Multiple Definition and 1000 Threads

A multiple-unit train or simply multiple unit (MU) is a self-propelled train composed of one or more carriages joined together, which when coupled to another multiple unit can be controlled by a single driver, with multiple-unit train control.
Although multiple units consist of several carriages, single self-propelled carriages - also called railcars, rail motor coaches or railbuses - are in fact multiple-units when two or more of them are working connected through multiple-unit train control (regardless if passengers can walk between the units or not).
The term multiple unit does not denote locomotives using multiple-unit train control.

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  1. Euler2718

    Java Multiple Inputs and Writing to .txt

    Essentially, my problem is to: design a program that takes the following information: -a persons ID -a houses ID -listing price of house -selling price of house and write the input to a text file, called Sales.txt. Secondly, based on the list and selling price, commission is calculated based...
  2. X

    B Gravitation with multiple objects by using center of mass

    Four 9.5 kg spheres are located at the corners of a square of side .60 m. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total gravitational force exerted on one sphere by the other three. So, essentially my question is, why can I not use center of mass of the other 3 spheres to calculate the...
  3. RoboNerd

    Force Systems Multiple Choice Thread

    Homework Statement It is problem 22 on page 7 of the document: A block of mass M1 on a horizontal table is connected to a hanging block of mass M2 by a string that passes over a pulley, as...
  4. P

    Geostationary satellite orbit radius as a multiple of Earth radius.

    Homework Statement Okay, so the question seems really simple so I don't know what I'm missing A satellite orbits at a fixed point above the Earth's equator. Assuming the Earth has uniform density, radius R, and angular frequency of rotation, omega Find an expression for eta, such that the...
  5. CynicusRex

    I Monty Hall - Multiple solutions via direct calculation? I understand the problem and why it is better to always switch. Now, I want to prove it by myself via a direct calculation. Before I start I wonder if the direct calculation on Wikipedia is the only solution or are there...
  6. L

    MHB Conditional proof for multiple quantifier

    Hi, I don't know how to prove ((Ǝx) F(x) →(Ǝx) (G(x)) with conditional proof from: ((Ǝx) F(x) → (∀z) H(z)) H(a) →G(b) Thanks
  7. N

    I Finding multiple roots of polynomial using numerical methods

    Hey all, I seek to find where the derivative of a nth order polynomial is at a 0, so far I have used secant method to find it, which works, but issue is is that that returns only one root, sliding the interval could work, but then itd always point to the edge of the interval, any help...
  8. T

    Why do transition metals have multiple oxidation states?

    I have googled it and cannot find anything. Apparently the rule that transition metals want full or half-full orbitals is false. I understand why the 4s orbital would be lost but I don't understand why some d electrons would be lost. For example in Mn6+, the electron configuration would be [Ar]...
  9. Korbid

    How to Numerically Solve a Complex Multiple Integral in Physics?

    For a bidimensional system of N particles, the hamiltonian of pair-interaction is: H(\vec{q}_1,\vec{q}_2;\vec{p}_1,\vec{p}_2)=K(\vec{p}_1,\vec{p}_2)+U(\vec{q}_1,\vec{q}_2;\vec{p}_1,\vec{p}_2) where K is the kinetic (translational) energy and U is the potential energy i want to solve this...
  10. C

    Run Lines of Code Multiple Times

    In Python 3... I have a few lines of code that I want the user to choose how many times it will run. For example: times=int(input()) 'times' will be the number of times the lines of code will run. How do I do it?
  11. A

    Question about multiple functions for a first order ODE

    The question is as follows: Suppose you find an implicit solution y(t) to a first order ODE by finding a function H(y, t) such that H(y(t), t) = 0 for all t in the domain. Suppose your friend tries to solve the same ODE and comes up with a different function F(y, t) such that F(y(t), t) = 0 for...
  12. RoboNerd

    Question about acid and base multiple choice solving

    Homework Statement I found this problem online for extra practice for my AP Chem class. The problem in question is number 4. I do not understand how to solve it and why the answer D is correct. Homework...
  13. P

    B Multiple Infalling to Black Hole Horizon: Alice, Bob & Charlie

    It seems that every description providing ways to visualise or form analogies or presernt a simple model for infalling to Black Hole causal event hortizons rely on two observers, one aporoaching and potentially 'crossing' the horizon, whilst the other 'observes' from a "safe" distance. It makes...
  14. sk1105

    Nested IF statements or multiple conditions?

