Modeling Definition and 610 Threads

  1. M

    EQualityCoin- What type of model is this?

    Hi everyone, I've been working on developing a crypto-currency called eQualityCoin for a while now and hoped someone here might be able to help me "classify" the system in a formal mathematical sense. The system's main feature is a simple rule for how it determines a purchaser's exchange...
  2. M

    Modeling 2D vs. 3D Flow in a Circular Pipe

    Hi everyone! I have the following problem. I have a two phase flow in a circular pipe and I want to model it. I need to decide and justify whether the model should be 2D or 3D. For the moment, I can say only one thing: considering z-axis in the length direction (that it is the dominant one) I...
  3. V

    What are the Max and Min Values for Tide Height?

    Homework Statement The height, h, in metres, of the tide in a given location on a given day at t hours after midnight can be modeled using the sinusoidal function h(t)= 5 sin 30 (t-5) + 7 (A) find max and min value for depth of water. (B) what time is high tide? What time is low tide? (C) what...
  4. V

    How Do You Determine Values of a Periodic Function with Limited Data?

    Homework Statement Find maximum and minimum values for the depth of h of the water If a periodic function has f(2) = 1 and f(5) = 0 predict what f(8) , f(-10), and f(11) will be.[/B] Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution f(8) = (6+2) = f(2) = 1 f(-10) = (-6-6+2) =f(2) =1 f(11) = (6+5)...
  5. Captain Newbi

    Modeling Deformation due to collisions

    I am taking a physics modeling class and for our projects we need to add in some element to our physics engine that is unique and different. I choose to model the deformation of objects as a result of collisions. For clarification, When things bounce, I want to know by how much do they...
  6. Kirito123

    Independent/dependent variable and modeling equations

    Homework Statement 8. Amelia’s Marina rents rowboats for $12/hour. A cleaning fee of $20 is charged, when the boat is returned. a. Identify the independent and dependent variables, including units, for this scenario.b. Write an equation that models this scenario. c. A nearby marina offers a...
  7. happytolearn

    How Do You Imprint Faces for a Moving Heat Source in ANSYS Workbench?

    Please help.I want to do transient analysis on welded joint.So for moving heat source I have to select multiple patches along the weld joint.From tutorial I came to know that it can be done by imprint faces while extruding lines,but when I tried it by extrusion in operation it does not show the...
  8. CK328

    Mathematical modeling of a mountain bike rear shock

    Evening all, I've recently undertaken a project where my roll is to analyse the suspension of a mountain bike. The suspension unit in question is a Rock Shox Monarch RT3. To give a brief summary: The shock uses compressed air as the spring, the pressure is adjustable via an air valve. The shock...
  9. M

    Mathematical Modeling Question using a 2-cycle

    Homework Statement a. Use algebra and calculus to find the positive fixed point p(c) (in terms of c) and identify its exact interval of stability. b. Use algebra and calculus to find the exact interval of stability of this fixed point c. Use algebra to find the point p1(c), p2(c) of the 2-cycle...
  10. T

    Modeling Jet Fans in Parking Ventilation in Ansys CFX

    Hi , I'm new to CFD. I'm modeling a parking ventilation system in ansys CFX. I'm having some trouble modeling the jet fans . I went as follows. I created a fresh air inlet (Opening BC), an exhuast outlet (outlet BC) and in the middle I distributed jet fans .The jet fans are modeled as sub...
  11. A

    Magnetic field modeling software?

    Does anyone know a good program, even a demo for modelling how magnetic fields influence each other? I'd like to run thru some exercises with actual numbers on wjhat kind of field patterns can be made by arranging magnets of same or different strength in different configurations. I should...
  12. T

    CFD Modeling of a Jet Fan Parking Exhuast Ventilation System

    Hey Guys, I want to verify the exhuast design of a car park ventilation system on Ansys Fluent. Basically, I have jet fans distributed throughout the parking displacing air towards a certain point where I will extract it . How would you go about modeling the boundary conditions in this...
  13. A

    Is the Hypothesized Law of Gravity for a Falling Body's Speed Accurate?

