Model Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. marcus

    Introducing the Model T time unit "Lizzie": key to H_infinity

    The Ford Model T, affectionately known as the Tin Lizzie, is thought to have been the first widely affordable/accessible automobile. Production of the Model T started in 1908. I'm looking for a cosmo-friendly time unit that is short enough to be real and familiar to all of us, but at least an...
  2. ohwilleke

    Is Isospin Conversation Required In The Standard Model?

    A new experimental result from BESIII finds that there is isospin violation in the decays of J/Psi mesons in a path involving scalar mesons (with a narrow width in tension with world averages) and notes that a previous experiment found isospin violation in another decay chain...
  3. zonde

    Can we model classical world using quantum laws?

    In QM there is no cloning theorem that says "we can't clone or erase quantum state". But in classical macro world we can copy information and erase it. If we should describe classical information as a very complex quantum state then we shouldn't be able to copy or erase it, right? And obviously...
  4. M

    Explaining a physical model (differential equation)

    Homework Statement Check on labb41.jpeg (I am not used to formatting my mathematical equations on the web, I can only format in my local text-editing programs). Homework Equations Again, check on labb41.jpeg The Attempt at a Solution I have plot the solution to U(I) as according to the...
  5. W

    Understanding the Debye Model for Solids: Masses and Springs

    Hi! I feel like I've understood none of this stuff! A 1D chain of springs and masses modeling a chain of atoms has a dispersion relation ala ## \omega## ~ ##|sin(k a /2) |##, where ##k## is the wave vector and ##a## the distance between atoms. As far as I have understood, the debye model (in...
  6. S

    Lagrangian of Standard Model Deduction

    Does anyone know where can I find the deduction of all terms of the updated SM lagrangian? Although I have already looked at some lagrangians and theories like local gauge invariance, Yang-Mills theory, feynman rules, spontaneous symmetry-breaking and others, I wanted to see the deduction and...
  7. E

    Python Python 2.7: Fit a model to data

    Hi, I'm trying to get how well a known function fits to a set of data. I'm not interested in the data's line of best fit or anything, I just want to know how close it is to my model. I've tried using curve_fit and linregress but neither really give me what I'm after. My data follows a...
  8. Z

    HR neuron model using analog computer technique

    Hi Everyone, I am simulating(using HSPICE) HR neuron model using analog computer technique but I am not getting the required response. I am using uA741 model of opamp and MLT04 model of multiplier. I have tested these components individually and they are working fine. I doubt there is something...
  9. It's me

    Chemical potential of water using the Van der Waals model

    Homework Statement Obtain the chemical potential of water as a function of temperature and volume using the Van der Waals model. Homework Equations μ=∂U∂N The Attempt at a Solution I don't really understand how to do this at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. P

    How to obtain a kinetic model involving bioremediation rate

    good day all. I'm new in the area of bioremediation. Please is there any kinetic model relating bioremediation rate to temperature, depth, PH & Nutrient? if not, how can I model one? a simplified explanation,links & simple literature is also welcome. Many thanks
  11. U

    2D problem of nearly free electron model

    Homework Statement (a) Find energies of states at ##(\frac{\pi}{a},0)##. (b) Find secular equation Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Part(a)[/B] In 1D, the secular equation for energy is: E = \epsilon_0 \pm \left| V(x,y) \right| When represented in complex notation, the potential...
  12. M

    New properties of "standard model effective field theory" Holomorphy without Supersymmetry in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory Rodrigo Alonso, Elizabeth E. Jenkins, Aneesh V. Manohar (Submitted on 2 Sep 2014 (v1), last revised 6 Nov 2014 (this version, v2)) The anomalous dimensions of dimension-six operators in...
  13. Breo

    Standard Model Anomalies: right-handed neutrinos

    If we consider de right-handed neutrino there would be more anomaly-free solutions than hypercharge for a U(1)?
  14. marcus

    From Aeon to Zeon to Zeit, simplifying the standard cosmic model

    This is take 2.0 of the earlier thread, which got a lot of help from George J., Jorrie, Wabbit, Ken G, and others. I'm exploring this simplification of the flat matter-dominated ΛCDM model (basically anything after year 1 million) to see if there is a presentation that would be suitable for PF...
  15. F

    Using nuclear shell model to determine parity and spin

    Homework Statement Use the shell model to determine the parity and spin assignments for all the stable isotopes of calcium. Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a Solution The stable isotopes seem to be 40Ca, 42Ca, 43Ca, 44Ca, 46Ca, and 48Ca I believe all of those isotopes except 43Ca are...
  16. Jorrie

    Marcus's 'no-pressure' model in different jacket

    In this thread, I would like to discuss: "which is more natural for a simple cosmological model: taking the long term Hubble time as a timescale (as Marcus has done), or taking the Hubble time as a timescale". I will start by paraphrasing Marcus' OP and replacing his '##\Lambda##-timescale' with...
  17. O

    Real life queue - how to model?

