Homework Statement
The problem I am having has to do with part (d) in the picture which I have attached. I have managed to get as far as to determine that the coefficients in the series expansion have the recurrence relation shown below in part (2). From this I think that I have been able to...
Hi all, I am looking for ways to solve the following system of equations for \vec{B}:
\vec{B} \cdot \nabla f = 0
\left( \nabla \times \vec{B} \right) \cdot \nabla f = 0
\nabla \cdot \vec{B} = 0
and f is a known scalar function. I think we can assume there is a solution since we...
(∂^2)(z) / (∂x)(∂y) = (x^2)(y)
how do find the general solution of this equation?
and how do i find a particular solution for which
z(x,0) = x^2
z(1,y) = cosy
I have no idea!
I have 2 questions:
First, where can I find the best graduate schools for PDE & Probability? I'm thinking MIT and NYU are really good, although I could be wrong.
Second, I was wondering if my expected math background is good enough to get into the 90th percentile on the GRE...
I am utterly lost on this problem. This is from Applied Partial Differential Equations by Logan, 2nd edition.
Unfortunately, I can't show any attempted work because I don't even know where to start!
In the example, they are using some sort of method for solving and ODE, and I have no idea...
Homework Statement
Having exams on monday but still having problems with PDE. I thought i got it until i saw the teacher's solution different from mine and i have no idea wtf she doing also.. Contacting her is not an option. Please give me a hand with this.. Much appreciated.
Solve the...
Given \triangle u = f(x,y,z) on a given body with vanishing neumann boundary conditions. I'm asked to interpret it in terms of heat and diffusion.
Since heat/diffusion take the form u_t = k \triangle u, I am a little confused as I there is no time term here. I think the answer is that u...
Homework Statement
Use the fundamental solution or Green function for the diffusion/heat equation in (-\infty, \infty ) to determine the fundamental solution to \frac{\partial u }{ \partial t } =k^2 \frac{\partial ^2 u }{ \partial x ^2 } in the semi-line (0, \infty ) with initial condition...
Hello all,
I will be enrolled in an undergraduate course on partial differential equations. I was hoping a few of you might be able to recommend, in your opinions, the best textbook for the subject at an undergraduate level since I'd like to have a second source outside of my instructor's...
Homework Statement
I am learning about PDE classification from a text on CFD (by Anderson). This section is not complete enough to be able to extend his example problems into more general cases. I read that to classify a system of PDEs as being parabolic, elliptic, or hyperbolic, I need to do...
i have been trying to solve a pde problem for 3 days but i couldn't even find the answer,now i feel i m about to have a mental disease,anyone can help me ?the question is
u(x,0) = x
u(x,2) = 0
u(0,y) = 0
d u(1,y) / dx = 0
[ d^2 u / dx^2 ] + [ d^2 u / dy^2 ] = 0
i will really be...
Homework Statement
From a previous exercise (https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=564520), I obtained u(r,\phi) = \frac{1}{2}A_{0} + \sum_{k = 1}^{\infty} r^{k}(A_{k}cos(k\phi) + B_{k}sin(k\phi)) which is the general form of the solution to Laplace equation in a disk of radius a.
There are two parallel plates, upper plate is static and bottom plate is porous and in motion. At the same time there are types of motion in bottom plate. Plate is oscillating with velocity Uo*e^(iwt) and also moving forward along X-Axis with constant velocity Co. Due to motion in plate...
Suppose you start with a function f(x,y,t) which satisfies some partial differential equation in the variables x,y,t. Suppose you make a change of variables x,y,t \to \xi,z,\tau, where \tau = g_\tau(x,y,t) and similarly for \xi and z. If you want to know what the differential operators...
Dear All,
I got some trobule in solving the following simple-looking PDE's. Can anyone give a hint about how to solve it? thanks a lot! I guess the solution is of the form y(u,v)=A[\cos(k(u-f(v))-B]\cosh(v)-C. But I don't know a formal way to solve.
\frac{\partial^4y(u,v)}{\partial u^2 \partial...
what is the general solution of the poisson equation :
∂2A/∂r2 + 1/r ∂A/∂r + 1/r2 ∂2A/∂θ2 = f(r,θ)
the function f(r,θ) is :
f(r,θ)=1/r (Ʃ Xncos(nθ) + Ynsin(nθ))
where the boundary is :
I(a<r<b, 0<θ<2pi)
the boundary condition is the netural boundary on (r=a) expressed as ...
This may be more of a MATLAB question, and if so, I do apologize for posting this in the wrong place.
