Partial Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, a partial derivative of a function of several variables is its derivative with respect to one of those variables, with the others held constant (as opposed to the total derivative, in which all variables are allowed to vary). Partial derivatives are used in vector calculus and differential geometry.
The partial derivative of a function



{\displaystyle f(x,y,\dots )}
with respect to the variable


{\displaystyle x}
is variously denoted by





















{\displaystyle f'_{x},f_{x},\partial _{x}f,\ D_{x}f,D_{1}f,{\frac {\partial }{\partial x}}f,{\text{ or }}{\frac {\partial f}{\partial x}}.}
Sometimes, for



{\displaystyle z=f(x,y,\ldots ),}
the partial derivative of


{\displaystyle z}
with respect to


{\displaystyle x}
is denoted as




{\displaystyle {\tfrac {\partial z}{\partial x}}.}
Since a partial derivative generally has the same arguments as the original function, its functional dependence is sometimes explicitly signified by the notation, such as in:









{\displaystyle f_{x}(x,y,\ldots ),{\frac {\partial f}{\partial x}}(x,y,\ldots ).}
The symbol used to denote partial derivatives is ∂. One of the first known uses of this symbol in mathematics is by Marquis de Condorcet from 1770, who used it for partial differences. The modern partial derivative notation was created by Adrien-Marie Legendre (1786) (although he later abandoned it, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi reintroduced the symbol in 1841).

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  1. opus

    Partial Fraction Decomposition

    Homework Statement Find the partial fraction decomposition for: ##\frac{1}{\left(x^2-1\right)^2}## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Please see my attached images. I think the image shows my thought process better and it would take me well over an hour to type all that out! Im...
  2. opus

    B Partial Fraction Decomposition - "Telescoping sum"

    There is a problem in a PreCalculus book that I'm going over that states: Express the sum ##\frac{1}{2⋅3}+\frac{1}{3⋅4}+\frac{1}{4⋅5}+...+\frac{1}{2019⋅2020}## as a fraction of whole numbers in lowest terms. It goes on to state that each term in the sum is of the form...
  3. G

    Calculus Ordinary and partial differential equations

    Hi, I'm attempting to learn differential equations on my own. Does anyone recommended a textbook that comes with/has a solution manual? I learn faster when I can see a problem worked out if I can't solve it. Thanks.
  4. Boltzman Oscillation

    Solving Partial Differential Equations with Substitution

    Homework Statement Hello I am given the equation: ut - 2uxx = u I was given other equations (boundary, eigenvalue equations) but i don't think I need that to solve this first part: The book says to get rid of the zeroth order term by substituting u = exp(t)V(x,t). I tried to but I can't find...
  5. sams

    A Partial Differentiation in Lagrange's Equations

    In Section 7.6 - Equivalence of Lagrange's and Newton's Equations in the Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems book by Thornton and Marion, pages 255 and 256, introduces the following transformation from the xi-coordinates to the generalized coordinates qj in Equation (7.99): My...
  6. dRic2

    Dalton's law of partial pressure

    Does anyone know a rigorous proof for Dalton's law ? I think I saw it once, but I can not find it again anywhere. Thanks Ric
  7. M

    I What is the solution to the heat equation with a constant added?

    I have seen how to solve the heat equation: $$ \frac{ \partial^2 u(x,t) }{\partial x^2} = k^2 \frac{ \partial u(x,t) }{\partial t} $$ With boundary conditions. I use separation variables to find the result, but i don't know how to solve the equation plus a...
  8. Peter Alexander

    Solving Second Order Partial Derivative By Changing Variable

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data Given is a second order partial differential equation $$u_{xx} + 2u_{xy} + u_{yy}=0$$ which should be solved with change of variables, namely ##t = x## and ##z = x-y##. Homework Equations Chain rule $$\frac{dz}{dx} = \frac{dz}{dy}...
  9. J

    Partial Differential Equation with square roots

    <Moderator's note: Moved from a technical forum and thus no template.> Hi everyone, I have encountered a partial differential equation with square roots which I don't have a clue in solving it. After letting z=F(x)+G(y), I can't really figure out the next step. I tried squaring both sides but...
  10. Peter Alexander

    Solving Partial Differential Equation

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data Task requires you to solve a partial differential equation $$u_{xy}=2yu_x$$ for ##u(x,y)##. A hint is given that a partial differential equation can be solved in terms of ordinary differential equations. According to the solution...
  11. MarkFL

    MHB Can the Partial Sum of a Difficult Series be Solved with Induction?

