Moon Definition and 1000 Threads

The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. At about one-quarter the diameter of Earth (comparable to the width of Australia), it is the largest natural satellite in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System overall, and is larger than any dwarf planet. Orbiting Earth at an average distance of 384,400 km (238,900 mi), or about 30 times Earth's diameter, its gravitational influence slightly lengthens Earth's day and is the main driver of Earth's tides. The Moon is classified as a planetary-mass object and a differentiated rocky body, and lacks any significant atmosphere, hydrosphere, or magnetic field. Its surface gravity is about one-sixth of Earth's (0.1654 g); Jupiter's moon Io is the only satellite in the Solar System known to have a higher surface gravity and density.
The Moon's orbit around Earth has a sidereal period of 27.3 days. During each synodic period of 29.5 days, the amount of visible surface illuminated by the Sun varies from none up to 100%, resulting in lunar phases that form the basis for the months of a lunar calendar. The Moon is tidally locked to Earth, which means that the length of a full rotation of the Moon on its own axis causes its same side (the near side) to always face Earth, and the somewhat longer lunar day is the same as the synodic period. That said, 59% of the total lunar surface can be seen from Earth through shifts in perspective due to libration.The most widely accepted origin explanation posits that the Moon formed about 4.51 billion years ago, not long after Earth, out of the debris from a giant impact between the planet and a hypothesized Mars-sized body called Theia. It then receded to a wider orbit because of tidal interaction with the Earth. The near side of the Moon is marked by dark volcanic maria ("seas"), which fill the spaces between bright ancient crustal highlands and prominent impact craters. Most of the large impact basins and mare surfaces were in place by the end of the Imbrian period, some three billion years ago. The lunar surface is relatively non-reflective, with a reflectance just slightly brighter than that of worn asphalt. However, because it has a large angular diameter, the full moon is the brightest celestial object in the night sky. The Moon's apparent size is nearly the same as that of the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun almost completely during a total solar eclipse.
Both the Moon's prominence in the earthly sky and its regular cycle of phases have provided cultural references and influences for human societies throughout history. Such influences can be found in language, calendar systems, art, and mythology.
The first artificial object to reach the Moon was the Soviet Union's Luna 2 uncrewed spacecraft in 1959; this was followed by the first successful soft landing by Luna 9 in 1966. The only human lunar missions to date have been those of the United States' Apollo program, which landed twelve men on the surface between 1969 and 1972. These and later uncrewed missions returned lunar rocks that have been used to develop a detailed geological understanding of the Moon's origins, internal structure, and subsequent history.

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  1. S

    Earth-Moon System: Confused with Momentum?

    I have some confusion understanding some concepts of Earth moon system . Why conservation of momentum requires both the Earth and the Moon to revolve around the centre of mass ? What happens if they do not revolve around the centre of mass ? Plz clarify and guide me .
  2. D

    Why haven't we gone back to the moon?

    Why haven't we gone back to the moon? Seems like we could save a whole lot of money and time if we were to go back and explore the moon rather than going to mars. A lot of the questions posted here could be answered if we had gone back. Why aren't you asking this question yourself?
  3. J

    Are there any caves on the Moon?

    Or is Earth the only world in the inner solar system with caves.
  4. nsaspook

    Can Solar Panels Harness Power from the 'Super' Moon for Data Collection?

    This is last nights chart (from about 10PM to sunrise) into about a 3K load from about 500W total of panels. The hump at about 800 samples is where a separate panel of 120W started getting light from the moon. Maybe 20uW at max power. :biggrin: The DAQ is a Linux based NI-DAQCard-700 12-bit...
  5. H

    Did Humans Go to the Moon? A Debate

    I have seen some documanters,and I have talk with some people about this issue: "Did human go to Moon ?". Many people supports that never we went to Moon,and they have some logic arguments. Other people support,that something so big...can not be fake,so we went to Moon for sure. What you...
  6. G

    Spacecraft Take-Off from the Moon - Apollo Landing Module

    Dear Friends! I am curious to know about take off from moon of a space craft. How Apollo landing module after detaching itself from orbitter module lands on moon and how later it takes off to attach to orbitter module in the absance of any atmosphere which could give continuous support to...
  7. C

    Hammer and sickle on the Moon, dropped from different heights

    The hammer is at 200km and the sickle is at 100km above the Moon. As they fall down, the distance between them increases, or not? We need 'jolt' formula here, the rate of change of acceleration, right?
  8. R

    Projectiles Question -- Tiger Woods drives a golf ball on the Moon

    Homework Statement As part of a NASA experiment, golfer Tiger Woods drives a golf ball on the moon, where g = 1.60 m/s2. He ‘launches’ a golf ball with a speed of 285 km/h, at an angle of 42o with the horizontal. What horizontal distance will his drive travel before landing back on the...
  9. C

    Moon occultation of Mars tonight

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  10. D

    Can I Push the Moon Instantly?

