ∇g(x,y) fx = λgx fy = λgy The Attempt at a Solution ∇f(x,y) = < yexy, xexy > ∇g(x,y) = <...
  39. C

    Finding Max Product in NxM Matrix Without Duplicate Rows/Cols

    I'd like to find a simple algorithm to do the following. If I have an NxM matrix, with N≥M, find the M entries with the maximum product that do not share a row or column. It doesn't seem hard, but I'm not seeing it right off.
  40. S

    Max Mass Supported by 5.6-Diameter Suction Cup

    Homework Statement How massive an object can be supported by a 5.6 -diameter suction cup mounted on a vertical wall, if the coefficient of friction between cup and wall is 0.65? Assume normal atmospheric pressure. Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution I calculated the maximum...
  41. P

    Find the max height of the second projectile relative to seal level

    Homework Statement A projectile is launched at 110.0 m/s at 40.0° above the horizontal off a cliff that is 250.0 m above sea level. After 4.00 s of flight, this projectile launches a second projectile at 50.0 m/s directed at 15.0° below the horizontal. a) Find the max height of the second...
  42. L

    Analysis - Metric space proof (prove max exists) I am having trouble with this question, like I do with most analysis questions haha. It seems like I must show that the maximum exists. So E is compact -> E is closed To me having E closed seems like it is clear that a maximum distance...
  43. T

    Max Altitude Reached by Rocket at 53° Angle

    Homework Statement a rocket is launched at an angle of 53 degrees above the horizontal with an initial speed of 100 m/s. the rocket moves for 3 s along its initial straight line of motion with an acceleration of 30m/s^2. FInd the max altitude reached by the rocket Homework Equations y=y0...
  44. S

    [FEM-problem] Defining max. allowable load

    Hello to all! I have this one and only obligatory FEM-course and tbh I'm having some hard time with it, so I'm hoping that someone can help me out with this assignment. Homework Statement Define maximum allowed distributed load p when the own weight of the frame is taken into account. (Own...
  45. C

    Projectile, max height half the range, find angle

    Homework Statement find the angle of the projection for which the maximum height is equal to half of the range Homework Equations vertical: h =(vsinθ)t-0.5(g)(t^2) horizontal: 2h =(vcosθ)t The Attempt at a Solution i know you set both equations equal to each other (vsinθ)t...
  46. T

    Medical Can unloading body weight affect VO2 max results during performance testing?

    Hello, I am new to the physical therapy field and I have a huge interesting in performance testing, especially VO2 testing. I am currently working on a project involving such testing. I was wondering if anyone knows the effects of unloading during VO2 max testing. For example, if a user...
  47. T

    Finding the max value of the average normal stress

    Homework Statement Here is the question with the solution: The Attempt at a Solution I understand the first part where they find the forces by summation of moments. However I don't understand how they got that area. Why would they take the diameter (0.016) and subtract it from the length...
  48. K

    Calculating horizontal distance using angle and max height

    The froghopper, Philaenus spumarius, holds the world record for insect jumps. When leaping at an angle of 58.0 above the horizontal, some of the tiny critters have reached a maximum height of 58.7 above the level ground. A)What was the takeoff speed for such a leap? I got 4.00 m/s which was...
  49. E

    Thevenin circuit Max power across Load resistor

    Homework Statement One Thevenin theorem result is that the maximum power across the load resistor in the equivalent circuit (and therefore the real circuit) occurs when RL = Rth. Start with the result that the power dissipated by the load resistor is I2RL and prove this result. Homework...
  50. A

    Frequency Vs Max Load current (Motor)

    Have a 15 HP motor whose full load current (@ 50 Hz - India norms) is calculated at around 21 Amps. Have added a VFD (Variable Frequency drive) and would like to always run the machine @ 90% of full load current for maximum efficiency. Can anyone assist in helping me calculating full load...