Mistake Definition and 299 Threads

In contract law, a mistake is an erroneous belief, at contracting, that certain facts are true. It can be argued as a defense, and if raised successfully can lead to the agreement in question being found void ab initio or voidable, or alternatively an equitable remedy may be provided by the courts. Common law has identified three different types of mistake in contract: the 'unilateral mistake', the 'mutual mistake' and the 'common mistake'. The distinction between the 'common mistake' and the 'mutual mistake' is important.
Another breakdown in contract law divides mistakes into four traditional categories: unilateral mistake, mutual mistake, mistranscription, and misunderstanding.The law of mistake in any given contract is governed by the law governing the contract. The law from country to country can differ significantly. For instance, contracts entered into under a relevant mistake have not been voidable in English law since Great Peace Shipping v Tsavliris (International) Ltd (2002).

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  1. S

    Can the Volume of Revolution Be Negative?

    There is a nice equation made by Nobuo Yamamoto which describes the curve of an egg and it is: (x^2 + y^2)^2 = ax^3 + (3/10)xy^2, where a is the length of the major axis of the egg. Solve this equation for y, we get: y=+/- sqrt((3/20)ax - x^2 + xsqrt((7/10)ax + (9/400)a^2)) When I rotate the...
  2. E

    A (relatively) simple QM Problem, but seeking my mistake

    Homework Statement Find <r> and <r2> for an electron in the ground state of hydrogen. Express in terms of Bohr radius. Homework Equations We know the relevant wave functions are: R_{10} = \frac{c_0}{a}e^{r/a}Y^0_0 and Y^0_0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}} The Attempt at a Solution As I...
  3. m4r35n357

    Cosmology Chapter Mistake: Reflections on Relativity

    http://mathpages.com/rr/s7-01/7-01.htm I am completely unable to follow the following sequence of working between equations 2 and 3. AFAIK the final answer is correct, but the intermediate steps seem to be a "casserole of nonsense". I would appreciate feedback from anyone who can follow this...
  4. K

    Loxodrome - found a mistake on Wolfram MathWorld site?

    Hello, Could it be?... We find this claim on Wolfram MathWorld site http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalSpiral.html The claim is that this curve (given in oblate spheroidal coordinates in the limit where the spheroid is a sphere, measuring the inclination angle ##c## with respect to the...
  5. F

    Engineering Struggling to Find My Mistake in Circuit Analysis | Beginner Level

    [Moderator Note: Thread content restored from archive. Relevant portions of the original attachment have been uploaded and included here] Hello, I am working on a beginner level circuit analysis problem due tomorrow, but my branch current values aren't making sense. I've been struggling to...
  6. C

    Did my teacher make a mistake? (Kirchoff's Rules)

    Consider the electric circuit shown in the figure. Using Kirchhoff's rules, select True or False for the following equations. a.) I2 + I3 = I1 b.) ε1 - I2R2 - I3R3 - I1R1 = 0 c.) ε2 - I1R5 - I3R3 - I2R4 = 0 http://tinypic.com/r/2zyws55/8 My answers were: True, False, False. However, the...
  7. G

    Mistake in Physics textbook equation

    There is a formula in my textbook and I have a strong feeling it's incorrect. The formula the book says is velocity in y direction (final) = (vi)(sinx) - gt Whenever I use this, I get all the answers wrong. However, if I use (vi)(sinx) - 1/2(gt) .. I get them right. Is this a...
  8. R

    Textbook made mistake in algebra, help

    Homework Statement There is an image but I will reiterate my problem. The writer is solving for t. Okay, easy enough. Homework Equations y-y0 = v0 t + 1/2 a t^2 Textbook says t = sqrt( (2(y-y0) - 2 v0) / a ) The Attempt at a Solution Shouldn't it be t = sqrt( (2(y-y0)...
  9. Y

    MHB Inverse of adjoint - where is my mistake ?

