Max Definition and 1000 Threads

Max Payne is a neo-noir third-person shooter video game series developed by Remedy Entertainment (Max Payne and Max Payne 2) and Rockstar Studios (Max Payne 3). The series is named after its protagonist, Max Payne, a New York City police detective turned vigilante after his family was murdered by drug dealers. The series' first and second installments were written by Sam Lake, while Max Payne 3 was primarily written by Rockstar Games' Dan Houser.
The first game of the series, Max Payne, was released in 2001 for Microsoft Windows and in 2002 for PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Apple Macintosh; a different version of the game was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2003. A sequel entitled Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne was released in 2003 for PlayStation 2, Xbox and Microsoft Windows. In 2008, a movie adaption, loosely based on the original game, entitled Max Payne, was released, starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis in the roles of Max Payne and Mona Sax, respectively. Max Payne 3 was developed by Rockstar Studios and released on May 15, 2012 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and on June 1, 2012 for Microsoft Windows.
The franchise is notable for its use of "bullet time" in action sequences, as well as being positively received by critics, although Max Payne 2's sales were considered underwhelming. As of 2011, the Max Payne franchise has sold over 7.5 million copies. The film rendition received negative reviews but was commercially successful.

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  1. R

    Max angle of deflection in a relativistic elastic collision

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Conservation of linear momentum Conservation of energy Energy-momentum relationship: ##E^2-(m_0c^2)^2=c^2p^2## Lorentz transformation of energy: ##p=\gamma(v)(p'+vE'/c^2)## ##\mathbf{p}=\gamma(v)m_0v##, ##E=\gamma(v)m_0c^2## The Attempt at a Solution My...
  2. CK_KoopaTroopa

    I Finding the max angle of a longboard deck before the wheels slip

    Hi, I'm making an electric longboard and trying to write an app for my phone to function as the remote. I've got a bunch of fancy Star-Trek-esque indicators on it, one of which is the pitch and roll of the deck. All the indicators have "danger zones" and turn red when they hit them, and for this...
  3. C

    Nanosecond Max Current of Residual-Current Circuit Breaker

    <<Moderator note: Political statement removed.>> To protect against a nuclear EMP (NEMP) usually a big metal box is used, which is electrically connected to earth, to discharge the electrical pulse. Most houses in europe have a 3-grid electric system, L, Neutral (N) and Protective Earth (PE)...
  4. C

    Measure the max angle of a 3D pendulum

    Hi, I need a simple way to measure the maximum angle/vertical displacement of a 3D pendulum (weight hanging from a rope) undergoing random impacts. What will work?
  5. MountEvariste

    MHB Max Complex Matrices of Order $n$: $\lfloor n^2/4\rfloor + 1$

    Prove that the maximum number of mutually commuting linearly independent complex matrices of order $n$ is equal to $\lfloor n^2/4\rfloor + 1.$
  6. M

    Calculate the Max Detection Radar Range

    Homework Statement I am asked to find the Max detection range of the following radar system: Transmitter Power, Pt = 10Kw RCS = 1 m sq. Frequency = 3Ghz Losses, Ls = 5dB radar dish radius, r = .5m Noise level, N = -140dbW SNR= 13 dB Homework Equations Radar Max range =...
  7. isukatphysics69

    Find max distance box on hingedbeam can be before rope snaps

    Homework Statement Homework Equations torque = force * distance The Attempt at a Solution Torque forces : TForceTensionRopeY - TBOX - TBEAM = 0 Net forces Y: ∑FY = FTensionRopeY + FHingeY - WBEAM - WBOX = 0 Net forces X: ∑FX = FHingeX - FTensionRopeX = 0 This is my first torque problem...
  8. isukatphysics69

    Find the max compression of the spring

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ke = .5mv^2 The Attempt at a Solution Ei= .5m1v21 + .5m2v22 + PEs(PEs initially 0) Ef= .5m1v21 + .5m2v22 + PEs(PEs is now .5(16.2)(.2672)set them equal and then solve for velocity right? is this the right approach?
  9. slow

    B Is Max Born's probabilistic proposal artificial?

