Oscillation Definition and 768 Threads

Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states. The term vibration is precisely used to describe mechanical oscillation. Familiar examples of oscillation include a swinging pendulum and alternating current.
Oscillations occur not only in mechanical systems but also in dynamic systems in virtually every area of science: for example the beating of the human heart (for circulation), business cycles in economics, predator–prey population cycles in ecology, geothermal geysers in geology, vibration of strings in guitar and other string instruments, periodic firing of nerve cells in the brain, and the periodic swelling of Cepheid variable stars in astronomy.

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  1. R

    Oscillation of a bound particle in a superposition of states

    Homework Statement A bound particle is in a superposition state: \psi(x)=a[\varphi_1(x)e^{-i\omega_1t}+\varphi_2(x)e^{-i\omega_2t}] Calculate <x> and show that the position oscillates. Homework Equations <x>=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \psi(x) x \psi^*(x) \mathrm{d}x The Attempt at a...
  2. M

    A What are the oscillation modes in low-gravity capillary-dominated flow?

    Hi PF! I am solving a problem for low-gravity capillary-dominated flow, where liquid rests in a rectangular (2D) channel. The text I'm reading introduces a velocity potential ##\hat u = \nabla \phi##, and then states that each oscillation mode is ##\partial_n\phi|_\Gamma = \nabla \phi \cdot...
  3. A

    Exponential decay of a pendulum oscillation amplitude

    Homework Statement I found an answer on the internet for this problem, but I'm not sure on one of the steps. The solution says, "Take ln of both sides to get rid of Ae. If we do that, then the right side will be ln(Ae^t/T). I don't see how using ln will get rid of Ae? Homework Equations Refer...
  4. Hydrous Caperilla

    Finding Amplitude of the Oscillation

    Homework Statement A A man applies a Force F on a spring block system shown.towards right when the block is at rest and spring is relaxed .If F is constant then [/B]Homework Equations : F=-kx[/B]The Attempt at a Solution The equilibrium position will be at the position where the disturbing...
  5. F

    Oscillation of a Rod: Finding Frequency

    Homework Statement As in picture b) a uniform rod is displaced by a small angle a, the question is to find its frequency. (small angle approximations are allowed) Homework Equations Mtotal*a c.o.m=FextThe Attempt at a Solution I figure the only relevant external force is the komponent of...
  6. D

    Period of Oscillation for mass on a spring.

    Hi! I would just like someone to verify that I am doing this correctly (and point out what I am doing wrong if I am not). A friend is getting T = 0.148s but I don't have her calculations, but I think I am solving the problem correctly and getting 0.9634s. 1. Homework Statement A 0.87 kg mass...
  7. J

    Time period of oscillation of a plate

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I don't have much idea about how to approach this problem . Presence of two strings makes it quite difficult . Is it a compound pendulum ? But where is the pivot point about which the plate is oscillating . About which point...
  8. S

    Oscillation related to electromagnetic induction

    Homework Statement A copper ring is suspended by a long, light rod pivoted at X so that it may swing as pendulum, as shown in the diagram below. An electromagnet is mounted so that the ring passes over it as it swings. The ring is set into oscillation with switch K open. What happens to the...
  9. S

    I Unclear on interpretation of equation - oscillation maybe?

    Equation: angular acceleration = 3 (angular displacement) - 100 At start, when displacement is 0, the initial angular velocity is 20 rad per second clockwise. I expect that the (-100) term will cause the angular velocity to decrease to 0 but since displacement is increasing during this process...
  10. B

    I Plasma Oscillation Explanation

    A plasma is quasinetural with the negative charges (electrons) being much lighter than positive ions. When an electron is perturbed, the attractive force acts to restore it with a particular frequency. This was the explanation given to me for plasma oscillations. However, the equation presented...
  11. AbigailG

    Finding Amplitude of spring oscillation after damping

    Homework Statement [/B] A spring with spring constant 10.5 N/m hangs from the ceiling. A 520 g ball is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. It is then pulled down 6.20 cm and released. What is the time constant if the ball's amplitude has decreased to 2.70 cm after 60.0...
  12. D

