Partial Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, a partial derivative of a function of several variables is its derivative with respect to one of those variables, with the others held constant (as opposed to the total derivative, in which all variables are allowed to vary). Partial derivatives are used in vector calculus and differential geometry.
The partial derivative of a function



{\displaystyle f(x,y,\dots )}
with respect to the variable


{\displaystyle x}
is variously denoted by





















{\displaystyle f'_{x},f_{x},\partial _{x}f,\ D_{x}f,D_{1}f,{\frac {\partial }{\partial x}}f,{\text{ or }}{\frac {\partial f}{\partial x}}.}
Sometimes, for



{\displaystyle z=f(x,y,\ldots ),}
the partial derivative of


{\displaystyle z}
with respect to


{\displaystyle x}
is denoted as




{\displaystyle {\tfrac {\partial z}{\partial x}}.}
Since a partial derivative generally has the same arguments as the original function, its functional dependence is sometimes explicitly signified by the notation, such as in:









{\displaystyle f_{x}(x,y,\ldots ),{\frac {\partial f}{\partial x}}(x,y,\ldots ).}
The symbol used to denote partial derivatives is ∂. One of the first known uses of this symbol in mathematics is by Marquis de Condorcet from 1770, who used it for partial differences. The modern partial derivative notation was created by Adrien-Marie Legendre (1786) (although he later abandoned it, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi reintroduced the symbol in 1841).

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  1. MathematicalPhysicist

    Partial derivatives (question I am grading).

    We have a function f:R^2->R and it has partial derivative of 2nd order. Show that f_{xy}=0 \forall (x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^2 \Leftrightarrow f(x,y)=g(x)+h(y) The <= is self explanatory, the => I am not sure I got the right reasoning. I mean we know that from the above we have: f_x=F(x) (it's...
  2. R

    Partial fraction decomposition

    Homework Statement \frac{2e^3}{((s^2)-6s+9)*s^3} you can factorize the denominator into s,s,s,(s-3),(s-3) that gives you 5 residuals. the first 3 should all be the same value but that's apparently not correct, so where am I going wrong?
  3. N

    Basic partial differentiation help (needs checking)

    Homework Statement given z=yf(x^2-y^2) show that the x(∂z/∂y)+y(∂z/∂x)=xz/y The Attempt at a Solution cut it short, my ∂z/∂y= f(x^2-y^2)-2(y^2)f(x^2-y^2) ∂z/∂x=2xyf(x^2-y^2) i was able to prove that x(∂z/∂y)+y(∂z/∂x)=xz/y But i need help with partial differentiations...
  4. T

    Help With Partial Fraction Decomposition

    Homework Statement I'm supposed to decompose 1 / x(x2 + 1)2 Also, we haven't learned matrices yet so I can't use that technique to solve it. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution 1 / x(x2 + 1)2 = A/x + (Bx + C) / (x2 + 1) + (Dx + E) / (x2 + 1)2 I multiplied...
  5. M

    Closed Form for nth Partial Sum of a Geometric Series

    Homework Statement Find a closed form for the nth partial sum, and determine whether the series converges by calculating the limit of the nth partial sum. 1. 2+2/5 + 2/25+...2/5k-1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution What I did was I found out it was a geometric...
  6. K

    Partial Derivatives of an Integral

    Homework Statement Find the partial derivatives: f(x,y)= integral[x,y] cos(t^2)dt, find f_x(x,y) and f_y(x,y) Homework Equations I know from calculus that the derivative of an integral is the function. The Attempt at a Solution I found that the integral of [x to y]...
  7. F

    Electric Field via partial derivative

    Homework Statement The electric potential in a certain region of space is given by: V(x,y,z) = 1000x-2000y-1500z(Volts). a.)Find the electric field corresponding to the given electric potential. Draw some electric field lines. b.) What charge distribution can create this electric field? Give...
  8. B

    Urgent Response Needed: Can Partial Means Predict a Regression Line?

    urgent reply needed Can we use partial means as a predictor for the response while fitting a regression line or curve?.
  9. F

    Inverse Fourier, can't factor denominator, can't use partial frac.

    Homework Statement Inverse Fourier of: [ jω+2 ] / [ (jω)2 +5jω+9 ] where j = sqrt(-1) I tried using partial fractions but the denominator can't be factored...I tried completing the square on the denominator but I get a sum of squares. What can I try? I am sure I don't have to use the formal...
  10. J

    Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions

    Homework Statement ∫(x3+4)/(x2+4)dx Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a Solution I know I have to do long division before I can break this one up into partial fractions. So I x3+4 by x2+4 and got x with a remainder of -4x+4 to be written as x+(4-4x/x2+4). Then I rewrote...
  11. S

    Show that (product of these three partial derivatives) = -1.