    I want to start by explaining my concern in detail. Engineers often use predefined algorithms to perform physical calculations on the systems they manage. In research, engineering algorithms are not the first thing that appears. The principles and laws of physics appear before, which then allow...
  10. P

    A beam: need to calculate its max moment and deflection

    Homework Statement Beam spans 40 feet, with uniform loading of 500 pound/feet and a point load of 4000 pound at mid span. Support A is roller, support B is pin. How to determine the maximum moment and maximum deflection due to the loads. Use Force method Since it is a Determinate...
  11. Phantoful

    Max ω of circular hoop rotating around a peg and oscillation

    Homework Statement Homework Equations F=ma τ = Iα = rF v=rω, a=rα L = Iω Center of Mass/Moment of intertia equations The Attempt at a Solution [/B] So right now I've tried to model the force acting on the ring as it goes around the peg, but I think centripetal force is involved and I'm not...
  12. Theia

    MHB Max Horizontal Displacement of Projectile and its Velocity at T

    Let x = v_0\cos \alpha _0 t and y = y_0 + v_0 \sin \alpha _0 t - \tfrac{1}{2} gt^2, where v_0 is speed at time t = 0, \alpha _0 is the angle between positive x-axis and initial velocity vector (\alpha _0 \in (0, \pi/2)), t time in seconds, y_0 >0 the y coordinate at time t=0, g acceleration...
  13. C

    Why do we use avg shear stress and not max shear stress?

    Hello everyone, I've been messing around with FEA and I'm trying to match my simulation with hand calculations. While doing this it occurred to me that i really don't understand why we use avg shear stress instead of maximum shear stress when determining the safety factor of a structural member...
  14. bornofflame

    Find the equation y(x) from y(t) & x(t) then find theta max

    Homework Statement A certain football placekicker can kick the ball a distance d if she kicks it at 45°. a. Find an equation for the velocity of the kick. (You may use the range equation R = (V02/g)sin2θ.) b. Now imagine she kicks at a different angle θ. Show that a formula for the height y...
  15. bornofflame

    Determine max force and acceleration to safely make a turn

    Homework Statement The coefficient of static friction between a tire and a dry road is about μs=0.85. What is the fastest you can safely drive the turn below? a. Use a free-body diagram and force equations to determine the maximum force and acceleration you can achieve. b. Use the map to...
  16. P

    Can the max friction be determined in B-ii?

    This question is on our worksheet for this week. Part A and B-i I'm fine with. Part B-ii I'm confused by. I've asked my physics lecturer and he implied there is a way of finding fs,max using part B-i. My class tutor was a bit confused by the wording of the question and tried to break part of...
  17. HelloCthulhu

    Max values for a 2-dielectric capacitor

    Homework Statement A parallel plate capacitor has area A = 1 cm2 and a plate separation of d = 0.01m. Water at room temp (20°C) is poured into a ziplock bag and placed between the plates filling the volume of 1cm3. Find the maximum capacitance, voltage and charge for the capacitor. Homework...
  18. lfdahl

    MHB Max Area of Simple Quadrilateral w/ Sides $a$ & $b$: Justification

    What is the largest possible area of a simple quadrilateral, two sides of which have length $a$ and two sides of which have length $b$? Please justify your statement.
  19. HelloCthulhu

    Max voltage of an air capacitor

    Homework Statement (a) A parallel plate capacitor has area A = 1 cm2, a plate separation of d = 0.01m, and is filled with air. If the breakdown field is E0 = 3 × 106V/m, calculate the maximum voltage and charge the capacitor can hold. Homework Equations dielectric constant of air = 1 Q=CV...
  20. claraberner

    Mohr's Circle does y-axis = max strain or max strain/2?

    This isn't a problem assignment per-say, but for a lab calculation. In my mechanics of material's class, we learned that the radius of Mohr's circle is the maximum strain, but now in my application lab-based class, the video is saying the radius is equal to the maximum strain divided by 2. So...
  21. H

    Rubber strings pulled and realeased -- find the max height

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I tried to find constant k f = k ##\Delta##x 1/2 * 9,8 = k * 0,1 k = 49 N/m is rubber string the same as spring? Ep + EK at 0,1 meter = Ek + EP at 0,3 m 1/2 k x^2 + 0 = 1/2 k x^2 + 1/2 mv^2 v^2 = 2*49(0,08) v = 7*0,4 = 2,8...
  22. J

    Calculating Max Force on Pillow Block Bearings for Reverse Hyper

    Hey Wizards, I recently built a Reverse Hyper, picture attached, for my home gym. It's a basic pendulum on which weight is added. It currently utilizes 2 - 5/8'' pillow block bearings for the pivot. Each are rated to ~6.25 KN. Can anyone provide me with the equations or reference material, so...
  23. HelloCthulhu

    Max voltage of both air and water capacitors

    Homework Statement Theses questions have been modified to solve my own inquiries. The originals can be found in the attached file. A parallel plate capacitor has area A = 1 cm2, a plate separation of d = 0.01m, and is filled with air.(a) If the breakdown field is E0 = 3 × 106V/m, calculate...
  24. H

    Find the time when the spring reaches its max height

    Homework Statement Homework Equations f = Spring's constant * ##\Delta x## Potential Energy = ##\frac{1}{2} kx^2## The Attempt at a Solution I try to find constant of the springs Fabove + Fbelow - W = 0 k*(0,2 m) + k*(0,2m) - ##\frac{1}{2}## * 9,8 = 0 0,4k = 4,9 k = 12,25 N/m can I use...
  25. Y

    Automotive What limits the max power rating of a V-Belt drive?