    Dynamics: Spring problem (Oscillation)

    Homework Statement The mass m = 4 kg and the spring constant k = 64 N/m. The spring is unstretched when x = 0. At t = 0, x = 0 and the mass has a velocity of 2 m/s down the inclined surface. What is the value of x at t = 0.8 s? The angle of incline is 20 degrees, and with the mass moving down...
  13. VSayantan

    Time Period of a Small Oscillation

    Homework Statement [/B]A heavy mass ##m## is suspended from two identical steel wires of length ##l##, radius ##r## and Young's modulus ##Y##, as shown in the figure above. When the mass is pulled down by a distance ##x## ##(x<<l)## and released, it undergoes...
  14. R

    Find the period of radial oscillation through effective potentials

    Homework Statement Given circuit is a circle, force is a central force[/B] Ueff(r)=U(r)+L^2/2mr^2 Homework Equations the problem i find is, the angular momentum is a function of r however, the solution when differentiate the effective potential, just treat angular momentum as a constant. That's...
  15. Another

    I How do I make an atomic oscillation?

    How do I make an atom oscillation? What is the thermal energy that an atom emits?
  16. C

    Oscillation of a point charge perpendicular to field lines

    Homework Statement Two particles A and B each carry a charge Q and are separated by a fixed distance D. A particle c with charge q and mass m is kept at the midpoint of A and B. If C is displaced perpendicular to AB by a distance x where x<<<D, find the time period of the oscillation of the...
  17. F

    Classical Oscillation practice problems for Olympiad

    What are some books on mechanical oscillations for olympiad?(especially problems, not theory)
  18. NihalRi

    Damped oscillation and time between displacement maximums

    Homework Statement [/B] Question 3.9 Homework Equations equation for dampened ocillation[/B] The Attempt at a Solution In case this might appear confusing, I derived(with respect to t) the equation for dampened oscillation given above and tried to solve for when it equaled zero expecting...
  19. A

    I Understanding Neutrino Oscillation and Mixing | Explained for Beginners

    If we have a beta decay where a solar neutrino is produced: a proton converts into a neutron ,emitting a W. the W decays into an anti electron and a neutrino. So in the end of the chain we have a neutrino that will travel through space and oscillate. Neutrino Oscillation happens because of...
  20. C

    How do I calculate kinetic energy in oscillation problems?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution What do I do next to work out kinetic energy?
  21. Pushoam

    Frequency of oscillation of a rod with two springs

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Let's take that in equilibrium, both springs S_l and S_r are elongated by ##x_e##. Assuming that the oscillations are so small that the springs could be taken along x- axis approximately. At time t, S_l is elongated by x. The rod...
  22. B

    Choosing Axis of Rotation in Cylinder Oscillation Problem

    Homework Statement Here is a problem we worked in class. I already know the answer, just had a question on the method. Two cylinders are connected with by a small rod (with presumably negligent mass) through their centers. The cylinders can roll freely. A spring is attached to the small rod...
  23. O

    Period of Oscillation of a Cylinder Attached to Two Springs

    Homework Statement A solid cylinder of mass, M, is connected to two springs of total stiffness, k. The springs are connected tangentially (on top) to the cylinder. The other ends of the springs are attached to walls. What is the period of oscillation of the cylinder assuming that it does not...
  24. Const@ntine

    Cord Oscillates, Tension Changes

    Homework Statement A chord with linear density μ = 0.00160 kg/m, is stretched between two holders, which have a distance of 0.480 m between them (so the length of the chord is L = 0.480 m). The chord doesn't stretch enough to notice, when the tension T gradually goes from 15.0 N at t = 0s, to...
  25. S

    Time period of small oscillations of the point dipole

    Homework Statement In an infinite flat layer of thickness 2d, volume charge density is given according to the law: ρ=(ρ°)(x)/d and (-d≤x≤d). Here, x is the axis perpendicular to the plane. In the layer, there is a thin channel in which a point dipole of mass m and dipole moment p is placed...
  26. G

