What is Moon: Definition and 1000 Discussions

The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. At about one-quarter the diameter of Earth (comparable to the width of Australia), it is the largest natural satellite in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System overall, and is larger than any dwarf planet. Orbiting Earth at an average distance of 384,400 km (238,900 mi), or about 30 times Earth's diameter, its gravitational influence slightly lengthens Earth's day and is the main driver of Earth's tides. The Moon is classified as a planetary-mass object and a differentiated rocky body, and lacks any significant atmosphere, hydrosphere, or magnetic field. Its surface gravity is about one-sixth of Earth's (0.1654 g); Jupiter's moon Io is the only satellite in the Solar System known to have a higher surface gravity and density.
The Moon's orbit around Earth has a sidereal period of 27.3 days. During each synodic period of 29.5 days, the amount of visible surface illuminated by the Sun varies from none up to 100%, resulting in lunar phases that form the basis for the months of a lunar calendar. The Moon is tidally locked to Earth, which means that the length of a full rotation of the Moon on its own axis causes its same side (the near side) to always face Earth, and the somewhat longer lunar day is the same as the synodic period. That said, 59% of the total lunar surface can be seen from Earth through shifts in perspective due to libration.The most widely accepted origin explanation posits that the Moon formed about 4.51 billion years ago, not long after Earth, out of the debris from a giant impact between the planet and a hypothesized Mars-sized body called Theia. It then receded to a wider orbit because of tidal interaction with the Earth. The near side of the Moon is marked by dark volcanic maria ("seas"), which fill the spaces between bright ancient crustal highlands and prominent impact craters. Most of the large impact basins and mare surfaces were in place by the end of the Imbrian period, some three billion years ago. The lunar surface is relatively non-reflective, with a reflectance just slightly brighter than that of worn asphalt. However, because it has a large angular diameter, the full moon is the brightest celestial object in the night sky. The Moon's apparent size is nearly the same as that of the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun almost completely during a total solar eclipse.
Both the Moon's prominence in the earthly sky and its regular cycle of phases have provided cultural references and influences for human societies throughout history. Such influences can be found in language, calendar systems, art, and mythology.
The first artificial object to reach the Moon was the Soviet Union's Luna 2 uncrewed spacecraft in 1959; this was followed by the first successful soft landing by Luna 9 in 1966. The only human lunar missions to date have been those of the United States' Apollo program, which landed twelve men on the surface between 1969 and 1972. These and later uncrewed missions returned lunar rocks that have been used to develop a detailed geological understanding of the Moon's origins, internal structure, and subsequent history.

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  1. J

    I Quantum Entanglement on the Moon

    I like this site because, even when people ask fundemenal questions ( bone headed ) they are not humiliated, lol, so hear I go. Could one use the mirror's left on the moon to observe quantum entanglement? Earth based laser, change phase on the way out, observe the returning photons?
  2. hsdrop

    B The Earth's magnetic field and moon

    Does the moon pass through the Earth's magnetic field?? If so how strong would the field be?? Would it be strong enough to possibly generate a current throw some kind of conductor?? And always thank you for anyone that take the time to answer my questions.
  3. Chracatoa

    How often does the moon orbit intersect with sunset?

    Bear with me, this is a very specific question for a scifi book I'm writing. If we had a ring in place of the moon, and you lived somewhere in the United States, how often would the ring intersect with the sun when it's setting (or rising, if it makes it easier). I know that it can take up to...
  4. H

    B Hammer / feather moon drop clip

    Not a question but such a good clip for those that have not had the pleasure;
  5. L

    B Is There an Arctic Circle on the Moon?

    Do the lunar poles have something like and Artic circle where the Sun and/or Earth are fully visible in the sky for very long periods of time?
  6. A

    I On the Moon, could you melt dirt by focussing sunlight?

    On the Moon, could you melt dirt into bricks and paths by focussing sunlight? If you had a large metal parabolic reflector and just pointed it at the ground, would it melt the dirt? Could you make a path that way? In the vacuum there would be less escape of heat to cool it. If you piled dust...
  7. A

    I Where on the Moon should the first Moonbase be?

