Mechanism Definition and 532 Threads

In engineering, a mechanism is a device that transforms input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and movement. Mechanisms generally consist of moving components which may include:

Gears and gear trains;
Belts and chain drives;
Cams and followers;
Friction devices, such as brakes or clutches;
Structural components such as a frame, fasteners, bearings, springs, or lubricants;
Various machine elements, such as splines, pins, or keys.The German scientist Franz Reuleaux defines machine as "a combination of resistant bodies so arranged that by their means the mechanical forces of nature can be compelled to do work accompanied by certain determinate motion". In this context, his use of machine is generally interpreted to mean mechanism.
The combination of force and movement defines power, and a mechanism manages power to achieve a desired set of forces and movement.
A mechanism is usually a piece of a larger process, known as a mechanical system or machine. Sometimes an entire machine may be referred to as a mechanism; examples are the steering mechanism in a car, or the winding mechanism of a wristwatch.
However, typically, a set of multiple mechanisms is called a machine.

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  1. K

    Engineering Mobility of the Mechanism, Chebychev–Grüblerv Formula

    For question J) I've got 9 number of links, 10 number of joints and 1 higher pair ( assuming that there is a slippage), substituting these values in the Chebychev–Grübler's formula gives me the mobility of 1. For question H) I've got 7 number of links, 9 number of joints substituting these...
  2. naviakam

    How Does Compressing Fully Ionized Gas Accelerate Ions to High Energies?

    Fully ionized gas, if compressed to a cylinder of mm scale, collapses rapidly and accelerates the e/ions to very high energies (MeV). The temperature in the compressed gas is around 100 eV. What could be the possible acceleration mechanism?
  3. Y

    Torque calculation for a new loading mechanism

    I'm designing loading mechanism of new machine and need to know what the torque will be. Here is the sketch of my mechanism. Distance from centre of shaft to the top of loading table is 200mm. Distance from the centre of mass of workpiece to centre of the shaft 50 mm. Max load is 400 kg. Weight...
  4. FEAnalyst

    Quick return mechanism stress analysis

    Hi, I wonder how to approach stress analysis of quick return mechanism used in shaper machines (see the diagram below): The first issue is: which moment in the working process of this mechanism should be used for analysis (when will the mechanism experience largest loads)? So far I assumed...
  5. T

    Calculate resultant force of a linear mechanism

    Hi all, I'm currently designing a linear to linear transform mechanism (wedge cam design). Would like to check how much force required to push/ slide the roller down. To ease calculation, i have include some assumption: F2 = 1kg @ maximum compressed angle = 20degree F1 required = ? and how...
  6. bugdry

    Slider Crank Mechanism Torque Question

    I hope that it is okay for me to ask this here. It has been a long time since i did mechanism analysis. I have what I hope is a quick question. I calculate the torque required to rotate crank AB and therefore lift up the link BC to be 88lb-in. I assumed that link AB has no weight, no...
  7. Nagui

    Finding the Equation System of a Complex Mechanism: Using Lagrange Formalism

    Summary:: equation system of complex mechanism need to be done. Lagrange Formalism could be helpfull to do it but small errors could all destroy .. Hi everyone, I tried to find the equation system of the joined Mechanism (4 DoF). I think there is a mistake but I am not sure where is it . I...
  8. moog

    Auto/Motor Create a simple mechanism to simulate a rocking chair

    help.. Need to create a simple mechanism to simulate a rocking chair.. I'm a carpenter with basic knowledge of electronics. I have created a chair that is supported with 20 mattress springs (under the chair). The chair is springy now, which is what I need. Now I need to run some kind of a...
  9. D

    What Track Should the Second Disk Follow in This Mechanism?

    Hello, I am trying to design a mechanism that moves a piece towards the center of a disk by rotating a second disk as described in the picture below. There is a stationary disk which restricts the motion of the piece, so it can move vertically only. There is also a second disk that it is located...
  10. Robert Friz

    I What Mechanism Creates the Jet Emanating From a Quasar?

