I'm reading through Lancaster & Blundell's Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur and have got to Chapter 17 on calculating propagataors. In their equation 17.23 they derive the expression for the free Feynman propagator for a scalar field to be...
I bought a raltron crystal oscillator.
I connected it to a programmable frequency divider. It is supposed to cause a diode to blink on and off. The crystal oscillator has a rated frequency of 100 megahertz. The programmable frequency divider can divide a frequency by up to 2,147,483,648. Diode...
I built a phase shift oscillator, but it
Won't work. I visit the website https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase-shift_oscillator&ved=2ahUKEwiV4Y-26OHiAhUClawKHQhACO8QFjANegQIChAG&usg=AOvVaw0YoHKumGz0Xl3fYKtIRdFa and copied the schematic I saw...
I am unable to get the wien bridge
Oscillator I built to work. This same
Circuit has worked several times. Sometimes the same circuit works.
Sometimes the same circuit does not work. When it works I can get
A led to blink and can build a frequency divider. How do I troubleshoot this circuit...
As we see in this Phet simulator, this is only the real part of the wave function, the frequency decreases with the potential, so lose energy as moves away the center.
we se this real-imaginary animation in Wikipedia, wave C,D,E,F. Because with less energy, the frequency of quantum wave...
I've tried the circuit in this article. It works very well and I've obtained 2ns clear pulses at 150 V (the main issue was to find the right avalanche voltage, which turned out to be 150-160V for my 2n3904 transistor).
While the basic principles of operation in this circuit is clear for me, I...
I know that due to causality g(t-t')=0 for t<t' and I also know that for t>t', we should get
But I can't seem to get that to work out.
Using the Cauchy integral formula above, I take one pole at -w_0 and get
I was reviewing the harmonic oscillator with Sakurai. Using the annihilation and the creation operators ##a## and ##a^{\dagger}##, and the number operator ##N = a^{\dagger}a##, with ##N |n \rangle = n | n \rangle##, he showed that ##a | n \rangle## is an eigenstate of ##N## with eigenvalue ##n -...
Homework Statement
I'm trying to reconcile the answers to two questions regarding the average potential and kinetic energies in simple harmonic oscillator
Question 1:
The average potential energy of the vibrational motion in the ground state of a
diatomic molecule is 12 meV. The average...
I am bemused by a sign convention for Holes, My questions are as follow:
For an electron inside the 2D Circular Quantum Well. We can write our Hamiltonian as
H = 1/2m * ( p - q A)^2 + 1/2 m w^2 r^2 (Should we use minus in the momentum term? I think for Holes, it is)
If we expand this...
Homework Statement
A critically damped simple harmonic oscillator starts from an amplitude of 5.0 cm and comes to rest at equilibrium 3.5 s later. The SHO is made of a 0.58 kg mass hanging from a spring with spring constant 150 N/m. Assuming the friction force is in the vertical direction, how...
I built a wien bridge oscillator. But how do I tell if it works? I am very new to building circuits. I recently
Starting making circuits on a breadboard. I have not taken any
Electronics class. I am trying to learn how to do this.
Can you build a fm transmitter with
A crystal oscillator? I already have a
100 megahertz crystal oscillator. I can't find instructions on how to do
That on the internet.
Hi, I have been reading the Milonni and Eberly book "Laser": in one of the chapters they discuss the Oscillator Model. The treatment is quite straightforward, the Hamiltonian of the process is
where the first term is the "undisturbed" hamiltonian, and the second one is the interaction...
I am reading the Hajimiri-Lee phase noise model, and got a question on that. If you have an LC tank circuit that is free-running and I inject a current i(t) (dirac current) at instants either t1 or t2 (shown in the figure), depending on when you inject the phase of the output changes (as...
I have got a simple qstion.
We have a particle in 1d oscillator with E0( fundamental level).We know that phi~ e^-x^2 for any x, so We can measure a position and get a value x=a, such that V(a)>E0 . In this case T<0 so the velocity of the particle is imaginary, how is this even possible?, (a real...