    Currently in my C++ program I have something like if (A){ do thing 1; } if (A && B){ do things 1 and 2; } if (A && B && C){ do things 1 and 2 and 3; } and so on. Unfortunately this has to be done for a very large sample and it takes quite a long time. I was just wondering if it's more...
  15. V

    How do I interpret multiple principal stresses for 3D loading with shear?

    For 3 D loading with shear, if I use the principal stress formula, say for x-y direction, two principal stresses are obtained. If the same is applied to y-z, two more principal are obtained, with one supposed to be common, but not. Thus I obtain six principal values, which cannot be used with...
  16. dubya_80

    Variable speed control of multiple dc motors

    I'm building a hybrid car for my kids. I'm up to speed control and hitting a few hurdles. The set up is 4 x 12VDC motors, one to each wheel through a reduction gearbox. I've wired them to a single bus, and have used 4 standard relays to deliver forward/reverse. I have tried varying the speed...
  17. J

    What exactly is a world in multiple world interpretation?

    I ask this question because I am confused. I have seen two contradictory definitions. In this link: The split causes a whole new universe. In this link:
  18. A

    Finding acceleration in multiple pulley system

    Homework Statement All the masses of the black dots are the same, the pulleys and ropes are massless. Calculate the acceleration of the right most object (the one that is just on the single hanging rope) Homework Equations Fnet= ∑F : ma=T-mg d= v1t + 1/2at^2 The Attempt at a Solution The left...
  19. 5P@N

    Why is an integrated function with multiple terms....

    I have encountered this general Integral: "∫ 1/ax+b dx = 1/a * ln|ax+b| +C" I was not given a proof, but would like one, along with an easy explanation, please.
  20. BobTheFrog

    Passive punishment for multiple interests

    I am looking to go into physics for graduate study. In so doing I need to get a four year degree with a moderate gpa and test scores so I can have a choice. I end up with the problem of taking extra math courses for my physics degree to the point of almost double majoring. Because I find it...
  21. Albert1

    MHB Find the Smallest of A and B: $A-B=98$ with Multiple of 19 Digit-sum

    $(1)A,B \in N,A-B=98$ (2)All the digit-sum of $A$ and $B$ are multiple of 19 please find the smallest of $A\,\, and \,\, B$
  22. berkeman

    BATDOK -- Medics monitoring and treating multiple Pts in the field Nice new development using technology... I wonder if this will become a standard triage procedure in mass casualty...
  23. mcdavid&goliath

    Newton's laws multiple choice question

    Homework Statement A book of mass m is sitting on a table of mass M. Which of the following statements regarding Newton's Laws of motion is true? (a) Newton's Third Law says that the magnitude of the normal force from the table on the book is equal to mg. (b) Newton's Second Law says that the...
  24. H

    Angular Momentum of Multiple Objects with Collision

    Homework Statement A device consists of eight balls each of mass 0.6kg attached to the ends of low-mass spokes of length 2.1m, so that the radius of rotation of the balls is 1.05m. The device is mounted in the vertical plane. The axle is held up by supports that are not shown, and the wheel is...
  25. gfd43tg

    Understanding Multiple Input-Output Control in Steady State Infusion Rates

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution (a) I find the steady state values (s=0) syms s k11 = -6; k12 = 3; k21 = 12; k22 = 35; G = [k11 k12; k21 k22]; Ghat = [k22/(k11*k22-k12*k21) -k12/(k11*k22-k12*k21); -k21/(k11*k22-k12*k21) k11/(k11*k22-k12*k21)]; Lam = G*Ghat...
  26. Paul Howard A

    How Does Adding a Second Pair of Slits Affect Interference Patterns?

