Multiple Definition and 1000 Threads

A multiple-unit train or simply multiple unit (MU) is a self-propelled train composed of one or more carriages joined together, which when coupled to another multiple unit can be controlled by a single driver, with multiple-unit train control.
Although multiple units consist of several carriages, single self-propelled carriages - also called railcars, rail motor coaches or railbuses - are in fact multiple-units when two or more of them are working connected through multiple-unit train control (regardless if passengers can walk between the units or not).
The term multiple unit does not denote locomotives using multiple-unit train control.

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  1. E

    Multiple linear regression + QQplots problem Includes pics

    I want to do multiple linear regression, but one of the requirements is the residuals to be normally distributed, and I can check that with QQplots but then the QQ plot shows it is about 95% of data fit into the normal line, but 5% is way off! can I still proceed ?*or do I have to find a way...
  2. R

    Calculating Probability of Multiple Rolls on a D6

    Hi, I play a dice game using a D6 to work out results. Sometimes you need to make multiple rolls and I'd like to be able to work out probabilty of getting certain results. 1st roll of a D6 needing 3+ If the first roll fails you get a second try again needing 3+ If either roll gets 3+ you...
  3. S

    Reading multiple data types from .txt in C

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone would be able to help me with the following problem: I have an input file in the form (values delimited by spaces): 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ga 0.5 0.5 0.5 As 1.0 1.0 1.0 In . . . and so on. (Basically it's a .txt containing x, y and z coordinates of atoms in a crystal...
  4. J

    Optics - working with multiple lenses.

    I have never used this template, but I will do my best. THe main problem involves assumption. My teacher isn't sure how to help with this. I thought that there might be some Optics experts here that could point me in the correct direction. Homework Statement I have been asked to do some...
  5. W

    Understanding Multiple Scale Setup: M1 Hanging from Two Identical Scales

    Howdy! I saw this question posted on someones blog the other day and just could not for the life of me reason out an answer that i could 100% agree with. Say a block of mass, M1, hangs from a hypothetical hanging scale of 0 mass, which in turn hangs from a second identical scale, which in turn...
  6. C

    Conceptual torque problem with multiple sized pulleys

    Homework Statement This is a six part conceptual question that is not difficult. However, the last part I am struggling with. What is wrong with the following student's reasoning: "The clockwise torque is greater than the counterclockwise torque because the disk is accelerating clockwise. For...
  7. S

    Sketching Multiple Variables: How to Represent 3-Dimensional Surfaces?

    Homework Statement Two separate problems: 1. Sketch f(x,y)=x+(y^2) 2. Sketch f(x,y)=sq rt (4-(x^2)-(y^2)) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I honestly don't even know where to begin with sketching these two equations. In the first problem I can't find an example...
  8. D

    Multiple Shock reflection problem

    Here's the problem : Air flows in a passage with an initial Mach No. 2. Determine maximum turning angle A for which 3 regular reflections (i.e. no Mach reflection) of the original oblique shock are possible? Now, what exactly is a mach reflection? Also, what is the minimum Mach number...
  9. T

    Python Replacing multiple spaces in Python

    Homework Statement Write a function spacereplace(txt) that removes two or more spaces in a row, replacing them with a single space. Any other characters should remain the same. The Attempt at a Solution I tried this: def spacereplace(txt): f=txt.replace(" "," ") return f...
  10. M

    Torque on a square plate with multiple forces acting on it

    Homework Statement A square metal plate .18m on each side is pivoted about an axis through point O at its center and perpendicular to the plate. Calculate the net torque of the 3 forces acting on the forces. The magnitudes of the forces are F1= 18N F2=26N F3=14N. *** picture a square with...
  11. L

    Multiple integrals applications of integration

    Homework Statement Find the mass of the solid from problem 42 if the density is proportional to y 42. Find the volume between the planes z=2x+3y+6 and z=2x+7y+8 and over the triangular vector (0,0) (0,3) and (2,1) The Attempt at a Solution The reason I'm asking is because I'm not sure...
  12. L

    Multiple transmission lines

    If a source which has internal impedance 20 ohms is connected to multiple transmission lines of impedance somewhat equal to 20 ohms, which vary in length(maybe from 1" thru 8"). How do I analyze the reflections/draw the bounce diagrams. According to a patent -...
  13. B

    Simulation package for multiple particle system with custom motion equations

    I would like to see how a bunch of point particles evolve given equations describing their velocities and, possibly, their reflection inside a box. I would like to experiment with velocity functions that are possibly non-physical, i.e. I would like to make up my own, not using prescribed...
  14. B

    Multiple transformations from rotational to linear force

    Hello all. I am working on a project and I am a bit stumped by something. Basically, I have 4 flat plates which can move vertically, independently from each other. I want to increase the force these plates exert upon another object. I am trying to figure out a way in which I can increase the...
  15. N

    Odd Integer and Multiple of Four

    Homework Statement Suppose that n is an odd integer. Prove that n is either one greater than a multiple of 4 or one less than a multiple of 4. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I realize that this is going to be a direct proof. However, I am stumped on where to...
  16. N

