Normalization Definition and 242 Threads

  1. C

    Free Particle 1D: Box Normalization Question

    Question Free particle in 1D where V(x) = 0. There is a general boundary condition \psi(x+L)=e^{i\theta}\psi(x) used for box normalization which has arbitrary phase theta. E=k^2\hbar/(2m) is true for free particle energies. Attempt Comparing with the condition \psi(x+L)=\psi(x) I don't see...
  2. H

    Why is my two-particle wavefunction not normalizing over time?

    Homework Statement Hi, I've been working on this for a while but I just can't seem to figure this out. I have to solve a problem regarding a one-dimensional two-particle wavefunction psi(x1, x2, t) that is normalized at t=0, and the particles are not in spin. I have to show that the...
  3. diegzumillo

    Normalization and singularities

    Hi There! Being direct to the point: Does normalization removes singularities? Such as infinite. I came up with this question because, while I was working with a not normalized function, I reached a very strange result. There are two points where the probability tends to infininte...
  4. K

    Schrodinger Equation Preserves Normalization

    Homework Statement Show that the time dependent Schrodinger equation preserves the normalization of the wavefunction 2. The attempt at a solution I don't need help showing this, I'm just not too sure what the question is asking. Do I just show that if a normalized wave-function \psi is a...
  5. S

    Maximum Likelihood Fitting normalization (Bevington)

    Hi, I'm posting this in this particular forum because, though this's a statistics question, my application is in high energy. My question is regarding a problem in Bevington's book (Data Reduction and Error Analysis..., Page 193, Ex. 10.1), but I'll give a general description here... Say...
  6. N

    Quantum Mechanics: Normalization Requirements (E>Vmin)

    I have just begun using the 1-D Schrodinger Equation in my quantum mechanics course. We are assuming the potential, V, is solely a function of x (V(x)). I have been examining the solution to the differential equation through separation of variables. Ψ(x,t) = ψ(x)φ(t) (Assuming Ψ(x,t) is...
  7. J

    Normalization of a delta function in curved spacetime

    Which of the following are true in curved spacetime? \int d^4 x \delta^4(x - x_0) = 1 (1) \int d^4 x \sqrt{-g} \delta^4(x - x_0) = 1 (2) I think the first one is incorrect in curved spacetime, or in general when the metric is non-constant. I would argue this by saying that the delta...
  8. G

    Calculate Normalizing Factor for Integers

    hello all how can I determine the normalizing factor for arandom integers between tow values?
  9. G

    How do I properly normalize a function over a region in space?

    Homework Statement I have normalized the following function: Q=\int (1-y^2) dx dy Homework Equations using the expression for the normalization \vert N \vert ^2 \vert \int Q^* Q dx dy \vert^2 =1 The Attempt at a Solution then I obtained \int Q^* Q dx dy = x (y-...
  10. M

    QM - Hydrogenic wavefunctions - normalization

    I just want to make sure I understand this point: The eigenfunctions of the hydrogenic Hamiltonian are \varphi_{nlm}=R_{nl}Y^{m}_{l} If I need to find the probability of finding the electron in the nucleus (in r<R0), and I use the normalized R_{nl}, can I simply calculate the integral...
  11. P

    Determining Normalization Constant c: Homework

    Homework Statement Consider the electron wave function where x is in nm: psi(x)=cx |x|<= 1nm & c/s |x| => 1 nm Determine the normalization constant c Homework Equations integral(|psi(x)|^2) dx=1 between infinity and negative infinity The Attempt at a Solution this may...
  12. T

    Normalization of Slit #2 Wave Amplitude

    Homework Statement In a double-slit experiment, the slits are on the y-axis and the electrons are detected on a vertical screen. When only slit #1 is open, the amplitude of the wave which gets through is \psi(y,t) = A \exp^{-y^2} \exp^{-i((ky-\omega t)} when only slit #2 is open...
  13. D

    How Do You Normalize a Wave Function with Given Boundaries?

    [SOLVED] Normalization of wave functions Mainly my question is that with the normalization of a wave function in quantum mechanics we use \int_\infty^\infty |\Psi(x,t)|^2 dx = 1 and we can solve for a constant we may have been given in the problem. Homework Statement Determine...
  14. I

    Calculate the normalization of a Particle in a box

    [SOLVED] Particle in a box Homework Statement A particle is described by the wave function \Psi(x)=Ae^{(-bx^2)}. Calculate the normalization factor A. Homework Equations & The Attempt at a Solution So, to normalize \psi(x), we integrate the probability (\Psi(x)^2) over the entire area (this...
  15. R

    How to Determine Normalization Factor for Wavefunction with Exponential Decay?

