Means Definition and 296 Threads

  1. R

    How much current/voltage on average is produced by means of induction?

    By spinning a magnetic field in the presence of conducting wire, how much voltage/current is produced? Thanks.
  2. C

    What it means to negate the following statement?

    Homework Statement Suppose you have a collection of functions {f_1,f_2,\ldots,f_m} and you make the following statement: f_k ≤ 0 for all k with strict inequality for at least some k.Homework Equations The negation of the above statement is \exists k such that f_k>0 [\itex].The Attempt at...
  3. P

    Basic question about measurement of thin film by means of spectral reflectance

    Hallo alle users, as the title indicates, I have a question about measurement of thin film thickness by means of spectral reflectance. Given, the to be measured thin film has thickness less than 600 nm, but the measuring light has only wavelengh larger than 600 nm. Does it mean, that the...
  4. Y

    Relative Work - not sure what it means-

    Homework Statement Two people push in opposite directions on a block that sits atop a frictionless surface (The soles of their shoes are glued to the frictionless surface). If the block, originally at rest at point P, moves to the right without rotating and ends up at rest at point Q...
  5. U

    What exactly means (∂^2/∂x ∂y) ?

    what exactly means (∂^2/∂x ∂y) ?? Not sure if I should post it here or in the homework section. feel free to move the topic if necessary. Due to some personal reasons I'm not attending college this semester. So I'm studying using the just books, which is kinda good but I have no one to...
  6. I

    What potential difference means?

    Can someone explain to me what potential difference means? Lets say point A has a potential of 100 V and point B has a potential of 0 V. So V_AB would be 100 - 0 = ΔV But what exactly does that tell us? What does ΔV=100 do ?
  7. V

    Can anyone tell me the basics of Quasar?Note: Means that how it is

    Can anyone tell me the basics of Quasar? Note: Means that how it is created when there is only one dimension exists in a black hole and what is the reaction that occurs which emits so much light that it can be seen through millions of light year.
  8. G

    Can PDEs be solved using ODEs in quantum mechanics?

    Here's my question: as soon as I learned Quantum Mechanics and Schrodinger equation, I saw a "similarity" with the equation one gets in classical mechanics for the evolution of a function in phase space. In QM one has: i\hbar\frac{d}{dt}\psi = \hat{H}\psi and this is a evolution...
  9. X

    Find the value of x by using least means square method

    I can't understand this problem, anyone can help me... Given a function y = 4x2, you are required to find the value of x that will result y = 2 by using the Least Mean Squares method. Use initial estimate x0 = 1 and learning rate η = 0.01. Write down the results of the first 10...
  10. F

    What does it means to say two events are simultaneously observed?

    This is not homework problem, but I am using a problem from Elementary Modern Physics by Weidner and Sells as context for my question. It reads "A star is moving away from the Earth at 0.60c as measured in inertial system S, at rest with respect to the earth. At time t=0, when the star is 1.0...
  11. K

    Understanding Nanotechnology: Nanoblades & Nanosprings

    Nano-----, what means? What is a nanoblade? And a nanospring? I am not an expert about nanotechnology but I would like to understand something more. Thanks in advance.
  12. C

    Partial derivative equals zero means it is constant?

    Suppose we have a function u=f(x,y,z) If \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = 0 then u is independent of x and is u=f(y,z) only. Correct?
  13. D

    Confidence interval for difference between means

    My course notes and textbook express this differently: To construct the confidence interval for diff. between means, Course notes (\bar{x1} - \bar{x2})\pmE Textbook (\bar{x1} - \bar{x2}) - E < \mu1 - \mu2 < (\bar{x1} - \bar{x2}) + E why the difference?
  14. J

    Why do radiative corrections means changing particle masses?

    I'm currently trying to find out about radiative corrections to Feynman diagrams, where you have a particle traveling along (just represented by a line or whatever) then you can have it momentarily changing into a particle/antiparticle pair or whatever even if energy is not conserved - as long...
  15. M

    Understanding Solutions of ODEs: y' = -(y^2)

    Hi Physics forums. I saw this question in a book, I'm not asking for the answer and this is not a homework, I just don't know how to figure out this: What can you say about a solution of the equation "y' = -(y^2)"just by looking at the differential equation? I checked at the book's answer...
  16. Femme_physics

    The opposite slope means the opposite fraction, or opposite sign?

