Path Definition and 1000 Threads

In Western esotericism the Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path are the dichotomy between two opposing approaches to magic. This terminology is used in various groups involved in the occult and ceremonial magic. In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with malicious black magic or black shamanism, while the Right-Hand Path with benevolent white magic. Other occultists have criticised this definition, believing that the Left–Right dichotomy refers merely to different kinds of working and does not necessarily connote good or bad magical actions.In more recent definitions, which base themselves on the terms' origins in Indian Tantra, the Right-Hand Path (RHP, or Dakshinachara), is seen as a definition for those magical groups that follow specific ethical codes and adopt social convention, while the Left-Hand Path (LHP, or Vamamarga) adopts the opposite attitude, espousing the breaking of taboo and the abandoning of set morality. Some contemporary occultists, such as Peter J. Carroll, have stressed that both paths can be followed by a magical practitioner, as essentially they have the same goals.Another distinguishing characteristic separating the two is based upon the aim of the practitioner. Right-handed path practitioners tend to work towards ascending their soul towards ultimate union (or reunion) with the divine source, returning to heaven, allegorically alluded to as restoration or climbing back up the ladder after the "great fall". In Solomon's lesser key, they embrace the light and try to annihilate anything they regard as "dark" or "evil". On the other hand, left-handed path practitioners do not see this as the ultimate aim but a step towards their goal. Left-handed path practitioners embrace the dark as well as the light in order to invoke the alchemical formula solve et coagula ("dissolve and precipitate"), confronting the negative in order to transmute it into desirable qualities. Left-handed path practitioners descend towards union with the divine to obtain Godhood status, with God-like powers of their own, having reunited with the ultimate divine source-energy; then once there, taking one more step separating from that divinity, out of this creation into a new creation of their own making, with themselves as the sole divinity of the new universe, apart from the previous creation. The godhood self sought by Left Hand Path followers is represented by the Qlipha Thaumiel in the Tree of Knowledge.

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  1. radou

    Another path connectedness issue

    Homework Statement Here's an exercise which seems a bit bizzare. Show that if U is an open connected subspace of R^2, the U is path connected. (Hint: show that, given any x0 in u, the set of points that can be connected to x0 by a path in U is clopen in U.) Now, given the fact that I...
  2. radou

    Path connectedness of union of path connected spaces

    Homework Statement As the title suggests, Let {Aj} be a collection of path connected subspaces of some space X, and let the intersection of these subspaces be nonempty. Is U Aj path connected? The Attempt at a Solution Again, my answer would be no, in general. But, since their...
  3. radou

    A path connected product of path connected spaces

    I just went through and exercise which asks if a product of two path connected spaces is path connected. There seems no reason to believe it is in general, for the only thing we know is that if two spaces X, Y are path connected, then they are connected, and their product X x Y is connected...
  4. T

    Average force exerted on pedalf tangent to their circular path of a bike

    Homework Statement A cyclist intends to cycle up a 8.2^\circ hill whose vertical height is 180 m. The mass of the bike and the cyclist is 95kg. If each complete revolution of the pedals moves the bike 4.7 m along its path, calculate the average force that must be exerted on the pedals...
  5. E

    I want to work in a space agency Which path should I choose?

    Hello everybody! I'm currently in the last year of my undergraduate studies in physics and I'm really happy because I'm finally having the chance to focus on what I like, Astronomy. Next year I'll be starting a Master Degree in the National Observatory here in Colombia but I'm also planning...
  6. O

    Programs How to enter the Physics path; after getting an unrelated degree.

    Let me just state my situation. I got a bachelor's degree recently, and I've been looking for work. However, the past several years I've been back and forth on wanting to study physics. If I did want to, I'm unsure how I would go about that. I guess I'm technically not an undergraduate...
  7. W

    Overcoming High School Slacking: Looking for a Path to a Physics Career

    Im currently a senior in high school and have fallen in love with the deepest mysteries of the universe. However, during my first three years of high school I slacked off, something i deeply regret. Now I am stuck with my poor GPA and I am wondering what steps i can take to pursue a career in...
  8. B

    The burden and/or significance of social lives in the path of physics

    Hello, everyone. Please excuse my English since its not my native language. I'm a college freshman about to major in Physics (shifting from M. E.) and while in M. E. I've had this problem of playing computer games in between classes with my peers. Many times I would think of refusing but since...
  9. N

    How Can Photons Be Manipulated to Move in the Same Direction?

