Momentum Definition and 1000 Threads

In Newtonian mechanics, linear momentum, translational momentum, or simply momentum (pl. momenta) is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. It is a vector quantity, possessing a magnitude and a direction. If m is an object's mass and v is its velocity (also a vector quantity), then the object's momentum is





{\displaystyle \mathbf {p} =m\mathbf {v} .}
In SI units, momentum is measured in kilogram meters per second (kg⋅m/s).
Newton's second law of motion states that the rate of change of a body's momentum is equal to the net force acting on it. Momentum depends on the frame of reference, but in any inertial frame it is a conserved quantity, meaning that if a closed system is not affected by external forces, its total linear momentum does not change. Momentum is also conserved in special relativity (with a modified formula) and, in a modified form, in electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and general relativity. It is an expression of one of the fundamental symmetries of space and time: translational symmetry.
Advanced formulations of classical mechanics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, allow one to choose coordinate systems that incorporate symmetries and constraints. In these systems the conserved quantity is generalized momentum, and in general this is different from the kinetic momentum defined above. The concept of generalized momentum is carried over into quantum mechanics, where it becomes an operator on a wave function. The momentum and position operators are related by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
In continuous systems such as electromagnetic fields, fluid dynamics and deformable bodies, a momentum density can be defined, and a continuum version of the conservation of momentum leads to equations such as the Navier–Stokes equations for fluids or the Cauchy momentum equation for deformable solids or fluids.

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  1. jjson775

    Understanding Energy Conservation in Quantized Angular Momentum Transitions

    I don’t understand how energy is conserved here. The energy of the atom when n=5 is -.544eV. The energy of the photon is 1.14eV. After release, the energy of the atom is -.544 - 1.14 = 1.68eV. Using this value, I get n = 2.67, not an integer, so n = 3 and the atom has energy = -1.51 eV. I...
  2. mjmnr3

    Why does a symmetric wavefunction imply the angular momentum is even?

    I looked in the instructor solutions, which are given by: But I don't quite understand the solution, so I hope you can help me understand it. First. Why do we even know we are working with wavefunctions with the quantum numbers n,l,m? Don't we only get these quantum numbers if the particles...
  3. T

    How do you derive the units for momentum for photons

    So if i have a photon of some energy and i want to find the magnitude of the momentum, i can get the right answer but the units don't make sense. So i derive p = E/c since i know the energy of the photon and i used f=E/h and substituted this into p=hf/c This means for units of the equation p...
  4. J

    Does density of a medium affect the conservation of momentum?

    Hi all, If a body has a given initial momentum and then travels through a continuously less dense medium would it's velocity increase to conserve momentum? Thanks Jerry
  5. htam9876

    I The Energy - Momentum Equation vs the Energy - Mass Equation

    First, introduce the energy – momentum equation E² = p²c² + (m0c²)². Next, just think it in natural way. If the energy – momentum equation reflects the stationary situation, then, momentum p naturally equals to zero. Then, we got E² = 0 + (m0c²)², namely: E = m0c². It can be denoted exactly...
  6. L

    Momentum and force multiple choice

    i. Rearranging the equation for kinetic energy in terms of momentum; 1/2mv^2=(mv)^2/2m=p^2/2m Inputting the values given KE=1^2/2*4kg = 1/8 J Kinetic energy of a body with twice the momentum; KE=2^2/2*2kg =1 J The ratio of the kinetic energy of the first body to the second body is therefore...
  7. LCSphysicist

    Interesting exercise: Torque, radiation, momentum and equilibrium

    t is Torque I is the inertia moment P is the power c is the constant light speed r is the spot distance to the fiber p is the torsional constant theta is what we want In the equilibrium $$t = 0$$ $$ F\Delta T = \frac{E}{c} = \frac{P\Delta T}{c} => *F* = \frac{P}{c} (1) $$ This will be the...
  8. wcjy

    Kinematics, Conservation of energy, momentum

    m1 + m2 = 8 COE 0.5(m1)(u1)^2 + (m1)(g)(30) + 0.5(m2)(u2)^2 + (m2)(g)(30) = 0.5(m1)(v1)^2 + 0.5(m2)(v2)^2 + (m2)(g)(16) Can you check if my eqn is correct? And can you advise what to do after this? I wanted to do COLM but i don't know what is the initial part.
  9. wcjy