I am doing a project on the Buttke scheme, which is a numerical approximation to the Biot-Savart Law. I am almost finished, but I am having trouble writing the code.
The scheme is...
Hello to everyone. I am new with this forum and I am asking help with PDE.
I have a linear PDE:
L f(x,y,t) = 0
where L is a second order linear operator depending on x, y, their partial derivatives, and t, but not on derivatives with respect to t. The question...
I want to resolve a nonlinear partial differential equation of second order with finite difference method in matlab. the equation is in the pdf file attached.
I have a problem in the form
\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+e^{x}u=0
with conditions
Im confused, because in first order PDE i require only 1 condition. How to solve this for two conditions?
I'm new here and I'm really hoping that someone could answer my question.
i am trying to design a PDE but the problem about this is that the temperature caused by detonation (3461 K) is so high that it is really difficult to find a suitable material for the detonation chamber and thermal...
I have a pde set as following:
parameters: γ, ω, α, β, c, η
variables: z,t; x,y
want: S = S(z,t;x,y)
A = A(z,t)
∂S/∂t = -γ*S - i ω*A*exp{-i*[(-θ-α*t)*x+β*t*y]}
[∂/∂t + (1/c)*∂/∂t] A = -i η*∫∫dxdy S*exp{i*[(-θ-α*t)*x+β*t*y]}
The integral range is angle:(0,2Pi), radius: (0,R)
How to...
Hi, I have a problem solving this PDE:
(y^2)*u(x,y)''+2*y*u(x,y)'-2*u(x,y) = 0
Every derivate of u is in fonction of y.
What I tried:
I said that (y^2)*u(x,y)''+2*y*u(x,y)' = (u(x,y)'*y^2)' and make
then I tried to isolate u(x,y) and I arrive to u(x,y)=-v/y+C(X)...
Homework Statement
u_{t} = ku_{xx}
u_{x}(0, t) = 0
u_{x}(L, t) = B =/= 0
u(x, 0) = f(x)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I believe that no equilibrium solution exists because we can't solve
u_{xx} = 0
with our boundary conditions. I'm a little lost as to where...
I've always heard the phrase "exact solution," but was never really sure what it meant. If I find a particular solution (not a general solution) to a PDE, is that solution considered an "exact solution"? (The solution satisfies given b.c. and i.c.)
Homework Statement
Let Ω\subsetR2 be a region with boundary \Gamma=\Gamma1\bigcup\Gamma2. On Ω we must solve the PDE
-{div}(\frac{h^{3}}{12\mu}{grad} p+\frac{h}{2}{u})+kp=f
with h and f functions of the spatial coordinates, \mu and k given constants, u a given constant velocity...
I'm implementing a scheme to solve the following equation
\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}=-c_{s} \cdot \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x}
\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t}=-c_{s} \cdot \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}
c_{s} is just the isothermal velocity of sound. The equations are for a...
Ok, so I got this equation:
y^2 \frac{∂^2 u}{∂x^2} + 2xy \frac{∂^2 u}{∂x∂y} + x^2 \frac{∂^2 u}{∂y^2} = 0
A = y^2
B = xy
C = x^2
Now I want to see what type it is, so I compute B^2 - A C = 0 which by definition is parabolic. However, according to an earlier statement in my book a...
I'm trying to solve the PDE
u_{tt}-c^2u_{xx}=\omega E_{xx} where
E= A(x)Sech^2\left(\frac{x-ct}{B(x)}+\delta(x)\right)
To this end, I take the temporal Fourier Transform of the PDE to find that the governing equation is the forced simple harmonic oscillator...
i have this 2 equation to be solved, can someone help me with it please?
1- let m= m(x;y;z)
2-let m=m(x;y;z) solve (ydx+ydz)*m=m
PDE Harmonic Function help!
Homework Statement
A bounded harmonic function u(x,y) in a semi-infinite strip x>0, 0<y<1 is to satisfy the boudary conditions:
u(x,0)=0, uy(x,1)=-hu(x,1), u(0,y)=u0,
Where h (h>0) and u0 are constants. Derive the expression...
Homework Statement
Just need someone else to double check more work. I just want to know if I'm separating these variables correctly.
Homework Equations
\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial t^2} = c^2\nabla^2u
The Attempt at a Solution
Allow u(\rho, \theta, \phi, t) = T(t)\omega(\rho...
Suppose you have a PDE with an arbitrary number of independent variables (not necessarily two), and of order n. Is there a nice classification akin to the hyperbolic, parabolic, etc.