    Homework Statement The speed of a falling body might be based on the observation that the velocity of a falling object seems to increase the further it has fallen. Model the hypothesis "The speed of a falling object is proportional to the distance it has fallen" as a differential equation...
  14. H

    Modeling vehicle lift in uphill front end collision

    Homework Statement This is a video of the phenomenon. Start at 5:08 in this video and watch the next two crashes. That first one, where the car hits a wall, straight on, is the most helpful. The phenomenon is that when a car going uphill crashes, it has an upward speed/momentum vector...
  15. FritoTaco

    Mathematical Modeling: Regression

    Homework Statement Restaurant Reservations for a given week were: Monday - 34 Tuesday - 27 (minimum value) Wednesday - 33 Thursday - 47 Friday - 58 Saturday - 61 (maximum value) Sunday - 42 Homework Equations I don't think you need these equations to help me solve what I'm stuck on Amplitude...
  16. B

    Engineering Feedback Control: Modeling Mechanical System with Circuit

    Homework Statement Find the transfer function for the following mechanical system with force input fin and output x2. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The reason I left the equations blank is because I'm not sure how to appropriately model this scenario. I've seen two different...
  17. Domenico94

    Exploring the Role of PDEs in Cancer Modeling: A Comprehensive Overview

    Which are the most frequently used PDEs in cancer modelling? Are navier-stokes' equations and fluidodynamics equations used there?
  18. dandy_stepper

    What Are the Best Textbooks for an Introduction to Mathematical Modeling?

    Hello all, I have recently started a course at my University called Introduction to Mathematical Modeling. However, the course does not require/recommend a textbook, and I am someone who really depends on having a textbook in order to learn. I have asked the professor to recommend me some...
  19. B

    Simple Electrical Modeling Question (w/ only C and L)

    Homework Statement Find a differential equation that describes the circuit that includes only vin and vout as variables. Homework Equations C(dvin - dvout)/dt = i vin - vout = L(di/dt) The Attempt at a Solution So the answer I got was: C(d2vout/dt2) + vout = LC(d2vin/dt2) My question is...
  20. C

    Solve Heat ODE Modeling Problem: u(t) & x(t)

    Im stuck on this question, can someone please help me? u(t) = input power [W]. x(t) = temperature in plate [Celsius] v = 0, temperature of surroundings [Celsius] C = 400, heat capacity for plate [J/ Celsius] g = 2, heat transfer plate / air [W / Celsius] Question is something like this: You're...
  21. P

    Modeling Motion of Earth with Matlab using ODE45

    Homework Statement So I am trying to model the motion of the Earth around the Sun using ode45. I modeled this using an euler-cromer scheme, but I would like to get familiar with using a solver. I wrote the code for an Euler-cromer and it worked just fine. However, when I try to use the same...
  22. Colin LeMahieu

    Modeling plasma instability with electric arc discharges

    I was reading a paper recently about guiding electric arc discharges with lasers. Since electric arcs are plasmas and they seem to be stabilized by lasers, could the same principle be applied to...
  23. A

    Help Needed for Modeling Hybrid Reactor Geometry in MCNPX

    Hello, i am Ali doing PhD studies i am working on Activation Analysis of Hybrid reactor but i just stat studying this geometry but i am not able to understand this geometry for MCNPX modeling, so i need some help in modelling this geometry in MCNPX. please guide me in this regard
  24. C

    Modeling a multi-story building using Ansys Apdl 14.5

    Hello I am new to Ansys and currently conducting a study on ''property of lightweight structures'' I have read and watched videos online but nobody has the tutorials...i'm hoping someone here can help me on how to model a multi-storey building using Ansys...I hope this post makes sense. Thanks
  25. E

    Good PhD programs for biomolecular modeling

    Hello, My interests lie within the field of modelling biomolecular structure, function, and dynamics with computational and theoretical approaches. Is anyone aware of either top MSc or PhD programs offered by specific schools that are in line with this research direction? Thanks so much.
  26. MexChemE

    How do I model mass transfer in a tubular reactor?