    Momentum and Conservation of energy

    When A hits B, COLM mV = -mVa + 2mVb V = 2Vb - Va COKE 0.5mv^2 = 0.5mVa^2 + 0.5(2m)Vb^2 V^2 = Va^2 + 2Vb^2 When B hits C COLM 2mVb=4mVc Vc = 0.5Vb COE 0.5(2m)Vb^2 = 0.5kx^2 +0.5(4m)Vc^2 sub Vc = 0.5b mVb^2 = KX^2 After that I am stuck, cause i can't find V in terms of Vb only
  10. J

    Momentum conversion drive possible ?

    Hello! Would it be possible to brake a magnet by means of short circuiting a coil placed at the end of a plastic tube where the magnet has been accelerated in ? Is there a conversion of magnet speed to electric current/energy inside the braking coil ? It is thaught for reusing the projectile...
  11. A

    Ball hits a pivoting rod, what torque changes the angular momentum of the ball?

    Okay, i know that as a ball collides with a pivoting rod on an axis, the ball has angular momentum. Therefore after the collision, the ball is stopped or slowed, and the rod swings. The ball provides a force and torque to the rod. But if I isolate the ball, isn't the only thing acting on the...
  12. AN630078

    Force and change in momentum in an inelastic/elastic collision

    Question 1: Since Force=Change in momentum = ∆P / ∆t = mv / t Momentum of the water coming out=mv mv=ρVv=ρAv Force d/dt (ρAv2t)=ρAv^2 Force = 1000*40*30ms^2 Force = 3.6*10^7 N Question 2: This is where I am confused because I understand in an elastic collision total kinetic energy and...
  13. F

    Finding angular Momentum from a force

    Is it correct to say that that τ=0 since r has the same directacion as F?? and for \vec{L} que need to find \vec{p} So I thought solving this dif equation ## \int dp/dt =−kq/r^2 +β^4/r^5## Do you agree in the path I am going?
  14. Leo Liu

    Discontinuity of velocity in a problem on mass flow and momentum

    In this question, the particles are constantly transmitting their momentum to the rocket. The force required to keep the rocket stable can be express as ##\vec F=(\vec v-\vec u)\dot m##. However, when I tried to solve this question using the Newton's 2nd law, I found that the infinitesimal...
  15. PainterGuy

    B Converting Newtonian momentum into relativistic momentum

    Hi, I was trying to derive relativistic momentum equation using classical momentum equation but it didn't work. Could you please help me? Thank you! Where am I wrong? Or, is not possible, in any way, to derive relativistic momentum using Newtonian momentum equation? Thanks!
  16. F

    Torque and angular momentum with a central force

    HI τ= r ˆr x - ##k / r ^ 2## ˆr= 0 right? since ˆr x ˆr is zero What about L?
  17. Diracobama2181

    Single Particle Expectation of Energy Momentum Tensor

    $$\hat{T}_{\mu v}(x)=e^{i\hat{P}x}\hat{T}_{\mu v}(0)e^{-i\hat{P}x}$$, so $$\bra{\overrightarrow{P'}}\hat{T}_{\mu v}(x)\ket{\overrightarrow{P}}=e^{iP'x}\bra{\overrightarrow{P'}}\hat{T}_{\mu v}(0)\ket{\overrightarrow{P}}e^{-i\hat{P}x}$$ Now, $$\partial^{\mu}\Phi=\int\frac{d^3 k_1}{2\omega_{k_1}...
  18. burian

    Application of momentum conservation in inelastic collisions

    So, what I did was suppose the mass of ramp is $ M_r$ and let velocity at B of block be v, then, after inellastic collsion both bodies v' velocity at B , $$M\vec{v}= M_r \vec{v'}+ M \vec{v'}$$ or, $$ \frac{M}{M +M_r} \vec{v}= \vec{v'}$$ Now, Suppose I take the limit as mass of ramp goes to...
  19. P

    To find the angular momentum of a disc

    I was first wondering wether we can solve this question by applying conservation or energy or not but after googling it I found that we can't apply conservation of energy since there will be some energy lost in this case. I don't know how this energy is getting lost. My second doubt was if we...
  20. E

    I Photon Momentum: The Impact of Light on Movement in Space

    We know that photons (light) are massless but they have momentum. Now suppose I am in the space far away from planets/stars that there is no external force exerts on me, if: 1- I turn on a flashlight (torch), would I be pushed in the opposite direction which the flashlight is facing (Newton's...
  21. E

    Work & energy VS conservation of angular momentum

    Summary:: Would energy method give us a different answer from conservation of angular momentum? Hello, I do not know how to type equations here. So, I typed my question in Word and attached it here. Please see photos. Note: This question is not a homework. I did not find it in textbooks or...
  22. S

    B Why is the momentum of a star equal to the momentum of a planet?

