Period Definition and 1000 Threads

The orbital period (also revolution period) is the time a given astronomical object takes to complete one orbit around another object, and applies in astronomy usually to planets or asteroids orbiting the Sun, moons orbiting planets, exoplanets orbiting other stars, or binary stars.
For celestial objects in general the sidereal orbital period (sidereal year) is referred to by the orbital period, determined by a 360° revolution of one celestial body around another, e.g. the Earth orbiting the Sun, relative to the fixed stars projected in the sky. Orbital periods can be defined in several ways. The tropical period is more particular about the position of the parent star. It is the basis for the solar year, and respectively the calendar year.
The synodic period incorporates not only the orbital relation to the parent star, but also to other celestial objects, making it not a mere different approach to the orbit of an object around its parent, but a period of orbital relations with other objects, normally Earth and their orbits around the Sun. It applies to the elapsed time where planets return to the same kind of phenomena or location, such as when any planet returns between its consecutive observed conjunctions with or oppositions to the Sun. For example, Jupiter has a synodic period of 398.8 days from Earth; thus, Jupiter's opposition occurs once roughly every 13 months.
Periods in astronomy are conveniently expressed in various units of time, often in hours, days, or years. They can be also defined under different specific astronomical definitions that are mostly caused by the small complex external gravitational influences of other celestial objects. Such variations also include the true placement of the centre of gravity between two astronomical bodies (barycenter), perturbations by other planets or bodies, orbital resonance, general relativity, etc. Most are investigated by detailed complex astronomical theories using celestial mechanics using precise positional observations of celestial objects via astrometry.

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  1. E

    What is the pendulum period on a moving vehicle at 0.6c compared to Earth?

    I have been trying to come up with a solution for the matter but I failed, so here are my questions. I would appreciate if someone explained thoroughly. a) There is a pendulum which has a period of 20 seconds on Earth. If it was put on a vehicle moving at 0,6c and have its period measured...
  2. S

    How is the natural period of vibration obtained experimentally?

    Hi, I had been reading the book on 'Dynamics of Structures' authored by Prof.Anil K Chopra of University of Berkeley. In his book, the author has provided the natural period of vibration of some buildings like: 1) Transamerical building of San Francisco- California which is 2.90 seconds...
  3. C

    Period of Oscillation of a Board Between 2 Identical Rollers

    Homework Statement Two identical rollers are mounted with their axes parallel, in a horizontal plane, a distance 2d = 26.5 cm apart. The two rollers are rotating inwardly at the top with the same angular speed (w). A long uniform board is laid across them in a direction perpendicular to their...
  4. M

    Orbital period of satellite about a nonrotating body

    Homework Statement A satellite is in circular orbit at an altitude of 1000 km above the surface of a nonrotating planet with n orbital speed of 5.3 km/s. The escape velocity for the planet is 11.3 km/s. In this situation the orbital period of the satellite, in minutes, is...? Homework...
  5. Z

    Period of Pendulum Before String Extension

    Homework Statement For a mathematical pendulum, you notice that if you extend the string with 60 cm, then the time of one period will double for small oscillations. What was the period of time before the line was extended?Homework Equations T=2pi*sqrt(l/g) where l is the length of the...
  6. K

    T( period) Vs. L (length) Interpretation

    Homework Statement Now , analyze the data with a power function least square fit. Let the x values be the length and the y value be the period. From the results of the power fit, compare the experimental value of the period to that calculated USING THE POWER FIT YOU JUST DETERMINED...
  7. B

    Classic Hole through Earth Problem. Period of Oscillation with Varying Density.

    Homework Statement This is the exact problem: However, they assume that the Earth has a uniform density. I know how the density of the Earth varies with the distance from the center of the Earth. I also know the...
  8. J

    Why does damping affect the time period of SHM oscillators?