    Good evening, PF! I am supposed to model the following system. I will be using the same notation as in BSL. Fluid A enters the reaction zone at z = 0 at a concentration CA0. A reacts to form B in the first order reaction A → B at a rate of R_A = k_1''' C_A. We assume the whole mixture to be...
  27. gfd43tg

    Direct synthesis of a controller (plus simulink modeling)

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Part (a) Starting with the formula $$ g_{c} = \frac {g_{CL}}{g_{p}(1-g_{CL})} $$ The controller transfer function is determined, $$ g_{c} = \frac { \frac {1}{\lambda s + 1}}{\frac {k_{p}}{(\tau_{p1}s+1)(\tau_{p2}s+1)} - \frac...
  28. Tone L

    What Graduate Programs Focus on Radiation and Energy Modeling?

    Like others on the forum it is time to start applying to graduate programs. I am more or less overwhelmed by all the programs offered. I am interested in radiation as a whole in regards to long wave radiation emitting from the Earth's surface, and modeling that. I would like to do some sort of...
  29. gfd43tg

    Modeling a reaction in SuperPro without stoichiometry

    Hello, I'm working on modeling a biological reaction with SuperPro. Right now, all I know about the reaction is the conversion. I don't have data on the stoichiometry, and I don't even think the stoichiometry of the reaction is known. Any idea how I might be able to model this kind of reaction...
  30. N

    Equation from neuroscience textbook, regarding modeling neurons

    Hello, I am trying to understand an equation from the textbook "Theory of neural information processing systems" by Coolen, Sullich and Kuhn. The book states that "the evolution in time of the postsynpatic potential V(t) can be written as a linear differential equation of the form: \frac...
  31. B

    Modeling mathematically a rotary flexible beam

    Hi, I am trying to mathematically model the rotation of a rotary flexible beam. There are numerous papers which study this topic but all of them are considering the beam as a fixed-free one. My case is different. This is the beam I am trying to model. The motor axis is at the square portion...
  32. edguy99

    Model Mercury Orbit w/Relativity: Force of Gravity Calc Explained

    This question relates to building a computer model of gravity under relativity in a frame by frame type animation where the force on an orbiting object is calculated between each frame and applied to the animation. Its pretty easy to model normal planet orbits using Newtons inverse square law...
  33. T

    Mathematical modeling in particle physics

    So my university offers two programs focused on particle physics. One is simply masters in nuclear/particle physics, the other is masters in mathematical modelling with focus on particle physics. I want to go into mathematical modelling and I'm choosing what I will focus on. I'm not really...
  34. A

    MHB Re-configurable Battery Network Modeling

    I need to model circuit given at ( so that we may known output for any state of switches. Given Information: Vector of State of Switches e.g. [s11 s12 s13 s21 s22 s23 s32]. I need to model a transformation matrix...
  35. nettle404

    Modeling a hanging chain as a PDE

    Homework Statement A flexible chain of length \ell hangs from one end at x=0 but oscillates horizontally. Let the x axis point downwards and the u axis point to the right. Assume that the force of gravity at each point of the chain equals to the weight of the part of the chain below the point...
  36. Anama Skout

    Modeling projectile motion as subject to a constant accelera

    Consider the following diagram of a projectile motion (##\hat{\bf i}## and ##\hat{\bf j}## are the unit vectors of the ##x## and ##y##-axis respectively) We know that $$F=ma.\tag1$$ This can be rearranged to $$a=\frac Fm.\tag2$$ So there are actually two accelerations, one with magnitude...
  37. Y

    State-space modeling of a control system

    Homework Statement [/B] Here is the problem: And this is the system in question: Homework Equations G(s) = θ_0(s)/θ_i(s) = output/input (open-loop transfer function) The Attempt at a Solution I've been staring at this problem and looking through my textbook for over an hour but...
  38. Y

    Modeling a Control System using Transfer Functions

    Homework Statement [/B] Homework Equations Listed under 2.1 in the image above. This is the only relevant equation that I'm aware of, but I'm almost sure that there is something else I need to know before I can solve the problem. The Attempt at a Solution I tried solving for the...
  39. KingDaniel

    Systems Modeling - Sinusoidal Inputs

    Homework Statement Finding the complete response (steady-state and transient) is a long and laborious task. My lecturer's notes read (since at our stage of the course, we're mostly interested in the steady-state part of the solution and not so much the transient) : "The simple method for...
  40. H

    How Does Doubling the Slope Affect Velocity and Mass Data?