    We know that belt drives are limited in their max possible power rating and most high power/torque applications(trucks) use gear drives. I wanted to know the main factor that limits the power/torque rating of belts. Is it Frictional slip or Belt material? If the frictional slip could be...
  26. W

    Max power of a photovoltaic cell -- where did I go wrong?

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known da Show that for a PV cell finding a maximum of power leads to the following equation: ##(1 +\frac{qV_{max}}{kT})\exp\left(\frac{qV_{max}}{kT}\right) = 1 + \frac{I_{sc}}{I_{rs}}## ##I_{sc}## is short circuit current and ##I_{rs}## is...
  27. Steven Robinson

    How to calculate max current potential in a windmill generator....

    Hi, new member with a question that I might be asking wrong. A week ago I read an article or something on building a windmill generator, which I come back to every few years. So, this week, I was reading about how to calculate the voltage based on loops, turns, Teslas, area, RPMs and such, and I...
  28. C

    MHB What is the Maximum Inclination of a 3D Plane and its Equation in the XY Plane?

    Hi, If I have a 3D plane Ax+By+Cz=0, and I know the line equation of its intersection with the reference plane, what is the maximum inclination a point can have and what is its equation in the xy plane? Is it perpendicular to the intersection? That is , if the slope of the intersection line...
  29. J

    MHB Complex Variables - Max Modulus Inequality

    Suppose that f is analytic on the disc $\vert{z}\vert<1$ and satisfies $\vert{f(z)}\vert\le{M}$ if $\vert{z}\vert<1$. If $f(\alpha)=0$ for some $\alpha, \vert{\alpha}\vert<1$. Show that, $$\vert{f(z)}\vert\le{M\vert{\frac{z-\alpha}{1-\overline{\alpha}z}}\vert}$$ What I have: Let...
  30. SirChris93

    Find the time when the spring force reaches max magnitude

    Homework Statement Show how you use calculus to find the time when the magnitude of the Spring Force reaches its maximum. Then, when you found that time show how you calculate the Spring force at that time as well. m = 1.125kg vi = .8 m/s k = 2250 N/m x = 0m Homework Equations Fs (t) = [-mvi...
  31. MathematicalPhysicist

    A Max number of extra dimensions

    Is there an upper bound for the number of curled-up extra spatial dimensions and perhaps also temporal dimensions? I just wonder how many more theories with extra dimensions are possible... infinite?
  32. Mizarge

    Fortran Output of max consecutive values/days

    Hello everyone, I am working on a project with climate data and like to write a program that is able to find consecutive days with no precipitation, and furthermore only the period of each year that shows the longest lack of rainfall. As quite a Newbie regarding Fortran, I spent the last few...
  33. Drakkith

    Max Energy Stored in an Inductor

    Homework Statement Find the maximum energy stored in the inductor. Homework Equations ##p(t) = 0.09375te^{-1000t}(1-500t)## The Attempt at a Solution [/B] So, I've been working my way through a multi-apart problem and one part asks me to find the maximum energy stored in an inductor. Given...
  34. F

    Max Velocity of Damped/Undamped Spring

    Homework Statement A mass on the end of a spring is released from rest at position x0. The experiment is repeated, but now with the system immersed in a fluid that causes the motion to be critically damped. Show that the maximum speed of the mass in the first case is e times the maximum speed...
  35. T

    Max specific energy (energy density by mass) in a capacitor

    Hi folks, here's a thought/conceptual question I've been wondering about. What is the maximum theoretical specific energy (IE Joules/kg or equivalent) for energy stored in the electric field of a capacitor? I know the energy stored in a capacitor is given by U=C V^2/2, and the mass of the system...
  36. W

    Find the max speed so that an electron doesn't hit the plate

    Homework Statement An electron is fired from x = 0 with an unknown V0 at 45 degs to the horizontal between two parallel plates separated by 2 cm. Electric field is 103 j N/C. Find: a) The max value of V0 so that the electrons don’t hit the upper plate 3.75 * 106 m/sHomework Equations If you...
  37. D