    Can a push, be faster than light? If I was to hold a stick that stretched out to the moon, and pushed it. Could I push the moon instantly? Seeing as that the stick could defy physics etc and I had enough strength to make an impact on the moon.
  11. BrainMan

    Find the centripetal acceleration of the moon

    Homework Statement The moon circles the Earth with a period of 27.3 days at a distance of about 250000 mi. Find the centripetal acceleration of the moon.Homework Equations ac = v2/r The Attempt at a Solution I first found the velocity by converting 2 pi radians per 27.3 days to radians per...
  12. anorlunda

    Traces of Theia Found on The Moon

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  13. X

    I'm trying to simulate moon orbit around earth, my moon is broken.

    Homework Statement Alright, this is probably going to be a long one. For a school project I am trying to simulate (in 2D) our moon's orbit around the earth, to eventually simulate a spaceship doing a hohmann transfer between LEO and LLO whilst being affected by both the Earth's gravity and...
  14. V

    Shoot the moon - differential equation for motion in earth - moon syst

    Homework Statement We have given coordinates on the Earth from where we are shooting to the Moon (bullet has really small mass). The Moon orbit and therefore Moon position in time t is known. The task is to compute the initial velocity vector (the angle and velocity of the bullet), so the...
  15. B

    Calculating the gravity on the moon

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  16. I

    How does the moon pull on the earth?

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  17. I

    Reaching the Moon in 0.9 Seconds: A Physics Challenge

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  18. A

    What if the Earth and Moon were attached to each-other?

    Hello. My name is Andrew Huerta and I am a comic creator. I am currently doing some research for a comic I'm working on and I'm having a bit of trouble grasping some of the concepts I've created. Basically, what would be the reality of this situation? Like, what would that scenario do...
  19. PhysicoRaj

    Is Saturn's 63rd Moon Being Born?

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  20. T

    Space probe between the earth and moon

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  21. Evo

    Blood moon Total Eclipse tonight
  22. R

    What Is the Correct Speed of the Moon at Perigee?

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  23. B

    Moon Dust & Cosmic Radiation: Risks of Bringing it to Earth's Surface

    This article mentions moon dust as "subjected to a millenia of UV radiation" as if it's a bad thing. UV would simply irradiate the dust, not make it more hazardous correct? Perhaps they meant "a millenia of cosmic radiation" which would be much more problematic, no? If this line of...
  24. 0

    Shooting a .45 caliber hand gun on the moon launches you a mile?

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  25. N

    The magnitude of Earth from Moon

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  26. micromass

    Challenge 15: Worshipping the Moon

    Many of you don't know this, but as a young man, Greg once decided to worship the moon. He was so obsessed by the moon that he once decided to start following it. So at any given moment, he would check where the moon is and then walk in that direction. Greg has special powers so that he can see...
  27. T

    Equations for Apollo Spacecraft Orbital Velocity & Moon Escape Velocity

    Look for help on these equations. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much! :) The Apollo spacecraft must be traveling at what velocity in order to remain in a 110 kilometer orbit around the moon? The magnitude of the Apollo’s orbital velocity can be computed from the laws of...
  28. T

    Calculating the distance to the moon based on given parameters.

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  29. 8

    A rope in tension between Earth and Moon

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  30. R

    Calculating net gravitational force on the moon

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  31. S

    Static moon question for a book

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  32. jdawg

    Projectile Distance: Earth vs. Moon

    Homework Statement Would the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile on Earth be the same as one on the moon? I feel like the distances would be different, but when I was calculating the initial velocity of the projectile on the moon I used the same x value(distance) that I did for...
  33. C

    Solve Earth-Moon Mass Estimation Problem - Help Needed!

    I'm looking at a textbook problem which has an answer but no working out. I've read the chapter several times and looked at the equations but can't see where to start with it? Can you help? Assuming the Earth and Moon to be isolated from all other masses, use the following data to estimate the...
  34. F

    Moon Earth and Satellite gravitation

    Homework Statement At a certain instant, the earth, the moon, and a stationary 1030kg spacecraft lie at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are 3.84×10^5km in length. Find the magnitude of the net gravitational force exerted on the spacecraft by the Earth and moon.Homework...
  35. J

    How Does Gravity Affect Projectile Distance on the Moon Compared to Earth?

