Max Definition and 1000 Threads

Max Payne is a neo-noir third-person shooter video game series developed by Remedy Entertainment (Max Payne and Max Payne 2) and Rockstar Studios (Max Payne 3). The series is named after its protagonist, Max Payne, a New York City police detective turned vigilante after his family was murdered by drug dealers. The series' first and second installments were written by Sam Lake, while Max Payne 3 was primarily written by Rockstar Games' Dan Houser.
The first game of the series, Max Payne, was released in 2001 for Microsoft Windows and in 2002 for PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Apple Macintosh; a different version of the game was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2003. A sequel entitled Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne was released in 2003 for PlayStation 2, Xbox and Microsoft Windows. In 2008, a movie adaption, loosely based on the original game, entitled Max Payne, was released, starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis in the roles of Max Payne and Mona Sax, respectively. Max Payne 3 was developed by Rockstar Studios and released on May 15, 2012 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and on June 1, 2012 for Microsoft Windows.
The franchise is notable for its use of "bullet time" in action sequences, as well as being positively received by critics, although Max Payne 2's sales were considered underwhelming. As of 2011, the Max Payne franchise has sold over 7.5 million copies. The film rendition received negative reviews but was commercially successful.

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  1. M

    Pelton wheel's theoretical speed for max efficiency

    Homework Statement A Pelton wheel is driven by five identical jets. The runner has a diameter of 3,8 m, fixed in a horizontal position. The head from reservoir level to nozzles is 350 m and the efficiency of power transmission through the pipeline and nozzles is 90%. The relative velocity...
  2. Seydlitz

    How Can We Prove the Max and Min Formulas Using Basic Algebraic Operations?

    Homework Statement The function max will return which number is the largest between the two parameters x and y. The function min will return the smallest number between the two. If the numbers are the same they will give out that same value. Prove that max(x,y) = \frac{x+y+|y-x|}{2}...
  3. STEMucator

    Calculating Max Height & Travel of Spring

    Homework Statement A spring is launched from the ground at 2.3 m/s t an angle of 78° to the ground. What is the max height of the spring? How far did the spring travel? Homework Equations ##\vec{v}_R = 34 m/s## ##\theta = 78°## The Attempt at a Solution First things first, get my...
  4. S

    Finding max elastic energy of a bow

    Hi guys, I am trying to find the theoretical maximum elastic energy of a bow with a constant square cross section with its moment of inertia I, made from a homogenous material throughout the whole length so we can say that the Youngs modulus E is also constant. This bow is attached to a string...
  5. J

    Unified or Fractured? Universe Info Transmission Speed

    For some reason I find it hard to comprehend that at the natural base level of existence (whatever that means), that the information-scape (all the stuff that is happening throughout space) is totally fragmented from each other, except of course for the "slow" transmission of information to...
  6. B

    Calculating max velocity of car

    Hey! I have a project where I'm building a car running from direct sun-light only using solar-panels and bike hub motors. I would like to determine max velocity before cashing out on motors and panels. I have some numbers from the panels and motors I looked on, how do I turn them into the max...
  7. E

    Finding the max. extension in the spring

    finding the max. extension in the spring...! Okkay so i have to calculate the max. extension in a spring attached with two blocks of mass m and M. The box of mass M is pulled with a force F. The system (blocks of masses m1 and m2 and the mass less spring) is placed on a smooth surface...
  8. B

    Series or parallel wired capacitors for max power storage

    Homework Statement 6. Based on what you can tell so far, if you have an N number of capacitors (say at a nuclear fission site) and you need massive power storage, you would place the N number of capacitors in a. Series b. Parallel c. Combination of series and parallel d. Both choices a and b...
  9. S

    Finding max force from (1 dimensional) energy curve as function of tim

    Homework Statement Hi guys, I just wanted to confirm I am doing this right. I have a graph of energy (Joules) vs. time (seconds). I need to get the force from this information. If I know the linear distance the object has traveled, can I use the work equation W= Force* Distance, and solve...
  10. Albert1

    MHB Finding Max n Given $m,n \in N$ Satisfying $\sqrt {m+2007}+\sqrt {m-325}=n$

    $m,n \in N$ satisfying : $\sqrt {m+2007}+\sqrt {m-325}=n $ find Max(n)
  11. Y

    What is the maximum value of this equation?

