Means Definition and 296 Threads

  1. J

    I'm confused by what the professor means on this Fourier Series proble

    Homework Statement See the second bullet point on this page: Homework Equations So I know that fft(x) for a bunch of sample points x={x1, x2, ..., xn} returns the n Fourier coefficients for a function...
  2. A

    Distribution of sample means and variances

    Homework Statement Let X1,X2,...,Xn be i.i.d. Normal(μ,σ2) random variables, where the sample size n≥4. For 2≤k≤n-2, we define: Xbar = (1/n)SUM(Xi) from i=1 to n Xbark = (1/k)SUMXi) from i=1 to k Xbarn-k = (1/n-k-1)SUMXi from i=k+1 to n...
  3. S

    Any energy generation process means mass loss?

    Hello all, Considering that Einstein told us that E=mc2, that means that any energy is generated at a cost of mass loss? to be more specific: When a power plant generates energy by burning gas or coal, a part of the particles in the fuel burned simply disappear and can't be found in the...
  4. B

    Comparing weighted means in two sets of data

    Homework Statement For simplicity, I'm leaving out extraneous details (like actual numbers). Also, apologies for my formatting; I don't know how to use Latex, but I tried to make this as readable as possible. I have a set of N measurements for τ which each have their own standard deviations...
  5. K

    Find the angle of a force by means of graphic solution

    Homework Statement A beam ABC is fastened in C and is supported by the axially loaded bar BD. There is a load F working in A. Disregard any friction. Use the given measurements to find the force in the axially loaded bar BD, the force in C and the angle of the force in C by means of...
  6. J

    How Likely Are These Sample Means for Chickadees?

    Homework Statement A biologist interested in the mass of Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) in North Glenmore Park collects the 3 samples shown below: Sample 1: 9 individuals with a mean mass of 13.23 grams Sample 2: 16 individuals with a mean mass of 9.64 grams Sample 3: 13 individuals...
  7. dexterdev

    What does +ve charge in conductor means, do they move

    Hello pf, Electrons are the charge carriers in metal conductor. while explaining about the fact the fact that electric field inside a conductor is zero, there is a depiction showing charge moves to surface (+ve and -ve charges to extremes of metal conductor surface) in emt books...
  8. B

    Vector Proof Of Constant Speed Means Perpendicular Acceleration.

    Homework Statement Prove that when speed is constant that V(T), and A(T) are perpendicular. Homework Equations I know this involves the dot product to show that the dot product of the vectors is zero. The Attempt at a Solution In my head I thought that since the speed is...
  9. Q

    Proper time: confusion over what it means

    Can anyone explain proper time with a simple example analogous to real life please? I am having a problem understanding it. Thank you
  10. alane1994

    MHB When an Engineer Says... What He Really Means

    When an Engineer says... He really means... A number of good approaches are being tried. We're still guessing at this point. Close project co-ordination. We sat down and had coffee together. An extensive effort it being applied on a fresh approach to the problem. We just hired three new...
  11. N

    Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means

    Hey! I have this: 2(√(1-a^2 ))+ 2a How to determine the maximum value of this? I think good for this is Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means, but I don't know how use this, because I don't calculate with this yet. So, have you got any ideas? Poor Czech Numeriprimi... If you...
  12. J

    What it means to be a professor

    I'm a little confused as to what it is to be a college science professor. So if you get your PhD, your considered a scientist because you have done your own original research (at a university of course). Now you graduate and apply for jobs. I would assume that someone who is hired into, say...
  13. I

    Can someone explain what this means please?

    I read this but don't know what it means Particles in a carbon atom interact with each other and their environment all the time, quantum field theory describes those interaction with creation and annihilation operators. I thought creation and annihilation operators created and destroyed...
  14. S

    PH<pKa means acidic form, but why?

    I've memorized the following: pH<pka, then acidic form pH>pka, then basic form And I'm guessing that pH=pka means neutral. However, my instincts tell me it would be the opposite. Take NH3, ammonia, with a pKa of around 40. And then there's NH2-, which from a google search, has an...
  15. S

    MHB Uncovering the Means to Verify Math Proofs

    I feel the question i am going to ask it is one of the most important question ,if not the most important,in Mathematics. And i may add if answered correctly a lot of misunderstanding and useless arguing can be avoided. So here is the question: What are the mathematical means or theories that...
  16. R

    Can someone please explain to me what moment of inertia means?

    Can someone please explain to me what moment of inertia means?? I googled it and I found that moment of inertia is an objects resistance to angular momentum? What does that mean exactly? Can someone please briefly explain to me (in English) what it means or give me an example? Because I really...
  17. L

    Lower inertia means it moves faster, right?