    Homework Statement A stone is thrown with an initial velocity 5m/s such that it covers maximum possible horizontal distance RE on the surface of the Earth. The same stone is thrown with same initial velocity by a person standing on the moon, making an angle of 150 with the surface. given that...
  36. W

    How does the position of the Moon affect gravitational pull and weight on Earth?

    Homework Statement Hello, I need somebody to double check and confirm my answer. I have absolutely no idea what the solution manual is doing. Moon effect. Some people believe that the Moon controls their activities. If the Moon moves from being directly on the opposite side of Earth...
  37. W

    Can a Mercury sized moon support an atmosphere?

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  38. shounakbhatta

    Recharging on the Moon: How to Revive a Dead Battery with Only a Copper Wire

    suppose that you went to moon.You have nothing else with you except a discharged if I have to recharge it how'd I do it? Only equipment permitted is a small copper wire. Tanks
  39. N

    How far can a golf ball travel on the moon?

    Homework Statement If you can hit a golf ball 180m on Earth, how far can you hit it on the Moon?The Attempt at a Solution Since this question deals with range; sx = [vxi^2 sinΘ]/g My problem is that I do not have the velocity at which the golf ball is being hit. As for the launch angle, I...
  40. H

    Misc. DIY Moon Probe: Is It Possible with a Small Budget?

    With a small budget would it be possible to make a rocket capable of delivering a small probe to the moon? A rocket that puts the probe into Earth orbit and them Hoffman transfer to the moon and guides itself to the surface? I am talking very small, maybe the size of a baseball, that...
  41. S

    Determining the mass of Pluto using its moon

    Homework Statement On June 22, 1978, James Christy made the first observation of a moon orbiting Pluto. Until then, the mass of Pluto was not known, but with the discover of its moon, Charon, its mass could be calculated with some accuracy. Explain. 2. The attempt at a solution "By...
  42. S

    What is the impact of the moon's disappearance on Earth's rotation?

    What if the moon disappeared?? Homework Statement I am doing a project answering this question: what if the moon disappeared? I was looking up how the moon was affecting Earth's rotation around its axis and noticed how the moon pulls Earth backward, slowing down Earth's rotation. One of the...
  43. H

    How Does Sunlight Reach the Moon During a Full Moon?

    When Earth is between sun and moon,we have full moon. But I can not really understand that. How light of sun reach at moon? Does not hit in earth? Or maybe light follow a curve as general theory says? Thank you!
  44. C

    Moon Landing: How Much Thrust Did the Lem Need to Achieve Orbit?

    Hello readers, My name is Mungo and i am making a television series about conspiracies, which is to be narrated by Tom Baker (The 4th Doctor... which actually depends on if you count Peter Cushing from his 1965 Daleks film, which many people do not do, despite the fact that they have no...
  45. S

    Nukes on the Moon - visible from Earth?

    From Earth with the naked eye, the Moon is pretty small. If a nuclear weapon were detonated on the Moon, would it be visible from Earth? Would it make a difference if the device were detonated during local daytime (in full sunlight) as far as visibility is concerned? If it makes a...
  46. T

    Could Earth Capture a SECOND Satellite the size of the Moon?

    I'm doing a research paper based on mining asteroids or near Earth objects. I was wondering, could we pull/move a relatively large asteroid About half as large as the moon could we use is as an anchor to launch missions? Thanks!
  47. G

    Tides and Moon Gravitational Force

    We know Moon creates tides on seas.Then why doesn't Moon pull loose stones or other objects lying loose on earth?
  48. F

    Venus Jupiter and Moon Conjunction HD Timelapse

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  49. F

    Gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon

    Homework Statement Consider the Earth's radius to be 6.40x103km, its mass to be 6.00x1024kg, the Moon's mass to be 7.36x1022kg, and the Moon's radius to be 1.74x103km. The average value for the Earth-Moon distance is 3.84x105kg. Neglect friction and rotation. a. Sketch the potential...
  50. R

    How to find the escape speed of moon Titan?

    Homework Statement Saturn’s moon Titan is the only moon in the solar system with an atmosphere, which is 95% nitrogen molecules (N2), similar to Earth’s atmosphere. At Saturn’s distance from the Sun, the temperature of the atmosphere is only 95 K (−180◦ C), and the molecules have an average...