    Find the maximum ##\theta## of \left[\frac{\cos\left(\frac{kl}{2}\cos\theta\right)-\cos\left(\frac {kl}{2}\right)}{\sin\theta}\right]^2 So I need to find the maximum of F(\theta)=\frac{\cos\left(\frac{kl}{2}\cos\theta\right)-\cos\left(\frac {kl}{2}\right)}{\sin\theta} First I differentiate...
  12. Petrus

    MHB Finding Max/Min Values for f(x,y)=x^2+y^2+2x-2y+2

    Decide max and min value for f(x,y)=x^2+y^2+2x-2y+2 where x^2+y^2 \leq1 progress: for solving that equation f_x(x,y), f_y(x,y) we get the point (1,-1) if we do parametric x= \cos(t) \, y= \sin(y) where 0\leq t \leq 2\pi if we put those value and simplify and derivate we get...
  13. M

    Finding max. velocity of jet w/ constant and/or changing acceleration

    Homework Statement You must evaluate the relationship between fuel consumption and the attainable velocity of a new jet fighter. Given that: Force of jet= A(r(t))4/3 A: constant determined by the fighter model in the class being considered and the drag force on the plane r(t): the...
  14. D

    The max value of the fourth derivative

    Homework Statement I am trying to write a program to calculate an integral using Simpson's Rule. My program also needs to calculate the error. In the formula for error I need The max value of the fourth derivative. The function is 2.718281828^{\frac{x^{2}}{2}} and the interval is from 0 to 2...
  15. A

    What is the max free air heat transfer coefficient(film coefficient)?

    what is the max free air heat transfer coefficient(film coefficient)? at 1000 c? i have a object that is at 1000 degree c by applying 900watt. i model it solid edge and apply heat generation load of 900 watt, from what i research air convection is 5-25 w/m^2/k. but when i apply that in the...
  16. R

    Principle curvature: min and max curvature are always perpendicular?

    I am trying to understand Gaussian curvature. This led me into looking at principle curvature. Now If one takes a look at the picture of the "Saddle Surface" on Wikipedia here: I see that at the point p on the saddle where curvature goes both...
  17. J

    Finding max speed and corresponding angle for a semi-circular path

    Homework Statement A model land-yacht runs on a horizontal frictionless oval track as shown (viewed from above) in the figure. The curved parts of the track are semi-circles of radius R = 0:5 m; the straight sides have length L = 1 m. The mass of the yacht (including its sails) is m = 0:5...
  18. N

    Determine max notmal stress, average shearing stress and bearing stres

    Homework Statement The position of piston Cd is locked and force P = 350lb is applied as shown. The diameter of all pins and bolts is 3/8 in., member BCE has a thickness of 1/4 in., and member Ef has a width of 1 in. adn thickness 1/4 in. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  19. S

    Find the max induced EMF in the loop by the changing loop

    Homework Statement I have attached the two questions. the first has a diagram. 1. Find the MAX Induced EMF (in volts) in the loop by the changing current? 2. What is the magnitude of the EMF induced in the loop by the changing current at t=.8 (seconds) answer in Volts? Homework...
  20. F

    Max Fault Current XFMR- quickly if possible

    Hi, I have a power systems protection assignment and I wanted to get some simple calcs verified. XFMR - 30MVA, 132kV:22kV; Star/Delta respectively. star neutral is floating, not that it matters for this part. reactance is 8% and resistance is 0.5% on the 30MVA base. Basically I am...
  21. C

    Solving Mass-Spring System: Find Spring Constant & Max Stretch

    Homework Statement A mass of 122 g is attached to a vertically hung spring. The mass stretches the spring 13.8 cm. (a) What is the spring constant of the spring? (b) If the mass is dropped from rest from a position where the spring is just relaxed, what will be the maximum distance the...
  22. B

    MHB Trig problem: max square cut from circle

    [SOLVED]Trig problem: max square cut from circle Since this one is homework related, ill ask this as a procession so that I can make sure that I am grasping the logic. the question is that with a round log with a diameter of 16cm, what is the strongest log that can be cut where the strength =...
  23. Petrus

    MHB Max Area of Triangle: x & y Axes & e^{-5x} Tangents

    considering the set of triangles, whose sides are the x and y axes, and the tangents to the curve e^{-5x}, x>0 to estimate the maximum area of such a triangle can be. I have no progress, well I know area is \frac{x*y}{2}.
  24. Petrus

    MHB Max/Min Value of f(x,y) in Range x^2+y^2≤2: Find Max/Min Value of f

    Calculate highest and lowest value of the function f(x,y)\frac{6}{x^2+y^2+1}+3xy in the range \frac{1}{3}≤x^2+y^2≤2 Progress f_x(x,y)=3y-\frac{12x}{(x^2+y^2+1)^2} f_y(x,y)=3x-\frac{12y}{(x^2+y^2+1)^2} Now when I have derivate respect to x or y I shall find critical point...
  25. totallyclone

