Opinions Definition and 189 Threads

  1. S

    Comparing AI and Machine Learning MOOCs: UC Berkeley vs Stanford

    I am a high school student and an avid learner through MOOCs. This spring, there are two MOOCs coming up which caught my interest- one on AI from UC Berkeley(Dan Klein) and the other on Machine Learning from Stanford(Andrew Ng). Though I am inclined towards the Berkeley course, I wanted to get...
  2. Charles Stark

    Class Schedule Opinions: Comparing Option I & II

    I honestly am split down the middle on which class schedule to choose for the upcoming semester. I feel like both would prepare me for grad school with option II a little bit more but both are equal in my eyes. Just wanted to get some opinions on what you might think. Option I: -Intro to Graph...
  3. B

    Opinions of MOOC's Through Coursera?

    Has anyone had any experience taking a MOOC (massive open online course), particularly through Coursera? I'm thinking of enrolling in a computer programming and/or Calculus 1 class there and would love to hear of any feedback that people may have concerning the site. I know it's one of the...
  4. N

    Do somthing you love or you're good at?

    To start off, I am a freshman majoring in physics and I am a girl. Over the past few months in college, I am beginning to feel like I don't fit in. Because I am not as smart as others, I am questioning if I still want to major in physics. To be honest, I am very good in biology and understand it...
  5. M

    Opinions on the REUs I'm considering?

    Hey there PF, I'm aware there are similar threads, but this sort of thing can beget new replies since REUs happen at different universities every few years (some unis stop getting NSF funding after a few years, for example), and I'm not sure all these REUs have been mentioned before. Also, I may...
  6. R

    Opinions on the inclusion of internet references in a dissertation

    I am currently writing my final year dissertation and have referenced not only academic papers but some internet sources that I have quoted or taken diagrams from. In particular I have referenced Wiki two times. I am concerned as I feel the inclusion of internet links is somewhat frowned upon...
  7. Immersion

    Opinions about of experimental physics and its branches

    Good morning, I request the guide of Physicists with experience in the experimental physics. I'm in my fifth year of bachelor in physics, because in my country (Colombia), most Bachelor degrees have a duration of five years. My plans are to perform a master's degree next year, and then continue...
  8. Hepth

    Should You Take Vitamin Supplements?

    I know a lot of people that take vitamins, and I myself have been thinking about it. I know I need more Iron, as for the past year I have REALLY cut back on my red meat, and although I eat a lot of dark green vegetables I don't think its enough. I eventually start to get more and more tired...
  9. K

    Need some opinions on my experiment

    I carried out a wind tunnel test on two radiators. Radiator 1 is a small radiator and radiator 2 is a bigger radiator with nearly twice as much volume and area as radiator 1. Flow rate going into radiator 1 is 1.2L/min Flow rate going into radiator 2 is 1.5L/min the problem is radiator 1...
  10. M

    Opinions Wanted: Is Intellectual Peaking Age-Dependent?

    I'm not sure how I feel about this: My physics professor told me that I am too old for the physics program, and that I should maybe look into something else. He then mentioned that people intellectually "peak" at a young age and that those are the people that are on the cutting edge of physics...
  11. C

    Advice and opinions on hydraulic drive buggy

    Hello Everyone, I am interested in getting some feedback and opinions on a project I have designing a 4 wheel drive buggy. The application is pretty specific and i would like it to meet the following: - max speed 30-40kms/hr - weight 800kgs - mainly operates at 0-15kms/hr - only runs 5mins...
  12. P

    Thoughts on Bohmian Mechanics?

    Hi, I'm an undergraduate in college, majoring in physics, and I just finished a course in Quantum Mechanics. I was left very disappointed with the interpretation presented, and this winter I am starting to do research with a professor in the field of Bohmian Mechanics. However, I am finding...
  13. RUTA

    Is Farewell to Reality a Valid Critique of Modern Physics?

    Just finished Jim Baggott's book, "Farewell to Realilty: How Modern Physics has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth." Anyone here read the book and care to respond?
  14. phion

    Have you tried the Wipebook 2.0? Share your opinions!

    So I saw a Tweet from Slate on Twitter the other day about Wipebook. I was curious if anyone has ever tried using one and what your thought and opinions about them are? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt4FnCVjTuM I think I want the Wipebook 2.0 for Christmas!
  15. D

    Need Opinions: Intro to Diff Eq or Statics

    Good morning everyone. I need some guidance regarding which course to take next semester. For some background, I am active duty Navy with three kids majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Due to my work schedule, I can only take 2 classes per semester (for now). I am already locked into Physics...
  16. E

    DAC-Opamp Implementation: Opinions on this Design (does it work?)

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to DAC's, so I'd like your opinions of this design before something explodes: I am trying to implement this particular design to process sounds. I've added capacitors for decoupling noise, and found this to be the most condensed design that can fit. I am not so...
  17. Radarithm

    Opinions on infinitely close things?