    Hello MHB! (Wave) A young man in high school I know has been essentially tasked with finding the following partial sum: S=\sum_{k=0}^{n}\left(\frac{2^k}{3^{2^k}+1}\right) I honestly have no idea how to proceed, and I am hoping someone here can provide some insight. (Star)
  12. Jeviah

    How to get the third value (A), using partial fractions

    Homework Statement y(w)= 3/(iw-1)^2(-4+iw) Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution 3/(iw-1)^2(-4+iw) = A/iw-1 + B/(iw-1)^2 + C/-4+iw for B iw = 1 B=3/-4+1 = -1 for C iw = 4 C= 3/(4-1)^2 = 1/3 I know the answer for A should be -1/3 however I am unsure how to obtain this as if the...
  13. A

    I Partial derivatives in thermodynamics

    So, I'm now studying thermodynamics and our teacher proved some time ago the following mathematical result: If f(x,y,z)=0, then (∂x/∂y)z=1/(∂y/∂x)z But today he used this relation for a function of four variables. Does this result still hold, because I'm not really sure how to prove it. If...
  14. C

    Partial derivative w.r.t. another partial derivative

    Homework Statement Given $$L = \left(\nabla\phi + \dot{\textbf{A}}\right)^2 ,$$ how do you calculate $$\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial(\partial\phi / \partial x)}\right)?$$ Homework Equations By summing over the x, y, and z derivatives, the answer is supposed to...
  15. L

    MHB Level Curves and Partial Derivatives

    Hello everyone, I am trying to solve this wee problem regarding partial derivatives, and not sure how to do so. The following image shows level curves of some function \[z=f(x,y)\] : I need to determine whether the following partial derivatives are positive or negative at the point P...
  16. F

    I Why Can't x/(x+1)^2 Be Split Like x/((x+1)(x+2))?

    im a bit confused about partial fractions If we have something like x/((x+1)(x+2)) we could decompose it into a/(x+1) +b/(x+2) If we had something like x/(x+1)^2 we could decompose it into a/(x+1) + b/(x+1)^2 We use a different procedure when there is a square in part of the polynomial in...
  17. S

    B Does a partial solar eclipse never completely rise?

    It seems that a partial solar eclipse is one in which the eclipse circle never completely rises, and it essentially is only a sunrise or sunset eclipse, with the point at which it goes from sunrise to sunset being that location in the polar region where the eclipse is at "high noon" but which it...
  18. Voq

    I Why do we use ∂ in partial differentiation for multiple variables?

    Why we write differently d in partial derivation differentiation? Is it because of several variables? Edited by mentor -- the action of finding a derivative is called differentiation.
  19. J

    Can total lunar eclipse and partial lunar eclipse happen at the same time?

    Can total lunar eclipse and partial lunar eclipse be happened at the same time? So, do we call it partial lunar eclipse when the total lunar eclipse happen just before?
  20. Math Amateur

    MHB Directional and Partial Derivatives ....Notation .... D&K ....

    I am reading "Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation" by J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk ... I am focused on Chapter 2: Differentiation ... ... I need help with an aspect of D&K's notation for directional and partial derivatives ... ... D&K's definition of directional and...
  21. Math Amateur

    I Directional and Partial Derivatives ....Notation .... D&K ...

    I am reading "Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation" by J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk ... I am focused on Chapter 2: Differentiation ... ... I need help with an aspect of D&K's notation for directional and partial derivatives ... ... D&K's definition of directional and...
  22. Casper Hansen

    Partial discharge material limiting values

    Hi PF According to IEC 60885-2 and IEC 60270 the acceptance criteria in partial discharge (PD) measurements on high voltage cable insulation state that PD level should be below (< 5 pC). The insulation material that is refereed to is often XLPE which is a sensitive insulation to PD. Other...
  23. Math Amateur

    MHB Help with D&K Proposition 2.3.2: Directional & Partial Derivatives

    I am reading "Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation" by J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk ... I am focused on Chapter 2: Differentiation ... ... I need help with another aspect of the proof of Proposition 2.3.2 ... ... Duistermaat and Kolk's Proposition 2.3.2 and its proof read...
  24. Math Amateur

    I Directional and Partial Derivatives .... Another Question ....

    I am reading "Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation" by J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk ... I am focused on Chapter 2: Differentiation ... ... I need help with another aspect of the proof of Proposition 2.3.2 ... ... Duistermaat and Kolk's Proposition 2.3.2 and its proof read...
  25. Math Amateur

    MHB Multivariable Analysis .... Directional and Partial Derivatives .... D&K Propostion 2.3.3 ....