    Whirling around a mass to find max force of tension

    Homework Statement An object of mass 3.0kg is whirled around in a vertical circle of radius 1.3m with a constant velocity of 6.0m/s. Calculate the maximum and minimum tension in the string. mass=3.0kg v=6.0m/s radius=1.3m Homework Equations Fc=mv2/r Fun=ma The Attempt at a...
  26. Petrus

    MHB Max and min value, multi variable (open sets)

    Calculate max and min value of the function f(x,y)=x^2+y^2-2x-4y+8 in the range defined by the x^2+y^2≤9 Progress: f_x(x,y)=2x-2 f_y(x.y)=2y-4 So I get x=1 and y=2 We got one end point that I don't know what to do with x^2+y^2≤9 If I got this right it should be a elips that x can max be 3,-3 and...
  27. Petrus

    MHB How to Find Max and Min Points for \(\frac{x^3}{2} - |1 - 4x|\) in \((0, 2)\)?

    Calculate max and min point to function \frac{x^3}{2}-|1-4x| in the range \left(0,2 \right) I got one question, shall I ignore when it's \frac{x^3}{2}-(-1+4x) cause then x<0 and that don't fit in my range? Do I got correct?
  28. Petrus

    MHB Max/Min Point of $\ln(x)+x-2x^2$ in $(\frac{1}{6},\frac{3}{2})$ Calculation

    calculate max and min point of the functuin $\ln(x)+x-2x^2$ in the range $(\frac{1}{6},\frac{3}{2})$ I start to derivate it $f'(x)=\frac{1}{x}+1-4x$ And my next step is to fined critical point but I got problem to solve this equation. $\frac{1}{x}+1-4x=0$
  29. M

    Derivation for Time to Max Radioactivity Transient Equilibrium

    Hi, I'm having a bit of difficulty deriving the time to max activity for the case of transient equilibrium for a parent-daughter. This is where I want to get to , tm = (1 / (λ1-λ2)) * 1n(λ1/λ2) I believe there is an alternative equation for tm as well expressed in terms of half-life...
  30. A

    Find the max value of xy (done in a weird way)

    find the max value of xy (done in a "weird" way) Homework Statement so our teacher assigned this homework in the last 10 minutes we haven't read the function with 2 variables and I've never seen/used one (things were just getting in my head since it's only 10 mins i don't know if I'm making...
  31. N

    Engineering Help with intro circuit analysis problem Thevenin and max power prob

    Problem #1: What i did so far was I source transformed the left side with the Io and 4Ω into a voltage of 4Io. Then i did mesh analysis, io and i2. the eq'ns i got are 4vx - 2I2 - 2Io = 0 10i2 - vx - 2io = 0 IM not sure if this is right but does i2 = vx/4?? because of I = V/R? I worked...
  32. T

    Find the max velocity of the steam in a steady-flow adiabatic nozzle

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution According to the solution, the max velocity is when the entropy of state 1 is equal to the entropy at state 2. Why is this the case? My friend says it is because the system is isentropic but I am still very...
  33. M

    Mass dropped onto vertical spring what is the max compression?

    Homework Statement A mass m = 0.5 kg is dropped from a height of 1.5m above the end of an uncompressed vertical spring with k = 500 N/m. What is the maximum compression of the spring? Homework Equations f_sp = -kx W_sp = 1/2 kx^2 W_nc = ΔK + ΔU K = 1/2 mv^2 U = mgh W = Fdcos∅ p =...
  34. R

    Finding max force at bottom of a 2.8m decline swinging on a vine?

    Tarzan, who weighs 662 N, swings from a cliff at the end of a convenient vine that is 21 m long (see the figure). From the top of the cliff to the bottom of the swing, he descends by 2.8 m. The vine will break if the force on it exceeds 1340 N. What would the greatest force on the vine be during...
  35. C

    Engineering Dependent voltage source, find max. power to load in circuit & R(Th)

    Homework Statement Find the load RL that will result in maximum power delivered to the load of the circuit. Also determine Pmax deliveredHomework Equations V = IR, KVL, KCL, voltage division, current division Thevenin procedures,Pmax...
  36. B

    Calculate max depth in water a hollow steel sphere can withstand

    Any help is appreciated, I'm really just trying to figure out if it can withstand 300 meters but it would be useful to see how/if a max depth can be calculated. diameter: 20M steel density: 7850 kg/m^3 weight: 250,000 kg shell thickness: 2.54 cm density of water: 1027 kg/m^3 How much...
  37. D

    Max Rotation Rate of a Slowing Turntable

    Homework Statement A turntable of radius "r" is spinning counterclockwise at an initial rate of ω. at t=0, its rotation rate begins to slow at a steady pace. the rotation finally stops at t=T. At what time is ωt^2 maximum. Express your answer in terms of T.
  38. M

    Where is the Maximum Bending Stress Located in a Tapering Rod?

