Mechanical Definition and 1000 Threads

Mechanical engineering is an engineering branch that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering branches.Mechanical engineering combines creativity, knowledge and analytical tools to complete the difficult task of shaping an idea into reality.
The mechanical engineering field requires an understanding of core areas including mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity. In addition to these core principles, mechanical engineers use tools such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices, weapons, and others. It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery.Mechanical engineering emerged as a field during the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 18th century; however, its development can be traced back several thousand years around the world. In the 19th century, developments in physics led to the development of mechanical engineering science. The field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements; today mechanical engineers are pursuing developments in such areas as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology. It also overlaps with aerospace engineering, metallurgical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, manufacturing engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering, and other engineering disciplines to varying amounts. Mechanical engineers may also work in the field of biomedical engineering, specifically with biomechanics, transport phenomena, biomechatronics, bionanotechnology, and modelling of biological systems.

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  1. Z

    Programs BA of Physics&Math wants to get into Mechanical or Electrical or Optical Eng Phd

    Hi, I'm attending a 50+ Liberal Art college in physics and math, double major, I'm going to be a senior this fall and want to go to graduate school. I have major GPAs 3.81, 3,73 for physics and math respectively and 3.57 overall, GRE 670+800. I also conducted research at ORNL at material...
  2. T

    Engineering Mechanical Engineering Major. Good idea to double major in Applied Math?

    I'm having a bit of a dilemna. I'm currently a senior in Mechanical Engineering and will finish in about 1.5 years. I always feel that ME alone might not be as useful and wish to expand my knowledge in Physics or Mathematics. I'm equally passionate of both, and have thought about minoring in one...
  3. A

    Work from home as a mechanical engineer?

    is there any work from home as a mechanical engineer?
  4. R

    Comparing Mechanical Energies of two falling masses

    Ok, first time posting...hopefully I do this correctly, as I have found myself in a bind on this one. It is a question comparing the mechanical energy of two masses falling in different ways in which you are given the option of greater than, less than, or equal to. Homework Statement The...
  5. R

    Engineering Mechanical vibration -> proving a larger motor will vibrate more

    Homework Statement I have a task of essentially proving that bigger motor = bigger vibration. I have certain data such as the running speed of the motor (), moment of inertia of the rotor, weight of the motor and shaft and the diameter of the shaft. Homework Equations |X| = \frac{me}{M}...
  6. L

    Adapting touch sensor to mechanical control system

    Hi. I've just started working with the MPR121 capacitive sensor (at the moment I'm working with the MPR121 breakout board sold by sparkfun) for an application that involves detecting a toolhead's distance above a work surface. It's not a problem to ground part of the tool head and some initial...
  7. S

    Transferring electronic signal (or lack thereof) into mechanical effect

    Hi, I need a little help trying to determine the possibility of incorporating touch and motion sensor technology in material like rubber, plastic or glass. My question is as follows: Is it possible to incorporate touch and motion sensor technology in material like rubber, plastic or glass...
  8. B

    Can I prove conservation of mechanical energy?

    I am trying to consolidate my understanding of kinematics and mechanics. If there is no such thing as friction, and the only force in the universe is gravity, then can we prove using the laws of kinematics and the definition of potential energy/kinetic energy that the mechanical energy of...
  9. T

    Engineering Advice for Mech. Eng. Grad Looking to be Landscape or Ag. Engineer

    studying mech engineering but want to be landscape architect or agriculture engineer Next year I will graduate with a bs. in mechanical engineering, what advice can you give me if i want to become a landscape architect or an agricultural engineer( courses i can take ,or ways i can squeeze into...
  10. B

    Engineering How to go from being a physicist to be a mechanical engineer?

    hello all, I am a new here. I just graduated as a physicist. I know that my bachelor on physics will not give me a good job, I am thinking to go from being physicist to be a mechanical engineer. Is that easy? does anyone tried that? what courses do I have to take? and the most important, is this...
  11. I

    Programs Mechanical Engineering vs Civil Engineering Major?