    Homework Statement The question is attached along with its solution. Homework Equations Partial differentiation and the implicit function theorem. The Attempt at a Solution My work is attached. I feel it's correct but is it incomplete? I have the following questions/confusions...
  12. F

    Determining phase of resultant from partial interference of waves

    When you have waves that are out of phase by some fraction of a cycle, e.g not exactly in phase and not exactly 180 degrees anti-phase, how do you determine the phase (relative to the original component waveforms) of the resultant? Specifically, is there an equation that solves for phase...
  13. S

    Easy second order partial derivative

    Hello Experts I have a simple question. Given V as the function of Z and Y, Given Z as the function of R and L, Z=R+s*L Given Y as the function of G and C, Y=G+s*C Assume we also know \frac{\partial V}{\partial Z} and \frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial Z \partial Y} If we want to know...
  14. P

    Converting partial derivative to ordinary in an integral

    Hi, I find my professor doing this a lot of times, here is it: ∫{ ∂(f[x])/∂x } dx = ∫d(f[x]) How is that possible?
  15. fluidistic

    Deriving Relations for Partial Derivatives in a System of Four Variables

    Homework Statement Given 4 state variables x, y, z and w such that F(x,y,z)=0 and w depends on 2 of the other variables, show the following relations: 1)\left ( \frac{\partial x }{\partial y } \right ) _z = \frac{1}{\left ( \frac{\partial y }{\partial x } \right ) _z} 2)\left (...
  16. A

    Proving the multiverse theory through partial differential equations

    Can this be done? If so, how can I go about doing so? This is merely a potential science fair idea for 2013.
  17. S

    Partial Fractions: Integrating a Problem

    Homework Statement We were given a worksheet to integrate some problems using partial fractions. This one however I cannot figure out what to do with it. This is the problem. ∫(x3-4x2+x+6)/(x2-x+2) dx The Attempt at a Solution using long division i got ∫(x-3) (-4(x-3)/(x2-x+2) dx...
  18. P

    Computing partial (conditional) correlation

    I wanted to compute the conditional pearson correlation (CPC). First, I wanted to make sure if it is OK to use the absolute pearson correlations in the computation of CPC. Becuase I think only the strength of pairwise correlations should be considered in computing CPC, and not the sign. Second...
  19. O

    Partial Derivative Calculations for 2xy + 4yz + 5xz with Chain Rule

    Homework Statement w = 2xy + 4yz + 5xz x = st y = 3^(st) z = t^2 s=5 t=1 Homework Equations Chain rule: xy = x*y' + y*x' The Attempt at a Solution w = 2stest + 4test + 5st3 (partial derivatives) dw/dt = 2s2test + 2sest + 4tsst + 4est + 15st2 (partial derivatives) dw/dt (5,1) = 2(5)2e5 +...
  20. D

    MHB Partial Fraction Decomposition of Complex Fractions

    $$ \frac{1}{z^2(1-z)} = \frac{A}{z^2}+\frac{B}{1-z} $$I can't figure out how to decompose this fraction.
  21. B

    Solving for ∂z/∂x: Partial Derivatives Confusion

    Homework Statement In the steps below, the ∂z/∂x does not seem to be obeying normal algebraic rules. I'm confused. This is not really a problem, I'm just trying to understand the steps. The Attempt at a Solution 1. 3z2∂z/∂x - y + y∂z/∂x = 0 2. ∂z/∂x = y/(y + 3z2) if ∂z/∂x were...
  22. B

    I'm confused about the consistency of partial derivatives

    If you have a function f(x,y)=xy where y is a function of x, say y=x^2 then the partial derivative of f with respect to x is \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=y However, if you substitute in y and express f as f(x)=x^3 then the partial derivative is \frac{\partial...
  23. S

    Showing that a partial derivative equation holds

    Homework Statement The question is attached as Question.jpg. Homework Equations Partial differentiation. The Attempt at a Solution This seems obvious to me but I don't know how to express myself mathematically. Basically, what I'd do is: [∂(u,v)/∂(x,y)] [∂(x,y)/∂(r,s)] =...
  24. B

