Path Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. G

    How difficult was your path towards becoming a Mathematican or Physicists?

    I know that every once in a while, people get upset over just about anything. For us Math and Physics majors, this may be even more serious since our goals (and I know I am being biased here) are greater than other professions say, medical students, even if our stress level are relatively...
  2. A

    I am in a crisis of career path please some light.

    I am in a crisis of career path! please some light. Hello. I am in a crisis, i want a career in which i could work with renewable energys and something that really benefits society. I was thinking in electrical engineering becouse i enjoy physics and the practical part of mathematics, I am not...
  3. L

    Path Equation for 2D weakly-anisotropic harmonic oscillator

    Homework Statement \omega_{x} = \omega \omega_{y} = \omega + \epsilon where 0 < \epsilon<<\omega Question: Find the path equation. Homework Equations I started with the 2D equations: x(t) = A_{x}cos(\omega_{x}t + \phi_{x}) y(t) = A_{y}cos(\omega_{y}t + \phi_{y}) The Attempt at a Solution...
  4. R

    Is there a Path for Galaxies Moving Away?

    We all know that Galaxies are moving away from each other at a great speed, Is there any specific path through which they are moving? Again we know few things about the Universe like Moons rotate around Planets, Planets around star, stars around the center of galaxy. And it seems all follow a...
  5. E

    Programs Nuclear Engineering vs. Biology: Which Path to Choose?

    Hey, I'm entering into my junior year at the University. I'm a chemical engineering student. Right now I've been following the biology track in my program. Recently my college has developed a nuclear engineering minor which seems very intriguing. If anyone can give me any incite on which...
  6. P

    Understanding the Path Integral for Photons - Vince's Q&A

    I'm a bit confused about how the path integral for, say, a spin-0 photon is calculated. My understanding of quantum mechanics is somewhere above Feynman's book QED, but somewhere below actually figuring out what every part of the technical definition means. Right now the main sticking point for...
  7. E

    Help Setting Up Work Over a Path Problem

    Homework Statement Find the work done by force F from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1). F=3yi+2xj+4zk The path C_3 U C_4 consisting of the line segment from (0,0,0) to (1,1,0) followed by the segment (1,1,0) to (1,1,1) Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I am trying to find...
  8. R

    What is the relationship between club length and club speed in a golf swing?

    Hi everyone, I started what I thought would be a simple algebra/trig problem and quickly learned that I was dead wrong. At least I think I am wrong. I need to determine how much the speed of a particle moving along an arc segment changes as the length of the distance to the center point...
  9. D

    Vector calculus and flight path

    A pilot flies with a heading of 160 degrees and an airspeed of 250km/h. a)how long should it take the pilot to fly to a town that is 1200km away on the heading he has chosen b) there is a steady wind of 30km/h from the drection 030 degrees. Calculate the ground velocity c) How far, and...
  10. S

    Creating Weightlessness in an Airplane: Calculating Flight Path Radius

    Homework Statement An airplane in a wide "outside" loop can create an apparent zero eight inside the aircraft cabin. What must be the radius of curvature of the flight path for an aircraft moving at 749 km/h to create a condition of weightlessness inside the aircraft? Assume the acceleration...
  11. A

    The Mean Free Path and the Magnetic Field

    A magnetic field curves the path of a charged particle for example the electron.So the application of a magnetic field should curve the path of the free electrons between successive collisions[More conspicuously for a large magnetic field].The"free path" of an electron then is no more a straight...
  12. H

    Deriving mean free path of ideal gas

    Homework Statement The mean free path for an ideal collisional gas can be calculated as shown on this" . I understand the derivation, except for one thing. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The molecule is...
  13. C

    Finding Normal Vector to Plane at Intersection Point for HeNe Laser Beam Path

    I'm working on tracing the beam path of a HeNe laser through two prisms, and I'm stuck on trying to find the incident plane in which to use Snell's law. Basically I have the equation of the angled surface of the prism, and I have the point where the beam intersects that plane. Now I need the...
  14. E

    Canonical vs. path integral quantization

    Hey folks, i have a question concerning canonical and path integral quantization. From what I have understood so far, these two techniques are different and independent but equivalent. My problem is that I don't really see where the quantum character enters in the path intregral formulation...
  15. G

    Integrating by parts in path integral (Zee)

    Hi all, I have an exceptionally basic question, taken from P21 of Zee. Eq. 14 is Z=\int D\psi e^{i\int d^4x(\frac{1}{2}[(\partial\psi )^2-m^2\psi^2] + J\psi)} The statement is then made that 'Integrating by parts under the \int d^4x' leads to Eq. 15: Z=\int D\psi e^{i\int...
  16. G

    Path of positivley charged particle in electric field

    A positivley charged particle is traveling in a straight line with velocity v at a small angle from the horizontal. At a certain instant a constant uniform electrical field is applied in the downward vertical. what is the direction of the charged particle? I figured that the equation for a...
  17. O

