Model Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. S

    A Is the Randall-Sundrum model background independent?

    Randall-Sundrum model ( is related to string theory. String theory can be background independent ( "String theory is usually formulated with perturbation theory around a fixed...
  2. S

    I Does the Strong Anthropic Principle have any equivalent specific model?

    The anthropic principle is a philosophical consideration that observations of the universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that observes it. There are two main types of anthropic principle: Weak Anthropic Principle (WAP) and Strong Anthropic Principle (SAP) The Strong...
  3. T

    I Can we consider this system as an Einstein model of a Solid?

    Hello Everyone! I am interested in examining the case of an isolated Einstein Solid (ES) with a decreasing number of oscillators. The total amount of energy of the ES is considered fixed. Whenever an oscillator abandons our model, it "leaves behind" the amount of energy it contained, so that the...
  4. D

    I Why does a Lagrangian matter for the standard model?

    Hi, I don't know much about the standard model but I'm asking out of interest. Why do we actually need a Lagrangian for the standard model? Surely when you apply the relevant Euler-Lagrange equations, you end up with a variety of equations like the Maxwell equations or Dirac equations. Why...
  5. S

    A Is Seth Lloyd's cosmological model background independent?

    I have been interested in Seth Lloyd's cosmological model (which proposes that the universe is a some kind of quantum computer or at least similar to it:, since long ago. I was wondering if his...
  6. T

    Solving Ising Spin 1 Model w/ Transfer Matrix Method

    I did the first part using the transfer matrix method: $$ Z = Tr(T^{N}) $$ In this case, the transfer matrix will be $$ T(i,i') = \begin{pmatrix} e^{\beta J} & 1 & e^{-\beta J}\\ 1 &1 &1 \\ e^{-\beta J} & 1 & e^{\beta J} \end{pmatrix} $$ To get the trace of $T^N$, you find the...
  7. M

    PHES model (pumped hydro energy storage)

    Hello! I am trying to model a small pumped hydro energy storage system, with two closed reservoirs (upper and lower). However, I am assuming here that I only know the volume of both reservoirs, the penstock diameter and length, the height difference between both reservoirs, and the turbine...
  8. Paarthgarg

    Chick embryo as a model for further new life science research?

    In This paper we have used Ischemia - Repurfusion in chick embryo to study different markes using Western blot. quoting from Paper Various in vitro and in vivo models are currently available to study I/R mechanism in the brain and other tissues. However, thus far, no in ovo I/R model has been...
  9. B

    Mass transfer coefficient from a numerical model

    Dear all, For an assignment, I am trying to find the relationship between the Sherwood number and the Reynolds number in a channel for different laminar velocity profiles, where there is a concentration of a species at both the top and bottom wall which is transported to the fluid. For this, I...
  10. E

    How Was the Iconic Colorado Lounge Recreated in 3D Using Blender?

    This took me almost a month to make. It's a CGI model (blender 2.79) of the Colorado lounge, which is part of the Stanley hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. The room was featured in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick horror film "the shining". I was plumb out of ideas for what to make next in 3D, but I saw...
  11. BlackWhole

    I Approximating a Black Hole Merger Using a Schwarzschild Model

    Summary: Can a black hole merger be approximated as a daughter Schwarzschild black hole created when two parent Schwarzschild black holes pack close enough together to trigger a local Schwarzschild radius containing their combined mass? We know that the radius of the event horizon of a...
  12. S

    I What multiverse model is this author referring to?

    John's Barrow book "The Constants of Nature" in chapter 13, he talks about a hypothetical multiverse composed of universes governed by other logics. Specifically, he talks about different approaches that physicists take when studying the multiverse, and he mentions a radical approach where even...
  13. SchroedingersLion

    I Animation of the Drude-Lorentz model of electrons

    Good evening guys, I have to give a talk to my thesis on Friday, and I would like to show a simple animation of electrons moving in a metal according to the Drude-Lorentz model. In this model, the electrons are classical particles that elastically scatter at spatially fixed atomic cores which...
  14. P

    A Strand Model Published: Physics of Particles & Nuclei 50 (2019)

    This is just to complement some older threads on the topic. The strand model, a conjecture that appears to describe both the standard model and general relativity, has been published. The DOI is and the reference is Physics of Particles and Nuclei...
  15. J

    A Mean field theory in the Heisenberg model

    I have a problem about Heisenberg model.When applying mean field approximation,why does the average of spin flip terms be zero(<S+>=<S-> = 0 )? Thanks
  16. hilbert2

    A How does the 2-D Ising Model relate to complex fields in its continuum limit?