Homework Statement
The problem is from the Monbukagakusho exam.[/B]
An object of mass M is hanging by a light spring of force constant k from the ceiling. A small ball of mass m which moves vertically upward collides with the object. After the collision, the object and the small ball stick...
Homework Statement
Using the Schrödinger equation find the parameter \alpha of the Harmonic Oscillator solution \Psi(x)=A x e^{-\alpha x^2}
Homework Equations
-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\,\frac{\partial^2 \Psi(x)}{\partial x^2} + \frac{m \omega^2 x^2}{2}\Psi(x)=E\Psi(x)
When defining quantum fields as a sum of creation and annihilation operators for each momenta, we do it in analogy with the simple example of the harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics. But why do we assume that the coefficients in the expansion can be interpreted in the same way as in the...
Dear all,
I am aware that a weakly driven dipole can be modeled as a damped driven simple harmonic oscillator.
If I have to model the dipole as being driven by a classical monochromatic electromagnetic wave, would the corresponding simple harmonic oscillator then be in coherent state ?
I'm trying to calculate the allowed energies of each state for 3D harmonic oscillator.
En = (Nx+1/2)hwx + (Ny+1/2)hwy+ (Nz+1/2)hwz, Nx,Ny,Nz = 0,1,2,...
Unfortunately I didn't find this topic in my textbook.
Can somebody help me?
My question is given an orthonormal basis having the basis elements Ψ's ,matrix representation of an operator A will be [ΨiIAIΨj] where i denotes the corresponding row and j the corresponding coloumn.
Similarly if given two dimensional harmonic oscillator potential operator .5kx2+.5ky2 where x...
Homework Statement
Find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the isotropic bidimensional harmonic oscillator in polar coordinates.
Homework Equations
$$H=-\frac{\hbar}{2m}(\frac{\partial^2}{\partial r^2}+\frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}+\frac{1}{r^2}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial...
I've seen the partition function calculated for the SHO before in a thermodynamics course in order to calculate entropy. Is it possible to calculate it for a driven harmonic oscillator?
I thought that quartic oscillator is chaotic, but here
it seems this is only when there is driving force.
It also says that for unforced quartic oscillator we can find equilibria and then determine if equilibria are stable or unstable...
So I've derived the equation for the amplitude of a driven oscillator as:
\huge A=\frac{F}{m\sqrt{(\omega_{0}^{2}-\omega_{d}^{2})^{2}+4\gamma^{2}\omega_{d}^{2}}}
Which is what my lecturer has written. Then taking the derivative and setting it to 0 to get the turning point. He makes this leap...
I am having trouble getting an astable multivibrator to oscillate higher than 480 KHz. I added a "baker clamp" which gave some improvement, but didn't get me to the target frequency of 816.5 KHz. I am on an iPad and can't post a schematic. I use 2sc6082-1e transistors and bat41 diodes for the...
Homework Statement
A mass m1 is located on a platform with mass M. The platfrom is located on springs with total constant k such that it can swing vertically in direction x.
a) Write down the equations of motion assuming mass m1 will always be connected to the platform. Write it as x(t)
1. The problem statement
I want to write the angular momentum operator ##L## for a 2-dimensional harmonic oscillator, in terms of its ladder operators, ##a_x##, ##a_y##, ##a_x^\dagger## & ##a_y^\dagger##, and then prove that this commutes with its Hamiltonian.
The Attempt at a Solution
I get...
Homework Statement
A block is acted on by a spring with spring constant k and a weak friction force of constant magnitude f . The block is pulled distance x0 from equilibrium and released. It oscillates many times and eventually comes to rest.
Show that the decrease of amplitude is the same...
Description of the Problem:
Consider a spring-mass system with spring constant ##k## and mass ##m##. Suppose I apply a force ##F_0 \cos(\omega t)## on the mass, but the frequency ##\omega## is very small, so small that it takes the system, say, a million years to reach a maximum and to go to 0...