    Damped oscillation of a car on a road: velocity calculation

    Homework Statement The car circulates on a section of road whose profile can be approximated by a sinusoidal curve with the wavelength of 5.0 m. The mass of the car is 600.0 kg, and each wheel is equipped with a constant spring k = 5000 Nm-1 and a damper with constant b = 450 Nm-1s. Calculate...
  27. person123

    B Confusion About Oscillating Mass

    I'm sure there's an obvious answer to this, but this problem has been confusing me for some time. Imagine there were a massive object attached to the end of a crankshaft. A force is applied to accelerate the crankshaft, causing the mass to oscillate. Assuming there is no friction, what would...
  28. Bunny-chan

    Understanding an equation in a dynamics spring problem

    Homework Statement A block of mass M = 0.5kg, attached to a spring of elastic constant k = 3N/m on a vertical wall, slides without friction through an horizontal air table. A disk of mass m = 0.05kg is placed on the block, whose surface has a coefficient of static friction \mu _e = 0.8. What...
  29. C

    Oscillation in a hole through the Earth (hole is offset)

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known There is an Earth but the hole is not in the middle but the side.find the period of oscillation Homework Equations Simple harmonic equation.Newton gravitational force The Attempt at a Solution I got GMx/R^3+acc=0 so period of...
  30. N

    Non-harmonic oscillation of pendulum

    Hi, I would like to ask what is the formula for non-harmonic oscillation of pendulum? I know that formula for harmonic oscillation of pendulum is: (d^2 φ)/(dt^2 )+g/r sinφ=0 where φ is angle, t is time, g is gravitational acceleration, r is length of a rope. I know that harmonic oscillation...
  31. C

    Understanding Oscillation with Friction: Problem 130 Solution Clarifications

    Homework Statement So In the following picture is the problem and its solution (Problem 130) Homework Equations KE =1/2 m v2 x:=w^2x The Attempt at a Solution I am confused of the fact that the time from the spring touching t2 is T/4-t where T is the period oscillations while t is the time to...
  32. K

    Oscillation Problem -- Why does my way not work?

    1. Problem Description: A massless spring hangs from the ceiling with a small object attached to its lower end. The object is initially held at rest at a position y. The object is then released from y and oscillates up and down, with its lowest position being 10cm below y. What is the frequency...
  33. C

    Finding Potential Energy of Oscillation

    How do I find the total potential energy at the highest and lowest points of oscillation without velocity or time?? I do not believe there is any air resistance, only gravity. I also already have the elastic potential energy and the gravitational potential energy.
  34. T

    I Difference of resonant and non-resonant neutrino oscillation

    Hello Just wondering what the difference is between resonant and non-resonant neutrino oscillations. Are resonant neutrino oscillations called Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein? Thank you
  35. D

    [Calc] First max and min values of an underdamped oscillation

    Homework Statement Determine the FIRST maximum and minimum values of the underdamped oscillation: y=e^(-x/2)(4sin(3x)+3cos(3x)) cm Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I firstly differentiated the above equation and got: (-e^(-x/2)(22sin(3x)-21cos(3x)))/2 I checked this and...
  36. G

    B Build a Dipole Antenna with LED: Charge Imbalance Explained

    Hi. In this video around 6:45, this guy builds a simple dipole antenna with an LED and capacitor in parallel in the center. The LED flickers when close to a transmitting cellphone. Since the LED only let's current pass in one direction, shouldn't this quickly lead to a charge imbalance between...
  37. Arman777

    Dipole Oscillation İn Electric Field

    Homework Statement Electric Dipole makes small oscillation is electric field find its ##ω## Homework Equations ##τ=pEsinθ## ##τ=I∝## The Attempt at a Solution ##τ=pEsinθ## ##τ=I∝## so ##pEsinθ=I∝## which that's...
  38. A

    Why are there modes in cantilever beam oscillation equations

    I'm doing an experiment measuring the relationship between length of a cantilever beam and period of oscillation when I twang it on one end, but I can't seem to understand the equation. The equation for measuring frequency is given here:https://www.hindawi.com/journals/amse/2013/329530/ but I...
  39. T

    Sound & Music, Mass on a spring

    Homework Statement I have a mass of 100 g and I want to make it oscillate with a period of 10 Hz. What spring stiffness do I need? Homework Equations f = 1/2π√s/m The Attempt at a Solution I don't know how to find the stiffness to plug into the equation.
  40. D

    Theoretical model for damped harmonic oscillation.