    I've recently been reading about the 2-dimensional Ising model and its continuum limit from several sources, including As far as I understood it, the state...
  17. M

    Beta-function for the Gross-Neveu model

    In the Peskin & Schroeder textbook, the ##\beta## function for the Gross-Neveu model is discussed in problem 12.2. After computing it, I have tried checking my results with some solutions found online. My problem is that they all disagree among each other (something quite recurrent for this book...
  18. synMehdi

    I Linear least squares regression for model matrix identification

    Summary: I need to Identify my linear model matrix using least squares . The aim is to approach an overdetermined system Matrix [A] by knowing pairs of [x] and [y] input data in the complex space. I need to do a linear model identification using least squared method. My model to identify is a...
  19. J

    MHB Form some model to predict a food items probability of you know being sold

    Hi so I'm really new to stats, like I know mean, median, mode, and t-testsish and that is it. However, this topic really resonates with me because I know it can have real world applications. So these are my questions. First off here is my real world problem. At my workplace, we sell food that...
  20. E

    Here is a 3D model I made of the RBMK reactor control room

    Summary: The new HBO miniseries inspired me to use blender 3D to re-create the Chernobyl control room. The HBO miniseries about Chernobyl inspired me use a 3D modeling program called Blender to re-create the RBMK-1000 reactor control room of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It's about 95%...
  21. amare

    How to model the opening and closing of valves?

    ok guys ! i need to edit this question ! I have an iris type of valve that is installed between the throttle valve and the intake manifold to restrict flow. the valve is to be fully closed and fully opende based on need. there is no partial opening something like that. what i need is the...
  22. TytoAlba95

    The Potential of Transgenic Mice Models for Virus Research

    I think the answer should be (b) and not (a) because to study the mice model, there should be a gene designed to express the protein of this virus on the cell surface (but I don't know the what it has got to do with puberty ).
  23. user366312

    Need a layman's example of Linearizable Consistency model

    As far as I understand, Linearizable Consistency model is a Data-centric and Strong consistency model: Data-centric means: All clients experience the consistency All clients access the same data store All clients experience the same ordering Non-mobile clients. I.e. replica used doesn’t...
  24. QuarkDecay

    A Different FRW Cosmological Models

    ρο/a4 ρο/a3 k Λ Βig Bang Big Crunch Polynomial Expansion Exponential Expansion x 0 x 0 >0 x +1 x +1 x 0 <0 x -1 x -1 >0...
  25. Ammo1337

    I How can I compute edge states in the Haldane model with varying dimensions?

    Hi there, studying the Haldane model for my final year project next year, having some trouble understanding how the distant and nearest neighbour hopping works with varying width or height of a 2d sheet in the Haldane model? I'm find some references in papers but they appear to be way over my...
  26. Danny Boy

    Approximate solutions to Kuramoto synchronization model

    According to the wiki entry 'Kuramoto Model', if we consider the ##N=2## case then the governing equations are $$\frac{d \theta_1}{dt} = \omega_i + \frac{K}{2}\sin(\theta_2 - \theta_1)~~~\text{and}~~~\frac{d \theta_2}{dt} = \omega_i + \frac{K}{2}\sin(\theta_1 - \theta_2),$$ where ##\theta_i##...
  27. C

    Python How to estimate a GARCH model in python (without standard function)?

    Hi, I want to program an GARCH model for exchange rates. To do this, I calculated the residuals. Next, I did the following (in python) def main(): vP0 = (0.1, 0.05, 0.92) a = minimize(garch_loglike, vP0, eps, bounds = ((0.0001, None), (0.0001, None), (0.0001, None))...
  28. mertcan

    I Auto Regressive Moving Average Model (ARMA) Ljung-Box Test

    Hi, according to ARMA model it is said that in order to check out white noise terms, Ljung-Box is applied involving sum of squared autocorrelations of errors with relevant lags. In short, sum of them is chi-square distribution but n-p-q degree of freedom when we have ARMA(p,0,q) model. My...
  29. A

    A Why is this Pilot-wave model on a discrete spacetime stochastic?

    Look at the paper in the link below: It introduces a pilot-wave model on a discrete spacetime lattice. However, the pilot-wave model is not deterministic; the motion of quantum particles is described by a |Ψ|^2-distributed...
  30. L

    Can we study an odd number sized lattice model at half filling?

    So one can numerically study (I am interested in exact diagonalization) any 1D lattice model with ##L## sites and ##N## number of particles. At half filling, ##L/N = 2##. My question to a professor was that can we study a system of size ##L = 31## at half filling? He replied yes, there is a way...
  31. Y

    TUBRNP (Transuranus/FRAPCON) model

    Hello, I am currently trying to understand the TUBRNP model which is used to calculate the isotope compositions and the radial power profile evolution with the burnup. I am talking about the basic model (the one from 1994 with only 6 isotopes taken into account) in the case of a LWR with UO2...
  32. vr-marco

    Automotive Tametire tire model by Michelin

    Hi there! Is anyone familiar with the Tametire tire model by Michelin? I understand it is based on the brush model and can take into account thermal and pressure properties of a tire. I was able to find only a very basic article online, but not a full description of how this model is able to...
  33. D