    There are two equations that can describe the time period of SHM oscillators (springs / pendulums ONLY) Spring T = 2π * \sqrt \frac {m}{k} Pendulum T = 2π * \sqrt \frac {l}{g} It would seem from these equations that time period is independant of amplitude therefore we should be able to...
  9. O

    Where to Find Time Periods of Phugoid Motion for Aircrafts

    Hello, I have made program for simulating aircraft motion. I am able to obtain natural modes of motion like phugoid, short phugoid, etc. but to check whether it is simulating correctly, I need to validate it with some existing data, so i tried to compare the time period of phugoid of Boeing...
  10. G

    Period for SHM of a block on a spring shot by a bullet

    So I've been working on this problem for a while and can't seem to come up with anything and I don't really understand why I'm wrong in what I did. I could just get the answer online, but I actually want to understand what's happening. Homework Statement A rifle bullet with mass 8.12g and...
  11. S

    Integrating Polar Curves over Period

    Hello. I am having trouble conceptualizing and/or decisively arriving to a conclusion to this question. When finding the area enclosed by a closed polar curve, can't you just integrate over the period over the function, for example: 3 cos (3θ), you would integrate from 0 to 2pi/3? It intuitively...
  12. W

    Veriticle springs; period and mass?

    Homework Statement Information provided is: mass of spring, displacement, force of constant, gravity. so basically: m, x, k, and g Determine the relationship between the period and mass so how do i find T? Homework Equations T= seconds/cycles T= 2π(sqrt(m/k)) The Attempt at...
  13. S

    Period of rod connected to spring

    Homework Statement A spring has one of its end connected to the ceiling and the other end connected to the end of horizontal rod. The rod is free to rotate in xy-plane about its vertical axis. The mass of the rod is 0.6 kg and the spring constant is 2000 Nm. If the rod is displaced and...
  14. M

    Time period of oscillation and displacement from O

    Homework Statement In the attachment! The Attempt at a Solution My big hangup in this situation is why T, the period, of the oscillation doesn't change? If you increase the displacement by 2A does this mean that since the force acting on the spring also increases proportionally there's...
  15. C

    Deriving an equation for orbital period

    Hi guys, I derived an equation for determining orbital period, given an altitude, speed, and mass of the primary and the object orbiting it. I think it makes sense, but I'd welcome anyone who is willing to check it for conceptual error or nonsensical math. Here is the equation: P = \frac{2 \pi...
  16. S

    What is the period of oscillation of the mass on the spring?

    Homework Statement a)When a mass is attached to the end of a vertical spring, the spring is stretched down 3 cm. If the mass is pulled down a bit farther and then released, what is the period of oscillation of the mass on the spring? b) if the mass moves through its equilibrium position at 50...
  17. D

    How Does a Mosquito's Wing Flapping Create Sound Waves?

    I was wondering that the annoying buzzing sound from a mosquito is produced when it flaps its wongs at an average rate of 600 flaps per second. a) what is the frequency of the sound waves? b) what is the period of these sound waves?
  18. P

    Find Aphelion of an elliptical orbit given Perihelion and Orbital Period

    Homework Statement Comet Halley approaches the Sun to within 0.570 AU, and its orbital period is 75.6 years. (AU is the symbol for astronomical unit, where 1 AU = 1.50 x 1011 m is the mean Earth‐Sun distance.) How far from the Sun will Halleyʹs comet travel before it starts its return...
  19. B

    What is the relationship between period, frequency, and angular velocity?

    Homework Statement im confused on something. if the period is the amount of time to make 1 spin once, and the frequency is the inverse of that, i don't understand how frequency isn't the same thing as centripetal velocity.
  20. M

    Finding angular velocity of a car and period of a planet's rotation

    Homework Statement Part a: A newly discovered planet has a mean radius of 4030 km. A vehicle on the planet's surface is moving in the same direction as the planet's rotation, and its speedometer reads 169 km/h. If the angular velocity of the vehicle about the planet's center is 5.28 times as...
  21. S

    Using Vector in Determining Period of Pendulum Inside a Moving Train

    Hi all, i have a question relating to the period of pendulum. I got this question: A bob of mass 0.5 kg is suspended by a string from the ceiling inside a train moving on a straight level rail (to the right). If the train has an acceleration of 0.2g, what is the tension in the string when the...
  22. S

    Finding period of revolution of an electron (fairly )?