    Hello all, I have a matrix A: \[\begin{pmatrix} 2 &4 &1 \\ -4 &7 &3 \\ 5 &1 &-2 \end{pmatrix}\] and I need to find the adjoint of the matrix inverse. I found adj(A) to be: \[\begin{pmatrix} -17 &9 &5 \\ 7 &-9 &-10 \\ -39 &18 &30 \end{pmatrix}\] and I found the determinant of A to be -45 and...
  10. A

    2 masses suspended over a pulley, finding a mistake

    Homework Statement http://i.imgur.com/1j19V0n.jpg Two masses are suspended from a pulley as on the pic. I have pulleys radius R and moment of inertia I and masses m1 m2. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So 2nd law of motion: N_{1} - m_{1}g=m_{1}a m_{2}g-N_{2}...
  11. A

    Are Incorrect Bond Angles Common in Organic Chemistry?

    Please look at picture. It seems as though the bond angles are wrong for C5H10O. Is it common in organic chemistry to not respect bond angles?
  12. A

    Mistake in Dynamics Circular Problem's Solution

    Please look at pictures. I do not understand the solutions; Here is how I find length of string: 5m/s*1.2s/rev=6m/rev=circumference=2piR R=0.95m. For the force: T=mv^2/r= 0.350 kg *5^2/0.95= 9.21N They got 9.16N?
  13. A

    Mistakes in Kinematics Problem: A Lesson in Precision and Accuracy

    Please look at pictures. Why is it that they use 24 seconds for the time in b)? They get t=6.16s, why do they not plug that into the Dx equation to get 185m of x displacement?
  14. G

    Schutz First Course in GR Problem 15b, chapter 1. Mistake?

    Homework Statement Suppose that the velocity of an observer O' relative to O is nearly that of light, |v|=1-ε, 0<ε<<1. Show that the Lorentz contraction formula can by approximated by: ∆x≈∆x'/√(2ε)Homework Equations Lorentz contraction, ∆x=∆x'/γThe Attempt at a Solution I think it should be...
  15. Nathanael

    Did the book make a mistake? Air friction and Drag-Force problem

    Homework Statement Now assume that Eq. 6-14 gives the magnitude of the air drag force on the typical 20 kg stone, which presents to the wind a vertical cross-sectional area of 0.040 m^2 and has a drag coefficient C of 0.80. Take the air density to be 1.21 kg/m^3, and the coefficient of...
  16. F

    B.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Engineering - Mistake?

    Hello, I would like to know everyone's opinion (preferably from those with hiring or first hand experience) regarding my chances of employment as an electrical engineer in the power industry, primarily with electric utility companies. I received my B.Sc. in Physics from Wayne State...
  17. I

    Mistake in this node analysis work?

    Is the working out for node V2 wrong? In particular, I am referring to the (V1-V2)/2 term in equation 2? Also, is the voltage drop always in the same direction as the current or is the voltage rise always in the same direction as the current? Thanks
  18. B

    Shell's Linear Charge density (electric field mistake?)

    Homework Statement Figure 23-37a shows a narrow charged solid cylinder that is coaxial with a larger charged cylindrical shell. Both are noncon-ducting and thin and have uniform surface charge densities on their outer surfaces. Figure 23-37b gives the radial component E of the electric field...
  19. KiNGGeexD

    Vector Question Analysis: Did My Lecturer Make a Mistake?

    I was given an example in a lecture of a vector question which is typical of this module. Question The position of mass m is described as a vector r, from an origin such that r= 7t i + (4t-3t^2) j metres. Find the magnitude and directions of r and dr/dt when dy/dt=0Now I have worked through...
  20. M

    Integration - Can't find my mistake

    ##\int arctan(\frac {1}{x})dx = I## when ##u = arctan(\frac {1}{x}), du = -\frac {1}{1+x^2} dx, dv = dx, v = x## and I got ##du## by chain rule since ##\frac {1}{1 + \frac {1}{x^2}} (-\frac {1}{x^2})## simplifies to ##-\frac {1}{1+x^2} dx## right? ##I = xarctan(\frac {1}{x}) + \int \frac...
  21. K

    MHB Homogeneous, linear, first-order, ordinary differential equation mistake

    I am trying to solve a homogeneous, first-order, linear, ordinary differential equation but am running into what I am sure is the wrong answer. However I can't identify what is wrong with my working?! $$\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{-x+y}{x+y}=\frac{1-\frac{x}{y}}{1+\frac{x}{y}}.$$ Let $z=x/y$, so that...
  22. K

    MHB Lotka-Volterra equations mistake

    I have a problem with the Lotka-Volterra equations themselves. I believe that they might be wrong. Here is my reasoning - I would appreciate it if someone could find a flaw in it! The equations are generally of the form, as quoted from "A Modern Introduction to Differential Equations 2nd...
  23. N