    Proving the Integer Multiples of A for (4n+3) and (2n+1): Homework Statement

    Homework Statement For some integer n, a|(4n+3) and a|(2n+1). Therefore, 4n+3 is an integer multiple of a, as well as (2n+1). Prove or disprove that a=+/-1. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I have been working on this one for quite some time now, but I cannot...
  17. T

    Problems with multiple ground connections

    Homework Statement What are some problems that can occur if two pieces of equipment both are connected to mains earth? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If they are connected to common ground, ground loops or low impedance loops can occur. Ground loops can cause stray...
  18. M

    Combining results from multiple distributions

    Suppose I have a result where the outcome is that with 95% confidence interval of the sample is between 27 and 42. With a second method the test result of the same sample gives a 95% confidence interval between 27 and 48. And with a third method 95% confidence interval of the sample is...
  19. D

    Reactor scram due to inadvertent opening of multiple safety relief valves

    I'm an engineering physics student writing a mock proposal for a class. I've based the proposal on a specific company that builds reactors and trains personnel for navy vessels and off of this article: Essentially it says that during...
  20. P

    Finding the mean value from multiple abs+-error data

    Hello! I suppose the title didn't really describe it, but here is the case. I have some data about speed of sound in air which i got by measuring distance and wavelenght (the Kundt's tube experiment). So now i have three different results for speed which are all in the "Mean value" +-...
  21. N

    Understanding the Schrodinger Wave Equation for Multiple Electrons

    Hello! No maths involved. I am just trying to qualitatively understand the Shrodinger wave equation. So, the square: (\psi(r,\theta,\phi))^2 is the probability of finding an electron at some distance r, and some angle\theta,\phi from the nucleus. THis is for one elctron. For two electrons...
  22. W

    Proving Existence of Positive Integer Multiple with 0s & 1s

    Homework Statement Let k be any positive integer. Prove that there exists a positive integer multiple n of k such that the only digits in n are 0s and 1s. (Use the pigeonhole principle.) Homework Equations The General Pigeonhole Principle If more than mk things are distributed into k...
  23. P

    Equations with multiple absolute value operators

    Hello there. I'm having some problems with absolute values when they contain multiple "abs" operators and some other numbers outside the "abs"-es. For example: \left | x+2 \right | - \left | x \right | > 1 If i check it for the positive scenario, the result is true for all x-es. x+2...
  24. L

    Is it possible for two planets to merge and still sustain life?

    Hi people! Strange request but not having much luck in anything specific to what I'm doing, either that or I'm not sure what i should be searching for... I'm making a fantasy world for a book and wanting to create a single planet that is still distinguishable as having been 2 separate...
  25. D

    Inclined Planes - Multiple Ones

    This isn't exactly a specific question, but it is part of my homework (project). Anyways, suppose I have an inclined plane at 60 degrees. I can measure the mass of a freight car on top of the plane to calculate the force and final velocity of that car... I did this before in physics, and it...
  26. G

    Calculating Multiple Integrals on Mathematica (Electric fields)

    I'm trying to calculate several stuff about the electric field generated by 2 "plaques" My main problem being that in mathematica it calculates fast for a point of the electric field generated in the Y component, but if i try to make the median of all the points in the plaque it takes way to...
  27. C

    Box sliding down multiple ramps

    Hey all, I was wondering about a box that is sliding down what is basically a half pipe. There are 3 ramps, and I can get the correct sliding on the first ramp, but I can't figure out how to make it move to the next ramp. I am posting my physics code if anyone is interested...
  28. H

    Multiple step velocity/acceleration problem

    Homework Statement a train is moving at 26.1m/s. 12.7 sec later its speed is 15.9m/s. find the trains acceleration- -.803m/s^2 what additional time would be necessary to bring the train to a stop if it continues to accelerate at the same rate calculated? -.803=0-15.9/t which is 19.8...
  29. D

    Kinematics of rectilinear motion - multiple displacements

    Homework Statement A cheetah is estimated to be able to run at a maximum speed of 100km.h^1 whilst and antelope can run at a maximum speed of 65km.h^-1. A cheetah at rest sees an antelope at rest and starts running towards it. The antelope immediately starts running away. Both cheetah and...
  30. DaveC426913

    Medical Multiple Nerve Tics: Do You Experience this Too?

    I often find that tics or tweaks or itches or whatever, in places on my body will occasionally occur in more than one location simultaneously, especially if they're strong and sharp. For example, a pinch on my hand might be also felt in my armpit (as if I got pinched on both places...
  31. N

    Evaluating Contour Integral w/ Multiple Singularities

    Contour integral with multiple singularities inside domain without residue theorem?? Homework Statement Evaluate \oint\frac{dz}{z^{2}-1} where C is the circle \left|z\right| = 2 Homework Equations Just learned contour integrals, so not much. Ok to use Cauchy's Integral formula (if...
  32. A

    Calculating Acceleration and Time in a 100 m Sprint Race

    Homework Statement The title of “Fastest human” traditionally goes to the record holder of the 100 m race, which world-class sprinters can run in approximately ten seconds. Typically a sprinter accelerates quickly from rest to their maximum speed, after which their speed gradually tapers off...
  33. S

