Opinions Definition and 189 Threads

  1. J

    Opinions on this Pure Math/Finance Program

    Opinions on this "Pure Math/Finance" Program I know that most people on these boards are more familiar with physics and engineering-type programs, but who knows... http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/PM_Dept/Undergrad/Academic/Plans/pm_finance.shtml" Does this program seem like one that'll have...
  2. K

    What Do You Think of Zooby's MIH Portrait and My Sensitive Drawing?

    When Zooby posted his portrait of MIH I said i'd been working on a drawing myself recently, and rather than hijack the other thread I thought I'd start a new one for opinions :smile:. I hope you guys like it even though the subject is a little sensitive...
  3. larkspur

    Choosing the Best Photo for a Red Themed Contest: Seeking Opinions

    I am thinking of entering a photo contest with the theme of "Red". Do you think either of these are adequate? Which one should I use? Or
  4. Y

    Which college is best for a rigorous undergraduate physics program?

    I've been accepted to UT Austin, University of Rochester, And Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I know I can look up ratings etc. What I really want people's opinion on which college is better for a rigorous undergraduate physics program. Theres a big difference to me between ratings and...
  5. T

    What Are Your Opinions on Schaum's Outlines?

    what are your opinions on schaum's outlines? is it meant as a supplementary guide for students who are struggling? or is it good for students of all skill levels? i noticed that many of the problems (in math) are just asking you to prove theorems already found in textbooks. on the other...
  6. O

    Honest opinions on mature age students

    Hi, I was hoping you guys could give me your opinions on mature age study. I never finished high school and have worked and traveled for the past few years and then its as if my brain kicked in at around 22. I taught myself algebra through to elementary calculus and passed the entrance exam...
  7. H

    I would like your opinions please: the best biography of Einstein?

    Light on math, heavy on the man. Strangely, a search of these forums revealed no topics dedicated to this question. It would be swell to put yer thoughts in one place for me or anyone. What would you recommend? THANKS!
  8. F

    Opinions of ideas in Not Even Wrong

    Opinions of ideas in "Not Even Wrong" The new book by Peter Woit, Not Even Wrong, gives a lengthy discussion as to why we should abandon string theory and move to more promising fields of study. He claims, and as far as I know correctly, that superstring theory has not made one single testable...
  9. R

    Barbara Ryden's Cosmology Book: Reviews & Opinions

    I want to buy Barbara Ryden's Cosmology book. Has someone read it already and could say a few things about it? On amazon it gets nice reviews but what do you think? thanks
  10. Q

    Opinions on Theory & Possibility of 2 Times

    i was wondering what some of your opinions were on this theory. I was also wondering how it is possible to have 2 times.
  11. Pengwuino

    People shouldn't have opinions or something

    http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/suffrage.html And you see this stuff all the time! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Do people just want to pretend they are apart of something? This has been done with a lot of things. Tricking hippies into signing a ban on water is a big...
  12. A

    Which school has a better pedigree for material science: UCLA or UMich?

    I am a high school senior and I am going to be majoring in material science at either UCLA or UMich. I was wondering, which school has a better reputation in terms of pedigree? I am choosing my school largely in part to the research that I will embark in; I know professors in my field of...
  13. Z

    Opinions on Creatine: Benefits & Side Effects

    For those, who know what this is.. what are your opinions on it. No real, side effects except for an occasional stomache ache Ive been taking it for about a month now, and it is really helping, my doctor doesn't really tell me anything about it, he just said if your going to take it, drink...
  14. C

    News Opinions of the New Kennedy Assasination book?

    THe book co-authored by Tom Hartman. It uses declassified documents and 17 years of investigation to uncover the true assailants Basically, the Mob killed Kennedy and used knowledge of an extremely top secret plan to kill Castro in 63 to ensure a government cover up because any good...
  15. M

    Opinions on Opera Browser: Better than Firefox? (For Dial-Up Users)

    I'd like an opinion on the browser, Opera. I happen to like it, but I'm wondering how good it actually is in your opinions? If Firefox has any significant advantages? I have dial up, so I don't have much bandwidth.
  16. F

    Opinions on Photonics Engineering?

    It's a special 5 year program that's one of a kind in Canada only offered at MacMaster University. I only know that it revolves around the concept of medical technology development but I wasn't sure in detail what this field was. It sounds really good but from the look of the course load, it...
  17. E

    Would love to hear your opinions on this program

    I had always enjoyed the thought of being a geneticist, and I only recently found out about this program that would let me double major in both biochem and genetics (http://biochemistry.tamu.edu/?ch=ugrad&sec=welcome), and I'd like to hear your opinions on it, perhaps on the courses offered as...
  18. A

    Courses Chemical Engineering Student needs opinions on course usefulness please.

    I can take one of the following 3 courses as a technical elective. I need to know which would be the most useful to me. My Math background: I have taken a year of Calculus, linear algebra, and diff eq (no partials.) Thermal Physics [text: Kittel "Thermal Physics"]...
  19. L

    Blog idea - What Physicists Do - Opinions?