    Finding period of revolution of an electron (fairly urgent)? Homework Statement A doubly ionized atom (charge = +2e) whose mass is 3.65E-26 kg is accelerated by a voltage of 3950.0 V and enters a region where a uniform magnetic field B = 0.0500 T acts perpendicular to its motion. a) What is...
  23. H

    Need help with transfer orbit time period

    I just don't even know where to begin. I'm not sure what formulas to use and just can't do anyhting with it. any help would be great. Thanks! Recall that your trip to Mars is accomplished by using an elliptic transfer orbit going from Earth to Mars as shown in Fig. 1. This trajectory assumes...
  24. N

    What causes the variation in Mercury's synodic period?

    Hi people, there is something that I try to understand: according to all my sources, the synodic period of Mercury is about 116 Earth days. We can calculate this, since we know that the orbital period of Mercury around the sun is about 88 Earth days, therefore: SynodicPeriod ≈ 1/(1/88 -...
  25. A

    Damping. Altitude vs. Period which has greater effect?

    Homework Statement This is only part of the problem but this is all I'm having trouble with... Which effect of damping would be more noticeable, the change of period or the decrease of the amplitude? Homework Equations x(t)= Ae^{-\beta t} * cos(w_{1}t - \delta) period = \frac{2Pi}{w_{1}}...
  26. A

    How to determine period of sinx

    How to determine period of sin and cos functions? I use: sin(x + p) = sin(x) => sin(x + p) - sin(x) = 0 => 2*cos(x+p/2)*sin(p/2) = 0 => either p/2 = k(pi) => p = 2k(pi) or x + p/2 = (2k+1)(pi)/2 => p = (2k+1)(pi) - 2x NOW I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIND THE SOLUTION WHICH SATISFIES BOTH...
  27. S

    Pendulum Period change due to gravitational force change

    Hey, I was wondering how to go about a pendulum problem, basically if we have a clock pendulum that oscillates with period 2s unaffected; if we add a large mass on the floor, so that the pendulum experiences some small extra gravitational force towards the floor. Now I have determined this...
  28. H

    Binary stars ,time period of orbit?

    Homework Statement A binary system consists of two stars of equal mass m orbiting each other in a circular orbit under the influence of gravitational forces. The period of the orbit is τ . At t = 0, the motion is stopped and the stars are allowed to fall towards each other. After what time t...
  29. F

    How Does the Bohr Model Calculate Electron Orbital Periods and Number of Orbits?

    1)Use the bohr model, calculate the orbital period in eachlevel(n=1,2,3) 2) the average lifetime of the first excited level of a hydrogen atom is 1.0 10^-8 s. In the bohr model, how many orbits does an electron in the n=2 level complete before returning to the ground level? Homework...
  30. M

    Signal integration over ns time period

    Hello, I have voltage signal that is time gated up to ns. I want to integrate this signal over this time interval, how one can do this and which device can be used for that. Regards MAAP
  31. P

    Proportion Problem Dealing with Moon's Period

    Homework Statement 18. If the moon were four times the distance from the Earth than it currently is, the amount of time it would take to go around the Earth would be roughly (the current orbital period of the moon is about four weeks) A. 8 weeks B. 11 Weeks C. 16 Weeks D. 32 Weeks E...
  32. R

    Capacitor Charge within a time period

    Homework Statement This is one of my oscillator circuits, that I am trying to develop a simple formula to calculate RC for Oscillation Frequency, based on the fact the oscillation is done with the Capacitor charge changing from 1.1V to 1.68V back and forth, for a set of physical numbers. What...
  33. C

    Sloshing in a Rectangular Container: Finding Time Period

    Homework Statement A rectangular container partly filled with water up to height , after being slightly disturbed , the urface of water begins to slosh . Assume that the water surface remains practically flast during sloshing , find the time period of the sloshing mode. take width to be...
  34. J

    Finding the period T for cylinder on spring

    Hi, the problem isn't written in English originally, so there might be some slight mixing up in the terminology A cylinder with mass M = 2 kg is attached to a spring and lying on a horizontal plane. (Imagine looking at it from the side, with the wall where the spring is attached forming a...
  35. P

    Time Period of SHM: Mass of System or Just Mass?

