Oscillation Definition and 768 Threads

Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states. The term vibration is precisely used to describe mechanical oscillation. Familiar examples of oscillation include a swinging pendulum and alternating current.
Oscillations occur not only in mechanical systems but also in dynamic systems in virtually every area of science: for example the beating of the human heart (for circulation), business cycles in economics, predator–prey population cycles in ecology, geothermal geysers in geology, vibration of strings in guitar and other string instruments, periodic firing of nerve cells in the brain, and the periodic swelling of Cepheid variable stars in astronomy.

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  1. Doofy

    Neutrino Oscillation: Mass Differences

    In neutrino oscillation the probability a neutrino changing its flavour depends on the difference between the squares of the masses of the neutrino mass eigenstates. For example, the squared-mass difference between the mass states \nu_{1} and \nu_{2} is denoted \Delta m^2_{12} . However, I...
  2. M

    Time period of oscillation and displacement from O

    Homework Statement In the attachment! The Attempt at a Solution My big hangup in this situation is why T, the period, of the oscillation doesn't change? If you increase the displacement by 2A does this mean that since the force acting on the spring also increases proportionally there's...
  3. Doofy

    P, CP and CPT symmetry in neutrino oscillation? (quick question)

    Just a quick question about notation really here. In neutrino oscillation we can calculate a probability of an oscillation occurring between two flavour eigenstates - invariably denoted P(\nu_{\alpha} \rightarrow \nu_{\beta}) . I've got some confusion about what happens to this when we apply...
  4. M

    Why Is Answer A Correct for the Oscillation Problem?

    Homework Statement Hi! My question is about oscillation. The multiple choice answers and question is included in the picture attached! I also happen to know the answer is A by looking at the marscheme. The Attempt at a Solution I would've thought that since the ball is said to be held...
  5. H

    Direction of displacement,velocity and acceleration in an oscillation

    Hi,good morning. I encountered a problem regarding simple harmonic motion. I have seen the graphs of displacement, velocity and acceleration in an oscillation. How to determine the Direction of displacement,velocity and acceleration in an oscillation? I really have no idea Thanks
  6. S

    What is the period of oscillation of the mass on the spring?

    Homework Statement a)When a mass is attached to the end of a vertical spring, the spring is stretched down 3 cm. If the mass is pulled down a bit farther and then released, what is the period of oscillation of the mass on the spring? b) if the mass moves through its equilibrium position at 50...
  7. J

    Amplitude from a Damped Oscillation

    Homework Statement A damped mass-spring system oscillates at 263 Hz. The time constant of the system is 7.4 s. At t = 0 the amplitude of oscillation is 3.4 cm and the energy of the oscillating system is 11 J. What is the amplitude of oscillation at t = 6.7 s? How much energy is...
  8. N

    What Oscillates in Light and What Are the Units of Measurement?

    I have a very simple question We all know that high frequency light has more energy than low frequency What IS oscillating, though? What are the units of the x and y axis?
  9. J

    Electron oscillation between states

    Hi, it's been awhile since taking a quantum mechanics course, but I thought I read somewhere that during an electron decay into a lower stationary state, it can be shown to literally oscillate between the states momentarily, hence providing a clear source of acceleration in a kind of oscillator...
  10. L

    How do I solve this forced oscillation differential equation?

    Homework Statement Please help me solve this differential equation: This is mass attached to a spring, we have F= ma= -kx -bv + Fext where k and v are spring constant and velocity respectively and Fext is an additional external force. Homework Equations I know how to solve...
  11. N

    Oscillation of Half-Full Water Bottle - Explained

    Hi Guys, In physics we are investigating the movement of a half-full water bottle accelerated by a constant force. The bottle moves in one direction, before slowing and then oscillating back and forth, similar to what was described in this thread...
  12. H

    Time to stop oscillation in liquid medium

    Homework Statement Suppose an object of mass .505 kg was oscillating with initial Emec = 1.12 J at the end of a spring, and the system was submersed in a liquid medium that absorbed energy at a steady rate of .250 m2/s * spring constant (29.6 N/m). How long would it take the spring to stop...
  13. M