    I was thinking about creating a blog that would make regular posts about what a particular physicist does. The aim would be to provide a resource that would show how diverse the areas of physics study are, give details on what physics is being done and provide a little insight into what...
  20. U

    Is Majoring in Biomedical Engineering the Best Path for a Career in the Field?

    im thinking about getting a bachelors in physics and a minor in biomedical engineering at UC Irvine. i want to end up in biomedical engineering as a career. physics will give me better problem solving skills than engineering, and hopefully will not kill my GPA. i also like physics...
  21. G

    What's the Deal with A^-1/B^-1?

    A ^ - 1 / B ^ - 1 :zzz:
  22. E

    Opinions on Certain Nuns and Monks

    What do you think about these people ?
  23. B

    Clemson and UNC Charlotte. Opinions please?

    I am interested in the Mechanical Engineering programs @ UNC Charlotte and Clemson, and would like to solicit some opinions on the ME department at both schools. Also does anyone know anything about the motorsports/automotive concentrations in these programs? I am a 49 year old man undergoing...
  24. U

    Which Laptop Brands Meet Specific Needs for Video Editing Under $2K?

    I'm looking to buy a decent laptop above 1.5k and under 2k. I would like an Athlon 64 3700+ processor and at least 1 gig of ram (do lots of video editing, don’t need a large hdd, got that covered with an external one). I was wondering what specific brand you guys think would fit into this...
  25. M

    Gaining an Edge in Engineering: Opinions Wanted

    Hello to everyone, :rolleyes: I was wondering about a field in engineering. Not something EXTREMELY specific, but I was leaning towards either ballistics or music. Yes I know they are worlds apart. Now to get into some of the schools I'm looking at, the SAT scores and expected requirements...
  26. Saint

    Is Divorce the Best Option When You Can't Stay Together?

    Without referring to religious opinions about it, thinking independently, do you think Divorce is the best choice if you really can stay anymore with your spouse? if you have children, what can you do to avoid harm on them ?
  27. T

    News Opinions on *The Guardians* efforts to influence American politics

    Not sure how many are aware of The Guardian and it's efforts to influence American politics by having Brits send letters to citizens of Ohio. The Guardian is a liberal and widely circulated British publication. Click on the link for some American responses to The Guardian's efforts. To be...
  28. F

    News Rationality when it comes to political opinions

    I have been studying media for several years now. I have been exposed to all oulets, contrary to what someone on this site thinks..you know who you are. I don't devote my attention to one outlet, I watch them all and draw my own conclusions...being able to come up with your own opinions after...
  29. W

    Opinions on Replacing Oil: What's Next?

    I have a question I wanted to ask, or more like your opinions? I have read about the new book that rescently hit the book stores shelves, called Out of Gas. The books talks about the fact that we will run out of oil in less then a decate, which scientists say will not happen that soon. And also...
  30. S

    Can CO2 Capsules Power a Rocket to New Heights?

    Hi. I've been wondering about these disposable CO2 capsules for airguns: Please share opinions on my reasoning, any hints or ideas of how to calculate this, what to look for and so on will be appriciated. What if I punched a hole in the seal of one of these capsules, how much thrust would...
  31. J

    Opinions on International Baccalaureate (IBO) physics

    Has anyone taught, or been taught, using IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) physics? If so, is it rigorous? Could it be taught online?
  32. A

    Suggested Books on Superstring Theory for Beginners

    hi! I was just wondering what books are available that you guys would suggest as a good "first book" or introduction to the topic of superstring theory. It's very interesting stuff to me, but unfortunately its also often over my head. :frown: thanks for any suggestions! _Andrew ps -...
  33. D

    What makes Gmail stand out from other Email services?

    So, do any of you have Gmail? I could have gotten an account but decided to stick with Fastmail since there service was great, I have more than enough memory and it is fast. :biggrin: Are any of you switching Email services? What do you think of Gmail?
  34. A

    Opinions on the idea of rishons

    I would like some opinions on the idea of rishons (Harari and Seidberg) please. Am I correct that this idea groups all sub-atomic particles in bunches of three? If so, wouldn't this come into conflict with the idea of mesons?
  35. benzun_1999

    Physics Opinions on what career for physics students

    Hi Everyone, I feel that there are many students just like me in the physics forum who would like to have a good career. I also know that there are many experienced professionals in this forum. In this forum I invite the professionals are students to give their opinion about various career...
  36. Hydr0matic

    Opinions on the Expanding Earth Hypothesis

    What is your opinion on this hypothesis ? http://www.wincom.net/earthexp/n/navback.htm http://users.indigo.net.au/don/ee/nav.html http://www.expanding-earth.org/ http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Campus/2730/...
  37. Greg Bernhardt

    News Should the US intervene in Liberia?

    Personally I believe we should wait this out and see how it develops. Here are some of the reasons I've been hearing and mostly agree with: 1. We shouldn't be the worlds police 2. We have no national interest in Liberia 3. If we kill the Liberian dictator and install the rebels, they...
  38. D

    Opinions about the human embryo harvested during abortions

    Wassup all! Firstly, here's to me, back after a loong break from PF ; ) Secondly, Ill like to raise an issue hotly debated in my school's religious and moral education class. This may have been raised up else where but I am too lazy to go search for it.. : P This i, also feel, comes...
  39. russ_watters

    News North Korea Leaves NPT: Opinions on the Situation?

    North Korea today officially pulled out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Goodie. Opinions on the entire situation with N Korea?