    Accelerated electron through a circular path

    Homework Statement An Electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 5.0KV (i) Find it's velocity. (ii) It is then passed through a region of transverse magnetic field where it moves in a circular path of radius 0.20m. Find the magnititude of the field. (iii) Find the time taken...
  18. S

    Path integral applied to circular path

    Homework Statement Consider path given by equation ( x - 1 )^2 + ( y - 1 ) ^2 = 1 that connect the points A = ( 0 , 1 ) and B = ( 1 , 0 ) in xy plane ( shown in image attached ). A bead falling under influence of gravity from a point A to point B along a curve is given by...
  19. J

    Optical Path length in core fiber of fiber optic faceplate

    Homework Statement Sorry if this is the wrong section. Please redirect me if there is a more appropriate one. I'm looking at the timing spread in the time of flight of photons through fibers in a fiber optic faceplate. Essentially the minimum time for photons to propagate through one of the...
  20. J

    Definition of Path: Are the Two Definitions Equivalent?

    My real analysis book says that a path from two points p, q in a metric space M is a continuous function f: [a,b] --> M such that f(a) = p and f(b) = q, for some a and some b. But when I read other definitions, it says a path from two points p, q in a metric space M is a continuous function f...
  21. S

    Why does work done by a conservative force = 0 in a closed path?

    Why does work done by a conservative force = 0 in a closed path? I know this sounds foolish :rolleyes: but how can some forces have such a property? Can anybody give a satisfactory physical explanation?:confused:
  22. M

    Path integrals and supposed sum over paths

    If I understand correctly--a big if--the path integration method, at least when applied to plain old QM, is described as (1) every possible path the particle could take is assigned an amplitude, (2) sum up (integrate over) these amplitudes for all possible paths. The problem I have with this...
  23. T

    Research Proposal: Sub-Orbital Flight Path

    Research Proposal: Sub-Orbital & Orbital Flight Path *Brain-storm Ideas With Me* *Light "imagineering" should be okay on this thread. I don't require anything that technical, mostly just ideas.* I'm in a technical writing class which is giving me the opportunity to work on grant...
  24. D

    Particle rolling on a circular path

    Homework Statement At the end of the lecture in , Prof. Walter Lewin compares the motion of a slider on a circular air track (no friction) with the motion of a ball on a circular path (with friction)...
  25. F

    Estimating traversal time of car on a path

    Hello, I have defined a C2 continuous path using piecewise functions, and I want to estimate the time a car takes to go from the beginning to the end. There are many things left out, such as weight transfer. Here is the "pseudocode" of what I tried: deltaT is set to 0.1 seconds input...
  26. S

    Electromagnetics = Biot-Savart Law around square path

    Homework Statement Find the B-field at the center of the square loop located above the xy plane, with width (w), and current I rotating counter-clockwise. Homework Equations Here is the given equation: B = [(μo*I*aФ)/(4∏*ρ)](cosα2 – cosα1) The final answer is for the B-field about...
  27. jaketodd

    Feynman Path Integral's Meaning

    Does the math of the Feynman path integral dictate particles taking many paths or is that just an english language gloss-over? Thanks, Jake
  28. M

    Linear acceleration in a circular path

    Hi, What is the linear acceleration of a body moving in a circular path? its written in my book that its zero since the magnitude of velocity is constant BUT the direction is changed so it can't be zero so this didn't persuade me. Also I DUNNO the difference between the linear...
  29. E

    How does one type of detector determine path of photon?

    How does a screen make a particle behave differently than a "detector"? I was reading a 2007 Newsweek article Putting Time in a (Leaky) Bottle. In one version of the double slit experiment, if you fire photons through double slits and have a screen on the other side, your results are a wave...
  30. J

    Will current take the path of least impedance in this circuit?

    Homework Statement See the circuit in the attached image. Homework Equations N/A Consider the circuit given in the attached image, then please answer the following questions: 1. When the current will come out of the current source, will all that current will go through the path...
  31. J

    The total travel time along a frictionless path?

    Hi, I have this problem about an object moving along a track due to a uniform gravitational field. It moves from being at rest in the higher position A (xA,yA) to the lower position B (xB,yB). There is no friction at all. What I am supposed to be doing is showing that the total time from A to B...
  32. L

    Intergallactic photons free mean path

    Homework Statement Intergallactic ionized gas produces X ray photons via the bremsstrahlung process e^-\ p\rightarrow e^-\ p\ \gamma In contrast to photons produced in a star (see previous exercises) these X ray photons escape from the galaxy cluster. Indeed, the largest galaxy clusters...
  33. H

    Noise Path Analysis for Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle

    The figure1 shows a for the configuration of a four wheel drive vehicle. The body is mounted on a chassis frame through a series of body mounts. The engine and transmission mounting points are also shown. The engine has two front mounts and a single gearbox mount to a body cross member...
  34. A

    Schools Senior in high school looking for most optimal path to a good CS grad school.