    Oscillation damped oscillations ? how to calculate energy after t

    Homework Statement 3. A damped oscillator's amplitude dec¡eases from 8 cm to 4 cm in 20 seconds, If the intial energy of the oscillator is 64 J, what is the energy âfter 40 seconds? (Recall: E: (l/2)kA2) Homework Equations not sure how to approach the problem The Attempt at a...
  14. T

    Oscillation and Moment of inertia

    Homework Statement A pendulum is constructed of a solid metal sphere of mass M = 4.00 kg, attached to a thin metal rod of mass m = 1.00 kg and length L = 40.0 cm. The pivot point for the pendulum is at the upper end of the thin rod. The pendulum oscillates through a small angle with a period...
  15. K

    Simple Harmonic Oscillation with given equation

    Homework Statement A massive object of m = 5.2 kg oscillates with simple harmonic motion. Its position as a function of time varies according to the equation x(t) = 1.6sin(∏t/1.6 + ∏/6). a. What is the position, velocity and acceleration of the object at t = 0s? b. What is the kinetic energy...
  16. K

    Simple Harmonic Oscillation on a guitar string

    Homework Statement A guitar string vibrates at a frequency of 440 Hz. A point at its center moves in SHM with an amplitude of 3.0 mm and a phase angle of zero. a. Write an equation for the position of the center of the string as a function of time. b. What are maximum values of the magnitude...
  17. J

    Period of oscillation for a pendulum

    Homework Statement The aim of the experiment is to find out if the period of oscillation is proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum. We used 5 different lengths and got the average time for 1 oscillation for each length These are the results: Length=48cm, Time=1.33s...
  18. nukeman

    Spring constant and oscillation expression? Help.

    Homework Statement Here is the question: Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that SHM is: accel = -(constant) (displacement) Linear from my book says: Ax = Ftotal/m (dont quite get this) Any help? THanks!
  19. H

    Charged particle attatched to spring.Find the period of oscillation?

    Homework Statement A point particle of mass m carrying an electric charge q is attatched to a spring of stiffness constant k.A constant electric field E aong the direction of spring is switched on for a time interval T (T<<Sqrt(m/k)). Neglecting radiation loss,Find the amplitude of...
  20. A

    The frequency(/time period) of oscillation for a 2 body spring system

    Homework Statement Two masses m1 and m2 are connected by a spring of spring constant k rest on a frictionless surface. If the masses are pulled apart and let go, the time period of oscillation is : I know the answer is T(time period) = 2∏\sqrt{((m1*m2)/(m1+m2))*1/k}. Can some one help me...
  21. P

    Southern Oscillation: Monsoon-Atmosphere Connection

    Please explain what is southern oscillation and what is the relation between monsoon and southern oscillation.
  22. G

    A Reverse Startup Oscillation?

    A "Reverse" Startup Oscillation? I have a very flexible plastic ruler 61cm long, 5cm wide, and .2cm thick. I hold it by one end, with the "width" vertical, and sight along the ruler "aiming" at any vertical edge (like a door jamb). When I quickly move the ruler to the left a couple of...
  23. nukeman

    Frequency of oscillation (in Hz) question help Thanks

    Homework Statement A 320 kg wooden raft floats on a lake in equilibrium. When a 75 kg man steps carefully onto the raft, it floats 3.5 cm deeper into the water. When he steps off, the raft oscillates for a while. I figured out that the force constant is 21,000 Nm - first off, is that...
  24. A

    Forced Oscillation: Graph Peaks to Infinity Explained

    So you've probably seen the graph for a forced oscillation that acts such that the frequency of the applied force almost equals the natural frequency of the harmonic oscillator. That graph peaks towards infinity. However I don't get why that is. Wouldnt it just peak towards the amplitude of the...
  25. thenewmans

    Pion decay and neutrino oscillation in OPERA

    I hope you don’t mind me asking this OPERA question here but I think it’s more of a QM question. I just watched NOVA Ghost Particle and it got me thinking. The only problem is that my brain isn’t strong enough to hold all that I’m reading about this experiment. From what I gather, the CERN...
  26. N

    Neutrino Oscillation: Explaining the Solar Neutrino Problem

    I've been reading about the solar neutrino problem. I heard that if the neutrinos had mass, then they could "oscillate" between all three types. Whatever. I'll buy it. But here are two things I don't get: Why do they need mass to oscillate (is it because having different masses is the...
  27. S

    How can I remove oscillation from a curve using selective averaging?

