Mixing Definition and 298 Threads

In mathematics, mixing is an abstract concept originating from physics: the attempt to describe the irreversible thermodynamic process of mixing in the everyday world: mixing paint, mixing drinks, industrial mixing, etc.
The concept appears in ergodic theory—the study of stochastic processes and measure-preserving dynamical systems. Several different definitions for mixing exist, including strong mixing, weak mixing and topological mixing, with the last not requiring a measure to be defined. Some of the different definitions of mixing can be arranged in a hierarchical order; thus, strong mixing implies weak mixing. Furthermore, weak mixing (and thus also strong mixing) implies ergodicity: that is, every system that is weakly mixing is also ergodic (and so one says that mixing is a "stronger" notion than ergodicity).

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  1. C

    Mixing Problem - Linear First Order ODE

    [SOLVED] Mixing Problem - Linear First Order ODE Homework Statement A 500-gallon tank initially contains 50 gallons of brine solution in which 28 pounds of salt have been dissolved. Beginning at time zero, brine containing 2 pounds of salt per gallon is added at the rate of 3 gallons per...
  2. A

    Mixing Matter: Can All Phases be Combined?

    Can all phases of matter form mixtures? I can't use wikipdia because my computer won't let me
  3. S

    Understanding Entropy: Diffusion, Evaporation, Mixing, Melting, Separation

    entropy increases? entropy decreases ? no change in entropy? diffusion, evaporating, mixing, melting, separation i think diffusion - increase evaporation - increase mixing - increase melting - increase but what about separation :S? and if anyone thinks any others are...
  4. D

    Mixing problem and Eigen vectors relationship.

    Homework Statement A mixing protocol for 5 containers of solvent consists of a repetition of the following procedure. The contents of each container are removed and divided up into pre-defined fractions. The various fractions are then poured back into the containers in a pre-assigned way...
  5. Mk

    Zeitgeist movie/documentary mixing facts with fiction

    Ok, so there's this movie, called Zeitgeist. It's an online documentary that mixes facts with made-up things, and proclaims some pretty crazy stuff. It makes the average person sick, angry, and feel goosebumps. As far as I have inquired, I've seen no, big, debunking website against Zeitgeist...
  6. R

    Calorimetry homework: mixing steam and liquid water

    Homework Statement What mass of steam at 100 degree celsius must be passed into 5.4 kg of water at 30 degree celsius to raise temperature of water to 80 degree celsius? Homework Equations C(water)=4.2 J/(g C) L(steam)=2268 J/g The Attempt at a Solution Assuming no heat loss...
  7. J

    Mixing household bleach with urine

    Hello everyone, Not that I looking to experiment or anything, but anyway...correct me if I'm wrong anywhere here...please. An associate of mine was wondering how to get rid of cat urine smell. Having exhausted all attempts to cover it up or use that enzyme stuff, I told him I usually treat...
  8. J

    How Do Light Frequencies Combine to Create New Colors?

    hey i am wondering, what's the equation to find the result equivalent frequence of a mixture of two other different light frequences in same proportions ? (like if u have one red torch , and one blue torch , and u aim the light of each on the same zone) or is the result color not...
  9. A

    How to determine if the mixing of two solution would result in buffer solution?

    Homework Statement Which of the following mixtures would result in buffered solutions whn 1.0 L of each of the two solutions are mixed? (i) 0.10 M sodium chloride and 0.10 M sodium nitrite (ii) 0.10 M sodium chloride and 0.10 M ammonium chloride (iii) 0.10 M hydrochloric acid and 0.10 M...
  10. H

    D.E mixing problem with rate out

    Homework Statement A large tank initially hold 40 gallons of water. Pure alcohol enters at a rate of 2 Gal/min is well stirred and the mixture leaves at 1gal/min. What will be the concentration when of alcohol when the tank has 80 gallons of fluid in it. Homework Equations q= amount of...
  11. S