    Standard slit lamp experiment with detectors at the slits turned on. This creates two beams without an interference pattern at the screen. Now, impose a second pair of slits (without detectors) in the path of one of the beams. What will be the pattern on the screen? I'm confident this has...
  27. W

    Conditional Expectation of Multiple Independent Random Varia

    Homework Statement Given X,Y,Z are 3 N(1,1) random variables, (1) Find E[ XY | Y + Z = 1] Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I'm honestly completely lost in statistics... I didn't quite grasp the intuitive aspect of expectation because my professor lives in the numbers side and...
  28. entropy1

    Multiple universes, measurement and laws of nature

    Considering the multiple universe view, if a measurement (or something else) makes visible which universe we are in, is it then also possible we find ourselves in one with (slightly) different laws of nature?
  29. B

    Triangle inequality implies nonnegative scalar multiple

    I'm not really sure if this is true, which is why I want your opinion. I have been trying to prove it, but it will help me a lot if someone can confirm this. Let ## v_{1}, v_{2} ... v_{n} ## be vectors in a complex inner product space ##V##. Suppose that ## | v_{1} + v_{2} +...+ v_{n}| =...
  30. Pizza

    Multiple big bangs in one continuum - Question

    I have fond almost the same question here with some answers. Anyhow, I am not satisfied with the answers, or couldn't understand them well. Beside that, I would formulate the question a little bit different. Unfortunately the thread is already closed (from 2012). Provided there is only one...
  31. JaredMTg

    Eigenfunction of multiple operators simultaneously?

    Hello, I am taking an introductory course in quantum mechanics. One thing I am confused about is, Schrodinger's equation seems to be regarded as the "ultimate" formula which determines a particle's possible wavefunctions and energies, given a certain potential (Hamiltonian of psi = Energy...
  32. T

    Other Problems of pursuing multiple paths

    Hi, I'm in my 3rd year of a 4-year Physics degree and trying to decide what exactly I want to do in the future and where I want to apply next year. I've been able to have a couple great research opportunities already, and plan on doing a thesis and summer research position before graduating to...
  33. D

    Exploring Voltage in Series and Parallel Battery Circuits

    Homework Statement Can somebody help me understand why two 2V parallell batteries weill have the total voltage of 2 while two 2V batteries in series will have the total voltage of 4V? Is there a good analogy to help me understand? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  34. S

    Can I Combine Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics in One Career?

    Greetings Physics Forums! I am currently applying to universities here in the United States and have been fascinated with engineering, physics, and mathematics for years now. I love the idea of designing and building as an engineer, researching and discovering as a physicist and research as a...
  35. S

    Multiple patterns in SED delete

    I would like to delete all lines starting with the following - \t (tab) - \n (newline) - / - (single space) - = I've tried `sed -n '/^\(\t\|\n\|/\| \|=\)$/d' OUTPUT.txt > test.txt` and combos of that to no avail. What am I doing wrong?
  36. C

    Need some checking on these Multiple choice questions

    Homework Statement For #5, I added option E, it's the same as B, but the charges are switched around. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] 1) Even though A and B look similar, B seems more accurate. The arrows in the corner of A don't seem to point directly to the corner...
  37. R

    Big rotor vs multiple small rotors in a Permanent Magnet Generator

    Hello guys, I am trying to build a permanent magnet generator, I have 48 magnets and 18 coils, and I am hesitating betwen 2 configurations. Configuration A: 2 huge steel plates with 24 magnets on each and an 18 coil stator between them or Configuration B: 4 smaller plates stacked to sandwich 3...
  38. Sollicitans

    Direction of pressure on a multiple liquid manometer

    Homework Statement Homework Equations P=ρgh The Attempt at a Solution I already have the solution. My question is simple. I can't understand how I define the direction of pressure in each "changing" point. I also have the solution if needed.
  39. R

