Parallel plate Definition and 275 Threads

A parallel-plate fluid flow chamber is a benchtop (in vitro) model that simulates fluid shear stresses on various cell types exposed to dynamic fluid flow in their natural, physiological environment. The metabolic response of cells in vitro is associated with the wall shear stress.
A typical parallel-plate flow chamber consists of a polycarbonate distributor, a silicon gasket, and a glass coverslip. The distributor, forming one side of the parallel-plate flow chamber, includes inlet port, outlet port, and a vacuum slot. The thickness of the gasket determines the height of the flow path. The glass coverslip forms another side of the parallel-plate flow chamber and can be coated with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, vascular cells, or biomaterials of interest. A vacuum forms a seal to hold these three parts and ensures a uniform channel height.Typically, the fluid enters one side of the chamber and leaves from an opposite side. The upper plate is usually transparent while the bottom is a prepared surface on which the cells have been cultured for a predetermined period. Cell behavior is viewed with either transmitted or reflective light microscope.

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  1. C

    Electric Field and two parallel plate capacitors

    If you have two parallel plate capacitors side by side and the electric field in one is constant. If you vary the electric field in the other, will it interfere with the electric field that was constant?
  2. D

    Energy input for Parallel Plate Capacitors

    I'm supposed to show that while a capacitor is being charged, the energy flows into the region between the plates at the same rate as the electrostatic energy in the capacitor increases. I'm not sure exactly what is being asked of me... are there formulae for these? I feel stupid.
  3. F

    Electromagnetics - Parallel Plate Capacitor [so stuck ]

    I'm stuck. Here's the question, Q: The upper and lower conducting plates of a large parallel-plate capacitor are separated by a distance d and maintained at potentials V_0 and 0 , respectively. A dielectric slab of dielectric constant 6.0 and uniform thickness 0.8d is placed over the...
  4. P

    The Parallel Plate Capacitor and Gauss Law

    Hi Can anyone please explain Gauss Law in simple terms for me? I really don't understand the electric flux and formulas in this law. My book is very short on explaining this law.
  5. P

    The Parallel Plate Capacitor and Gauss Law?

    The Parallel Plate Capacitor and Gauss Law? Hi I really do not understand these two things. I read like every single book on this things but still am a lot confused about these two concepts. Can anyone explain me in the most simplest terms of all? I would really appreciate that. What is this...
  6. M

    Parallel plate capacitor capcitance question?

    I know that the capacitance is depended on area and distance etc etc. However, can someone explain to me the statement that as the area increases the, Elctrical field decreases. C would increase because of the area, and V would decrease because of the E, so for this scenario would the charge...
  7. P

    Calculation involving Parallel Plate Capacitor

    Hi, I've a problem with this question and I'm not sure if I've worked it out correctly. This is the question: The membrane that surrounds a certain type of living cell has a surface area of 5.0 mm2 and a thickness of 10 nm. Assume that the membrane behaves like a parallel plate capacitor...
  8. A

    Charging a parallel plate capacitor

    Hi guys, I've been reading the forums and finally I have something to post :smile: I've got a question regarding charging parallel plate capacitors. Take this for example: Connect a 6 Volt power supply to a resistor of 2Mohm and in series with a 15uF capacitor initially uncharged, with...
  9. T

    Parallel Plate Capacitor and distance

    I'm going through my book and one of the Example exercises has the following problem: Two plates, each of area 3X10^-4 m^2 are used to construc a parallel-plate capacitor with capacitance 1 pF. (a) Find the necessary separation distance. Seems pretty obvious right? C = Eo(A/d) So, I...
  10. P

    Parallel plate capacitor problem

    A capacitor is constructed from 2 square metal plates. A dielectric k= 4.93 fills the upper half of the capacitor and a dielectric k=10 fills the lower half of the capacitor. Neglect edge effects. The plate are separated by a distance of 0.37 mm and the length of the plates is 27 cm. Calculate...
  11. P

    Parallel plate capacitor electric charge

    Consider an air filled parallel plate capacitor with plate area A and gap width d. The plate charge is Q. The total energy stored in the capacitor is given by U= Q^2 *d /2 E_o A. With the battery connected, fill the gap by a slab with the dielectric constant k. Given : E= 70 V, k= 3.8, d=0.8 mm...
  12. Reshma