    A uniformly tapering cantilever of solid circular cross-section has a length L and carries a concentrated load at the free end. The diameter at the fixed end is D and at the free end d. Show that the position of maximum bending stress occurs at a section (d/(2(D-d))*L distance from the...
  39. perplexabot

    Max Current in CMOS Inverter with Given Parameters

    Hi all, I have gave this question a lot of thought but can't seem to get anywhere. Any help will be much appreciated. Homework Statement For a digital logic inverter for which k'n = 120 uA/V^2, k'p = 60 uA/V^2, Vtn = |Vtp| = .7V, VDD = 3V, Ln = Lp = .8 um, Wn = 1.2 um and Wp = 2.4 um...
  40. B

    What events led to the final gunshot?

    I am trying to remember a quote I once read by Max Planck. Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and other scientists were at a meeting or convention regarding relativity or some other scientific theory. Planck said something like "As the [some scientific theory] cannot extend the time for this...
  41. Albert1

    MHB Finding Max n in $4^{27}+4^{500}+4^\text{n}=\text {k}^2$

    $ 4^{27}+4^{500}+4^\text{n}=\text {k}^2 $ where n and k are positive integers ,please find max(n)
  42. R

    Find wavelength, Phase Difference, and amplitude from min and max

    Homework Statement See attached image Homework Equations Δphi = 2pi(Δx/λ) + Δphi0 = 2pi(m) -- at the maximum Δphi = (m + .5) (2pi) -- at the minimum The Attempt at a Solution The first step should be to solve for lambda, the wavelength. So I plug in the knowns: At 30 cm...
  43. M

    Max. Applied force on outside wall of spinning drum

    I have a 36" OD aluminum drum within another 48" OD aluminum drum creating 6” channel between the two diameters. The total height of the drum assembly is 16” This design project that I am working on requires me to fill this channel up with 12” of water which equates to about 342.5 lbs of water...
  44. W

    Max. concentration of radioactive particles in water

    Hi, does anyone know how I can find out the max. concentration of Cs-137 and Sr-90 in water?
  45. N

    Each Car has Speed Corresponding to Max Normal Acceleration. Find Time Elasped

    Homework Statement The two cars A and B enter an unbanked and level turn. They cross line C-C simultaneously, and each car has the speed corresponding to a maximum normal acceleration of 0.94g in the turn. Determine the elapsed time for each car between its two crossings of line C-C. What is...
  46. PhizKid

    Max velocity for simple pendulum oscillation

    Homework Statement Show that v_max = w_max * Length of string where v_max is the velocity of the simple pendulum and w_max is the maximum angular velocity. Homework Equations \omega_{velocity} = -\theta_{max} \cdot \omega_{frequency} \cdot sin(\omega_{frequency} \cdot t + \phi) The...
  47. K

    Will dual SLI GTX 680 run any PC game on max settings @1920x1080?

    Will two-way SLI GTX 680's (overclocked) run any PC game on max spec @1920x1080 with smooth framerates? I read that the new GPU benchmark is Metro The Last Light. No other PC title will test your hardware like that game..
  48. PhizKid

    How to get max velocity for simple pendulum

    Homework Statement A simple pendulum has a ball at the end of mass 5 kg and the length of the string is 5 m. Given \theta = 0.0800 \cdot cos[4.43t + \phi] find the maximum velocity Homework Equations \frac{1}{2}mv^2 = \frac{1}{2}kA^2 The Attempt at a Solution \frac{1}{2}mv^2 =...
  49. G

    Engineering Max Voltage Across Capacitor & Resistor in a Circuit

    Homework Statement For the circuit in the picture below, with V_{c}(t=0) = 0 and a voltage source with period T described by V_s(t) = \sum_{-\infty}^\infty (-1)^{n}g(t-nT) where g(t) = 7[u(t)-u(t-T)]\quad [Volt] and u(t) is a step function described by u(t) = \begin{cases} 1 &...
  50. K

    Finding Max Force Acting on a Moving Body Mass: A Challenge

    The speed of a body mass m = 1.6 kg moving in a straight line varies smoothly. It is measured five times, at two second intervals. The values are 7.00, 7.77, 8.89, 9.80, and 10.50 (m/s). What is the maximum value of the force acting on the body? I tried taking the average acceleration of the...