Hi. I am working on the quantum harmonic oscillator Schrodinger's equation and need help with the algebra or whatever it is I am missing. Here are the 2 steps I can't understand:
d^2psi/dx^2 + (2mE/h^2 - m^2w^2/h^2 * x^2)psi = 0
You substitute this into it:
y = sqrt(mw/h)*x
How would you solve for the Amplitude(A) and Phase Constant(ø) of a spring undergoing simple harmonic motion given the following boundary conditions:
(x1,t1)=(0.01, 0)
(x2,t2)=(0.04, 5)
x values are given in relation to the equilibrium point.
Equation of Motion for a spring undergoing...
Homework Statement
A particle of mass 'm' is initially in a ground state of 1- D Harmonic oscillator potential V(x) = (1/2) kx2 . If the spring constant of the oscillator is suddenly doubled, then the probability of finding the particle in ground state of new potential will be?
1. I have been trying to plot wavefunctions of QHO for different states with potential energy function using excel. I followed Griffith's Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition. I got the nature but they have same reference level. Basically I tried to draw fig2.7a (the first one) and got like the second...
Can somebody help, to understand the transistor, what does do 390pF and C(tune), and 4,3µH, they form tank circiuits? and also resistor 1K and capacitor .1, is possible somebody with little words to descirbe how it works please... Thanks.
Homework Statement
Does the n = 2 state of a quantum harmonic oscillator violate the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
Homework Equations
$$\sigma_x\sigma_p = \frac{\hbar}{2}$$
The Attempt at a Solution
I worked out the solution for the second state of the harmonic oscillator...
I've been trying to form a proof using , using majorly dirac notation.There has been claims that its much better to use in QM.
The question i wanted to generally show that the expected value is Zero for all odd energy levels.I believe i have solved the question but I am a bit Iffy about a step...
I have a question regarding Damped Harmonic Motion and I was wondering if anyone out there could help me out? Under normal conditions, gravity will not have an affect on a damped spring oscillator that goes up and down. Gravity will just change the offset, and the normal force equation...
Making use of the partition function, it is straight forward to show that the entropy of a single quantum harmonic oscillator is:
$$\sigma_{1} = \frac{\hbar\omega/\tau}{\exp(\hbar\omega/\tau) - 1} - \log[1 - \exp(-\hbar\omega/\tau)]$$However, if we look at the partition function for a single...
Hello, I am working on a project to calculate harmonic distortion on a mains signal. The signal has already been stepped down so it oscillates between 0-5V at 50Hz. I looked into some old THD analyzers and it seemed they would generate a clean signal to mimic the fundamental deduct this from the...
I know the CMOS battery keeps the time and BIOS settings , but what is powered by the batter to keep time? A crystal oscillator? And why is it so crucial to keep time on a regular desktop computer?
Homework Statement
The question I am working on is number 3 in the attached file. There are two initial conditions given: at time = 0, x(t) = D and x'(t) = v 'in the direction towards the equilibrium position'. Does that last statement mean that when I substitute the second IC in, I should...
Some time ago I was playing with the oscillator when I noticed a few funny things. Consider first the 1D oscillator with Hamiltonian $$ \displaystyle H(q,p) = \frac{p^2}{2m} + \frac{m\omega^2}{2}q^2$$ whose solutions are $$ q(t) = q_0cos(\omega t) + \frac{p_0}{m\omega}sin(\omega t), p(t) = m...
For the harmonic oscillator, I'm trying to study qualitative plots of the wave function from the one-dimensional time independent schrodinger equation:
\frac{d^2 \psi(x)}{dx^2} = [V(x) - E] \psi(x)
If you look at the attached image, you'll find a plot of the first energy eigenfunction for...
Homework Statement
Show that the ratio of two successive maxima in the displacement of a damped harmonic oscillator is constant.(Note: The maxima do not occur at the points of contact of the displacement curve with the curve Aeˆ(-yt) where y is supposed to be gamma.
2. Homework Equations The...