    Given that a quasar is a super massive black hole with an accretion disk rotating at some significant percentage of the speed of light, what is the mechanism that generates the enormously luminous jet that emanates from the "poles" of the black hole that has become a quasar? a. The magnetic...
  11. Q

    Ideas for a self-tilting mechanism

    Hello, I would like to ask for ideas for a tilting mechanism for a machine that shoots out odd-shaped objects. These objects are quite large (about 50-100 kg each), are rolled around on castor wheels, and have slightly different contours. Here’s a sketch of the machine and the object: As...
  12. Shees

    Mechanism to Automatically Lower Heater for Sealing Packaging

    Hi i need a mechanism to lower the heater to certain height then it will automatically go up. It could be auto or manual hand mechanism. In short i need a mechanism which is installed in drill press table machine to lower drill bit. But in my scenario it is heater to seal small packaging of...
  13. mark!

    Is epigenetics an additional mechanism for natural selection?

    Mammals go through two rounds of epigenetic "reprogramming" -- once after fertilization and again during the formation of gametes (sex cells) -- in which most of the chemical tags are The...
  14. V

    How Can I Connect Two Cylinders Coaxially to Transfer Pulling Force?

    Hello everyone, I’m trying to build a coupling system between two cylinders to connect them coaxially and transfer pulling force from a string on the surface of cylinder one to a string inside cylinder two. Please have a look at the sketches attached. Both of the cylinders have an outer...
  15. nickjmi

    Can you me understand this mechanism?

    Can you explain me how does it work? Circular into rectilinear motion. The waved-wheel or cam on the upright shaft communicates a rectilinear motion to the upright bar through the oscillating rod. i've not understood this explanation
  16. N

    Analyzing the Mechanics of a Wobble Plate in a Cranked Axle Mechanism

    In the following cross section, the static guide plate (light blue) is rigidly constrained, fixed to the body (not shown) of the mechanism. It serves as the mounting point for a cranked axle (dark blue) via a combination thrust and radial bearing (pink & yellow) that constrains it to a single...
  17. PainterGuy

    B Sinusoidal force mechanism for a swing

    Hi, Please have a look on the attachment. The displacement of swing from the equilibrium position, x=0, is considered to be maximum, +x, when the swing reaches the person who is pushing it. The pushing force is of short duration and could be approximated by a pulse. I hope I have it correct...
  18. Shubol3D

    Calculate the output power for da Vinci's tank mechanism

    Hello everyone. I'm working on 3D animation about da Vinci tank and why it doesn't work. Please help me find out how to compute: 1: how many men need to move this machine 2: what power on wheel can produce different number of man, like 1, 2, 4, 8.. vehicle mass = 8t men strength = 60kg lever...

    Trying to find the torque required to turn the crankshaft in my mechanism

    Hello!, First post and I am excited. I am an artist and want to see if the motor I have selected for this mechanism will work for a project I am working on. I am trying to see if the gearbox/motor I have sourced for this mechanism is powerful enough to drive it. The weight of the object I...
  20. rama3njoy

    Misc. Help with this Retraction Mechanism for a Trap

    i want make a trap that can reset automaticly. above my simple drawing how its work, a hinge with lever, the end of lever hold by magnet. every time it swing down, wire attached on the end lever will pulled by motor with half arm. my question is, how to make switch that trigger motor to turn one...
  21. HighFive5

    Chemistry Reaction Mechanism for Amide Formation: Do You Agree?

    Hello all! I wrote a reaction mechanism for a sequence that forms an amide. Do you agree with my answer? Thanks for your help!
  22. BillTre

    Molecular Mechanism for Bacterial Sliding

    This article from Science Advances (probably not open access, an AAAS publication) has described a complex and interesting molecular mechanism (a nano-bio-molecular machine). A rotary motor in the cell membrane (driving mechanisms unknown) spins a gear that pushes a "tread" along a track imbeded...
  23. Natalie456

    Chemistry How Can Isoxazole Be Synthesized from Furoxan and Phenylacetylene?

    I'm having difficulties uploading my work to this system at the moment, but I have currently attempted 1,3-cycloaddition between the furoxan and phenylacetylene. However, unless a sigmatropic rearrangement occurs (which, as far as I can conclude, leads to instability with charges), this places...
  24. R

    Misc. Mechanism or method to unlock a window from the outside?