    What are your opinions on infinitely close objects / numbers? I believe in them, because I can say 3.9 is close to four, but 3.999 is as well, and so is 3.99999999. I've heard of LOTS of scientists who disagree with this, can anyone prove this wrong (or right)?
  18. R

    Programs Need Opinions On Majors/Minors (Update from last year's post)

    First, An update from the post I made last year(Just skip down to the bottom part if you don't want to read) Hey guys, long time, no see. I actually forgot i was registered here until I just did some searching through my email and stumbled across a post I made here a year and a half ago. Back...
  19. P

    Graduate school dilemma-solicitng opinions

    Graduate school dilemma--solicitng opinions Hello, I started a thread a couple of days back that never really caught on. I'd like to phrase the question a bit more generally so that those with experience can give some advice. I currently am deciding between applying to grad schools...
  20. R

    Any Opinions on the New Online BSEE at Stony Brook

    For anyone unfamiliar, here is the program I'm talking about. Its a fully online BSEE at Stony Brook, aimed at students who've already done most of their lower level courses elsewhere. The website says they're expecting abet accreditation when the first class graduates in 2014. Does anyone...
  21. Q

    Undergraduate Engineering Opinions

    I am a high school senior at the point in his life where I have heard back from all the colleges I applied to and have to make a decision on where to go. I plan on becoming a mechanical engineer/physicist, and have thoughts of graduate school. I am confident in three of my choices, but still the...
  22. WannabeNewton

    Have you tried GR by Hobson? Share your thoughts!

    I'm curious as to how many of you have used this book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521829518/?tag=pfamazon01-20 because me and Jorriss were thinking of getting it. Is it any good? Based on google and amazon previews it looks awesome especially the chapter on the field theoretic view of GR and it...
  23. B

    Opinions on Engineering Physics vs. Pure Physics undergrad?

    Hello again PF, I now need to decide whether to pursue an engineering physics or pure physics degree for my undergrad, I've been accepted to both, but am unsure what would be the better fit for me. I obviously like the extra job security that an engineering degree would carry with it, but I'm...
  24. G

    Opinions or facts about M theory

    Hi, so I just wanted some opinions on string theory, superstring theory, or M theory. Any of them would be fine probably, but M theory is the one I'm really curious about (since it's the latest and greatest, according to some of the books I've read). So the only opinions on M theory that I've...
  25. D

    Schools Physics or Computer Science? Starting college late and I welcome your opinions

    Hi all! BLUF: I'm starting school rather late (I'm 25) and I'm very interested in Physics and Computer Science. Logically, CS seems like a better fit for me due to my hobbies, but my heart is set on Physics. BACKGROUND: I'm just now starting school at 25 after being in the Air Force for...
  26. Einj

    Collecting opinions on Gianpaolo Giuliani's work

    Hi everyone. A few days ago I listened something about Giampaolo Giuliani's theory about earthquakes prevision. I'm from Italy and in my country this is a quite sensitive topic. This person pretends to have discovered a method of prevision, based on the measurement of argon released right before...
  27. J

    News Comparing Your Opinions to Candidates: Romney vs Johnson

    Here's a site that compares your opinions to the positions of the candidates. I side with ... Gary Johnson 91% Virgil Goode 74% Mitt Romney 74% Barack Obama 43% American Voters 52% Libertarian Party 79% Republican Party 68% Democratic Party 63% Green Party 63% I never heard of...
  28. C

    Opinions please - ME Senior Project - Solar or Turbine

    The fall semester just started and my team and I have to come up with a senior design project. Faculty projects and industry funded projects are very slim this year and it’s looking like our best bet will be to come up with (and fund) our own design. At this time I am torn between two ideas...
  29. J

    Are these DNA results accurate or is there room for error?

    My apologies to (Ryan_m_b) for my previous post not being detailed enough to support a true discussion. This is the oddest results I have ever seen..and need opinions.. Below is a DNA result that the Alleged Father has been passed off as the father of both children.??. By reviewing...
  30. jbrussell93

    Can I Handle This Intense 18-Credit Semester?

    Calc III (3) Physics II (5) Genetics (4) Statics (online) (3) Macroeconomics (3) 18 total I am very dedicated to school and study A LOT but I don't know if I will be able to handle this. I took 19 last semester and kept all A's somehow, but they were much easier classes and about half...
  31. T

    Is Archaeology Merely a Supplement to History?

    Archaeology is a bit of a clumsy tool when it comes proving historical facts. I believe that we can all agree with that. However, there are some people who are even more extremist in their views and want Archaeology to be of a much lower status. I am curious if you guys agree with the 2...
  32. J

    Programs Fail Physics major? ISO opinions

    Iwe been planning on studying Physics for a few years now. And well. I just got done with my first year of uni. And Iwe had a horrible time of it. First year is undecided major hence general intro courses into everything. The curriculum and amount of work required at this uni is very tough. Much...
  33. Pengwuino

    BodyMedia Weight Management System opinions

    One of my friends told me about this interesting little device called the BodyMedia weight management system. Here's a linky linky to amazon's listing. My friend has been losing weight (as have I) and he uses this thing and thinks it's great. Has anyone used this? Know of its accuracy...
  34. N

    Considering a Double Major in Computer Programming & Physics: Get Opinions Here!