    Air Compressor Model Analysis

    I have an interest in storing, for later use, energy from excess shaft power developed by a wind turbine. Currently I am assuming that the compressor is running in a steady fashion, continually drawing 300K, 1.0 atm. air into the compression chamber and compressing it to 20 atms. before...
  34. jim mcnamara

    A 'what if' model of cloud cover and increased warming

    Popular reporting: Article in Nature Geoscience: (I can see the article, may...
  35. M

    Modeling torque on a half car model

    Imagine an half car model with the two suspension and two wheels. There is a torque applied to the rear wheels, that torque create the force between tire/asphalt that pull the car. How that torque react in the main body? I have two hypotesis: 1) It's only internal force that tend to bend the...
  36. A

    Finite Element Model of Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory

    In the formulation of Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory, there are two degrees of freedom at a point, w and dw/dx. Typically, the finite element model of this theory uses cubic polynomial for interpolation of $w$ using a two noded element as given in Chapter 5 of this book [1]. This element is a...
  37. pallab

    Book recommendations for second quantization and Jellium model

    please refer me a good book for the detail step by step study on the second quantization. and also where can I find the jellium model for the metal?
  38. sbleuz

    I The use of 3D reconstruction techniques to build a galaxy model

    I'm learning about imaging techniques and projection/deprojection for images of galaxies at university. The big issue there is the fact that an image is a 2D representation of a 3D object (for example a galaxy), and to learn some properties of the object you need the 3D structure. What happens...
  39. Vajhe

    A Oscillator Model with Eigenfunctions

    Hi, I have been reading the Milonni and Eberly book "Laser": in one of the chapters they discuss the Oscillator Model. The treatment is quite straightforward, the Hamiltonian of the process is H=H0+HI where the first term is the "undisturbed" hamiltonian, and the second one is the interaction...
  40. FourEyedRaven

    I Particle Physics vs Quantum Field Theory vs Standard Model

    Hi. I'd like to ask what are the differences between Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model. I see these names of physics courses but I want to confirm if I understand the difference. My understanding is that when students learn particle physics in their undergraduate...
  41. S

    Converting a nonlinear eqn of motion to a state-space model

    Homework Statement equations above are descriptive of a system with two configuration variables, q1 and q2. inputs are tau1 and tau2. d and c values are given. the question is about conversion of above equations to a state-space equation where the state-variables are x1 = q1_dot, x2 = q1_2dot...
  42. 1

    A I need a Straight Compact Linear data model

    Does anyone know a model to identify Straight Compact Linear data? I've been toying with Pearson Correlation Coefficient and am very disappointed. I originally thought that this would be exactly what I needed, but... After some...
  43. E

    New metal gear 3D model in Blender

    Hi, it's been a long time since I've been on these forums, but here is a new 3D blender model that I spent four weeks of daily work to finish. I'm glad it's done, it wasn't easy. This is metal gear RAY, a 70-foot tall robot from the popular video game franchise metal gear solid.
  44. Avocado

    I Fuchs-Sondheimer Resistivity model for Nanowires

    I calculated FS Model using Mathcad and I got that this part increases with decreasing width $\w$. This make the resistivity increases with decreasing width $\w$. This contradict the result of this model. Has anyone ever come across with this before? the original paper...
  45. alan123hk

    Nonlinear transformer model for simulation in LTSpice

    I am looking for a comprehensive nonlinear transformer model, which should be available free, readily available for simulation in LTSpice and able to take account of various factors of nonlinear transformer including hysteresis characteristic, skin and proximity effect, leakage inductance...
  46. steroidjunkie

    Free electron model (Sommerfeld model)

    Homework Statement Using free electron model find the number of electron quantum states per unit volume in ##[\varepsilon_F, \varepsilon_F + \Delta \varepsilon]## energy interval of sodium. Fermi energy of sodium is ##\varepsilon_F = 3.22 eV##, and energy band width is ##\Delta...
  47. JD_PM

    Dimensional analysis on an Ising model solution

    Homework Statement The mean field solution for the Ising model is: $$m = tanh[\beta (mJz + H)]$$ I wanted to carry out a dimensional analysis in order to verify the equation. Homework Equations $$m = tanh[\beta (mJz + H)]$$ The Attempt at a Solution Knowing that: $$[m] = \frac{A}{L}$$...
  48. I

    Model electron movement in an electric field (Magic Eye tube)

    Hello there, I'd like to model a simplified version of a "Magic Eye" tube (e.g. without the amplification triode, and for a start, 2 dimensions only), or the visible display behavior. What I'm talking about: Here is a nicer depiction of...
  49. K

    A Natural frequencies of simplified tympanic membrane model

    I am trying to anallytically determine natural frequencies ƒ of the tympanic membrane. I am using 2D sectorial annulus membrane as a simplified model of tympanic membrane according to following picture The parameters that i want to use are following: THICKNESS = 0,1 mm The natural...
  50. J

    Mathematical model of an induction motor

    A coil is modeled as Z = jwL or Z = sL or V = L dI/dt What are the equations for an induction motor? Single-phase one.