    Homework Statement Hello all, I have a question regarding the damping constant for a model of a vertically oscillating mass on a spring. I have read through one or two similar questions on this site but I think I can manage to be a little more specific about what I'm asking. I am in a physics...
  41. peroAlex

    Oscillation of a Charged Particle

    Homework Statement At our university we were given this problem: charged ball with mass of ##m = 0.0001 kg## and charge ##Q = -10^{-5} C## is placed on geometric axis of thin torus with inner radius of ##r_{inner} = 0.05 m##, outer radius of ##r_{outer} = 0.1 m## and surface charge density...
  42. R

    Simple harmonic motion displacement equation confusion

    Okay, so I have just started with simple harmonic motion(SHM). So the equation of displacement in my textbook is given as: X= ACos(wt +x) where A is the amplitude X is displacememt from mean position at time t w is angular frequency x is phase constant...
  43. P

    I Neutrino oscillation with very low energy neutrinos

    This question just occurred to me recently. Assuming the different neutrinos (electron, muon, tau) do not have the same mass, then if their energy is very low, such that they are moving non-relativistically, an oscillation must substantially change the velocity (to conserve momentum). It seems...
  44. S

    Finding frequency of a specific mechanical oscillator -- horizontal rod on pivot

    Homework Statement There is a cyllinder with radius 0.5 m fixed on the wall. We put a 6 metres long thin rod with mass 0.3 kg on it, which does not slip. I would like to calculate the oscillating time. It is a part of a clock, so the oscillating time is probably 1 or 2 seconds, but I got...
  45. FallenApple

    I Galaxy Merger and Damped Oscillation?

    So it is a known fact that the Andromeda galaxy will collide and merge with the Milky Way galaxy. In the video it shows the collision. Time 1:40 My question is how does it take only 3 collisions for the merger to take place? First all, can we assume that if no stars/dark matter/planets from...
  46. C

    Tension in a Pendulum: Exploring Horizontal Component and Restoring Force

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/knowns So basically,I am confused by this quote in David Morin's Problems and Solutions in Introductory Mechanics that says: the tension in the tilted string has a nonzero horizontal component (except at the highest points where the tension is...
  47. S

    Harmonic oscillation in classical mechanics

    Homework Statement An object of mass m = 300g is attached to a spring with a constant k = 3.0Nm-1 and is at rest on a smooth horizontal floor in a fluid where the resistive force is assumed to be linearly proportional to the velocity v. the object is then displaced 10mm to the right of the...
  48. K

    Simple Harmonic Motion - Determine the period of oscillation

    Homework Statement A very light, rigid rod with a length of 0.620m extends straight out from one end of a meter stick. The stick is suspended from a pivot at the far end of the rod and is set into oscillation. (a)Determine the period of oscillation. (b)By what percentage does this differ from...
  49. M

    Trying to Calculate k, using Hooke's Law

    Homework Statement The position of a 49 g oscillating mass is given by x(t)=(1.8cm)cos12t, where t is in seconds. Homework Equations k=mg/x The Attempt at a Solution I've tried working this problem multiple different ways and it is just not working for me. I used k= (.049*9.8)/.018 Is this...
  50. Vanessa Avila

    The ball's maximum speed relative to the vehicle?

    Homework Statement Inside a NASA test vehicle, a 3.50-kg ball is pulled along by a horizontal ideal spring fixed to a friction-free table. The force constant of the spring is 226 N/m . The vehicle has a steady acceleration of 5.00 m/s2, and the ball is not oscillating. Suddenly, when the...