    I want to remove the oscillation from the curve In one of the variable i have oscillation values and i want to take avg of them so that i can plot the straight line e.g. X Y 100 80 110 20 120 70 130 19 140 84 120 26 I want to post process my data to...
  28. I

    Spring oscillation kinematics question.

    Homework Statement A massless spring with sprint constant k is vertically mounted so that bottom end is firmly attached to the ground, and the top end free. A ball with mass m falls vertically down on the top end of the spring, becoming attached, so that the ball oscillates vertically on the...
  29. J

    Analyzing Spring Oscillations with Colliding Blocks

    Homework Statement A horizontal spring with a spring constant of 22 N/m has a 600 gram block attached to it and is at rest on a frictionless surface. A second block which has a mass of 220 grams is pushed toward the 600 gram block at a speed of 1.50 m/s. The second block collides with and...
  30. J

    Finding Amplitude and Acceleration in a Spring Oscillation Problem

    Homework Statement A 200 gram block is attached to a spring with a spring constant of 8 N/m. The spring oscillates horizontally on a frictionless surface. Its velocity is 80 cm/s when x = - 4.2 cm. a. What is the amplitude of oscillation? b. What is the block’s maximum acceleration...
  31. D

    Max Amplitude for a 2 mass oscillation system

    Homework Statement A mass of "m" is attached to the bottom of a vertical suspended spring with spring constant "k". Attached to that mass is a string , that is connected to a second mass also equal to "m". What is the maximum amplitude for the two-mass oscillation system in order for it...
  32. D

    Displacement x of simple harmonic oscillation

    Homework Statement The amplitude of simple harmonic oscillation is A = 10 cm. Find a displacement x when K = 1/6 U. Here K is a kinetic energy and U is a potential energy. Homework Equations KE = \frac{1}{2} k A^2 U = \frac{1}{2} k x^2 The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure the...
  33. B

    Why Does a Negative Spring Constant Give a Nonreal Period in Oscillation?

    Ok so i am doing a lab...and i graphed my data points and my slope turned out to be negative. The y-axis is in Newtons and the x-axis is in Meters. So my teacher said the the slope=k (constant) period of an oscillation formula: T=2pi(m/k)^1/2 But my k is negative so when i substitute all my...
  34. L

    Coupled oscillation problem, describing subsequent motion

    Homework Statement A string with no initial displacement is set into motion by being struck over a length 2s about its center. This center section is given an initial velocity v_0. Describe the subsequent motion. Homework Equations Coupled oscillations... The Attempt at a Solution...
  35. G

    What is the Frequency of Oscillation for a Gibbon Hanging on a Tree Branch?

    A gibbon, hanging onto a horizontal tree branch with one arm, swings with a small amplitude. The gibbon's center of mass is 0.481 m from the branch and its rotational inertia divided by its mass is I/m = 0.256 m2. Estimate the frequency of oscillation.
  36. B

    Amplitude of oscillation vs. velocity over a speed bump

    I'm doing a project based on the amplitude of oscillation of a car over a speed bump at different speeds. What is the relationship between velocity over the bump and amplitude of oscillation?
  37. 1

    How Does Doubling the Amplitude Affect the Oscillation Period?