    Water Temperature mixing together

    Homework Statement When 1 kg of water at 100 C is mixed with 10 Kg of water at 0C, the equilibrium temperature will be: a) exactly 0 C b) Exactly 50 C C) Exactly 100 C d) slightly above 0 C I think that the answer is D) sligtly above 0 C, but i don't know why. I'm not sure what...
  12. R

    New Physics or Standard Model? D-Meson Mixing Evidence Emerges

    See here for first experimental evidence of D-Meson mixing (e.g., changing from matter to antimatter): http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2007/314/2 Is this predicted by Standard Model or not ? :confused: --- And, if it is a "new physics" what exactly type of "new physics" is...
  13. M

    Mixing Differential Equation - need confirmation of the process.

    Mixing Differential Equation -- need confirmation of the process. Homework Statement There is a box with 320 cubic feet of air mixed with .2 pounds of some some impurity. A small ventilation fan is added to the box at one end. Find the flow rate (R) of the fan as such that no more than .0002...
  14. J

    Physics of mixing different powders

    Let's say you have two powders (say, flour and brown sugar) which are to a certain degree mixed with each other. Is there a commonly accepted parameter that determines how well mixed this mixture is? Obviously there's a difference between having the mixture so unmixed that you can see a line...
  15. V

    Mixing ice, steam, and water and find equilibrium

    Homework Statement .15 kg of steam at 100 degree Celcius is mixed with .2kg of water at 50 degree and .2 kg of ice at 0 degree. Determine the final temperature and phase(s) of the final state. Assume that no energy is lost to the surroundings. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  16. B

    Confusing mixing problem - differential equations

    A tank contains 300 gallons of water and 100 gallons of pollutants. Fresh water is pumped into the tank at the rate of 2 gal/min, and the well-stirred mixture leaves the tank at the same rate. How long does it take for the concentration of pollutants in the tank to decrease to 1/10 of its...
  17. B

    Differential equations - mixing problem (more complicated)

    A 500 gallon tank originally contains 100 gallons of fresh water. Beginning at time t=0, water containing 50 percent pollutants flows into the tank at the rate of 2 gal/min and the well stirred solution leaves at the rate of 1 gal/min. Find the concentration of pollutants in the tank at the...
  18. B

    Differential equations - mixing problem

    A room containing 1000 cubic feet of air is originally free of carbon monoxide. Beginning at time t=0 cigarette smoke containing 4 percent carbon monoxide is blown into the room at 0.1 ft^3/min, and the well-circulated mixture leaves the room at hte same rate. Find the time when the...
  19. R

    Tank Mixing Problem - Just for Fun if you'd like to spend time on it

    Hey, here's a fun problem many of you would probably enjoy trying. I've done it myself, and it truly is a fun problem to do. Here it is: We have an initial amount of 800 gallons in a tank at 8:00 in the morning on any particular day. 35% of that 800 gallon solution is acidic. Spigot A is...
  20. Z

    How can I solve a mixing problem without knowing the rate of volume change?

    I haven't found any examples anywhere on how to do a mixing problem where you don't know the rate of volume change, could someone give me a hand just setting up the equation? Here is the problem. . . [b]1. A tank contains 500 gal of a salt-water solution containing 0.05 lb of salt per gallon...
  21. P

    Did I Mix the Solutions Correctly?

    Homework Statement Here is two similar questions but which I got a different answer to the back of the book 1. You are to prepare 50ml of 2M sulfuric acid, which is to be added to a sample of white wine to make the sulfur dioxide preservative in the wine available in solution, so that its...
  22. J

    Mixing Frequencies: Summing vs Multiplication - Jason O

    Hello All, I have two questions regarding mixing of frequencies. I heard that there is a difference between two waves that simply ‘add’ mathematically, and two waves that are ‘multiplied’ mathematically. If I have two frequencies, say 10Hz and 11Hz and I add the waves together so that they...
  23. J

    Resolving the Incompatibility of Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