    Is there a low energy way to alter the path of a photon in the direction you want. From what I've read on here photons pretty much follow the shortest path. Magnetic fields in energy levels that can be reasonably produced do nothing to alter their path. Large gravitational fields distort...
  10. J

    How Do You Calculate Path Length and Displacement on a Circular Track?

    Homework Statement An ant positioned on the very edge of a Beatles record that is 18.00 cm in radius revolves through an angle of 110.0o as the disk turns. What is the ant's path length? What is the magnitude of the ant's displacement? Homework Equations Ac=v^2/r T=2pir/v...
  11. F

    Tracing the Light Path of a Green Laser Pointer

    How is it possible to see the light path of a green laser pointer?
  12. jinksys

    Evaluating a Path Integral: x^2+y^2+z^2

    Homework Statement Evaluate the path integral \int (x^2+y^2+z^2)dr from a =(0,0,0) to b= (3,4,5). Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm lost. Had the dr been a ds I could do it, but my calculus book only deals with situations where \int F.dr.Edit: I figured it out, it's been a...
  13. S

    How Should I Transition from Navy to Mechanical Engineering?

    I'm new to this site. This concern that I have has various parts. Here we go. I started out studying CE up to sophmore year at FAMU-FSU School of Engineering and ended up completing a B.A. in Math at another university in 1998 (financial issues). Joined the Navy in 1999 and about to leave...
  14. marcus

    Timeless Path Integral: Dah-Wei Chiou's Latest Paper

    ==quote from Dah-Wei Chiou's latest paper== In the research of loop quantum gravity (LQG), the sum-over-histories formulation is an active research area that goes under the name “spin foam models” (SFMs) (see [9] and references therein for LQG and SFMs). In particular, over the past years, SFMs...
  15. T

    Understanding how a projectile that moves in a parabolic path

    I need help understanding how a projectile that moves in a parabolic path can have a point where a-> is parallel to v-> or perpendictular to v-> Is this meaning that the lines tanget to the path are perpendicular or the actuall path? And i would think that both parallel and perpendicluar are...
  16. T

    Path integral in coherent states

    Hey, there is something I don't really understand about the path integral (functional integral) formalism in QFT: Why do you need to introduce a coherent-state representation of the Dirac fields in order to evaluate their path integral? Where is the crucial point why it doesn't work like...
  17. W

    What is the derivation for the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics?

    I'm not quite satisfied by the derivation I've found in Sakurai (Modern Quantum Mechanics) and was trying to 'derive' it myself. I'd like some help to seal the deal. I've described below what I've done. Please tell me where to go from there. I know the solution to the Schrodinger equation can...
  18. I

    Finding initial projectile velocity with angle and a point in the path?

    Homework Statement A ball is hit from the ground with an angle of 36 degrees above the horizontal. The ball hits a target 30m ahead and 4m above the ground. Find the initial velocity of the ball. Homework Equations Vavg = Δd/Δt aavg = Δv/Δt Δd = voΔt + 1/2aΔt2 The Attempt at a...
  19. E

    Radial acceleration, car sircular path

    Homework Statement A car is traveling with constant speed over a hill and down a hill. The radius of the curve is the same. At the top of the hill, the driver experience no normal force from the ground. The mass of the driver is 70.0kg a) calculate the value of the normalforce experienced by...
  20. P

    Constructing Path Connected Space

    Homework Statement 1. Construct a path connected space X such that the fundamental group of (X,x_0) where x_0 is the base point; such that the fundamental group is the symmetric group on 3 letters? 2. Let Z be the space obtained from a hollow cube by deleting the interior of its faces...
  21. C

    Radius of a projectile at the top of its path.

    Homework Statement A projectile is fired at spead v0 and angle \Theta. What is the radius of curvature of the parabolic motion a) at the top? b) At what angle should the projectile be fired so that the radius of curvature at the top equals half the maximum height? (the projectile is fired...
  22. D

    Earth as return path for power transmission line?

    This is from How Stuff Works: The power company essentially uses the Earth as one of the wires in the power system. The Earth is a pretty good conductor and it is huge, so it makes a good return path for electrons. "Ground" in the power distribution grid is literally "the ground" that's all...
  23. A

    Engineering Is mechanical engineering a good career path in Canada ?