    Homework Statement I'm supposed to find the slope equation of the tangent line to the circle at point A. A = (2, 7) The circle's formula is (x+1)2+(y+3)2 = 25 The center point of the circle is therefor (-1, 3) So the slope from the...
  17. S

    A friend of mine did this and Im not sure what it means

    Not sure if he is just full of himself or if this actually means something... \ Any ideas?
  18. Z

    Trying to understand what extremal proper time means.

    General relativity states that all free falling bodies follow spacetime geodesics. A geodesic is a path of extremal proper time. My intuition tells me that extremal proper time is the maximum amount of real time. So does this mean that all objects will take the path of most time to get from...
  19. F

    Basis, what it really means for R

    Homework Statement Whenever LA talks about ℝn, do they mean just the n? Ex. Let's say I have two vectors \begin{bmatrix}1\\ 0\\ 0\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}0\\ 1\\ 0\end{bmatrix} Now it is tempting to say that the two vector is a basis for ℝ2. Now my professor tells me that it isn't a...
  20. A

    Is it true that the voltage at a point means the quantity of charge at

    is it true that the voltage at a point means the quantity of charge at that point?if not then what is voltage? thanks
  21. O

    So, Anyone Know What Handle Means?

    Hello everyone, Does anyone know what "handle" means such as below link: Can anyone please tell me what should I fill within this field? Thank you very much in advance Huygen
  22. M

    Is a Deltoid Wing the Same as a Kite Shape?

    As title... I am wondering is deltoid same as 'kite shape'? Thanks in advance...
  23. M

    Pictorial explanation of what getting a Ph.D. means

    Credits to Matt Might, whomever he is:
  24. S

    Stats: Simple Weighted Means Question

    Hey guys, this is for an elementary statistics course. When given a problem, I am having trouble determining which is the data set (X) and which is the weight (W). For example: Using the weighted mean, find the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish that a person would...
  25. H

    Comparing means from SAME sample

    I've done an experiment with human participants, n=40, so it's a large sample n>=30 from a large population. Now I'm trying to understand the statistical significance of my results and verify that I am interpreting things properly. This type of study is NOT my area of expertise. I'm basically...
  26. T

    What Does i^i Mean? Exploring Complex Number Powers

    i^i means WHAT?! My friend gave me the brain-teaser "i^i = what?", and with a little bit of coaching I finally discovered that i^i = e^(-pi/2) Which is cool, I suppose. But the more I think about it, the more I wonder: what the heck does it mean? For that matter, what does anything...
  27. L

    How get the significant difference from arithmetic means and SD?

    The raw data are lost, I have only final outputs (arithmetic means and standard deviations) for equally long measurement series. How I can compare results (calculate results) for the purpose to see significant statistic difference (significant difference, p<0.05)? Thank you in advance.
  28. G

    How to correct regression towards the means

    Does anybody of you know about this problem and how to compensate for it?
  29. Saladsamurai

    Sampling Distribution of the Means

    Hey folks! :smile: I am working through my text entitled Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Walpole et al. I am getting a little stuck on their lackadaisical derivation of the standard deviation of the means. Perhaps I can get a little guidance here by talking it out...
  30. I

    Distance measurement by means of optical interferometry

    Hi, I have been assigned to a new task in my job where I have to investigate on measuring the distance to an object by means of optical interferometry (Michelson interferometry). I have been looking for info on the subject but have not been really lucky. I have been able to obtain the...
  31. L

    What is the Product Log and how can it be expressed as a closed-form expression?

    What Product Log Means?? Hi, I have the following equation: B = (k*a*Exp[-t*(B/N)*T/beta] - N)/(a*Exp[-t*(B/N)*T/beta]) Using Mathematica, I tried to solve it for B. Mathematica returned the following solution: B = k-(N*beta*ProductLog[(E^((k*t*T)/(N*beta))*t*T)/(a*beta)])/(t*T)...
  32. D

    What ‘Something is conserved’ means in curved spacetime?