    Hello, I hope this is the right place to post about this. I live in a multi-unit condo, and I have a window that I am trying to lock and unlock from the outside. The window is from the kitchen and looks out onto a public-ish breezeway where I can access easily. I know this might seem a...
  25. Aurimas

    How to design a slide switch mechanism to be waterproof -- ideas?

    I need to protect electronic parts in case from water. The thing is, I need to design slide switch on the cap of the housing. Maybe any ideas?
  26. M

    Velocity / Acceleration Diagrams of a Mechanism - Piston and a rotating rod

    Summary:: This is a question about finding the acceleration of a point in a mechanism Hi, I have a question about the mechanism shown in the attached picture: Question: We are told that \omega = 6 rad/s and the first part is asking me to find the acceleration of point P on the piston when...
  27. W

    High-Accuracy & High-Precision Launcher for Ping Pong Balls?

    I'm looking for recommendations for a relatively low-budget launching mechanism design for launching ping pong balls with high accuracy and high precision (able to consistently land within a 0.5 cm radius of a fixed point located about 30 cm away from the launcher). I've tried constructing a...
  28. E

    The Antikythera mechanism is a 2,000 year old mechanical computer

    This was a marvel of technology for the time. Leave it up to the Greeks to invent something like this, they were at the forefront of innovation in the ancient world.
  29. Storm_Eagle

    Bistable spring mechanism with a different transition point?

    Hi. I have a application for a bistable spring mechanism. But my problem is that all of the ones i have seen require to go past the "midpoint" before it flips to the other side. Is there any such mechanism that flips over to position 2 before you get to the "midpoint" from position 1? Example...
  30. Shuja

    How to Design a Ball Throwing Mechanism That Only Intakes One Ball at a Time?

    So I am designing a mechanism where balls have to be fed from a feeder into a mechanism which can only intake 1 ball at a time. I have thought of multiple designs but all of them end up having the same problem i.e. the entry hole is choked if 2 balls try to enter at the same time. Does anyone...
  31. bash1803

    Understanding Algebraic Solutions for Slider Crank Mechanism Calculations

    Hi Guys, I am currently working on an assignment for my uni. I don't want to post the question right away as I want to try to understand as much of the material as possible; but it seems what they have given me is a bit lacking. As such I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right...
  32. C

    Chemistry How is Methyl Propanoate Formed from Propanoyl Chloride and Sodium Methoxide?

    CH3CH2COCl + CH3ONa = CH3CH2COOCH3 + NaCl ? from propanoyl chloride is formed acylium ion?
  33. D

    Ballscrew position in a scissor mechanism

    Hello, regards to all. I am designing a CNC machine where the table will work as a Z axis. I have found a complication when trying to save space under the table, to avoid set the ballscrew upright I have decided to make a scissor mechanism but I have noticed that when the ballscrew travel 10mm...
  34. P

    Single motor sequence mechanism

    Hello! I'm currently in the process of making a moving cosplay prop, and as a perfectionist, I'd like it to move exactly like the original. Kind of like in this animation: The problem I've stumbled upon, is how to...
  35. noodlesnoah

    Would my turning mechanism for my robot work?

    I am making a robot and was wondering if this mechanism will work to turn my robot. Below is a small diagram of my robot. The main wheels are by the circle and there are a few small not power ones for stablisation in the tail. If I rotated the part pointed to in the tail or just the tail would...
  36. mgkii

    Entropic Force - Heat Transfer Mechanism

    Is anyone able to explain something to do with entropic force at a level I might be able to understand please! Ok... you need to know what level I'm at? Formal Maths & Physics at high school (I'm 50, so distant past :-) Informal Maths & Physics - lifelong interest. Consume a lot of youtube...
  37. ramadhankd

    Decoding the Equations: Understanding the Gripping Mechanism of Soft Robots

    Hello everyone, So I'm trying to design a gripping system using a soft robot. I try to read a journal that explains about the gripping mechanism of the soft robot to measure the forces exerted by the soft robot to the object. The thing is, I got lost to several equations because I didn't find...
  38. T