    Okay, I realize that there are difficulties in combining the theory of GR and quantum mechanics, but I thought SR and quantum could be combined alright (relativistic quantum field theories, etc). If that is not correct, please let me know as it makes the rest of my questions pointless. My...
  24. marcus

    New Connes: Gravity and the standard model with neutrino mixing

    I put a notice of this earlier today in the QG links thread https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=1134904&postcount=529 https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=1134904#post1134904 This thread is in case anyone wishes to discuss the paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0610241...
  25. S

    Formula: final temperature when mixing water with water

    Back to basics - sorry, my class doesn't have a textbook or the like. Can one of you nice people please tell me: the formula for the final temperature when mixing two different amounts of water of different temperatures? If it's complicated you're of course welcome to explain ;)
  26. S

    Soil Physics: Mixing different soils

    This is a lab question I have for Environmental Soil Physics. Been thinking about it for awhile and I have nothing. What would be the average particle density of a mixture of 3% soil organic matter and 97% soil minerals by weight. Soil orgainc matter and soil minerals have densities of...
  27. B

    How Does Differential Equations Model Drug Distribution in the Bloodstream?

    fluid with 5mg/cm^3 of drug enters bloodsteam at 100cm^3/hr, drug is absorbed by body tissue or otherwise leaves the bloodstream at a rate proportional to the amount present with a rate constant of .4(hr)^-1. so assuming the drug is always uniformly distrbuted throughout the bloodstream, the...
  28. T

    Mixing problem involving 3 inlets and 2 outlet pipes

    help! how do we solve a mixing problem involving 3 inlet pipes and 2 outlet pipes?is it okay to just add up the 3 rates of input as well as their respective concentrations? all the sample problems i have encountered involves only 1 inlet and one outlet pipe..
  29. R

    Heat of Mixing & differential enthelpy of dilution

    I want to know what's difference between heat of mixing and differential heat of dilution. I am working on calcium chloride solution. I need to know also from where i can get heat of mixing of calcium chloride solution. Thanking you
  30. fargoth

    Exploring the Mystery of Color Mixing with Red, Yellow & Blue

    im reading some of feynman's lecture notes, and i stumbled upon a statement which i do not understand... he says that we can use ANY three different colors to produce any other color. lets say we want to see the color X, and we use yellow blue and red (Y,B,R) then X = yY + bB + rR. where...
  31. V

    Understanding Diff Equations: Solving Problems with Mixing Rates

    I'm having a bit of difficulty with these. I'm sort of new to this so I'm somewhat confused, maybe someone could lighten a bit of my confusion.Here's the first problem: http://www.synthdriven.com/images/deletable/img01.jpg This is what I've done, please let me know if I'm doing this correctly...
  32. S

    What Are the New Insights from Bs - Anti-Bs Mixing Measurements at Fermilab?

    Has anybody seen the news on the new measurements of the Bs - anti-Bs mixing amplitudes by the D0 and CDF experiments at Fermilab? Tommaso Dorigo has a scholarly description at http://dorigo.wordpress.com/2006/04/11/more-details-on-bs-mixing/" (you may have to scroll down to April 19 there...
  33. E

    Mixing physics and engineering?

    I'm attending high school, and I'm seriously thinking about my career options. I have always loved thinking and solving problems. This year, I'm taking physics and I love it, I also do well in math. I definitely want to major in something related to physics, but what? I think I will enjoy the...
  34. U

    Solve Mixing Problems: Differential Equation Modeling

    A tank contains 1920 L of pure water. A solution that contains .07 kg of sugar per liter enters tank at the rate 7 L/min. The solution is mixed and drains from the tank at the same rate. With S representing the amount of sugar (in kg) at time t (in minutes) write a differential equation which...
  35. K

    Audio - mixing Mono with stereo?