    Should it be on the farside to get radio silence for radio telescopes and explore there, or should it be at the pole for the ice, or in a cave?
  8. S

    My ballistic trajectory on the Moon looks wrong

    Hi all, I'm writing a science fiction story and I have managed to confuse myself. I have a rail line that accelerates a train in Tycho crater and tosses a heavy payload of ore to Descartes, about 1200 km, where it's supposed to land on another ramp... or something. I've used Google Earth to...
  9. L

    B What would happen to the Moon if (at full moon) the Earth disappeared?

    Crash into the Sun, orbit the Sun, or fly off into space?
  10. akashpandey

    I Have you ever wondered why we can't see the other side of the moon?

    We all know we see only one part of moon means part which is facing towards earth But moon rotates also so we should able to see its other part(dark part) but we cant. I know rotational period of moon is equal to revolutionary period of moon but if moon is having rotational motion So we should...
  11. BillTre

    B What Saturn’s moon, Pan looks like

    It looks like this: From http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/space-empanada-frozen-ridge-around-saturn-s-moon-pan-collected-planet-s-rings?utm_campaign=news_daily_2017-03-09&et_rid=33537079&et_cid=1207519. Looks like one of Saturn's rings landed on it.
  12. Greg Bernhardt

    SpaceX In 2018 SpaceX will fly two tourists around the moon

    So the question is, who is going!? What price would you pay? http://money.cnn.com/2017/02/27/technology/spacex-moon-tourism/
  13. L

    B What part of the Moon am I looking at?

    I'm standing at a location near the equator and see a full moon in the sky overhead. From my vantage point, the top point of the Moon is (approximately) at the Lunar equator and the Lunar poles are 90 degrees away at the sides. Is this correct?
  14. Arman777

    Work Question (Pulling a chain on the Moon)

    Homework Statement At a lunar base,a uniform chain hangs over the edge of a horizontal platform.A machine does ##1.0J## of work in pulling the rest of the chain onto the platform.The chain has a mass of ##2.0 kg## and a length of ##3.0m##.What length was initally hanging over the...
  15. A

    Is 87-Year-Old Astronaut Buzz Aldrin a Fashion Icon?

  16. Astronuc

    RIP Gene Cernan, last astronaut on the moon

    HOUSTON (AP) -- Former astronaut Gene Cernan, who as the last person to walk on the moon returned to Earth with a message of "peace and hope for all mankind," died on Monday, his family said. He was 82. https://www.yahoo.com/news/gene-cernan-last-astronaut-moon-205711702.html On Dec. 11, 1972...
  17. A

    I Which is better to colonize: Mars, the Moon, or Deimos?

    Deimos has one advantage that the other two don't - near-zero gravity. Like Mars, it has a day/night cycle that Humans and plants can adapt to. It almost certainly has water ice. The delta v budget is such that it's actually one of the easier places to mine ice to return to Earth orbit. It has...
  18. cnh1995

    Did the Hunter's Moon Really Look Like a Second Sun in North America?

    My facebook timeline was showing a news which said "North America and Canada witnessed two Suns in the sky". (I know fb is not a reliable source for such information).Because of the change in orbits, the moon rises and the Sun sets at the same time and the moon reflects the sunlight so bright...
  19. A

    B What would happen if the Moon wasn't there?

    So 2 scenarios.. 1. There never was a moon, could we expect life in any form? 2. If it was removed now what might the effect on Earth be? Thanks
  20. Buzz Bloom

    I A multiple-impact origin for the Moon

    I have read the abstract for the Jan 9, 2017 article cited below. http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo2866.html I do not access to the whole article, and I would be very interested to see comments about this article.
  21. L

    Why colonize Mars and not the Moon?

    I watched the 6-episode series called Mars this week. Elon Musk kept emphasizing that humans must spread out to at least one other planet to ensure human survival in the event of some extinction event on Earth. Wouldn't colonization of the Moon achieve the same purpose? Seems like that would...
  22. R

    Acceleration on the Moon: How Does Gravity Affect Objects?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations F=ma The Attempt at a Solution I know it's either B or D Weight = mg so let's say mass of ball is 11kg and gravity on moon is 6, so weight would be 66N since acceleration a = F/m and we can say that F=mg therefore a = mg / m which leaves: a=g and...
  23. Oomuu

    B Problems With a Terraformed Moon -- Maybe?