    I am reading "Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation" by J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk ... I am focused on Chapter 2: Differentiation ... ... I need help with an aspect of the proof of Proposition 2.3.2 ... ... Duistermaat and Kolk's Proposition 2.3.2 and its proof read as...
  26. Math Amateur

    I Multivariable Analysis .... Directional & Partial Derivatives

    I am reading "Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation" by J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk ... I am focused on Chapter 2: Differentiation ... ... I need help with an aspect of the proof of Proposition 2.3.2 ... ... Duistermaat and Kolk's Proposition 2.3.2 and its proof read as...
  27. Math Amateur

    MHB How Does One Derive Kantorovitz's Proposition on Pages 61-62?

    Existence of Partial Derivatives and Continuity ... Kantorovitz's Proposition pages 61-62 ... I am reading the book "Several Real Variables" by Shmuel Kantorovitz ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 2: Derivation ... ... I need help with another element of the proof of Kantorovitz's...
  28. Math Amateur

    I Existence of Partial Derivatives and Continuity ....

    I am reading the book "Several Real Variables" by Shmuel Kantorovitz ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 2: Derivation ... ... I need help with another element of the proof of Kantorovitz's Proposition on pages 61-62 ... Kantorovitz's Proposition on pages 61-62 reads as follows: In the...
  29. Math Amateur

    I Directional & Partial Derivatives .... working from the definition

    I am reading the book "Several Real Variables" by Shmuel Kantorovitz ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 2: Derivation ... ... I need help with an element of the proof of Kantorovitz's Proposition on pages 61-62 ... Kantorovitz's Proposition on pages 61-62 reads as follows: I am...
  30. Math Amateur

    MHB Directional and Partial Derivatives .... working from the definitions ....

    I am reading the book "Several Real Variables" by Shmuel Kantorovitz ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 2: Derivation ... ... I need help with an element of the proof of Kantorovitz's Proposition on pages 61-62 ... Kantorovitz's Proposition on pages 61-62 reads as...
  31. ertagon2

    MHB Integration by parts, Partial fraction expansion, Improper Integrals

    - check if right check if right Now, 2 seems to be the right answer for A yet when i made x=5 and subtracted new form form the old one I got a difference of ~$\frac{4}{9}$ (should be 0 obviously) I got A=2 B=$\frac{45}{21}$ C=2 How to calculate $\lim_{{x}\to{\infty}}(- e^{-x})$
  32. Euler2718

    Limit of Partial Sums involving Summation of a Product

    Homework Statement Show that the sequence of partial sums s_{n} = 1+\sum_{i=1}^{n} \left(\prod_{k=1}^{i}\left( \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{k}\right)\right) converges, with n\in \mathbb{N}\cup \{0\} Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] So we want to find \lim_{n\to\infty} s_{n} =...
  33. C

    MHB Partial Volume of a Cylinder Calculation

    It's been a long time since I've attended school, over 33 years ago. So my question may seem basic to many here. I wish to calculate the partial volume of a cylinder for my excel spreadsheet project. The formula I've found is attached. (unable to type it) But I do not fully understand this...
  34. nomadreid

    How can a partial dopamine agonist block dopamine pathway

    I am looking into Aripiprazole. I am not a medical professional. I am confused by the descriptions of it in Wikipedia: (a) It is a partial dopamine agonist; i.e., it acts like dopamine to stimulate nerve cells, and (b) It is an atypical antipsychotic, i.e., it blocks dopamine (and serotonin)...
  35. pairofstrings

    Class, Interface, Abstract, Static, Partial, Sealed

    Hi. What do I call Instance Classes, Interface, Abstract Classes, Partial Classes, Static Class, Sealed Class collectively? Thanks.
  36. C

    MHB Can you explain how the law of logic was used to reach this conclusion?

    New to set and graph theory and need help on how to approach these exercise questions: For each of the following relations, state whether the relation is: i) reflexive ii) irreflexive iii) symmetric iv) anti-symmetric v) transitive Also state whether the relation is an equivalence or partial...
  37. J

    B Product rule OR Partial differentiation

    I have a very basic knowledge of calculus of one variable . In the chapter on heat and thermodynamics , ideal gas law PV =nRT is given . Then the book says, differentiating you get PdV +VdP = nRdT . The book doesn't explain the differentiation step . I think , there are two ways to...
  38. A

    I Classification of First Order Linear Partial Differential Eq

    How can I classify a given first order partial differential equations? Are all first order linear PDEs hyperbolic? Quora Link:
  39. B