    I was working out a conceptual question that asks: if a disk and a hoop of equal mass and radius start from the top of a ramp, are realeased at the same time, and roll without slipping, which one reaches the bottom of the ramp first? Disk: I = 1/2(m)(r^2) Hoop: I = mr^2 So the inertia...
  18. J

    I have no idea what 'Normalize'/'Normalization' means Help please?

    Just started a Quantum Computing course, and I'm getting continuously confused and lost in the class. I don't think the class is "out of my league" as I've been able to ace every physics class I've taken so far, so I don't want to drop the class. That said, I'm getting confused at the most...
  19. J

    Hoeffding inequality for the difference of two sample means?

    In W. Hoeffding's 1963 paper* he gives the well known inequality: P(\bar{x}-\mathrm{E}[x_i] \geq t) \leq \exp(-2t^2n) \ \ \ \ \ \ (1), where \bar{x} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nx_i, x_i\in[0,1]. x_i's are independent. Following this theorem he gives a corollary for the difference of two...
  20. L

    Means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations Is this system used today in electrical transmission? If not why not?
  21. N

    How to verify dice by statistic means ?

    Hello all, I got stuck with some problem of probability What I understand is how to verify by statistics, that a die (is that really the singular of dice ??) is crooked: - cast it a number of times, say twenty - count the number that shows most, say we find eight times the six -...
  22. K

    More alkyl groups you're attached to means you are more energetically

    In alkenes, the more alkyl groups you're attached to means you are more energetically stable, and that we know the reactivity increases as the stability of the intermediate carbocation increases (with tertiary the most stable) I'm puzzled by this relationship, how is it that when it is more...
  23. W

    Does higher order moments means more attention to local area?

    Dear all, Sorry to post this question in this section again. I am currently looking into few static analyse algorithms. I noticed that they are analysing with different order moments or cumulants to analyse the data. I guess it is because these algorithms are focus on different aspect of...
  24. caffeinemachine

    MHB Square root in Q(root 2) means its in Z[root 2]

    Let $a,b \in \mathbb{Z}$, and if $a+b\sqrt{2}$ has a square root in $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2})$, then the square root is actually in $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{2}]$. Only one approach comes to my mind. Let $r_1, r_2 \in \mathbb{Q}$ such that $a+b\sqrt{2}=(r_1+r_2\sqrt{2})^2$. This gives $a=r_1^2+2r_2^2...
  25. S

    What Does hp Represent in Power Units?

    What does the unit "hp" means? I admit that my physics sucks because it has been a long time since I heard the word "physics" but putting that aside, what does the unit "hp" represent/means? I don't remember learning that unit in school. Eg. An engine develops 85hp I'm guessing it's a Power...
  26. S

    What are the properties of orbifolds and how do they differ from manifolds?

    What does orbifold means? The wikipedia article says it is a generalization of manifolds which looks like a quotient space locally . So if my understanding is correct , If R1 is the Euclidean 1-space and A is an element of R1 and we identify each A with A+2*PI we get a circle so there is an...
  27. M

    Can 5th order equations be solved by means other than radicals?

    As the title suggests, we know from the Abel-Rufini theorem that 5th order equations cannot be solved using radicals. I haven't managed however to find an either positive or negative answer to the following statement: "Can 5th order equations be analytically solved by means other than...
  28. I

    Balanced load at home means no current on the neutral?

    I've never read this explicitly, but here is what I've concluded: If you could somehow have a perfectly balanced load on the circuits in your home to each of the 2 hot lines coming into your residence from the pole mounted transformer, this would mean: The neutral wire connected from your...
  29. P

    Studying An easy textbook means I feel unprepared

    I'm currently about to finish (next week!) my lower division physics classes and move on to the upper division courses while transferring from a junior college to UCLA. I feel utterly and completely unprepared for what lies ahead. I feel like the textbook we used (Fundamentals of Physics...
  30. R

    Anyone knows what this means? Something to do with Thermodynamics? It's been posted in an obscure corner of the physics department forever and I think it'd be nice to know what the heck this is all about. Thanks!
  31. B

    Proof involving means in continuous distributions

    I recall reading somewhere that the mean value of a continuous variable is situated at a point that acts as a fulcrum about which all other values are considered "weights". In other words, if we define the mean as μ = \int^{∞}_{-∞} x ρ(x) dx (where rho is the probability density) then...
  32. M

    Need help figuring what this symbol means

    It's a line through two half circles. Specifically: Imagine about 40% of the bottom of a circle above about 40% of the top of a circle with a little space between them and then a vertical line starting above the circles and going through the middle of each circle and then finishing a...
  33. D

    Constructing 95% CI for Difference in Means of 2 Normals w/ Var Unknown

    I have two samples, one with 21 measurements and one with 23 measurements, from a Normal distribution and I am constructing a 95% CI for the difference in the two means. I do not know the variances of the two Normal distributions. I know that \overline{X_1}-\overline{X_2}~N(\mu_1-\mu_2...
  34. K

    Unity means just plain regular 1 ?