    Hi, I performed an experiment investigating the Time Period of oscillations. I wanted to know whether the m in the equation represents solely the mass hung on the spring or the mass of the system, that is, the mass hung plus the mass of the spring itself? Thanks
  36. P

    Spring Constant and Time Period

    Hi, I am investigating the effect of changing the spring constant on the time period of Simple Harmonic Oscillations. My first doubt regards one of my control variables. I listed that I should try and maintain air humidity constant, due to the fact it affects air resistance and, therefore...
  37. J

    Uncertainty of planetary orbital period

    I've been searching all over the place, and I cannot find any data showing the error bars of orbital periods of planets. Once source estimates the uncertainty of Jupiter to be "1 arcsec per 250 years" but I cannot find anything to back this up. Does anybody have any hints as to where I should...
  38. G

    Help in runge kutta problem to determine period of a comet

    Hi everyone: I have trouble in an assignment I was given. The instructions are to utilize Runge-Kutta order 2 and 4 to determine the period of the comet Halley (perihelion = 0.586 AU and aphelion = 35.1 AU). The period of the orbit is given by Kepler's third law: Period = Sm3/2 where...
  39. S

    How Can I Numerically Calculate the Period of a Nonlinear ODE Trajectory?

    I have a second order nonlinear ODE. I know that a trajectory with specified initial conditions \left[ x(0) = x_0, \dot{x}(0) = \dot{x}_0 \right] is periodic. How can I numerically calculate period of this trajectory without solve this DE?
  40. T

    The period of water oscillating in a U-tube

    In the following lecture (starting at 21:00), the professor says that when predicting the period of water oscillating in a U-shaped tube, that the "length" of the water column that you should use should be greater than the average of the length around the outside and around the inside. Can...
  41. J

    How do you find time period of an oscillatory motion(not SHM)

    Homework Statement Force ( F ) = -kx /√( x^2 + r^2 ) where k is a constant and r(constant-amplitude) is the distance initially the object is away from the origin, x(variable) is distance of the object from the origin. Find time period of this oscillation 2. The attempt at a solution...
  42. S

    Computing the period of a meteor using two ways.

    Computing the period of a meteor using two ways. I'm looking at code that computes the orbit found for a meteor. It computes the period of the meteor as: a = 13.07 # semi-major axis in AU P = m.sqrt(a*a*a) # From the program which yields P = 47.2512586393 Years If I use the...
  43. A

    Finding the magnitude of the nearest peak and period

    Homework Statement Harmonic wave is described by: h(x,t)=cos(2∏(2x-t/2)). The equation is expressed as the height of the wave At time t0 a peak of the wave is at position X0. What is the magnitude of the distance to the nearest peak at this time? How much time passes before another peak is...
  44. H

    Exploring Electron Configurations: Why I.E. Increases Across the Second Period

    My level of knowledge on Chemistry is first year. I'm teaching myself about electron configurations using Google to find and compare sources. In this webpage - It's demonstrated that Oxygen has a lower first ionization energy than Nitrogen...
  45. H

    Find the period of a particle with only max vel. and amplitude

    A particle moves with SHM of amplitude 10 cm and a maximum speed of 0.5 m/s. ...find the objects period
  46. J

    Period of oscillation for a pendulum

    Homework Statement The aim of the experiment is to find out if the period of oscillation is proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum. We used 5 different lengths and got the average time for 1 oscillation for each length These are the results: Length=48cm, Time=1.33s...
  47. H

    Charged particle attatched to spring.Find the period of oscillation?

    Homework Statement A point particle of mass m carrying an electric charge q is attatched to a spring of stiffness constant k.A constant electric field E aong the direction of spring is switched on for a time interval T (T<<Sqrt(m/k)). Neglecting radiation loss,Find the amplitude of...
  48. A

    The frequency(/time period) of oscillation for a 2 body spring system

    Homework Statement Two masses m1 and m2 are connected by a spring of spring constant k rest on a frictionless surface. If the masses are pulled apart and let go, the time period of oscillation is : I know the answer is T(time period) = 2∏\sqrt{((m1*m2)/(m1+m2))*1/k}. Can some one help me...
  49. S

    Calculating the period of an orbit

    If I have all six orbital elements, what equations allow me to calculate the period of the object?
  50. J

    Rectangular Disk with Circular Hole Period Question

    Homework Statement A circular disk with a rectangular hole has a radius of 0.620 m and mass of 0.470 kg. It is suspended by a point on its perimeter as shown in the figure. The moment of inertia about this point is I_p = 1.60E-1 kgm2. Its center of mass is located at a distance of s=0.120 m...