    Partial derivatives and power rule

    Homework Statement ∂f/∂x (xy -1)2 = 2y(xy-1) The Attempt at a Solution I would think the answer would be 2(xy-1) I don't understand where the y comes from in 2y
  25. O

    Finding the output of a derivative using integration by partial fractions

    Homework Statement If f is a quadratic function such that f(0) = 1 and \int \frac{f(x)}{x^2(x+1)^3}dx is a rational function, find the value of f '(0). Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution This question is presented in the context of learning about integration by...
  26. B

    Confusion with Partial Derivatives: Why does y disappear? | Explained

    Homework Statement I don't understand why ∂f/∂x = xy = y whereas ∂f/∂x = x2 + y2 = 2x Why does the y disappear in the second but not in the first?
  27. W

    Partial derivative of a single variable function

    So I don't understand why if you have something like U(x,y) = f(y+2x) and you take \frac{\partial U}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} you get \frac{df}{d(y+2x)} * \frac{d(y+2x)}{dx} Why does the partial derivative just change to the total derivative for one variable? It...
  28. T

    Partial derivative of fx(x,y)= x^7 + 2^y + x^y with respect to x

    Homework Statement I can't seem to find information on this specific question i have. So I'm taking the partial derivative of this equation for both x and y I know how to do it for y, but I am not seeing something with respect to x fx(x,y)= x^7 + 2^y + x^y Homework Equations The Attempt at...
  29. D

    RElation of partial differential operator and Basis vector

    Hi everyone: How is the following derived? Just for example: \Deltax\alphae\alpha=\Deltax\alpha(\delta/\deltax\alpha) does it not mean? e\alpha=\delta/\deltax\alpha But How?
  30. Roodles01

    Evalute partial diff with values of x&y

    Have worked through to get some sort of answer, but find the evaluation (simplest bit) impossible - wood for trees, I think. given d2(e^(xy^2)/dy^2 I need to evaluate for x=2, y=0 now using chain rule d(e^(xy^2))/dy = d(e^u)/du du/dy where u=xy^2 & d(e^u)/du = e^u => x(2y) e^(xy^2) fine...
  31. K

    Are You on the Right Track with Separation of Variables for PDEs?

    Homework Statement This is the first problem of the two. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Using separation of variables, I end up with T'(t)= -λKT(t) and X''(x)+(β/K)X'(x)/X(x)= -λ. At first I chose the negative lambda because I saw that U(0,t) and U(L,t) needed to oscillate...
  32. teroenza

    Finding Formula for partial sums of series.

    Homework Statement I have the series 1^3+2^3+3^3...n^3, and need to find a formula containing n to represent the sum of the nth terms. The motivation is to find a conjecture, which I can then prove using mathematical induction. The Attempt at a Solution I see that n=1 , 1^3=1...
  33. Y

    Stuck on proof regarding partial derivatives

    Homework Statement Suppose the function f:R^2→R has 1st order partial derivatives and that δf(x,y)/δx = δf(x,y)/δy = 0 for all (x,y) in R^2. Prove that f is constant; there exists c such that f(x,y) = c for all (x,y) in R. There's a hint as well: First show that the restriction of...
  34. D

    How much gas is released given partial pressure

    Homework Statement The solubility of N2 in blood at 37 degree and at a partial pressure of 0.8 atm is 5.6 x 10-4 mol/L? a deep sea diver breathes compressed air with the partial pressure of N2 equal to 4 atm. Assume that the total volume of blood in the body is 5 L. Calculate the amount of N2...
  35. K

    Mathematica partial differentiation weirdness

    I am checking my homework with mathematica, but sometimes when I write stuff like D[(x/((x^2 - y^2)^0.5)), y] , which is supposed to give me the partial derivative of x/((x^2 - y^2)^0.5) with respect to y, i get answer like: (1. x y)/(x^2 - y^2)^1.5 which is right, except for the...
  36. T

    Partial Derivatives of Vectors and Gradients

    I was reading a section on vector fields and realized I am confused about how to take partials of vector quantities. If V(x,y)= yi -xj, I don't understand why the \partialx= y and the \partialy= -x. The problem is showing why the previous equation is not a gradient vector field (because the...
  37. F

    Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions

    Homework Statement Evaluate the integral. (Remember to use ln |u| where appropriate.) ∫(x^3 + 36)/(x^2 + 36) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution A little bit confused about arriving at the solution for this problem. I get stuck a little ways in. Any help would be...
  38. M

    What are the partial pressures of H2, Br2, and HBr at equilibrium?