    Need opinions :) Hi guys, if I wanted to I could have graduated high school this year but I was unsure of what field to go into. So, I decided to stay an extra year in high school (taking few English and Math courses I did not have space for before). I will be graduating next year for sure so...
  35. P

    Opinions on the QG ideas in the latest Scientific American?

    Just got this issue (also linked to from PF home page): http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=search-for-new-physics This whole line of development is unfamiliar to me, and outside of my expertise. The following appear to be some of the papers behind the work described. I am...
  36. T

    AP vs. IB: Advice from High Schoolers on Benefits & Admissions

    Hello. I'm a high school freshman who's in need of some advice from those who have gone through AP or IB. In your opinion, which is more beneficial and looks better on a high school transcript for universities such as Harvard, Stanford, or UC Berkeley? I'm really unsure which pathway to...
  37. jbrussell93

    Is My Fall 2012 Course Load Too Much for a Sophomore Engineering/Physics Major?

    My adviser seems to think that I may be taking on too much for my third semester, and I am starting to worry about hurting my GPA (4.0). I will be a first semester sophomore in biological engineering (possibly switching to physics). This is my tentative schedule for fall 2012: Organic...
  38. J

    Is the Majority Opinion Always Right?

    As much as i like this forum I have a question, what us the difference between a fact and an opinion? According to feynman, one should never trust authority. Therfore any truth is always subject to scientific debate, and as soon as we are told a concesses is true, by the very fact of being a...
  39. M

    Opinions on 'The Variational Principles of Mechanics' by Cornelius Lanczos

    It was written by Cornelius Lanczos and from the reviews, seems to be a good book. I have completed two semesters of undergraduate classical mechanics using the Taylor and Thornton and Marion texts and I am looking for something that is not Goldstein mechanics. Is this a good stepping stone or...
  40. H

    Opinions on Medicine, Actuarial science and Biomed?

    Opinions on Medicine, Actuarial science and Biomed?? I'm still in high school and talking things through with my career's advisor. At the moment, I'm looking at three career paths: medicine, actuarial science and biomed engineering. I've got my own preferences and statistics for all three, but...
  41. X

    Schrodinger's Cat - your opinions

    Hello everyone, I'm currently taking the EPQ, a qualification where the student is tasked to form a report of some kind. For mine, I'm writing a 5000 word report about the Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment and what significance it holds in physics. As part of my report, I want to include...
  42. P

    Opinions on a Hypersonic Tunnel based Transportation System

    Hello Guys, Please provide your opinions on the following Hypersonic Tunnel based transportation system? I am a Computer programmer and not some aerospace engineer, so kindness is appreciated :-) The primary problem with hypersonic(or supersonic) travel is that we have to remove several...
  43. J

    So what are you physicists' opinions on psychedelic drugs?

    I think many people would expect that a physicist is more inclined than the average guy in the street to be able to see through the propaganda/fear-mongering of the government & mainstream media. Also it's reasonable to think that someone well versed in physics is going to have an curious mind...
  44. J

    Delta/Epsilon (Need opinions on my solution, I am new to these)

    Homework Statement Suppose that δ = min{1,e/7}. Show that if |x - 3| < δ, then |x^2 - 9| < e Homework Equations Don't know. The Attempt at a Solution |x - 3| |x + 3| < e Given : |x - 3| < δ => |x - 3| < e/7 |x + 3| |x-3| < e/7 |x + 3| 7|x - 3| < e Assume δ < 1, =>...
  45. M

    Schools What are your opinions on collecting homework in college?

    Not projects, but just regular homework. It always baffled me. If the homework counts as 10% of the grade, then a student could get 100% on all the exams and get a B, and a student could get B's on exams and get an A.
  46. M

    Get Opinions on UNISA Degrees: Can I Go to Grad School?

    Hi, The odds are that my applications to US colleges will fail. My other cards are the grandes ecoles in France (5 years master - can do either physics, applied math/stats/cs or even engineering, though I doubt I will do that), Physics BS (3 years) at the local university and yeah, that's about...
  47. L

    Medical Opinions on Accutane? Hear From Those Who Took It

    hi I will start taking isotretinoin(accutane) this september. My dermatologist suggested this powerful and effective drug before trying any medication. However, as I explore the side effects of this drug, I am really worried about taking this drug. Has anyone ever taken this drug? How was...
  48. A

    Get Expert Opinions on Crackpot Electrical Engineering Link

    Hello, I was recently sent this link: [crackpot link deleted] and found it to be extremely sensational. It is my habit to always attempt to "fact check" anything that is forwarded to me (especially the more "hyped up" and/or "sensationalized" information). I am sorry that I have no...
  49. J

    Pursuing Physics, but limited finance. ISO opinions.

    Hello guys. I am a student in Pakistan. I am really into Physics/maths. And Id like to pursue an education in one of these fields particularly Physics(undergrad). I just got done with my Alevels. ( Cambridge international examinations). I am expecting a relatively decent result and my past...