    A Difficult partial differential Problem

    Problem: $${\frac {\partial }{\partial t}}A\left( y,t \right) +6\,\Lambda\,\Omega\, \left( {y}^{2}-y \right) \sin \left( t \right) ={\frac {\partial ^{2}}{\partial {y}^{2}}}A \left( y,t \right)$$ $${\frac{\partial }{\partial y}}A \left( t,0 \right) ={\frac {\partial }{\partial y}}A \left( t,1...
  40. V

    Partial derivatives and thermodynamics

    Hi all. Suppose I have the ideal gas law $$P=\frac{RT}{v}$$If I'm asked about the partial derivative of P with respect to molar energy ##u##, I may think "derivative of P keeping other quantities (whatever those are) constant", so from the formula above I get $$\frac{\partial P}{\partial...
  41. pawlo392

    What Conditions Determine the Existence of These Mathematical Limits?

    Hello . I have problems with two exercises . 1.\lim_{t \to 0 } \frac{2v_1-t^2v_2^2}{|t| \sqrt{v_1^2+v_2^2} } Here, I have to write when this limit will be exist. 2.\lim_{(h,k) \to (0,0) } \frac{2hk}{(|h|^a+|k|^a) \cdot \sqrt{h^2+k^2} } Here, I have to write for which a \in \mathbb{R}_+ this...
  42. W

    Partial Pressures and Vapour Pressure

    Homework Statement Two systems in diffusive equilibrium have equal chemical potentials. We can use this fact to solve the following problem. We begin with a closed system consisting of a liquid such as water in diffusive equilibrium with its vapour. At the start, only the liquid and its vapour...
  43. Q

    Stuck on this integral (using partial fraction decomposition)

    Homework Statement \int\frac{x^2}{\sqrt{x^2+4}}dx Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a Solution Letting x=2tan\theta and dx=2sec^2\theta d\theta \int\frac{x^2}{\sqrt{x^2+4}}dx=\int\frac{4tan^2\theta}{\sqrt{4+4tan^2\theta}}2sec^2\theta d\theta=\int\frac{8tan^2\theta...
  44. D

    Partial derivative problem.... why is my answer wrong?

    Homework Statement The entire problem is in the attached picture. I have been checking and double checking for about an hour, found solutions online which agree with my solution, but I cannot find any answer beside -3.697 m/s which is marked wrong by the computer program. Homework Equations Is...
  45. Math Amateur

    MHB Antisymmetry & Partial Orderings - H&J Ch.2 Section 5 | Peter's Help

    I am reading "Introduction to Set Theory" (Third Edition, Revised and Expanded) by Karel Hrbacek and Thomas Jech (H&J) ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 2: Relations, Functions and Orderings; and, in particular on Section 5: Orderings I need some help with H&J's depiction of...
  46. Math Amateur

    MHB What are the properties of partial order relations according to J&W's book?

    I am reading the book: "Discovering Modern Set Theory. I The Basics" (AMS) by Winfried Just and Martin Weese. I am currently focused on Chapter 2 Partial Order Relations ... I need some help with Exercise 1(a) ... indeed, I have been unable to make a meaningful start on the exercise ... :(...
  47. L

    Finding the Expression for v Using Partial Integration

    Homework Statement For an analytic function, f(x+iy)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y),u is given by u=(3x^2) -(3y^2). The expression for v, considering K to be a constant is? Homework Equations δu/δx=δv/δy δu/δy=-δv/δx [/B] The Attempt at a Solution My attempt :- u=(3x^2) -(3y^2) δu/δx=6x &...
  48. G

    Boundary layer thickness in partial air vacuum

    How does low ambient pressure effect on the thickness of the boundary layer for given flow conditions of gas? In absolute vacuum the thickness of the boundary layer is 0 of course, but it seems that all the boundary layer thickness correlations use the Reynolds number, which doesn’t change much...
  49. R

    Definition of Momentum in terms of a partial derivative

    Dear Members, I was going through some video lecture (Quantum Mechanics) when I encountered a definition of momentum as shown in the attached picture. I do not understand how iota and ħ is ignored ? There are some negligible terms after plus sign. What are those ? In short how they have...
  50. Philosophaie

    I Partial Vector Derivative: Is This the Correct Derivative of B?

    Is this the correct partial derivative of B? ##\vec{B} = \frac{g \vec{r}}{4 \pi r^3}## ##\frac{\partial \vec B}{\partial r}## = ##-3\frac{g \vec{r}}{4 \pi r^4} + \frac{g}{4 \pi r^3 }(\frac{\partial r_r \hat r}{\partial r})##