    Homework Statement at 1000K, Kp=1.2*10^6 and Delta H = -101.7 kJ for the reaction H2(g)+ Br2(g) <-->2HBr. A 0.952 mol quantity of Br2 is added to a 1.00L reaction vessel that contains 1.25 mol of H2 gas at 1000K . What are the partial pressures of H2 ,Br2 ,HBr and at equilibrium?Homework...
  39. B

    MHB Partial derivatives economics question

    If a and b are constants, compute the expression KY'(K) + LY'(L) for Y = AK^a + BL^a Y'(K) means partial derivative with respect to K by the way. The answer in the book is KY'(K) + LY'(L) = aY I'm not sure what they did or what they're asking :/
  40. jinksys

    Partial Fraction Decomp with a constant

    This is throwing me through so many loops. I have the equation 1/(x^3 + xa^2). I can not for the life of me decompose this equation. I use 1(x^3 + xa^2) = A/x + (Bx + C)/(v^2+a^2) I can get A=1/a^2, but from there progress stops. All examples on the internet and books only have...
  41. S

    Partial differentiation question. Would all three methods work?

    I'm attaching the question and solution. I'm talking about the first part since the second part is the same just with different variables and stuff. I get what the solution is saying but: 1) What if I computed a Jacobian, with F = x^2 + xy + y^2 - z = 0 G = 2r + s - x = 0 H = r - 2s - y...
  42. K

    What is the Partial Derivation Question in Mary Boas's Book?

    From Mary Boas's book, chapter 4. Z = x^3 -e^xy 1- Z(x) = 3x^2 y - ye^xy make sense according to derivation rule d(e^u)/dx = e^u.u` 2-Z(y) = 3^x - xe^xy make sense too. 3-Z(y)x)) = 3x^2 - e^xy - xye^xy where e^xy came from ?? Thank you.
  43. M

    Second-Order Partial Derivative of a Parametric Function

    The problem is from an online homework assignment. I know it's probably fairly simple, but my brain isn't grasping it right now for some reason.[The Problem] We know: r(t) = <3t2 - 8t + 3, -9t2 + 2t + 7> And we are asked to find d2y/dx2.[Background Information] My understanding of d2y/dx2...
  44. E

    Is There a General Formula for this Partial Fraction Function?

    Hello, Is there any general formula for the partial fraction of the following function: \frac{1}{(ax_1+1)(ax_2+1)\cdots (ax_L+1)} I can work for L=3, but it get involved for larger L! Thanks in advance
  45. MathWarrior

    Seperable Differential Equation Invovling Partial Fractions

    y' = (3+y)(1-y) y(0) = 2 Attempt to solve: \frac{dy}{dx}=(3+y)(1-y) (3+y)(1-y)dy = dx \int(3+y)(1-y)dy = \int dx Partial Fractions: \frac{A}{(3+y)} + \frac{B}{(1-y)} A(1-y)+B(3+y) Let y= 1 or -3 A = 1/4 B = 1/4 \frac{1}{4}\int \frac{1}{(3+y)} dy + \frac{1}{4}\int...
  46. xortan

    How to Approach Proving a Partial Derivative Homework Problem?

    Homework Statement I have attached a picture of the problem. The question is the first one. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I tried subbing u and v into the right hand side of the equation. I expanded and simplified but I do not think that is the right way to go...
  47. B

    Integration by partial fraction problem (∫dx/x(x^2 + 4)^2)

    Homework Statement I came across a problem that I can't solve and it is ∫dx/x(x^2 + 4)^2 Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution So I'm pretty sure this is to be solved by partial fraction since I am on a chapter on Integration by partial fraction. so I started with...
  48. S

    I'm having major difficulties with partial differentiation using the chain rule

    This is another problem than I've been stuck on for a long time and I tried reading and watching videos but I only find first order partial differentiation with more than two variables or higher order partial differentiation with only two variables. (I'm not calling f a variable but I am calling...
  49. A

    How to integrate partial differential eqn

    Homework Statement im not sure the elegant way to put it, i need to integrate this somehow (ie, throw over the dt and integrate each side) but that squared is really tripping me up. is there a trick i should be using? -g(cos(x))=r(dx/dt)^2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  50. S

    I can't seem to do this with partial fractions

    Homework Statement \frac{x}{(x+4)^{2}} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I make the integrand equal to the following: \frac{A}{(x+4)}+\frac{Bx+C}{(x+4)^{2}} Then after finding a common denominator I get x = A(x+4)^{2}+(Bx+C)(x+4) But that cannot be...