    People queuing to pick up photos at an event. They have a bar-coded docket. By scanning the docket, printing is initiated on one of eight printers. Each printer takes 40 seconds to print a photo - the software chooses the least heavily loaded print queue - or uses a round-robin approach if print...
  18. andres0l1

    W_L-W_R Mixing in the Left-Right Symmetric Model

    Homework Statement The question is how to get the mass term for the W Gauge bosons within the Left Right Symmetric Model (LRSM). My main struggle is with the Left-Right Mixing part. So the LRSM has the gauge group $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L}$ and with an additional discrete...
  19. PinkGeologist

    Counterintuitive Results in Conduction Cooling Model

    I am modeling the injection of hot magma sills into the Earth's crust at varying rates (and varying sill heights for each rate). For instance, for a total of 16 km of magma ... 1a-n. 40, 400m high sills emplaced at rate of 5e-3 ma-1, 5e-4 ma-1, 1e-2 ma-1, , 2e-2 ma-1, 3e-2 ma-1, and 4e-2...
  20. U

    What Are the Steps to Solve the FRW Cosmological Model?

    Homework Statement (a)Find how ##\rho## varies with ##a##. (b) Show that ##p = \frac{2}{\lambda^2}##. Find ##B## and ##t_0##. (c) Find ##w## and ##q_0##. What values of ##\lambda## makes the particle horizon infinite? Find the event horizon and age of universe. (d) Find luminosity distance...
  21. Buzz Bloom

    Fitting a model to astronomical data

    I have several questions about the process of determining the value of cosmological parameters by LMS fitting tunctions of the form z = f(DL) (where DL is the luminosity distance to astronomical data points), for example, as shown in the following diagram: The five cosmological parameters I am...
  22. C

    Dispersion relation for the free electron model

    I'm trying to get my head around what this means exactly. I've plotted the graph to help verse me with the functions that I've derived. From the free electron model, the wavefunctions are treated as planewaves of the form \psi_\mathbf{k}(\mathbf{r}) = e^{i\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}} Due to...
  23. Bababarghi

    Calculating distributed parameters based on given Pi model

    Homework Statement In a course I am studying, I have been asked to calculate the distributed parameters of a line whose Pi model has been provided. I simply quote the question here for clarity of my question: Homework Equations C = \frac{{2\pi \varepsilon }}{{\ln \frac{b}{a}}} R =...
  24. G

    How to tune two different PID controllers in a same model?

    My target is to make a Adaptive cruise controller(ACC) for a car model. So i divided the task into two parts, first--- I made a speed following model, tuned a PID controller for it. Second---- I made a distance following model, tuned a PID for this. Now i integrated the two models into a single...
  25. I

    What happens at energy-gaps, Kronig-Penney model

    I'm studying periodic boundaries in 1D for which energy gaps occur, i.e. values of the energy which are not allowed, according to the Kronig-Penney model. My question is when these band gaps occur what happens to the wave-function, because it still has to be continuous, so it can't just...
  26. wabbit

    Calculating the age of the universe without a model?

    This is a follow up to another thread (, but I post it as a separate thread since it is not clear to me (a) this is actually correct, and (b) assuming it is, whether it actually provides a...
  27. Breo

    Basic Questions on the Standard Model

    1) The Feynman Diagams which provide the dominant contributions are just those with the greater amplitudes? I have the doubt because I read could be more dominant contributions for a single process and I am not sure amplitude would be the same for them. 2) How to compute the cross section in...
  28. K

    Electron revolutions in Bohr model

    Homework Statement On the average, a hydrogen atom will exist in an excited state for about 10-8 s before making a transition to a lower energy state. About how many revolutions does an electron in the n = 2 state make in 10^-8 s? Homework Equations L = mvr = Iω = nħ rn = n2a0/Z The Attempt...
  29. V

    Understanding superposition for a layer model

    Greetings all, This question can cover many sub-forums here, but I'll put it in General Math since I believe it deals with superposition. Now, I am studying a layered-earth model for programming purposes, and what I mean by that is, for example, we say air is one layer, grass is another...
  30. Jess155

    Calculating Volume Charge Density: Simplified Earth Model

    Homework Statement In a particular region of the Earth's atmosphere, the electric field above the Earth's surface has been measured to be 148 N/C downward at an altitude of 260 m and 165 N/C downward at an altitude of 410 m. Calculate the volume charge density of the atmosphere, assuming it to...
  31. marcus

    Simple no-pressure cosmic model gives meaning to Lambda

    The size of the universe (any time after year 1 million) is accurately tracked by the function $$u(x) = \sinh^{\frac{2}{3}}(\frac{3}{2}x)$$ where x is the usual time scaled by ##\sqrt{\Lambda/3}## That's it. That's the model. Just that one equation. What makes it work is scaling times (and...
  32. docsxp

    How to Convert State Equations to a State Transition Matrix for a Kalman Filter?