    Lowest Odd Multiple of 99999 > 99999

    Find the lowest multiple of 99999 more than 99999 which has all odd digits.
  34. L

    Operations Involving Law of Sines and multiple Unknown Values

    Hello, I was working on a computer graphics problem when I encountered an interesting sceanrio: I have two vectors a and b, such that the angle between them is 45 degrees. The vector a+b and a have an angle between them that is 30. This produces a problem in 'drawing' a triangle, when...
  35. B

    Need help for heat conduction problem with multiple BC

    Dear all, I have difficulty in solving this problem (see the figure in attached thumbnails) I have a rectangular shape with length/height of L and the thickness/width of \delta Within the rectangular area, a heat conduction occurred. I would like to determine the temperature profile within the...
  36. M

    Need book recommendation for difficult multiple choice problems

    I need to quiz small study group. Looking for book/other-resources for difficult multiple choice questions on physics (motion, rotation, light, electro-magnetics etc.)
  37. L

    Dot Product Rules Multiple choice

    Homework Statement See the image Homework Equations The rules of dot product multiplication. The Attempt at a Solution I've determined that 2 of the solutions are valid, while two of the choices are invalid. I thought C and D looked correct, making A...
  38. B

    Showing Multiple of 4 in Finite Group Equation

    Homework Statement In a finite group, show that the number of non-identity elements that satisfy the equation: x^5 = e = identity element of multiplication mod n = 1 is a multiple of 4. (Also need to show: if the stipulation that the group be finite is omitted, what can you say...
  39. J

    The field due to multiple concentric solenoids with water

    Homework Statement OK, so I am doing research this semester and I am working with the Faraday effect. For my magnetic field, we are using a large solenoid that is comprised of 13 concentric solenoids each of which has the same number of coils per unit length. In between each of these layers...
  40. D

    Multiple clock thought experiment

    Consider a large number of clocks each within some apparatus programmed to accelerate away from, remain moving for a time, accelerate toward, remain moving for a time and then return to a point of origin. A similar clock simply remains at that point of origin. The accelerated clocks will reach...
  41. B

    2D Kinematics with multiple unknown variables.

    Homework Statement An arrow is shot with an initial velocity, V0, at an angle, \Theta, with respect to the horizontal. It reaches a maximum height of 2m above the launch point before hitting its target. The target is 15m horizontally, and 1m below the launch point. Find the time in the air...
  42. M

    Testing multiple linear restrictions

    If I have 4 variables in my multiple regression and I'm told to test whether one is significant, and 3 others are not what would I do with the one left over? I thought it would be easy as I could just test whether for H0: variable 1>0, variable 2,3 =0 But what if I'm told to restrict...
  43. G

    Taylor Series in Multiple Variables

    Can anyone help me for the leading order terms in the taylor series for the function f(x,y) = Sqrt(a*x^8+b*x^4*y^4+y^8), centered at x=0,y = 0 and a,b,c constants?
  44. H

    Programs Can I do multiple masters degrees simultaneously?

    Is it possible to do 3 masters degrees at the same time if they are all mutually relevant and the courses overlap enough? I am finally going to college after 3 years of being out of high school. In that time, I've learned enough about undergrad physics, chemistry and math so I'm safe for the...
  45. jegues

    Solving for du/dx with multiple variables/equations

    Homework Statement See figure. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Okay, my plan of attack to get du/dx was to solve t in terms of x in one equation, solve s in terms of x in the other and all sub intio the original equation and that the derivative with respect to x...
  46. Z

    Why NO multiple Laurent series ?

    why NO multiple Laurent series ?? why are ther Taylor series in several variables (x_{1} , x_{2} ,..., x_{n} but there are NO Laurent series in several variables ? why nobody has defined this series , or why they do not appear anywhere ? i think there are PADE APPROXIMANTS in serveral...
  47. J

    Multiple Rotating Masses in Revolution

    I've simplified my question to make it easier to explain; I'm trying to find a way to determine the motion of a freely turning body as resultant of 2 counter-weights on rotating arms. Here's my write-up: Description: Electric motors turn both orange shafts clockwise at constant angular...
  48. E

    Water pressure in multiple tanks

    hi - i am new so forgive any errors. question is this. if a number of water tanks are stacked one on top of the other. and each share the same downpipe with a tap at ground level. When the tap is opened which tank will drain first and why? many thanks.
  49. D

    Fluid Dynamics - Multiple Pipe System Need

    Fluid Dynamics - Multiple Pipe System Need Help Please! There are 2 pumps at 2 locations with pipes (12") running from each of the pumps that are to both tied into 1 pipe (16"). In order to tie the 2 pipes into the one pipe there will be a 90 and a y fitting. The 16" pipe will then continue...
  50. J

    Multiple loop circuit with grounded point

    Homework Statement In the figure below, the ideal batteries have emfs 1 = 7.4 V and 2 = 16 V, the resistances are each 4.1 Ω, and the potential is defined to be zero at the grounded point of the circuit. What are potentials (a)V1 and (b)V2 at the indicated points? image...