    Finding an expression for max distance in terms of theta

    Homework Statement Basic projectile motion if you throw from ground level, to obtain a max distance in the x you'd want to throw at a 45° angle right? So as your initial height increases, your throwing angle will decrease and my guess is as your initial velocity increases your angle increases...
  38. R

    How to determine max torque of threaded fitting

    I am trying to determine the failure mode of an aluminum aircraft fitting. It's a standard AN814-3D, if that matters. Material is 6061-T6. Book tensile strength is 45,000 psi. Thread is a 0.375-24 standard 60 degree UN thread. Thread relief is 0.310 diameter. I.D. of fitting is 0.125 diameter...
  39. N

    I Quantum Tunneling Max Distance

    I was assuming that it is possible to repeatedly measure an electron's position, but that it was not possible to know the result of the subsequent measurement because of the uncertainty principle. What I was wondering was whether the maximum distance between the two measurements is limited by...
  40. M

    B Why did Max Planck assume discrete energy values?

    I've read several articles discussing how Max Planck decided to assume that the energy radiated by oscillators in a black-body came only in discrete increments of En = nhf, where n is an integer. Using this concept, he determined that the average energy of an oscillator was given by...
  41. S

    Max distance of multimode fiber without repeater station

    I have the task to design a system with a multimode fibre optic cable that is 45 km long, but no repeater station. Are optical amplifiers repeater stations? How to get the signal to carry for 45 km? I read that multimode fibres are quite short-range.
  42. G

    Projectile Motion Max Height and Range

    Homework Statement A projectile is launched with initial speed v0 and angle θ over level ground. The projectile's maximum height H and horizontal range R are related by the equation R = 4H. Write an expression for the launch angle of the projectile. Homework Equations R=4H Vxo=Vocos(θ)...
  43. T

    Max current densities in a conducting medium

    Hi, I am looking for some information regarding maximum current density in conducting mediums, such as a conducting fluid. Say that we have a setup like the figure that I have attached. We are looking down on a conducting medium with a uniform magnetic field coming out of the page and the...
  44. R

    Finding the Time of Max and 0 Angular Speed

    Homework Statement Mod note: Fixed thread title. OOPS NOT Acceleration, Speed! (Thread title is incorrect) Homework Equations w=d∅/dt v=rw x={+,-√(b2-4ac)}/2aThe Attempt at a Solution I solved this with help from Chegg study, however, I'm still not entirely sure what I am doing. Obviously, for...
  45. A

    I Max and min values -- Finding them in a data set

    I have some data collected from experiment and I want to calculate the max and min values for this data. Please note that these data not a result of function. What is the best mathematical way to get the max and min without just picking them by directly observation.
  46. M

    What is the max magnification of 0.5mm film lens.

    What is the max magnification of 0.5mm film lens. Film is just on the top of flat object(Paper, Display, Picture, etc). If Fresnel lens is made on top of the film, Can I magnify the object? Thank you.
  47. H

    How to find max velocity in a spring-mass system?

    Homework Statement Two masses connected with a spring with contant k. The string streched by l . Find the max velocity of mass m! M2 ___spring___ M1 M2--stretched by x2--____spring____--x1--M1 l = x1+ x2 2. Homework Equations F = k.l Mass1.x1 = mass2.x2 (x= displacement?) a=w^2 x v = wx Ep +...
  48. J

    Assessing Power Rack Max Load: A Scientific Inquiry

    I'm a petroleum engineer, so this is outside of my wheelhouse... I'm also a fairly avid metal worker and fabricator. Also I ask this question out of a curiosity, not because I'm building a rack or basing a financial decision off of the verdict of any resulting calculations. I feel like the "max...
  49. H

    Find the max and min value from equation?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations f ' (x) = 0 --> to find extreme points The Attempt at a Solution ## 2x^2 + y^2 = 4## ## y = \sqrt{4 - 2x^2}## ## y ' = \frac {-2x} {\sqrt{4-2x^2}} ## ## 0 = \frac {-2x} {\sqrt{4-2x^2}} ## x = 0 also ## 4 - 2x^2 >= 0 ## ## 4 >= 2x^2 ## ## \sqrt{2} >= x...
  50. H

    Find the min and max value from absolute function?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations f ' (x) = 0 -> to find extreme pointThe Attempt at a Solution can I differentiate the function directly? f ' (x) = |1| + | 2x - 2| 0 = 2x - 1 x = 1/2 and x from domain = { 0, 2 } the range we get : f(0) = 1 f(2) = 1 f(1/2) = 1/2 + 3/4 = 5/4 min = 1 max...