    While watching a Neil DeGrasse Tyson documentary they mentioned something about terraforming the moon. What I have never seen anyone mention is even if it was possible to terraform the moon, give it an atmosphere, and plant life, and water, wouldn't the extra mass from the water and atmosphere...
  24. Vitani11

    Does the sun or the moon have a greater affect on the tides?

    Homework Statement I know the moon does. I know it is because tidal forces fall off as 1/r3. But why? Mathematically, I mean. Homework Equations F = GMm/r2 The Attempt at a Solution None
  25. sophiecentaur

    I Why are craters on the Moon nearly all circular?

    We all see pictures of the Moon, on an almost daily basis and the real thing fairly often. The craters we see are all more or less circular. There must have been a lot of very oblique impacts from all directions so why don't we see a significant number of asymmetrical impact craters? I would...
  26. T

    Confusing speed of man in moon question

    Consider a man having superpower,weighing 70 kg jumping from moon to reach Earth in 10sec..what's the speed at which he travels..considering gravity etc...
  27. farolero

    B So I don't understand moon eclipses

    here the classic moon diagram. but the problem i see with this explanation is that in the penumbral shadow the center edge is 1% illuminated while the outer edge 99% illuminated so if in the visible from Earth edge of the eclipse it goes form 0% illumination to 1% illumination why is it so...
  28. C

    Universal Gravitation and/or Tidal Force

    Homework Statement ANY HELP IS WELCOMED[/B] The single moon of an Earth-like planet creates tides on the planet that are slowing the planet’s rotation. The planet’s rate of rotation is decreasing at a rate of 7.00 x 10-7 radians/sec/century. The mass of the planet is 6 x 1024 kg, and its...
  29. R

    Period of pendulum moved to Jupiter's moon Io

    Homework Statement you are taking your pendulum clock with you to a visit of the Jupiter moon Io(radious 3643.2Km, mass 8.94X10^22 kg. calculate the duration of a full Oscillation. On the surface this oscillation time was 1s Homework Equations T=2*π√l/g[/B]The Attempt at a Solution T1/T2=√(g2/g1)
  30. EnigmaticField

    B Progress direction of the Aldebaran occultation by the moon

    We are experiencing a regular series of the Aldebaran occultations by the moon now. I read this in the article http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/moon-covers-bright-star-aldebaran/. What puzzle me are the advancing directions of the occultations across the moon described in the article...
  31. T

    Kinematics problems: Displacement in Moon & Proportionality

    Homework Statement An astronaut on the moon throws a stone horizontally with a speed V0. If the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1⁄6 that of the Earth, by what factor will the horizontal distance traveled by the stone, d, change? Answer Options: 2 2.44 1.20 36 6Homework...
  32. enorbet

    From the Moon to the Scrap Heap and Back

    Greetings all In the mid 1960s Raytheon developed the first microcomputer chip ICs and Rope Memory that would get us to the moon. Apparently within a mere 10 years these historic small steps that were more than a decade ahead of their time and of considerable historic value were auctioned off...
  33. V

    I Why exactly does the ocean bulge on both sides of the Earth?

    Here's what my prof says: "Define F_{mean} to be the mean force, F_close to be the force on the side of the Earth closer to the moon, and F_far to be the force on the side of the Earth furthest away from the moon. On the closer side the net force is F_close - F_mean > 0 On the further side the...
  34. Jadaav

    I RA and declination of Sun & phase of Moon program

    Hello there, I want to write a fortran program which gives me the right ascension and declination of the sun and the phase of the moon when a date and time is given. I just want to know how to write it and if there are any references that can help me. Thanks, Jadaav.
  35. hsdrop

    B The moon and light that bends around it

    If there was a hole or a cave throw the center of a moon that would allow light to pass throw it on a solar eclipse and the moon was of big enuf mass to bend light around it during the eclipse. Which would hit the planet first? the light throw the cave or the light being bent around the moon it...
  36. K

    I Moon's End: What's the Scenario?