I need to solve three coupled differential equations. The equations are as follows:
dE1/dz = f(E2,E3)
dE2/dz = f(E1,E3)
dE3/dz = f(E1,E2)
Where E1,E2,E3 represents field amplitudes. In case of plane waves these amplitudes will be constant in the transverse direction therefore i can...
Hello all:
I'm a newbie, trying to write/use code for solving a 2D advection-diffusion problem. I'm not sure how many boundary conditions I should have for the property that is being transported.
In my problem, I have diffusion switched off (advection only). The property being...
I am struggling with the heat equation
ut = kuxx
with the boundary conditions
u(0,t) = u'(L,t) = 0
and initial condition
u(x,0) = f(x)
0 ≤ x ≤ L
0 ≤ t
I want to derive it's eigenvalue using complex analysis.
After separating the variables...
I want to determine whether u=-x^3_1-x_1-\sqrt{3}x_2 is a stabilizing control for the system
\begin{array}{cc}\dot{x}_1=x_2\\ \dot{x}_2=x^3_1+u\end{array}
with cost functional
\frac{1}{2}\int^{\infty}_0 x^2_1 +x^2_2+u^2 \ dt.
After looking at some examples, I understand that I have to find...
Homework Statement
Solve \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial x^2} = \frac{\partial^2 v}{\partial t^2}, x > 0, t > 0 subject to
v(x,0) = 0
v_t(x,0) = 0
v(0,t) = f(t)
and where v is bounded for all x > 0, by taking Laplace transforms with respect to t.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at...
What method can I use to analytically solve the following 2nd order PDE?
∂u/∂t - a*x*∂u/∂x-D*∂^{2}u/∂t^{2} = 0
I.C.: u(x,t=0)=u_i
B.C.: u(x=+∞)=0
Is self-similar the only way to solve it, or is there any other method can be used to solve it?
How to set the...
I have the non linear pde
du/dt = d/dx [3 u^2 - d^2u/dx^2]
the question supposes that there is a solution u(x,t) = f(x-ct) where c is constant and f(y) for y=x-ct satisfies f tends to 0, f' tends to zero and f'' tends to zero but y tends to + or - infinity.
so i have tried to reduce the...
Homework Statement
Using the method of separation of variables, obtain a solution of the following PDE subject to
the given conditions
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
See my attached working
1. Show that, if the velocity field (V) is a fixed (spatially constant) vector, then the characteristic curves will be a family of parallel-straight lines.
2. ut+V1ux+V2uy=f
f=S-[dell dotted with V]u
characteristic curves:
dX/dt=V1(X,Y) & dY/dt=V2(X,Y)
3. really looking for...
Homework Statement
my non linear pde is
du/dt = d/dx [3u2 - d2u/dx2 ]
The question says to let u(x,t) = f(x-ct)
Where the function f tends to 0, f' tends to 0 and f'' tends to 0 but the (x-ct) tends to positive or negative infinity.
Homework Equations
i thought the solution was to find...
Homework Statement
I have found the general solution to a second order pde to be
U(x,t) = f(3x + t) + g(-x + t) where f and g are arbitrary functions
I have initial conditions
U(x,0) = sin(x)
Du/dt (x,0) = cos (2x)
The Attempt at a Solution
I have found that
U(x,0) = f(3x) +...
Homework Statement
I have a pde,
16d2u/dxdy + du/dx + du/dy + au = 0 where a is constant.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have tried to solve this pde using the substitutions x=e^t and y=e^s so t=ln(x) and s=ln(y) then finding
Du/dx= 1/x du/dt and du/dy= 1/y...
Homework Statement
Suppose that the Celsius temperature at the point (x, y) in the xy plane is T(x,y) = xsin(2y)
and that the distance in the xy plane is measured in meters. A particle moving clockwise around the circle of radius 1m centered at the origin at the constant rate of 2 m/s
Homework Statement
I have a PDE for which i have found the general solution to be u(x,y) = f1(3x + t) + f2(-x + t)
where f1 and f2 are arbitrary functions. I have initial conditions u(x,0) = sin (x) and partial derivative du/dt (x,0) = cos (2x)Homework Equations
u(x,y) = f1(3x + t) + f2(-x +...
Is the following relationship true?:
\frac{\partial (ln(k))}{\partial P}=\frac{1}{k}\frac{\partial k}{\partial P}
I am getting both of these terms from a paper on mineral physics and they seem to use both terms interchangeably. If so, how are these related?