    I'm interested in either of these disciplines, but I'm stuck between the two. What exactly is the difference between these two fields of engineering and what are the pro's and con's of each? I'm relatively good at math and physics, so in which field would I be able to utilize my skills more? In...
  12. S

    Local Conservation of Energy in Superposition of Mechanical Wave Pulses

    Hi All, First off, thanks to all the old hands at physicsforums, you guys are truly an amazing resource. I was thinking about a system today that at first glance, appears to violate local conservation of energy for two mechanical wave pulses interfering with each other. Consider a...
  13. V

    Practical Electronic & Mechanical Skills for Aspiring Experimentalists

    I just thought Id post some of my thoughts on what I feel is needed for undergrad physics majors who are interested in the more practical side of what we are learning in our highly idealized and theoretical coursework. I also would like to point out what tools I think are necessary for people...
  14. U

    Is this enough of a reason to take up Mechanical Engineering?

    Is this enough of a reason to take up Mechanical Engineering?? I'm going to do an MS in Mechanical Engineering, and so I need to write an SOP )Statement Of Purpose/ Application Essay) for grad school admissions. To be frank, during undergrads, the sole reason I took up mechanical engineering...
  15. A

    How Do You Calculate Water Velocity and Pipe Diameter in Mechanical Engineering?

    Mechanical principles engineering question help?? Homework Statement A boiler is supplied with water at a rate of 0.5 kg/s through a pipe of diameter 80mm a) Calculate the velocity of the water in the pipe b) Calculate the smaller internal diameter of this tapered section of pipe...
  16. H

    Electrical vs. mechanical (engineering)

    Hello, I just recently transferred to U of Calgary and I have one week left to choose which engineering discipline I want to go into. I've narrowed it down to EE and ME. I think I like both disciplines equally and I have a major interest in both. What do you guys think is the 'better' degree...
  17. U

    Research in mechanical engineering- what is it all about(just general idea)

    Research in mechanical engineering-- what is it all about(just general idea) Hi, I'm a student of mechanical engineering and I'd like to do an MS degree following my undergrads. Up till now, I've had experience in only simulation based research i.e. during my final year project, my...
  18. I

    Engineering Mechanics vs Mechanical Engineering?

    I'm primarily interested in engineering mechanics because I like the narrowness of the program to classical mechanics rather than a broad range of subjects including other areas of physics as well. My only concern is the job availability. What are the pro's and con's to engineering mechanics...
  19. M

    Switching time of a mechanical switch - capacitive model

    Hi, I am trying to solve a problem, where i need to find the switching time of a mechanical switch. A voltage of V is applied to an acutation pad, and the movable beam is assumed to have a spring constant of K. I have attached the photo for better clarity. Please help me out...
  20. W

    Engineering Looking for a Mechanical Engineer to Interview for High School

    Hi, I'm a high-school student and for a Careers assignement we need to interview someone who has a job in a career area we wish to pursue. So, I'm hoping to find a person who a mechnaical engineer who's willing to give answers with some depth and though. An automotive engineer would be even...
  21. R

    Conservation of Mechanical Energy and Momentum in total inelastic collisions?

    Conservation of Mechanical Energy and Momentum in total inelastic collisions? In an inelastic collision, such as a bullet getting stuck in a block hanging on a string, has two types of conservations? -Total Inelastic Collisision Conservations: (1) Conservation of Mechanical Energy: Uo+Po =...
  22. J

    Conceptual Question about Mechanical Energy

    Hi, I was just wondering, is mechanical energy conserved when two cars of equal mass and moving at equal speed collide head-on and in the process both come to rest? I'm inclined to say it isn't conserved because kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy (e.g. heat and sound)...
  23. A

    Electrical Engineering vs Mechanical (again)

    I know there are a ton of these posts, but I still need help as I have about one month to decide my degree ( I'm portuguese and I'm in the 12th grade) ... My favourite subjects are by far maths and physics (probably physics) and I would say that I'm very good at them. The problem is that my...
  24. A

    Mechanical vs Electrical: Which Engineering Degree Should I Choose?