    I attend Canadian university and in civil engineering program(I finished up my 2nd year). I am thinking of transferring into mechanical engineering. However, I do not know what kind of career path I can expect in Canada with mechanical engineering. There is not any big company in Canada and...
  24. B

    Is Time-Reversal Symmetry Valid in Curved Spacetime?

    Hi, in high school I think we all learned that "the path of light is invertible (reversible?)". My interpretation would be that if a ray of light hits a flat mirror at 90^{o}, it will trace its path exactly back. Question: does this still hold in the general theory of relativity when space is...
  25. D

    Fork in the road, each path leads to possibly more disappointment.

    <tl;dr> I'm 27 and miserable. I want to make a positive change, but the options that I have offer little positive and much negative. What do I do? Important Details: I am employed full-time and I have ~$13,000USD in savings, but I am deep in debt with absolutely terrible credit and my wages...
  26. K

    Eulerian Path Analysis: Is My Figure Drawable?

    I wanted to find out whether i could draw a certain figure or not , so i used graph theory to get an answer.Just wanted to know if my analysis is correct.Please check the below link to see my analysis.
  27. T

    Mass of a particle traveling in a circular path

    1. Homework Statement what is the mass of a particle which travels in a circular path with a kinetic energy of 3.2 x 10 ^-19 J moving perpendicular to a 0.200t magnetic field if it has a charge of 1.6 x10 ^-19 C and the path radius is 10 cm 2. Homework Equations ke= 1/2 mv^2 mv^2/r =...
  28. S

    State Kets in QM and F. Path Integral

    Greetings, I know that position state ket is a continuous state ket satisfying X|x> = x|x>. There is however one notation I don't understand. What does it mean when we label the position ket with a discrete index and then use these to expand operators as <x_i|H|x_j>? What does it generally...
  29. B

    Differential Equation - Path of Dog Chasing a Rabbit running in a curved path

    Homework Statement A rabbit starts at the origin and runs at speed a along the right branch of the parabola y = x2. At the same moment, a dog starts at the point (c,0) and runs at speed b directly towards the rabbit. Write a differential equation for the path of the dog. Homework...
  30. W

    Starting the Path to becoming a Theoretical/Astrophysicist from Middle School

    Hi all! For a year or two, I've been extremely interested in physics for the past two years. I've decided for sure that I want to be a Theoretical or Astrophysicist now. I'm currently in the first quarter of my Eighth Grade Year. All of middle school I've been an A/High B student in gifted...
  31. T

    How Does Current Return to the Source Through the Ground in AC Power Lines?

    So i know the whole picture starting from power from the generating plants that go all the way to our homes..and the ground serves as a return path to complete the circuit..What i don't get does that current find its way back to the source through ground? the source somehow...
  32. P

    Maximizing Your Career Path: Advice for Dual Majoring in Math and Physics

    Hi. I am extremely new to this wonderful forum. I am hoping that I can receive the same awesome advice as the other members on this forum. Background about me- I am second year math(B.S.) student who is quite adept at mathematics and was advised to cross over and achieve a second degree...
  33. R

    How Is Path Length Calculated for Light in an Optical Fiber?

    Homework Statement A glass optical fibre of length L = 3.2 m is in a medium of glycerine with a refractive index n0 = 1.47 . The fibre has a core of refractive index, n1 = 1.58 and diameter, d = 100μm surrounded by a thin cladding of refractive index, n2 = 1.53. The end of the fibre is cut...
  34. T

    My Mind going to blow Why Conservative field Path independ?

    Hi I'm now reading about Vector fields, everything is clear and intuitive for me as curl divergence ..ect , except one simple thing that I'm straggling with for the last 4 days! I searched Internet and a lot of math & physics books but in vain : Why Conservative field is Path independent...
  35. G

    How difficult was your path towards becoming a Mathematican or Physicists?

    I know that every once in a while, people get upset over just about anything. For us Math and Physics majors, this may be even more serious since our goals (and I know I am being biased here) are greater than other professions say, medical students, even if our stress level are relatively...
  36. A

    I am in a crisis of career path please some light.