    I have my state vector containing $$[X, Y, v_x, v_y, \theta, r, a_x, a_y, b_{\theta}]^T$$ and I have them related by $$dX = v_x cos \theta - v_y sin \theta\\ dY = v_x sin \theta + v_y cos \theta\\ dv_x = a_x\\ dv_y = a_y\\ d\theta = r\\ dr = 0\\ da_x = 0\\ da_y = 0\\ db_\theta = 0\\ $$ Now...
  33. A

    Electromagnetic boundary conditions for symmetric model

    I stumbled upon this article: Since the article does not contain any mathematical formulations, I was wondering how the boundary conditions can be expressed in terms of magnetic vector potential. From what I...
  34. S

    Language to create physics model

    I am trying to build an interactive physics model for thr students in my school. I'm not sure how I can do it. I tried to write it on Java and C# with no success. I don't want it to be a web application. Which tools and languages I should use.
  35. A

    Necessary knowledge of standard model for string theorist

    I wasn't sure whether I should post this question in this category or "High Energy, Nuclear, Particle Physics", but I decided to post here, since I want to get opinions from the people who are studying the topics discussed in this category, not the experts on standard model or particle physics...
  36. nomadreid

    Classic model relation versus the Kripke model relation

    Looking at an exposition of Kripke semantics, the relationship ||- in a Kripke model is obviously supposed to be similar to the model relation |= . A possible world (a node) looks suspiciously like a model for second-order formulas. But of course it cannot be this simple. What is the connection...
  37. thegirl

    Rutherford Scattering model geometry

    Hi, I was just wondering if someone could help clarify how pi - theta = phi? That is the link to the youtube video I was watching, the guys pretty good check him out if you want to learn how to derive the differential scattering cross section.
  38. Quarlep

    Calculating Surface Density of the Universe Using the Shell Model

    You know friedmann equations derived from kinetic energy and potantial energy conservation.I found these shell model for universe.Here I am curious about something. This shell is like a surface of sphere isn't it.I mean it has only surface and that surface mass is m.And we made our equations...
  39. PrincessIceFall

    How to find the depth of immersion of this boat model?

    So I am trying to find the depth of immersion of this particular boat model, which has curvilinear edges (subparabolic edges) on each side. The figure of the pontoon is shown below So now when I place this pontoon in water, the height of the water that rises, called the depth of immersion is...
  40. K

    Population Dynamics: Logistic Model (Differential Equations)

    Homework Statement Population Dynamics: Logistic model. Suppose the environmental carrying capacity of the population is 100000 and the growth rate a t=0 is 5%. . If the population starts at 10000, how long does it take for the population to reach half the carrying capacity? dp/dt = A P...
  41. R

    Lotka-Volterra model Euler's Method

    Homework Statement *I am not sure if this should be in the computer science section or here? I am trying to graph the densities, of the Lotka-Volterra prey and predator model, as a function of time, i.e. ##p(t)## vs ##t## and ##q(t)## vs ##t##. Also, the phase space, i.e. ##p## vs ##q##, but...
  42. G

    C/C++ VCSEL, spin-flip model, c or c++ code?

    Is there any c or c++ written spin-flip model for simulation of dynamics in VCSELs available? Thanks.
  43. Breo

    Basic question on the pertubative Standard Model

    Dear all, how to 100% know if a process is allowed in standard model? And when a process is allowed, how to know what diagrams contribute, and what of those are the dominant ones? Thank you in advance.
  44. G

    Is there a minimal model for ZC that includes Gödel constructible elements?

    Is there a meta-mathematical model of ZC (Zermelo Set Theory with specification scheme and axiom of choice but not remplacement and) that includes a minimun quantity of Gödel constructible elements of L hierarchy with all the ordinals until ω⋅2 and that it "lives" in all the meta-mathematical...
  45. wolram

    Is There an Age Problem in the LCDM Cosmological Model?

    From what i have read, right or wrong, there seems to be an universe (age) problem for modern cosmologists, This is the best paper i have found on the subject. Abstract Many dark energy models fail to pass the cosmic age test. In this paper, we investigate...
  46. B

    HMM Homework: Calculate Pr(S,π) with aRG=aGR=1/4, aRR=aGG=3/4

    Homework Statement Consider an HMM with two possible states, “R” and “G” (for “regulatory” and “gene” sequences respectively). Each state emits one character, chosen from the alphabet {A,C,G,T}. The transition probabilities of this HMM are: aRG = aGR = 1/4 aRR = aGG = 3/4 The emission...
  47. G

    ¿Is there a minimal standard model for ZFC?

    ¿Is there a minimal standard methamatematical model for Zermelo set theory in the sense that the other models contains this model ?
  48. R

    4 parameter logistic model for fitting PCR data

    I have a question about the logistic fit they used on this paper: Its PDF page 5, or journal page 1051. They define all the variables and then say x0 and b define the shape of the model. If I am fitting 30 cycles of PCR data how am I...
  49. K

    Engineering Drawing the DC Model of a Circuit

    Homework Statement [Picture of Problem]( Homework Equations [/B] * It is dealing with drawing the DC model of a circuit * Now i know when drawing a DC Model, all capacitors are open (or ground) and AC sources are grounded as well. * In this specific problem, i...
  50. sk1105

    Nuclear Shell Model - pp bound states?

    I have looked around for help with this, including on existing threads, but I can't quite find what I'm looking for. I know that in the nuclear shell model we fill the shells in the same way as with electrons, so 2 protons in the first and 6 in the second etc, with the same being true for...