    Which scenario true about the Moon's end? Can someone explain me?
  37. A

    Can a balance give accurate reading if measured on the moon?

    Question: On the Moon, the force of gravity on an object is only about one-sixth of its value on Earth. Decide whether each of the following would give an accurate measurement of the mass if used on the Moon a) A beam balance like the one in the diagram at the top of the page b) A balance...
  38. N

    A Would a larger Martian moon create a stronger magnetic field

    I have read a previous forum discussing the possibility of creating a stronger magnetic field on Mars using tidal forces by putting a larger moon in orbit around Mars. My question is how large of an object would it have to be compared to Mars and how distant would its orbit need to be from the...
  39. Charles Kottler

    B Is a lunar space elevator a realistic proposition?

    I recently came across this article (from 2005) outlining a proposal for a lunar space elevator: http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/library/meetings/fellows/mar05/1032Pearson.pdf Their is nothing in the article which stands out to me as being unrealistic, although the cost estimate ($10B) might...
  40. A

    Forces of gravitation of moon and earth + Newtons 3rd law

    In relation to two objects with a gravitational field on them (i.e. a planet and its moon), would there be two pairs of partner forces (the force of gravity exerted from each object and the resulting partner force from each force of gravity)? For example with the Earth and moon: 1. Force of...
  41. N

    Stargazing H.E.S.S. gamma ray telescope got an image of the moon

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Moon_egret.jpg Can we use better telescopes of this type (ground based gamma rays telescopes) to image the surface and subsurface of a planet with a lot of resolution?
  42. cnnn

    I Moon revolution period 27.32, but got 27.53 from equation?

    Hello, I'm trying to calculate Moon revolution period but always got 27.53 instead of 27.32. G = 6.674e-11 (m^3 kg^-1 s^-2) M = 5.9724e24 (kg) from http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/moonfact.html R = 384400000 (m) Earth Moon distance From 4π^2 * R^3 = GM*T^2, got moon revolution...
  43. A

    I How can inhabitants of moon guess of its revolution

    How can inhabitants of the far side of moon guess that the moon is revolving around the earth?
  44. hsdrop

    B Moon time versus Earth time....

    does the Earth and the moon run on 2 different flows of time and if so what would be the difference ?? also would the face that we see of the moon be different that the part that faces away from the Earth ?
  45. Buchanan

    A What Are the Next Greatest Effects on the Moon's Motion?

    I am looking for concise information for two of various factors that affect the motion of the moon. I understand the 5 degree tilt of the moons orbit and the progression of the nodes. also the effect of the tilt of the Earth's axis and the eccentric orbit of the Earth around the sun. I an...
  46. P

    I How much does the mass of the earth effect moon gravity?

    As I understand it, the effect of gravity is greatly diminished over long distances. Even so, the mass of the moon is sufficient to exert an influence on earth, for example on tides. My question is, to what extent does the mass of the Earth influence gravity on the moon. Gravity on the moon...
  47. E

    B Discover the Fascinating Relationship Between Moon Gravity and Vacuum in Space

    I read on the net that the moons gravity is one sixth that of Earth's so if I could jump 12" off the ground on Earth it would be 72" on the moon. I also see (you tube) that in a vacuum (akin to the moons surface) if you drop a feather and kilo weight simultaneously they reach the ground at the...
  48. V

    Understanding the Time & Speed Difference on Earth & Moon

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Actual time taken by the object to fall by a distance h on Earth = ##t = \sqrt{\frac{2h}{g}}## Measured time by pendulum clock on Earth = t Actual time taken by the object to fall by a distance h on moon = ##t '=...
  49. Mech_Engineer

    Happy Moon Day 2016! Celebrate Apollo 11 Anniversary!

    Happy Moon Day 2016! I was lax in my duties last year and [gasp] missed Moon Day 2015, but that makes Moon Day 2016 all that more important! For those that didn't realize, today marks 47 years since mankind first set foot on the moon. In celebration of this achievement, we are enjoying...
  50. T

    B Where is the CG between the Earth and the Moon

    When two bodies orbit each other the entire system rotates about a center of gravity point in the space between them causing a wobble effect of the entire system. Approximately at what distance from Earth is that CG point between the Earth and moon please. tex