    In flat spacetime what we say that something (energy, information, charge, whatever) is conserved we take some region of space at moment t1, check the amount of that something, then we count the amount of the same thing at t2. What is ‘at moment t1’? It means that we cut spacetime using 2...
  33. Simfish

    The coming data explosion and what this means for employable skills An interesting book: So basically, the two main paradigms used to be experiment and theory. Then in the 1950s came...
  34. M

    How Does t0.975 Give a 95% Confidence Interval?

    Hi! I'm reading up on confidence intervals for means. This is leaving my mind boggled. I caught the part where the interval = tc*(sample standard deviation/the square root of n). What's boggling my mind though is the variable tc. I see that t refers to a T distribution. But, I can't...
  35. R

    I never learned what f(a, b) means..

    Homework Statement The problem is : For the functions from N*N --> N, determine if the following functions are surjective: f(a, b) = a + b f(a, b) = ab(b+1)/2 Homework Equations N is all natural numbers The Attempt at a Solution My problem is I know the definition of...
  36. M

    Racecar Winning Probability Index - click to find out what it means

    Racecar Winning Probability Index -- click to find out what it means So I just developed an equation that calculates how likely a racer is to win a particular race. It is not a probability ratio, which is why I'm calling it an index. RWPI(racer) = GRI(racer) / GRI(top competitors) where...
  37. C

    Optoelectronic devices what rms linewidth means?

    Can someone explain to me in the context of optoelectronic devices what rms linewidth means?? For example the rms linewidth of a particular laser is 0.1nm. What does that mean? and what implications does this have on a communications system using that laser? Thanks
  38. S

    Meaning of \gamma{\mu}, \gamma{\nu} in Rows 1,2,3

    i can see the mean of "[]" in the first row,it is the anticommunicater between \gamma{\mu} and \gamma{\nu}, but what it mean in the second row and the third? thanks
  39. thenewmans

    No info transferred means SR and Entanglement do not conflict

    How is it that the lack of any info transferred between 2 entangled particles means that SR and Entanglement are not in conflict? I guess what I’m really asking is, well, it sounds to me like the lack of info is really just a lack of evidence that anything is transferred instantaneously. So if...
  40. J

    Most effective means of moving hot air?

    What is the best way to move hot air? Would it be blowing air across the heat source (ex: wood stove) or suck the air away from the heat source? I use a wood stove to heat my home which works perfectly, but it occasionally gets too hot in the living room (where the wood stove is). I want to...
  41. W

    Does chaos means long term numerical simulations useless?

    i am now reading a prl paper the authors used numerical simulations to study a nonlinear system in some parameters, the authors state that system enters into chaos My numerical simulations are the same as that of the authors in the regular regime but in the chaos regime, my...
  42. W

    Does chaos means long term numerical simulations useless?

    i am now reading a prl paper the authors used numerical simulations to study a nonlinear system in some parameters, the authors state that system enters into chaos My numerical simulations are the same as that of the authors but in the chaos regime, my simulations are quite different...
  43. D

    Arithmetic and geometric means

    Homework Statement Homework Equations AM = arithmetic mean = (a+b)/2 GM = geometric mean = sqrt(ab) The Attempt at a Solution I'm totally stuck on this, substituting does not help at all.
  44. C

    What Do F=ma and the Definitions of Force and Mass Really Mean?

    F=ma How do we define m and F? If their definition both come from this equation, then the equation doesn't really mean anything...We can also definite a F', and say F'=ma^2, and there isn't anything wrong... However, we have F=ma as something true, then F and m must be something true...
  45. C

    Comparing 2 sample means of 2 different samples

    Homework Statement sample 1: size -10, mean -124, variance -1681 sample 2: size -5, mean -68, variance - 481 Assuming equal variance, independent and normality holds a)Is there any evidence that that the mean in population 2 is is less than the mean in population 1? Use alpha = 0.01...
  46. Y

    Question about what this variance value means

    i calculated the variance of a few measurements and i got the value of 3.65 i know the variance tells us the degree of dispersion from them ean value, and i came up with 3.65, what does this number say about the data?
  47. F

    What does SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) means?

    Hi, 1: I just want to ask that what does SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) means? and when a lagrangian is invariant under SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) what does that mean? Does it mean that lagrangian L is invariant under SU(3) and then SU(2) and then U(1)? so if one wants to check SU(3) invariance of L...