    Homework Statement I'm trying to determine a normalization value, A, for the following wavefunction: \Psi = Ax{^2}exp(-\alpha x)}, x>0 \Psi = 0, x<0 In the past, I've had an i term in my exponential, so when applying the Normalization Condition: \int|\Psi(x)|^2 dx = \int\Psi{^*}(x)...
  16. T

    Apply Normalization condition in QM problem

    a.) Apply Normalization condition for the n=3 Ѱ-solution to find constant B. b.) Find <x> c.) Find <p> d.) Calculate probability that particle of mass m is located between 0 and a/2. Given: Ѱn(subscript)(x) = Bcos(n*pi/a)x Solution to ∞ square well from -a/2 to a/2 (Width "a"...
  17. L

    Normalization of wave function in x, y and z

    Hello, How do I find the normalization constant for psi(x,y,z) = N exp -(x/2+y/2+z/2) ?? I did the following: \int(psi^* psi)dx dy dz = 1 the integral bounds are from -infinity to infinity and the * means the complex conjugate.The integral is so weird that I couldn't find N. I used...
  18. W

    Normalization of a wave function with cosine

    I need to normalize the following wave function: psi= Cexp(-abs(x))exp(-iwt)cos(pix) I know that when squaring it, the time dependent part drops out, which is good, but what I seem to be left with is Psi^2=C^2exp(-2abs(x))cos^2(pix) Which seems like a fairly complicated integral to...
  19. F

    - Numerical Derivative, Normalization, lost here

    Ok, I'm trying to recreate some results from a paper, and I am really lacking in understanding. I'm getting extremely frustrated. I'll try to create a similar problem that replicates the original problem. The original problem, is three coupled non-linear differential equations that must be...
  20. J

    Near Normalization calculation for given wavefunction

    Near "Normalization" calculation for given wavefunction Homework Statement A wave function is given by Y(E) = CEexp(-E/kt) 1. Find C so that Y(E) becomes Y0 where Y0 is a constant. 2. Calculate the mean energy with respect to Y(E). 3. Find Y(t) as a function of wavelength and...
  21. B

    Normalization Factor Homework: Calculating N and Measuring S Eigenvalues

    Homework Statement A quantum system has a measurable property represented by the observable S with possible eigenvalues nh, where n = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2. The corresponding eigenstates have normalized wavefunctions \psi_{n}. The system is prepared in the normalized superposition state given by...
  22. P

    What Is the Normalization Constant for a 2-Electron Antisymmetric Spin Function?

    Homework Statement Given that the antisymmetric spin function for a 2 electron system is N[a1b2-a2b1], find the normalization constant N. (and by a and b I mean the alpha and beta spin states and by 1 and 2, I mean the labels on the two electrons... Homework Equations Normalization...
  23. S

    Normalization of a wave function question

    A wave function (psi) equals A(exp(ix)+exp(-ix) in the region -pi<x<pi and zero elsewhere. Normalize the wave function and find the probability of the particle being between x=0 and pi/8 Equation is : the integral of psi*(x,t)psi(x,t)=1 for normalization
  24. E

    How Do You Normalize a Function to Unity?

    Homework Statement I understand how you normalize vectors to unity, but how would you normalize a function to unity? For example, how would you show that the function (2/L)^(1/2) sin(n*pi*x/L) is normalized to unity? You cannot just just take its modulus and set it to one since because x...
  25. G

    Normalization of wave functions (hydrogen)

    Homework Statement Show that the (1,0,0) and (2,0,0) wave functions listed in table 7.1 are properly normalized. Homework Equations,theta,phi)=R.n.l.(r) The Attempt at a Solution To...
  26. P

    Finding the Normalization Constant for a Wave Function with Given Parameters

    Homework Statement The wave function of a particle is Y(x,t) = A e^-kx*e^-iwt for x greater than or equal too 0, and it is zero everywhere else. What is the numerical value of the normalization constant A for k=5.55 1/nm and w =7.19 1/ps? Homework Equations intergral Y^2=1 The...
  27. B

    Having trouble with this normalization

    1.Question. the unnormalized excited state wavefuction of the H atom is: \psi = ( 2 - r/a_0 ) e^a where a = -r/a_0 Normalize the function to one. 2. My attempts. I tried 'integrating' the psi*psi, i.e. I squared the above wavefuction. N^2\int_{0}^{\infty} R^2e^{2a}\int_{0}^{\pi}sin...
  28. K

    Finding the Normalization Factor N for Wavefunction

    I was given this wavefunction and asked to find the normalization factor, N. lpsi>= N[2 lphi1> - lphi2> +i lphi3>] I am confused as to how to get this problem going. Do I just take <psi l psi> and set it equal to one? I probably have many more questions to ask, but...
  29. S