    Homework Statement Below is a table for some experiment data: m(kg) - v(m/s) 0.1 - 3.16 0.2 - 2.24 0.3 - 1.83 0.4 - 1.58 0.5 - 1.41 0.6 - 1.29 0.7 - 1.20 0.8 - 1.12 As the mathematical model for these data, I put v^2 (m^2/s^2) = 1.00 (kgm^2/S^2)/m(kg). Another set of experiments finds for the...
  41. B

    Mathematical modeling of the deflection of a rod

    A rod is radially mounted on a motor shaft and provided with a flat end plate. By turning movement, the end plate will touch a pointed object, and the angle turned is measured.By the torque of the motor during acceleration and deceleration, a vibration and deflection happens on the rod. The...
  42. Ken G

    I Modeling of measurements in relativity

    I would say there is no way to predict experimental outcomes than mathematics. But "expressing physics" can be rather different. For example, how many times have we asked ourselves, "I see that the mathematics works out this way, but I want a physical explanation." Indeed, I have found that...
  43. KingDaniel

    Engineering Systems Modeling Question (First order thermal circuit)

    Homework Statement I have a problem with understanding the thermal circuit I attached to this thread. Please help. It's a Thermal circuit of a computer CPU that needs to be simplified to have just 2 lumped capacitances and resitances. How would one go about doing that? along with the equations?
  44. Dopplerganger

    Recognize this irreversible equation for kinetic modeling?

    Hi all, I'm trying to come up with velocity equations for a multi-enzymatic system and came across this velocity equation. Does anyone recognize this equation? There was no citation or derivation and the variables were not explained. This is my guess: P, Q, A, B are concentrations of some...
  45. A

    How Can Input Power Improve Predictions in Scroll Compressor Modeling?

    Hi, I am currently trying to model a water-cooled scroll compressor but do not have enough data to predict output conditions. At the moment, I can collect inlet and discharge pressure, outlet temperature, water mass flow rate as well as inlet and outlet temperature. I would like to be able to...
  46. T

    Model an Inductor: Flux Through Core & Air Around It

    Hi, I'm just curious why we model the ideal inductor as having the leakage inductance as being in series with the ideal core, rather than in parallel to it? Because it would seem to me that the flux goes in two parallel directions, one through the core, and one through the air around the core...
  47. D

    Modeling a (very simple) vehicle suspension

    Hi, I am generating synthetic images from the perspective of a moving vehicle, i.e. a camera mounted on a vehicle driving through a computer generated scene. Now i want to simulate the motions of the vehicle body that result from road roughness (bumps, patches). I modeled my road roughness...
  48. R

    Noise modeling with Markov modeling

    Hi I'm using accelerometer & horizontal gyroscope in order to replace GPS. Now, I'want to model the noise with first order markov process, to use it in kalman filter. I recorded measurement on all axes and computed auto-correlation. This picture represents auto-correlation on one of axes...
  49. S

    Modeling Functions.... real life business, money, probability, etc.

    Ok. I'm now studying economics and applied math, and I'm currently wanting to know what book or online resource could help me in learning how to model real life situations into functions. Most math and econ textbooks are garbage at this. I'll be more specific. In my study of Microeconomics...
  50. amtech

    Dynamic Modeling of distribution system

    Hi, I have read the static equivalent model of distribution system with high penetration of PV systems, using ZIP modelling technique. Now I want to create a dynamic equivalent model of distribution grid with high penetration of PV systems. How should I proceed?