    I was wathcing a video about radial velocity method for seeking exoplanet(video) and on 3:05 author writes that momentum of a star equal momentum of a planet. Why?
  23. tanaygupta2000

    Position and Momentum probability for +x direction

    For the region where V = 0, solving the schrodinger equation leads to the above value of wave function, psi = sqrt(2/L) sin(pi x/L) Since in the qus. it is not stated about the 'direction of movement' only restricted to +x direction, I think that the probability will be 1/2. And finding the...
  24. H

    I The reference frame for angular momentum components

    In which coordinate system the components of angular momentum are quantized? Better to say, if we can select the coordinate system arbitrarily, how the components of angular momentum, say z-component, are always ##L_z=m\hbar##?
  25. M

    Calculating Final Positions & Velocities for M1, M2 & Spring After DeltaT

    Let's say you have two masses on either side of a spring. Mass 1 is connected to the end of a spring. The spring itself has no mass. Mass 2 is free in space. So you have: [M1]-[spring] [M2]So it's more descriptive, I'll name the variables like you might in programming. Let's define...
  26. Petext

    Momentum Problem -- Bullet fired into a block of wood

    A gun is fired vertically into a block of wood(unknown mass) at rest directly above it. If the bullet has a mass of 24.0g and a speed of 310 m/s, how high will the block rise into the air after the bullet becomes embedded in it?
  27. B

    I Why does a cyclotron only impart linear momentum?

    I read the Wiki page as well as this answer here How does a cyclotron work? and it describes a setup where one has a cyclotron which has a static magnetic field pointing up through the dees and there is an alternating high voltage...
  28. Prabs3257

    Understanding Momentum Conservation in Simple Harmonic Motion

    I first got the velocity of the combined mass with conservation of momentum and as it was in the mean position the velocity can be written as v = wA ( w= angular frequency , A = amplitude ) as we have to take it back to natural length i put A as the initial extension but i am getting a wrong ans...
  29. K

    Griffiths 8.5: Impulse and Momentum parallel plate capacitor

    Summary:: Griffiths problem 8.5 Problem 8.5 of Griffiths (in attachment) I already solved part (a), and found the momentum in the fields to be $$\textbf{p}=Ad\mu_0 \sigma^2 v \hat{\textbf{y}}$$ In part (b), I am asked to find the total impulse imparted on the plates if the top plate starts...
  30. Simon Bridge

    A Conservation of angular momentum in positron-electron annihilation

    Pretty much in a nutshell... fielded a question about how spin affects electron positron annihilation... ie do the spins have to be opposite in order to conserve angular momentum for two-photon annihilation to happen? Intuitively I figured that looks reasonable ... but decided to check, and...
  31. akashpandey

    Momentum paradox: Why can't we write it as p=m+v ?

    So as we know momentum has a formula p=mv right ? But why we can't write it as p=m+v ? The real question is why we multiply both mass and velocity quantity And not add them ?
  32. agnimusayoti

    Differential equation on relativistic momentum (ML Boas)

    $$p=\gamma m v$$ $$F = \frac {md (\gamma v}{dt}$$ $$\int{F dt} = \int{md (\gamma v}$$ $$F t= \gamma mv$$ At this step, I don't know how to make v as explicit function of t, since gamma is a function of v too. Thankss
  33. Saptarshi Sarkar

    Conservation of angular momentum and rotational kinetic energy

    I first tried to get the solution by conserving the rotational kinetic energy and got ##\omega'=\frac2{\sqrt5} \omega##. But, it was not the correct answer. Next I tried by conserving the angular momentum and got ##\omega'=\frac 45 \omega##, which is the correct answer. Why is the rotational...
  34. P