    Normalizing Interconnected Data: A-A, A-B, B-B

    This may be a simple problem, but I wanted to run it by some other people before using my solution. I have two distinct sets of items A and B which may or may not be connected to one another. I want to know whether or not the interconnections between them are significiantly different, i.e are...
  30. G

    Solving Normalization Factor for 1s Atomic Orbital of H

    Hi all! I hope somebody is able to help me on my way with this question. I have been asked to show that the Normalization factor for the 1s atomic orbital of H is 1/(\Pi a_o^3)^\frac{1}{2}. The wavefunction is \psi(r) = N exp(-r / a_o) I'm given dt = r^2 sin \Theta and dr d\Theta d\Phi and...
  31. G

    Calculating Normalization Factor for 1s Atomic Orbital of H

    Hi all! I hope somebody is able to help me on my way with this question. I have been asked to show that the Normalization factor for the 1s atomic orbital of H is 1/(\Pi a_o^3)^\frac{1}{2}. The wavefunction is \psi(r) = N exp(-r / a_o) I'm given dt = r^2 sin \Theta and dr d\Theta d\Phi and...
  32. P

    Solving Normalization with Psi(r)=Ne^(-ar)

    Hi there I'm stuck on one of the normalization question, I'd be glad if you can help me out. The questions is, psi(r)=Ne^(-ar) where N is a normalization constant and a is a known real parameter. Solution reads, 1=int dr lpsi(r)l^2 = 4piN^2 int (from 0 to infinity) dr r^2 e^(-2ar) What I...
  33. Reshma

    Normalization constant for Hydrogen atom

    Help, I'm losing it :cry:. Wavefunction of Hydrogen atom in the ground state is: \Psi (r) = Ae^{-r/r_0} Determine A. I set about trying to obtain the Normalization factor. \int \Psi^2 (r) dV = 1 \int \left(A^2 e^{-2r/r_0}\right)(4\pi r^2)dr = 1 What limits should I take for this integral?
  34. Reshma

    Is the 2s Hydrogen Atom Wavefunction Normalized?

    For this given wavefunction of a hydrogen atom in 2s state, verify if the function is normalized: \psi_{200} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{32\pi a^3}}\left(2 - \frac{r}{a}\right)e^{\frac{-r}{2a}} My work: I have to verify: \int_{all space} \psi_{200}^2 dV = 1 dV = 4\pi r^2dr So, \int_{all space}...
  35. F

    Normalization of a wave function

    Normalization of a wavefunction Let Phi be a wave function, Phi(x)= Integral of {exp(ikx) dk} going k from k1 to k2 I'm having trouble normalizing the wave function. I calculated the integral, then multiply by its conjugate and now I'm supposed to integrate again /Phi(x)/^2 in all...
  36. T

    Normalization constant.

    I have been trying to figure out how to find the normalization constant for the ground state harmonic oscillator wave function. So: \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} {\psi_0}^2 (x) = 1 {\psi_0}^2 (x) = A^2 e^{-2ax^2} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}A^2 e^{-2ax^2} = 1 A^2...
  37. M

    Why needing normalization technique?

    Why needing normalization technique?? Why do we have to normalize an experiment for instance in microarray or transfection? Thanks.
  38. S

    Calculating Normalization Constant for Wavefunction

    How do I calculate the normalization constant for a wavefunction of the form (r/a)e^(-r/2a) sin(theta)e^(i*phi)? How would I write the explict harmonic oscillator wavefunction for quantum number 8(in terms on pi, alpha, and y) thanx
  39. P

    Normalization of spherical harmonics

    There is this excersise in Griffith's QM text that I can't seem to solve. It's about the calculation of the normalization factor of the spherical harmonic functions using the angular momentum step up operator. These definitions/results are given: Y_l^m = B_l^m e^{im\phi} P_l^m (\cos\theta...
  40. T

    Normalization conditions in quantum mechanics

    I am familiar with the normalization \int\left|\Psi\right|^{2}dx=1 Because we want to normalize the probability to 1. However if a state vector isn't in the x basis and is just a general vector in Hilbert space, we can take the normalization condition to be: <\Psi|\Psi>=1...
  41. C

    Normalize Wave Function: Find A Value

    How do I find the value of the normalization constant A for the wave function Ψ = Axe ^ (-x squared/2)? I know that I set it equal to 1, but do i do the integral from negative infinity to positive infinity; for no other limits are given?
  42. C

    How do we normalize an odd function in the Schrodinger equation?

    I realize that when we normalize a solution to the Schrodinger equation, that we are setting it equal to 1, in order to maximize our chances of finding it. The question which I have is how do you normalize : lψl^2 = Axe^((-x^2)/2). The problem which I see is the e^(-x^2)/2). What would you...