    I am in a crisis of career path! please some light. Hello. I am in a crisis, i want a career in which i could work with renewable energys and something that really benefits society. I was thinking in electrical engineering becouse i enjoy physics and the practical part of mathematics, I am not...
  37. L

    Path Equation for 2D weakly-anisotropic harmonic oscillator

    Homework Statement \omega_{x} = \omega \omega_{y} = \omega + \epsilon where 0 < \epsilon<<\omega Question: Find the path equation. Homework Equations I started with the 2D equations: x(t) = A_{x}cos(\omega_{x}t + \phi_{x}) y(t) = A_{y}cos(\omega_{y}t + \phi_{y}) The Attempt at a Solution...
  38. R

    Is there a Path for Galaxies Moving Away?

    We all know that Galaxies are moving away from each other at a great speed, Is there any specific path through which they are moving? Again we know few things about the Universe like Moons rotate around Planets, Planets around star, stars around the center of galaxy. And it seems all follow a...
  39. E

    Programs Nuclear Engineering vs. Biology: Which Path to Choose?

    Hey, I'm entering into my junior year at the University. I'm a chemical engineering student. Right now I've been following the biology track in my program. Recently my college has developed a nuclear engineering minor which seems very intriguing. If anyone can give me any incite on which...
  40. P

    Understanding the Path Integral for Photons - Vince's Q&A

    I'm a bit confused about how the path integral for, say, a spin-0 photon is calculated. My understanding of quantum mechanics is somewhere above Feynman's book QED, but somewhere below actually figuring out what every part of the technical definition means. Right now the main sticking point for...
  41. E

    Help Setting Up Work Over a Path Problem

    Homework Statement Find the work done by force F from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1). F=3yi+2xj+4zk The path C_3 U C_4 consisting of the line segment from (0,0,0) to (1,1,0) followed by the segment (1,1,0) to (1,1,1) Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I am trying to find...
  42. R

    What is the relationship between club length and club speed in a golf swing?

    Hi everyone, I started what I thought would be a simple algebra/trig problem and quickly learned that I was dead wrong. At least I think I am wrong. I need to determine how much the speed of a particle moving along an arc segment changes as the length of the distance to the center point...
  43. D

    Vector calculus and flight path

    A pilot flies with a heading of 160 degrees and an airspeed of 250km/h. a)how long should it take the pilot to fly to a town that is 1200km away on the heading he has chosen b) there is a steady wind of 30km/h from the drection 030 degrees. Calculate the ground velocity c) How far, and...
  44. S

    Creating Weightlessness in an Airplane: Calculating Flight Path Radius

    Homework Statement An airplane in a wide "outside" loop can create an apparent zero eight inside the aircraft cabin. What must be the radius of curvature of the flight path for an aircraft moving at 749 km/h to create a condition of weightlessness inside the aircraft? Assume the acceleration...
  45. A

    The Mean Free Path and the Magnetic Field

    A magnetic field curves the path of a charged particle for example the electron.So the application of a magnetic field should curve the path of the free electrons between successive collisions[More conspicuously for a large magnetic field].The"free path" of an electron then is no more a straight...
  46. H

    Deriving mean free path of ideal gas

    Homework Statement The mean free path for an ideal collisional gas can be calculated as shown on this" . I understand the derivation, except for one thing. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The molecule is...
  47. C

    Finding Normal Vector to Plane at Intersection Point for HeNe Laser Beam Path

    I'm working on tracing the beam path of a HeNe laser through two prisms, and I'm stuck on trying to find the incident plane in which to use Snell's law. Basically I have the equation of the angled surface of the prism, and I have the point where the beam intersects that plane. Now I need the...
  48. E

    Canonical vs. path integral quantization

    Hey folks, i have a question concerning canonical and path integral quantization. From what I have understood so far, these two techniques are different and independent but equivalent. My problem is that I don't really see where the quantum character enters in the path intregral formulation...
  49. G

    Integrating by parts in path integral (Zee)

    Hi all, I have an exceptionally basic question, taken from P21 of Zee. Eq. 14 is Z=\int D\psi e^{i\int d^4x(\frac{1}{2}[(\partial\psi )^2-m^2\psi^2] + J\psi)} The statement is then made that 'Integrating by parts under the \int d^4x' leads to Eq. 15: Z=\int D\psi e^{i\int...
  50. G

    Path of positivley charged particle in electric field

    A positivley charged particle is traveling in a straight line with velocity v at a small angle from the horizontal. At a certain instant a constant uniform electrical field is applied in the downward vertical. what is the direction of the charged particle? I figured that the equation for a...