    I know there are a ton of these posts, but I still need help as I have about one month to decide my degree ( I'm portuguese and I'm in the 12th grade) ... My favourite subjects are by far maths and physics (probably physics) and I would say that I'm very good at them. The problem is that my...
  25. S

    A couple of problems for you, help please (About mechanical energy)

    Hey guys, I have a test tomorrow in physics and although I'm a good student, physics is getting tougher this year (high school 1st year for me) and our teacher is really bad, her teaching skills are very poor. Plus, I've been absent for a couple of days when we had physics and I can't solve the...
  26. C

    Change in mechanical energy of a bullet

    Homework Statement A 30g bullet is moving at a horizontal velocity of 500m/s come to a stop 12 cm within a solid wall. What is the change in mechanical energy of the bullet? Homework Equations Mechanical energy = 1/2mv^2+mgh The Attempt at a Solution The question is for 6...
  27. A

    Trying to choose between Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

    Hi. I just finished first year mechanical engineering and I'm at a bit of a crossroads. My true passion is in particle physics but for some personal reasons I didn't go into Pure Physics, I went into mechanical engineering. At the moment I'm pondering switching into Electrical because a lot of...
  28. J

    Using quantum mechanical forces in Newtonian molecular dynamics

    Hi All, I'm trying to write some "wrapper" software that uses forces calculated from a quantum mechanical potential (ie. Hartree-Fock, DFT, etc.) to evolve a system according to classical Newtonian mechanics (ignoring any periodic boundary conditions, etc.). I believe I have successfully coded...
  29. J

    Maximum acceleration, frequency and mechanical energy of a spring

    1. When a 0.20-kg block is suspended from a vertically hanging spring, it stretches the spring from its original length of 0.050m to 0.060m. The same block is attached to the same spring and placed on a horizontal, friction-less surface. The block is then pulled so that the spring stretches to...
  30. H

    Mechanical Resistance in a simple generator?

    Hallo everyone! I'd like to build a simple generator for a project. Like this picture here: I have everything I need but one think keeps coming into mind... Mechanical resistance?(Not friction due to material's touching each other like...
  31. A

    Mechanical Engineering/Engineering in general SUCCESS STORIES?

    Mechanical Engineering/Engineering in general SUCCESS STORIES!? Hi, I'm Aaron, a sophomore mechanical engineering student at Pitt. I have struggled tremendously with my grades and trying to get everything straightened out academically. Right now, my cummulative gpa is a 2.05. I have been...
  32. J

    Information on Mechanical Engineering

    Homework Statement Hello i am majoring in engineering and i would like to know from the mouth of an engineer what you guys do all day, what is the average work day like? is it all calculations and math or is it hands on building things? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  33. A

    How often is mathematics used in Mechanical Engineering?

    Hi, What kinds of mathematics are used in Mechanical Engineering? How often is math used? Is it used almost every step of the way? I'm a physics and mathematics fanatic and I am trying to find a career with a lot of mathematics, physics, and mechanical kind of stuff. Thanks,
  34. C

    Engineering Should I Switch from Civil to Mechanical Engineering?

    I just finished my freshman year in civil and I have an internship at a civil and land surveying firm lined up for the summer, but I’m thinking about switching to mech next year and want some advice. Either way, as far as the summer job goes, I’m sure experience in an engineering firm would be...
  35. M

    Mechanical vs Electrical: Exploring Job Market Prospects for Graduates

    Hello all, I am a Mechanical major at Drexel University. I am throwing this up for debate...Which major has a better job market after graduation, mechanical or electrical?
  36. F

    Mechanical Power Transfer, trying to figure out the wiggle factor?

    Mechanical Power Transfer, trying to figure out the wiggle factor? I’m trying to figure out “power transfer” using drive belts, probably serpentine, possibly cogged. If you have a primary drive belt that comes forward from say a 25Hp motor to power a secondary serpentine belt. The thing I...
  37. A

    Engineering What is mechanical engineering like?