    Magnetic field for parallel plate capacitors

    From Griffiths again! A large parallel plate capacitor with uniform surface charge \sigma on upper plate and -\sigma on lower is moving with a constant speed v. Q1]Find the magnetic field between the plates and also above and below them. My work: For a surface charge distribution: \vec K =...
  13. S

    Electric field & Parallel plate Capacitor

    Question When a nerve impulse propagates along a nerve cell, the electric field within the cell membrane changes from 7.0 x 10^5 N/C (pointing in one direction) to 3.0 x 10^5 N/C (pointing in the other direction). By approximating the cell membrane as a parallel-plate capicator, find the...
  14. S

    Measuring Dielectric Constants of Materials in a Parallel Plate Capacitor

    I wanted to find the dielectric constant of different materials placed in a parallel plate capacitor using the equation: K = \frac{E_{dielectric}}{E_{original}} Where E = \frac{V}{d} I would use sensors connected to a computer to measure the voltage and i could easily measure the...
  15. M

    How Does a Charged Ball in Equilibrium Calculate the Charge on Capacitor Plates?

    A small plastic ball of mass 6.70×10-3 kg and charge +.0150 uC is suspended from an insulating thread and hangs between the plates of a capacitor. The ball is in equilibrium, with the thread making an angle of 30.0° with respect to the vertical. The area of each plate is 0.0200 m^2. What is the...
  16. X

    Electric Field and Energy of Parallel Plate Capacitor

    A parallel plate capictor with a plate area of 1.8 m^2 and a separation of 0.1 mm is charged to 200V. a. what is the electric field bwt. the plates? b. what is the energy/unit volume in the space between the plates? c. Find the capacitance C d. Calculate the total energy stored in this...
  17. maverick280857

    Simple Harmonic Motion of a Dielectric Slab in a Parallel Plate Capacitor

    Hello Here's a situation I would like to discuss... Suppose we have an ideal parallel plate capacitor which is filled with air (or vacuum) with permittivity = 1. Now if a dielectric slab of width equal to the space (d) between the plates is inserted into the space between the plates, it...
  18. J

    Struggling with Parallel Plate Capacitor Concepts?

    Hello Everybody, How are you? Could anyone please help me with this Parallel Plate Capacitor Problem, Here is the Question in detail Click on the link for a detailed explanation of the question: This is a...
  19. M

    Energy of parallel plate capacitor problem

    Hi, I have trouble on the following problem: Given a parallel plate capacitor, fixed area A, and fixed separation d. Find the energy stored, before and after insertion of a slab of dielectric, which completely fills the space between plates, for each of the two cases: a) Plates are...
  20. V

    Electron in a parallel plate capacitor - finding plate's magnitude

    The drawing shows an electron entering the lower left side of a parallel plate capacitor and exiting at the upper right side. The initial speed of the electron is 7.00×106 m/s. The capacitor is 2.00 cm long, and its plates are separated by 0.150 cm. Assume that the electric field between the...
  21. N

    HELP Parallel plate Capacitors

    Here's the question. The drawing (attached) shows an electron entering the lower left side of a parallel plate capacitor and exiting at the upper right side. The inital speed of the electron is 7.00x 10^6m/s. The capacitor is 2.00cm long, and its plates are separated by 0.150cm. Assume that...
  22. F

    Calculating Charge Distribution in a Parallel Plate Capacitor

    A small plastic ball of mass 6.95×10-3 kg and charge +0.11 mC is suspended from an insulating thread and hangs between the plates of a capacitor. The ball is in equilibrium, with the thread making an angle of 30.0° with respect to the vertical. The area of each plate is 0.0152 m2. What is the...
  23. S

    Parallel Plate Capacitor and Dielectrics

    I have a lab to do tomorrow with this topic. Just wondering if anyone can tell me a brief summary of what this is about and what I should be looking to accomplish/learn
  24. B

    Field momentum inside a parallel plate capacitor

    The system is a parallel plate capacitor, top plate has charge density sigma, bottom play has charge density -sigma. I'm looking for the "field momentum" inside the cubic volume Omega shown in the picture. My book (Griffiths) is a little unclear on exactly what this is, and seems to be...
  25. meister

    Electrical Field of a Parallel Plate Capacitor

    Just going through some review questions and wanted to clear up some questions I had. I figure you guys like showing off how smart you are. First Question: Consider the parallel plate capacitor classroom demonstration. A. Write a mathematical expression for Gauss' Law. Describe the meaning...