    Law of multiple proportions (need method check please)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Law of multiple proportions The Attempt at a Solution Carbon first: 4.61/0.39 = 11.82 C/H Hydrogen 0.39/4.61 = 0.08 H/C therefore 11.82/0.08 = 139.72 ~ 140 masses of carbon that combine with hydrogen are in a 140:1 ratio Does this look right? Or...
  40. R

    Multiple Measurements of a single Qubit

    Hi :-) I'm working on my master thesis in the field of quantum theory; currently I investigante No-Go-Theorems like the No-Cloning, No-Deleting, No-Hiding, No-Communication-Theorems ans so on. There is a fundamental question which is somehow linked to the No-Communication-Theorem. Is it - in...
  41. 1729

    Multiple choice buoyancy problem

    Homework Statement A wooden cube is floating in water. The upper face of the cube meets the surface of a pool of water when a block with mass 0.200 kg is placed on top of the cube. When you remove the block, there's a 2 cm difference in height between the upper face and the water surface...
  42. J

    Mathematica: Animate multiple sets of XY data

    I have nine sets of data with x,y coords that are the position of a particle. I can ListPlot the particle positions on a single plot, but, I want to animate this. ListPlot[{mydata1, mydata2, mydata3, mydata4, mydata5, mydata6, mydata7, mydata8, mydata9}, PlotRange -> {{-1, 20}, {-1, 20}}] I...
  43. L

    Acceleration and Tension in Multiple Pulleys

    Homework Statement Block "m1" sits on a horizontal frictionless surface. Block "m2" is hanging below the pulleys as shown. All of the pulleys are massless and frictionless. Given [m1, m2]. Determine: a. The tension in each rope. b. The acceleration of each block. Homework Equations Sum(F) =...
  44. J

    Restriction with Multiple Quantifiers

    Homework Statement In the questions below suppose the variable x represents students and y represents courses, and: U(y): y is an upper-level course M(y): y is a math course F(x): x is a freshman A(x): x is a part-time student T(x,y): student x is taking course y. Write the statement using...
  45. goonking

    Some multiple choice questions.

    Homework Statement Hey, I just need a quick check on these questions. 1) In a regular sound wave, the displacement of the medium is: A. perpendicular to the wave velocity B. sometimes perpendicular and sometimes parallel to the wave velocity C. parallel to the wave velocity. D. neither...
  46. P

    Ratio control for multiple streams

    I have 3 streams entering my vessel and 2 of the streams are dependent on the 3rd stream's flow rate in a certain ratio. Is there a way to control the flow rate of the 2 dependent streams using the flow rate of the 3rd stream and show it in my P&ID?
  47. A

    3D graph plot of a function of multiple variables.

    I am searching for a site that enables me to plot a function of multiple variables in 3D form. Say f(x1,x2,x3,x4) and I wish to plot this function as a 3D graph for x1 and x2 where x3 and x4 are kept constant.
  48. Mnemonic

    Calculate Angle for Multiple Polarisers to Reduce Intensity <10%

    Homework Statement You use a sequence of ideal polarising filters, each with its axis making the same angle with the axis of the previous filter, to rotate the plane of polarisation of a polarised light beam by a total of 45°. You wish to have an intensity reduction no larger than 10%. What...
  49. G

    Why can multiple dialectrics be treated as capacitors

    Homework Statement [/B] I have come upon a number of problems where there are two or three different dialectrics inside a capacitor. according to the solutions manual I can often treat the dialectrics as capacitors in series or parallel. My question is why can you treat them as capacitors...
  50. mwspice

    Lagrange's Equation with Multiple Degrees of Freedom

    Hi, I'm currently trying to learn about finding equations of motion from the Lagrange equation, and I'm a little confused about how it applies to multiple degree of freedom systems. I am using the following form of the equation with T as total kinetic energy, V as total potential energy, R as...