    Hi, I am considering doing mechanical engineering as a career. What is mechanical engineering like? What are some of the duties like? Is mathematics involved every step of the way? If so, what kind of mathematics are involved? I am trying to find a career that is interesting and involves a...
  38. H

    Engineering Engineering Physics or Mechanical Engineering

    Well I am unsure which degree I should go after, I like Engineering Physics because its so broad and includes elements from ME, EE, and normal physics, and this makes me happy because I really I feel like I can learn more and have more job opportunities, but then again lots of websites have told...
  39. Femme_physics

    Mechatronics = Mechanical engineer who knows some electronics? According to the defintion, "Mechatronics is the combination of Mechanical engineering, Electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Software engineering, Control engineering, and Systems Design engineering in order to design, and manufacture useful...
  40. C

    Civil or Mechanical (also Patent Law)

    I'm a freshman in civil engineering currently and I am thinking about mechanical as a possibility. This is going to be a long post, but stick with me and I’d really appreciate it. (If not, skip down and read the last two paragraphs.) The reason I chose civil in the first place was that I...
  41. K

    Dynamics Impulse problem mechanical engineering

    Homework Statement find tension in cable and velocity of B after 5 seconds. System released from rest. no slipping, neglect weight of pulley and cable.Homework Equations τ(t) = Iω Parallel axis theorem? The Attempt at a Solution Picture of problem: question...
  42. M

    Engineering Physics = Mechanical Engineering ?

    Physics = Mechanical Engineering ? Hello, Something just occurred to me last night. A B.S. in physics covers almost the same material covered in a B.S degree in mechanical engineering. Think about: thermodynamics, statics, mechanics, etc. Of course the latter does have more coursework...
  43. S

    Calculating Tension in a Stretched String Using Wave Speed

    Homework Statement A string whose linear density is 0.00500 kg/m is stretched to produce a wave speed of 85 m/s. What tension was applied to the string. Homework Equations v=√(F/(m/L)) The Attempt at a Solution v=0.00500 kg/m m/L= 85 m/s I can't seem to re-arrange the...
  44. T

    Mechanical Motion of Springs Differential Equations

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution So I've been interpreting the information in the problem as follows: F_{damping} = 4u' = μ(u'), k = \frac{4N}{m}. If the system is critically damped then μ = 2\sqrt{km} = 2\sqrt{\frac{4N}{m}m} = 2\sqrt{4N}. Now it seems as though the spring...
  45. J

    Should I switch from Physics to Mechanical Engineering?

    Hey guys, this is my first post on here. I'm a second-year physics major at a large public university in the U.S., and I am considering changing my major to mechanical engineering (with a physics minor. I faced this decision at the same time last year. If I were to switch I would have to stay...
  46. A

    Mechanical Strength of Black Iron Pipe

    If you were to mate a 1 ½” black iron pipe to a 1 ¼” black iron pipe using a 1 ½” coupling and a bushing reducer, how much bending torque would be needed before one of the parts or connections failed? That is, if you held the 1 ½” black iron pipe in a fixed position and the applied a force to...
  47. A

    Solving a Mechanical Engineering Problem: AISI 1020 HR Steel Shaft

    Hey. This is my first post, I'm a Senior in Mechanical Engineering, I will help others as far as I can. I'm trying to solve the problem from the picture. The shaft is loaded with 2 transverse loads, 2 moments and 2 torques. The critical point is immediately to the left of "B". The material is...
  48. M

    Mechanical engineering so many Choices?

    Hello all, I am a pre-junior mechanical engineering student at Drexel University. I am a non traditional student working on my second bachelors and absolutely love it. I find myself amazed by the fact at my age (33) I have the opportunity to study full time. I will just say for anyone...
  49. A

    Mechanical Bending Moment and Rod Deformation Calculations

    Homework Statement A) A circular rod is subjected to a bending moment of 315Nm. What is the minimum diameter of the rod required so that the maximum stress does not exceed 200N/mm2? B) If the Modulus of Elasticity for the material from which the rod is made of is 100kN/mm2, what radius...