    Homework Statement A weight suspended from an ideal spring oscillates up and down. If the amplitude of the oscillation is doubled, the period will Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution There are no equations relating xm to T. Obviously it gets larger, but how do I find...
  38. S

    Period of oscillation (potential energy equation given)

    Homework Statement Let the potential energy of particle depend upon coordinate x as: U(x) = U0(1-cos(ax)). Where "U0" and "a" are constants. Find the period of small oscillations that particle performs about its equilibrium position. 2. Given Answer T = 2∏√(m/a2U0) The Attempt at a...
  39. J

    Help with oscillation problem thanks

    help with oscillation problem! thanks i have no idea how to do this. could someone please explain how to do this. thank you, really appreciate it A mass of 311 g connected to a light spring of force constant 37.2 N/m oscillates on a horizontal, frictionless track. The amplitude of the...
  40. Q

    Experiment: Pendulum with Spring - Simulate Oscillation Trajectory

    Hello everybody :) I need some help in an experiment simulation :) If you will make a pendulum with a spring instead of a string or rope (nonelastic), then bend it over on θ angle and then let it go - it will start to oscillate around with different manner than a simple pendulum :) with...
  41. I

    Oscillation of a spring - pulley system

    A massless spring of constant k=196 N/m is used to suspend the mass M=1.45 kg (including the pulley), as shown in the attached figure. What is the frequency of simple harmonic motion? Relevant equations f = 1/period T = 2pi*sqrt(M/k) Tension = 1/2Mg What I tried... T(tension on...
  42. I

    What is the stability of a cantilevered beam subjected to damped oscillation?

    I'm trying to model the damped oscillation of a cantilevered beam for a project I'm doing. Really I want to know how "stable" this system is going to be given an initial displacement. My main problem is I'm not familiar with typical damping coefficients and material properties (or even how to...
  43. 1

    Oscillation vs. Pendulum Periods

    Homework Statement The rotational inertia of a uniform thin rod about its end is ML2/3, where M is the mass and L is the length. Such a rod is hung vertically from one end and set into small amplitude oscillation. If L = 1.0 m this rod will have the same period as a simple pendulum of...
  44. L

    Coupled Oscillations: Understanding the Equations

    Homework Statement http://imgur.com/2KIhk Hi! If you please look at the image. I have already determined the equations of motion. They are as follows: Ma1 = 2kx1+kx2 Ma2 = -2kx2+kx1+kx3 Mx3 = -2x3 +kx2 Now... what I don't understand is how does this physically happen? If...
  45. C

    Solve Damping Oscillation: Find Position Function of Spring

    Hello all, I want to find position function of a spring which is on a frictional surface so there is a friction force like k.m.g. Its differential equation is like that \ddot{x}+\omega ^2x=-kmg But I can't solve this. Can you help me to solve that equation? And also I don't understand...
  46. S

    Electromagnetic Fields and Effects of Oscillation

    The electrical circuits in a house run on alternating current. This is a current of electrical charges that oscillates back and forth at a frequency of 60 Hz. Do these currents produce magnetic fields? Explain. Do these circuits radiate electromagnetic waves? Why or why not? I don't have any...
  47. B

    Oscillation amplitude in oscillator

    Homework Statement The circuit in attached figure behaves as an oscillator. What is the oscillation amplitude? 2. The attempt at a solution With H(s), I've calculated the oscillation condition: KM \geq L_1+L_2, and the oscillation frequency: \omega = R_1/\sqrt(L_1 L_1 - M^2) How can I...
  48. alemsalem

    Is neutrino oscillation a violation of a conservation law?

    Neutrinos are emitted with corresponding leptons (e, mu ,tau) and that's a conservations law(?) what about when neutrinos oscillate into each other is that a violation of that law? also is there a corresponding oscillation in the other leptons and other particles?? Thanks :wink:
  49. A

    Question about Damped Simple Harmonic Oscillation ?

    Question about Damped Simple Harmonic Oscillation !? Under appreciable damping , Why amplitude resonance and Velocity resonance occurs at slightly different frequencies ? - Abir Sarkar
  50. M

    Ground state oscillation freq. of H2?

    Does anyone have the most up-to-date zero-point oscillation frequency for a hydrogen molecule? This is not a homework question, I'm thinking about incorporating it into a tattoo someday. I don't wish to have a tattoo with inaccurate info, so any help would be appreciated.