    Gravity Mechanism: Examples and Possibilities

    Hi Guys, I have a specific mechanism problem I am trying to solve. I can't divulge the specific application, however I am looking for examples of where this has been done in the past (or if this is even possible in peoples opinions).I have a mechanism that employs a weighted pendulum type...
  39. C

    Need Help with Finding a Mechanism to Connect Two Axles

    Hi Everyone! I have ran into a wall in my design. I need connecting two spinning axles in a vacuum environment. The bottom axle is attached to a motor and the top axle is attached to a moving box. Is there a mechanism that can quickly quickly connect the axles when the axles are aligned? If...
  40. S

    Is there a mechanism that can mimic our applied force and time duration?

    The mechanism i need is one that give a reflex which is equivalent to the force we apply on it, so let's say you push on it softly for a long duration of time, then it will return softly for nearly the same duration of time. or if you pushed on it very hard for a short period of time, then it...
  41. S

    Automotive Mechanism to drive a wheel from an internal motor allowing suspension?

    I'm brainstorming how to make an electric motorbike, making as much use of the available space as possible to allow for as many batteries to be fitted as possible. Batteries aren't relevant right now; my focus is on the final drive at the back of the bike. To maximise space, I want to fit the...
  42. N

    Mechanism with a linear actuator

    Designing a machine. For it to work properly there would need to be a mechanism that connects the linear actuator to the stand that would allow for the actuator to move horizontally relatively freely with applied forces at the bottom, when there is simultaneously a downward applied force by the...
  43. TymerTopCat

    1st class lever question (I think) -- tilting antenna erection mechanism

    I want to build a tilting wireless internet structure that is 24 feet high, with a fulcrum at 6ft. The idea is when I want to work on the device (which is 24 ft in the air), I can just unlatch the mast and tilt the structure down and work on it. I would like to have the pivot (or fulcum) at six...
  44. C

    I Is there a mechanism for creation of negative energy density

    Excuse me for bad wording in the title, but there is only so much you can do with the character limit. So, has there ever been a proposal for a mechanism through which negative energy density could be created? Or the only possibility considered so far was that it would have been created in the...
  45. J

    Which mechanism and which step would best fit the data?

    Homework Statement Two mechanisms are proposed (as seen in the screenshot). Which mechanism and which step as the rate determining step would best fit the data? Homework Equations I think this is more of a conceptual problem ... The Attempt at a Solution I apologise for not strictly...
  46. A

    Calculating Rotation Angle in an Offset Slider-Crank Mechanism

    I have a offset slider crank mechanism. Of which I know all the geometrical data, because I measure them . I do not understand how I can calculate the rotation angle of the connecting rod knowing the my formula I have the angle b. I do not understand how to eliminate it from the...
  47. C

    Automotive Mechanism to Reverse Rotating Axle with Friction: Ideas Needed

    Hello, for my current physics-project i am searching a mechanism: When there is to much friction on a rotating axle, it should reverse the direction and go on, till the mechanism starts all over again. I would love to solve this with pure mechanical parts, like springs gears etc... If you have...
  48. Sorcerer

    I What is the mechanism by which energy/stress curves spacetime

    I have seen the equations relating energy, momentum, pressure/stress to the metric tensor and the curvature of spacetime, as I’m sure most people have. But what is the mechanism? I’ve read an interpretation in Quora (horrid source, I know) where energy and stress are basically “pushing” space...
  49. Spinnor

    I Masses of Fermions, string theory, Higgs mechanism

    Take the first family of fundamental fermions, u, d, e-, and ν. The u and d are more massive than the e- and the e- is more massive than the ν. The u and d interact via 4 forces, the e- interacts via 3 forces, and the ν interacts via 2 forces. The fermions that interact via the most forces are...
  50. O

    A Deriving the Unitary Gauge of the Higgs Mechanism

    Dear @ll, the central point (for the unitary gauge) in the higgs-mechanism is the equality Φ = (v + η + iξ) = (v + η)ei(ξ/v) (see for example Halzen, Martin: Quarks and Leptons, eq. 14.56) Φ = complex scalar Field v = vacuum that breaks the symmetry spontaneously η,ξ = shifted...