    Conservation of momentum and energy problem

    In an elastic collision, a 400-kg bumper car collides directly from behind with a second, identical bumper car that is traveling in the same direction. The initial speed of the leading bumper car is 5.60 m/s and that of the trailing car is 6.00 m/s. Assuming that the mass of the drivers is...
  35. bob012345

    I Meaning of the Orbital Angular Momentum of Super Chiral Light

    In this article it discusses the generation of something called super chiral light and claims with metamaterials they can make it have very high angular momentum like l=100. What does that really mean? How does that relate in magnitude to the normally computed linear momentum of a photon p=h/λ...
  36. D

    Relativistic energy and momentum conservation

    Summary:: this is what I've done so far... i don't think it works since i believe the information given is not even enough. the formula I've used are 1. relativistic total energy = rest mass energy + kinetic energy (line 1, 3) 2. conservation of energy (line 4, 7, 8, 9) 3. conservation of...
  37. A

    QFT question about using momentum raising and lowering operators

    How did you find PF?: Google I know how to express Hamiltonian for scalar field written in field operators through the raising and lowering momentum operators, but I can't figure out how to do the same for the number of particles written in field operators: the 1/2E coefficient within the...
  38. B

    Engineering Gyroscopic Precession - Mass of wheel & Angular Momentum

    Hello, I have this i am learning. I have been trying to find information online but have struggled to find anything which helps me. YouTube usually has good videos, but doesn't seem to on this. This is one topic i have never learned before. But keen to. I was hoping someone could help me...
  39. hairey94

    Linear Motion and Linear Momentum

    Linear Motion Equation to get the common velocity of the block and bullet just after collision: v2=u2+2gs, I set v=0 at max height of s = 0.004 m and g = -9.81 m s-2 I got u = 0.28 m/s Then I calculate the impulse of the block using formula J = mv - mu, where v=0 and u=0.28 m/s and I got J = 1.4...
  40. LCSphysicist

    Collision, angular momentum and energy

    IS my solution right? Comparing with the other solutions, the answer just exchange the signals, i don't know why, THats what ifound. And here is the three equations: {i use the point which occurs the collision} Lo = Lf >> 0 = Iw + M*Vcm(block) Eg = ct> mvo² = mvf² + MVcm² + Iw² I = ml²/3...
  41. E

    A Kerr Black Hole Angular Momentum Limit

    The Schwarzschild metric seems to model, for example, the earth’s gravity field above the earth’s surface pretty well, even though the Earth is not really a golf-ball sized black hole down at the center. Can the same be said for the Kerr metric? Does it model a rotating extended body’s gravity...
  42. M

    Conservation of angular momentum and its counterpart for linear momentum

    Hi, I have just joined the forum. Thank you all for being a part of such places so that people like me can get answers to the questions on their minds! --------------------------- I have been trying to understand how a quadcopter yaws. Referring to the figure below which is bird's eye view of...
  43. K

    Projectile-car system and momentum

    I have done question 1. But I'm struggling with the other one. So since the only thing I know about the rocket is the mass and the velocity, I guess I have to use momentum to solve this problem. From the first question, I found out that the x-velocity of the projectile is ##v_x=5...
  44. K

    Help with understanding this momentum problem

    Solution on the link:
  45. victor01

    I Clebsch–Gordan coefficients: An Identity

    Hi, everyone. I'm trying to get the next identity It is in the format <j1, j2; m1, m2 |j, m>. I hope you can help me
  46. quasar987

    I Thought Experiment Proving Newtonian Momentum Not Conserved

    On p.170 of French's book on special relativity there is this thougth experiment attributed to Lewis and Tolman (1909). It is about two individuals throwing identical balls of mass M at each other with identical speed. The balls bounce against each other and are caught again. See attached...
  47. Pushies

    I can't comprehend impulse = momentum

    Here is my calculation: F = ma 50N = 1050kg * a a = 0.0476m/s² S = ut + ½at ² 1000m = 0t + ½(0.0476)t² t = 204.980s y = 204.980s (time to travel 1000m) since impulse = momentum, F * t = mv F * x = m * distance covered/y 50N * x = 1050kg * 1000m/204.980s 50N * x = 5122.450N⋅s x = 102.440s...