    The best I could possibly get in with all my effort (whether this is be the #5 CS grad school in the nation, or #40, does not really matter.. as long as I take the most optimal path there and do it ethically). I was wondering what aspects the best/better CS grad schools look for in a college...
  35. M

    Engineering Mechanical Engineering Career Path

    Hello, I am a Mechanical engineering student and I would really appreciate help with finishing a report I have to write. I have to interview mechanical engineers and ask them about their careers but I don't know that many (almost none) engineers in real life. The purpose of this report is to...
  36. O

    Normal force of a ball at the top and bottom of a circular path

    Homework Statement A ball whirls around in a vertical circle at the end of a string. The other end of the string is fixed at the center of the circle. Assuming that the total energy of the ball-Earth system remains constant, show that the tension in the string at the bottom is greater than the...
  37. M

    Mechanical Engineering Career Path

    Hello, I am a Mechanical engineering student and I would really appreciate help with finishing a report I have to write. I have to interview mechanical engineers and ask them about their careers but I don't know that many (almost none) engineers in real life. The purpose of this report is to...
  38. L

    Mean free path of electron in gas.

    Homework Statement The expression for the mean free path in a gas of a particle with radius r is ((N/V)*pi*r^2*4*(2)^.5)^-1 in which N is the number of molecules, and V is the volume, and the factor of √2 in the denomiator accounts for the motion of the oncoming particles in the gas...
  39. R

    What is it like to work in theoretical physics?

    Hello everyone- My question is in regards to Theoretical Physics. Since my last post (which apparently was in Oct goodness, I have learned so much since then), I was debating on whether or not I even wanted to go the physics route, but now here I am, a lot of math and two...
  40. T

    Path of Light Through a Circular Raindrop

    Path of Light Through a Circular (Spherical) Raindrop Homework Statement I need to draw an accurate diagram of a light ray's path through a circular raindrop. -The angle of incidence is 25degrees. -The radius is 4.15cm -n of water is ~1.33 -n of air is ~1.000293 I can calculate the...
  41. V

    Location of an object moving in a circular path

    if i know the speed and the radius of the turn how can I find the location of the object(x,y Cartesian) of the object with Time?
  42. H

    Cal 3 problem that is eating my brain - particle along a spiral path

    Homework Statement A particle is moving down a spiral path parameterized by: x = cos(au), y = sin(au), z = -u, where 0 \leq u \leq b (a,b real, >0). Starting from rest, the particle moves down the spiral under the influence of gravity and free from friction. Let g be the positive...
  43. P

    Solving a 1st-Order Diff Eq for Boating Path

    Homework Statement The following problem involve the setting up and solving of a first-order differential equation for a physical situation. Once, derived the equation itself is not difficult to solve. A boater rows across a straight river of constant width "w", always heading (i.e., pointing...
  44. E

    Is the Geodesic Always the Shortest Path Between Two Points?

    it comes from the calculus of variation that the shortest path between two points on a surface must be geodesic. then must the geodesic connected two points be the shortest path? if not, what about the example? Thanks for any reply!
  45. T

    Does the Michelson-Morley Experiment Assume a Constant Speed of Light?

    Hello, i am studyig the special relativity for a while and actually mathematics isn't so difficult but cenceptually it's very unnatural to me.Anyway, first i want to ask about michelson morley experiment, in that experiment light beam which goes in a zigzag path, it's assumed that light goes...
  46. marcus

    Kowalski path to entropic force

    In my estimation the clearest path to entropic gravity has been shown by Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman. His 4 February paper has some definite advantages over anything that came out since. Kowalski-Glikman, you remember, was the organizer at Wroclaw of the July 2009...
  47. S

    Does the photon wavelenght come back to original when one path is blocked ?

    does the photon wavelenght come back to original when one path is "blocked"? Subject: Single particle (photon) interference in double slit or half silvered mirror experiment...question about wavelenght and phase shifts... in the half silvered mirror experiment or the double slit experiment...
  48. S

    Velocity at the top of the path

    OK, simple question, but I need clarification. When a projectile reaches its maximum height on its trajectory, it's vertical velocity is 0, but it's horizontal velocity is not, right? Because the horizontal velocity of a projectile (assuming a(x)=0, and a(y)=-g) is constant. Thus, the overall...
  49. C

    I on choosing my career path at the moment?

    hi there i am hoping you will take only a few moments to answer a few questions for me that will help me. i am very interested in physics and maths i have no clue though about specialized areas, at the moment i am being asked to choose my subjects which will determine what i can study at...
  50. H

    Electron Mean Free Path in air & Electric field requirements?

    I can't seem to understand the math. If I have a free electron in air, surrounded by an electric field, how do I determine and calculate the mean free path, the electric field strength, and the distance between plates required to impart an energy of 80 eV to the free electron?