    Hi. I am designing a very basic audio mixer circuit for use in my car before my amplifier. I need to mix one mono signal, and three stereo signals. I think my diagram is basically correct so far: http://img464.imageshack.us/img464/7110/mixer9lb.jpg I plan to measure the average...
  36. K

    Gene Mixing and Cloning: The Role of Meiotic Cells in Reproduction

    Do you think if the meiotic cell code is taken instead of mitotic or somatic cells: for example two eggs code...and then remixed...then the sexual function is taken into account into that cloning process...but then how to recompose the genes...this could explain why a mix_clone of a man could...
  37. honestrosewater

    Mixing fonts with Word's Find&Replace

    Nevermind, I figured it out. If anyone else has the same question, there are options on the Find&Replace feature that allow you to control font and such. I just somehow overlooked the font one. _________ I'm typing up a phonetic transcription of a play using a special phonetic font and Keyman...
  38. S

    What Happens When You Mix a pH 8 Base with a pH 14 Base?

    Say i were to mix a basewith a pH of say 8, with a pH 14. what would my final pH be? 11?
  39. E

    Solving Mixing Problem with DE: Initial Values & Flow Rates

    I am not really sure how to get right values for variables/constants: A tank contains 100 gallons of salt water which contains 10 lbs of salt. A salt solution of 2 lbs salt per gallon enters the tank at a rate of 3 gallons perminute while a flow of fresh water runs into the tank at rate 5...
  40. T

    Mixing Solutions: Problems & Solutions Explained

    Can anyone help me out with mixing solution problems, I know its not that hard I just am having trouble understanding what to do. Sometimes its X sometimes its X/volume of the tank. Can anyone explain it to me in a simple way?
  41. C

    Calculating Final Temperature of Iron Object Dropped in Water

    hi guys, i have a thermodynamics question. a 2.50 kg iron object is initially at 650 degrees celsius and dropped into a bucket containing 20kg of water at 25 degrees celsius, what is the final temperature? As always it just a matter of applying the formula, but i don't seem to be applying...
  42. R

    Experiment Results: Mixing Solution A with Solution B

    We did an experiment where we mixed Solution A with Solution B and found out the time. These are my results: Solution A (0.020 mol/L potassium iodate solution plus distilled water) 10 drops potassium iodate plus 0 drops distilled water 9 drops potassium iodate plus 1 drops distilled...
  43. U

    Mix Oil & Water: Australian Scientist Revolutionizes Chemistry & Cooking

    This is what I found on a link in {}. If this is already posted feel free to delete. I'm still learning... {Thursday, 3 March 2005 Oil and Water It’s a basic fact of science: oil and water don’t mix. Well an Australian scientist refused to accept this standard of chemistry and...
  44. C

    Mixing Field and string theory?

    A Post that was started because of speeds in space on the bc3000 boards..Im wounder how correct this thought is and if its not, then were the flaw is..(They were talking about the Power req of getting to the speed of light and traveling long distances) Power Probly has less to do with it than...
  45. Y

    Solving a 400 Gal Linear Mixing Problem for Dioxin

    Ok, first order linear mixing problem. "A 400 gal. tank initially contains 200 gal. of water containing 2 ppb by weight of dioxin, an extremely potent carcinogen. Suppose water containing 5 ppb of dioxin flows into the top of the tank at a rate of 4 gal/min. The water in the tank is kept well...
  46. R

    Final Concentration Formula for Chemical Mixtures: CiVi+CiVi=CfVf

    Ok, I am trying to remember my grade 11 chem stuff cause I am helping out a friend who is taking it, but When you have 2 samples of the same chemical, different volumes and different concentrations then mix them, what formula is used to find the final concentration? is it CiVi + CiVi= CfVf ?
  47. G

    Mixing two different BE condensates

    Has anyone ever tried mixing two different BE condensates? Do they keep their superfluid states? Can they interfere with other? Which other material can be superfluid besides Helium anyway?
  48. C

    Mixing electromagnetic frequencies

    If one can mix certain colors of the visible spectrum to produce other colors, is it possible to mix frequencies from other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum to produce visible colors?