    Simple special relativity mistake - find i can't

    First: thanks for reading Second: I'm not interested in other "experiments" that prove contraction of lengths (i know them and i know it works) Third: Please find where is the problem in my simple thought Let be a "rest frame" S with an object to measure its length and do it with a ray of...
  24. S

    MHB Where is the mistake in this formal proof?

    we have the following formal proof: i) \forall x[\forall y(xy=y)\Longrightarrow x=1].......theoren in real Nos 2)\forall y(xy=y)\Longrightarrow x=1......1,U.E ,x=x 3) (x0=0)\Longrightarrow x=1...... 2,U.E ,y=0 4)\forall A[A.0=0]........Theorem in Real Nos5) )[x.0=0]........4,U.E, A=x 6)...
  25. alyafey22

    MHB A mistake in the wolfram mathworld website

    I was proving a formula for the hypergoemtric function and noticed that there is a mistake in the following page look at equation (1) and compare it to equation (16) in the following page . Is there a way to correct the mistake ?
  26. Albert1

    MHB The student made a mistake in his counting

    $m,n \in N ,and \,\, n\leq 100$ a student counts : $\dfrac {m}{n}=A.a_1a_2a_3--------a_k167a_{k+1}---$ please prove : the student's answer is not correct , there must have a mistake in his calculation !
  27. J

    Fourier Mistake: Help Jenny Out

    can someone spot my mistake, I'm stuck thanks, jenny
  28. T

    Is the Highlighted Portion a Mistake and Where Does the PI Go?

    The highlighted in yellow is a mistake, right? I might be going insane. Where does the PI go?
  29. Y

    MHB A simple area calculation, where is the mistake ?

    Hello all I have solved a problem, and my answer differ from the one in the book from where it's taken. I think I did it correctly, can you assist ? In the attached photo we have the graph of f(x)=0.5x^2 (half of x squared) In the rectangle ABCO, BC is twice the size of OC. Calculate the...
  30. H

    Relative Velocity - Mistake in Textbook?

    I am just reading through this free online textbook and it seems to me that there is a mistake on page 24. http://www.anselm.edu/internet/physics/cbphysics/downloadsI/cbPhysicsIa18.pdf#page=23 He describes the muzzle velocity, which he defines as the relative velocity between two objects...
  31. L

    Confidence interval interpretation mistake

    Hi all. I've been thinking about this question a lot for the past few days and it seems to me that I'm committing a mistake somewhere along the way, but certainly can't figure out where. Here's one of the interpretations which I've encountered most frequently and think is the right one (here's...
  32. M

    Error in Carroll's Lecture Notes on General Relativity pg. 186

    Mistake in Carroll's Notes? On the page 186 of Lecture Notes on General Relativity, where he writes the line element in both ##\tilde{u}## and ##\tilde{v}## coordinates , I think he missed a minus sign. Can someone check it, please? Also, why he writes ##(d\tilde{u}...
  33. D

    Relationship between arctanh and arctan or there is a mistake

    $$ \int_0^{\nu}\frac{d\nu'}{(1 + e\cos(\nu'))^2} $$ Consider \begin{align} \frac{d}{d\nu'}\frac{\sin(\nu')}{1 + e\cos(\nu')} = \frac{\cos(\nu') + e}{(1 + e\cos(\nu'))^2}\\...
  34. S

    I think there is a mistake on Wikipedia about the integral of csch

    I am looking at the formulae for the integral of csch( x ) at Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_integrals_of_hyperbolic_functions and it seems that there is a mistake, specially the solution of (presume a is 1 here for simplicity) ln | [ ( cosh( x ) - 1 ] / sinh( x ) ]...
  35. D

    Lorentz transformation, mistake but right formula (for light) ?