    "unity" means just plain regular "1"? Im not sure whether this is a physics or math question, but in many physics problems, instead of saying "1", the problem will say "unity", like "the sine of theta is unity" or the "index of refraction is unity". I am assuming "unity" means just plain...
  35. Femme_physics

    14 bits at the output means 16 bits -2 on the MSB side?

    Just trying to check myself, as 14 bits doesn't seem to make I want to see how does it make sense. Is what written at the title true?
  36. X

    Exploring Counter-Propagating Waves: Amplitude and Other Possible Scenarios

    I was given an amplitude of a wave and was asked "What is the amplitude of each of the two counter-propagating waves that give rise to this standing wave" So since it says "counter-propagating" that means the waves are stacked on each other? so its really just half the given amplitude. Basically...
  37. B

    Urgent Response Needed: Can Partial Means Predict a Regression Line?

    urgent reply needed Can we use partial means as a predictor for the response while fitting a regression line or curve?.
  38. T

    News Constitution: Static or Living and in it means?

    Constitution: Static or Living and in it means?? I was reading "The Original Constitution", by Robert G. Natelson. The work assesses Constitution and Bill of Rights in light of eighteenth-century law, minutes from the Confederation Congress, the original Articles of Confederation, Federalist...
  39. A

    How can I test the difference between two sample means from SAME population?

    Here is the scenario: Let's say that two sets of samples (SET 1 and SET 2) are from the same population (N=1000). SET 1 and SET 2 has the same sample size (n=500). SET 1 is composed of doctors only, and their average (mean) price that they are willing to pay for a certain product (a new drug) is...
  40. E

    Tempering and what it means to 'draw it'

    HI. So I feel I have a pretty basic but good understanding of quenching and tempering processes (talking about steels). Tempering as I understand it removes internal stresses, reducing the hardness and brittleness created during quenching, but increasing other properties like toughness. (it can...
  41. B

    Other means of quantum teleportation.

    I've be looking up research on Quantum Teleportation and after reading a discussion about it, it had me wondering. If it might be impossible, in some eyes, to have the information scanned from a human being and then send it to the desired location, would it be possible instead to step away from...
  42. J

    Tried finding out what this symbol means, but to no avail did not find it. Help

    Hi, Recently I've started an experiment called Quantum Wells, I was reading the lab script and came across a familiar looking symbol but could not put my finger on to what it means. The symbol in question is: Å (an upper-case "A" with a hollow dot [circle] just above of it) Here's the...
  43. A

    Exploring Research: What it Is and What it Means

    what is research? how would you define it? what am I doing if I am researching? Ok, that's pretty vague. I am talking about academic research. I have been working in a so called Research & Development organization for past two years, and no doubt, I am loving it. I love the freedom, I love...
  44. A

    Dose E=hn means quantization of energy?

    I have an example class yesterday, but one question troubled me. In part (b), why does E=nhf? For me, it seems E=nh is enough, why does the equation involve frequency f after quantization?
  45. H

    Boolean Algebra: Can't prove that ô.e+ô.ê+o.e=ô+e (the accent means negation).

    Consider a Boolean algebra (B,+,.,negation symbol). 0 is the zero element and 1 is the unit element. + has the lowest precedence and negation has the highest. Show that ô.e+ô.ê+o.e=ô+e for all o and e in B. This isn't a logic gate algebra because that'd be easy, so I can't use the values 0s...
  46. S

    Why higher resistance means more heat produced in a circuit

    They say that nichrome is a better heating element as it has a higher resistance. But if I take V=RI then ain't I decrease since R is high, so current is lesser. Thus, resulting in a lower power dissipated as heat? Also, they aq if I use the wrong wires like thin wires, it will cause a lot of...
  47. Q

    Couldn't you accelerate past light by means of gravitational acceleration?

    If I type in any equation for acceleration due to gravity, I can look and see that it will eventually become bigger than 186,000 miles per second. So, what's stopping the acceleration from being faster than light if the principal of the curvature of the fabric for space allows matter to follow a...
  48. dexterdev

    What does applying 0 Volt to a circuit means?

    0 V is equivalent to short circuit. But applying 0V between 2 points means not connecting any source to those points (that is open circuit). Is not it? Please clear my doubt. -Devanand T
  49. Integral

    How much bulge means a bad cap?

    How much "bulge" means a bad cap? My 50" plasma first lost its component inputs a couple of months ago. I put in a up converting DVD player and more recently went to a Blue Ray on the HDMI inputs and all was good. But now the HDMI inputs have died also. I pulled the monster off the wall...
  50. M

    What acceleration of universe means?

    Sorry for such basic question, but am not able to get what it actually means? I know Hubbles "constant" is some 71 (km/s)/Mpc. Does acceleration of expansion means that the constant is getting larger? Or is it something completely different?