    I was thinking when I take the Lorentz formula for a location γ.(x – v.t) as an observer in S and find the ratio compared with the location for an observer within the inertial system S’ it selves: 1/γ . Δx But I made a mistake and took 1/γ. x When I use the found ratio (for derivation...
  36. H

    Mistake in proof regarding degeneracy property

    Greetings, I was trying to prove a theorem regarding degeneracy, and I succeeded. However, I also proved the converse of the if-then part of the theorem (underlined below), which I know is wrong. I can't spot my mistake though. The theorem and my proof are written below - could someone...
  37. J

    D.E. Mixture problem: Can't find mistake

    I was told I made a mistake somewhere but I can't find it. . .
  38. A

    Please correct my mistake in this limits exercise

    Homework Statement we have this function f(x)=1 if \frac{1}{x}\in Z ( aka integer) f(x) = 0 otherwise Prove that limit (as x approach 0) dosen't exist (use the definition of limit - trying to prove that limit as x approchaes 0 and x approchs 0+ will not work here)<-- hint given by the...
  39. P

    Radiation heat transfer - mistake in attached solution?

    I attached the problem of interest (probably the only part you guys need to see is the equations at the bottom). My answers are off by a magnitude of 10 compared to the solutions. (copy and pasted it below since the pic is a little hard to see at the bottom) q = σε f*A(T^4 − Ts^4 ) = 5.67...
  40. J

    Diff. Eq: Linear Eq. Method: I can't find the mistake I made

    I must have made a mistake somewhere in these steps but I don't see it. The answer I got isn't the correct one. Where did I go wrong?
  41. Fredrik

    Possible mistake in an article (rotations and boosts).

    This is a linear algebra question, but it's about an article about Minkowski spacetime, so I think it's appropriate to post it here. The article is The rich structure of Minkowski space by Domenico Giulini. The detail I'm asking about is at the top of page 16. The article is describing the...
  42. jaumzaum

    Antoher Irodov's Problem. Could it be a mistake?

    I was trying to solve the following problem from the Irodov book. "A vertical cylinder closed from both ends is equipped with an easily moving piston dividing the volume into two parts, each containing one mole of air. In equilibrium at T0 = 300K the volume of the upper part is η = 4.0 times...
  43. M

    Simple derivation for elastic collisions, where is my mistake?

    Homework Statement http://postimage.org/image/j2ccrtjp1/ Here is a scan of my work. The problem is on the scan. Just trying to derive the velocity of the target in an elastic collision, as sketched in the image... Can't seem to find the problem for the life of me.
  44. Y

    MHB Where is the Mistake? Solving a System of Equations

    Hello I have a system of equations with the question "for which values of a the system has: a single solution, no solution and infinite number of solutions". In addition, I have some solution, and I need to find the mistake in the solution, I need some help with it... So, for which values of...
  45. E

    MATLAB Where is my mistake in this MATLAB code?

    Hi, I am trying to plot the AN product sec II.C in the attached paper as: clear all clc s=0.5; w=0; d=5; f=0:20; NdB1=(17-30.*log10(f)); N1=10.^(NdB1./10); NdB2=40+20*(s-0.5)+26.*log10(f)-60.*log10(f+0.03); N2=10.^(NdB2./10); NdB3=50+7.5*w^0.5+20.*log10(f)-40.*log10(f+0.4)...
  46. B

    Confirm Mistake in Nakahara's Geometry, Topology, Physics

    Can someone please confirm that there is a typo in Nakahara's Geometry, Topology, and Physics, on page 319 (the last line of the page) in the line following equation 8.27. There is a string of equalities, all of which make sense except the last one. I believe there should be no (1/2) in front...
  47. S

    Wolfram Error - Spherical Unit Vectors Check

    Homework Statement Folks, I think Wolfram has a mistake published here: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalCoordinates.html Their spherical unit vectors (for theta and phi) seem to be erroneous. Can someone double check this? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  48. H

    Mistake on wikipedia (Moment of inertia of a quadrant)

    I think i found a mistake on wikipedia about t he moment of inertia of filled circular quadrant. the link to the page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_area_moments_of_inertia the link to the specific object ...
  49. 1

    RCC circuit, posible mistake with constants

    Homework Statement There's a circuit, with a capacitor C1, Resistor R1, and another capacitor C2. In t=0 ; C1 is charged with 2 V and C2 with 1 V The value of resistor is 1 ohm, C1= 1 F C2=0.5 F Homework Equations Kirchoff voltage law. Capacitor voltage at any given time...
  50. U

    Mistake in provided solutions?

    Homework Statement The problem is attached in the picture. The Attempt at a Solution If you refer to line 2 of the working, they substituted x with 'b' instead of y with 'b' since the first integral is with respect to y. Is this a mistake or is there something more?