Period Definition and 1000 Threads

The orbital period (also revolution period) is the time a given astronomical object takes to complete one orbit around another object, and applies in astronomy usually to planets or asteroids orbiting the Sun, moons orbiting planets, exoplanets orbiting other stars, or binary stars.
For celestial objects in general the sidereal orbital period (sidereal year) is referred to by the orbital period, determined by a 360° revolution of one celestial body around another, e.g. the Earth orbiting the Sun, relative to the fixed stars projected in the sky. Orbital periods can be defined in several ways. The tropical period is more particular about the position of the parent star. It is the basis for the solar year, and respectively the calendar year.
The synodic period incorporates not only the orbital relation to the parent star, but also to other celestial objects, making it not a mere different approach to the orbit of an object around its parent, but a period of orbital relations with other objects, normally Earth and their orbits around the Sun. It applies to the elapsed time where planets return to the same kind of phenomena or location, such as when any planet returns between its consecutive observed conjunctions with or oppositions to the Sun. For example, Jupiter has a synodic period of 398.8 days from Earth; thus, Jupiter's opposition occurs once roughly every 13 months.
Periods in astronomy are conveniently expressed in various units of time, often in hours, days, or years. They can be also defined under different specific astronomical definitions that are mostly caused by the small complex external gravitational influences of other celestial objects. Such variations also include the true placement of the centre of gravity between two astronomical bodies (barycenter), perturbations by other planets or bodies, orbital resonance, general relativity, etc. Most are investigated by detailed complex astronomical theories using celestial mechanics using precise positional observations of celestial objects via astrometry.

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  1. V

    Does time period of SHM vary with frame(inertial and non inertial)?

    Does time period of SHM vary with frame(inertial and non inertial)?? Homework Statement There is an SHM. First observer is watching it from inertial frame of refrence and secodn is from non inertial will there any change of time period for both observer. Homework Equations just think...
  2. V

    Is there is any change in time period if it is done inside accelerating lift?

    Homework Statement Q1> there is a cube like jar of water kept at the surface of a lift which is moving with an acceleration of a in upward direction. jar is filled with water. There is a cubical block of wood floating on it's surface. It is slightly pressed and released. find the time period...
  3. J

    Can period of such signal be found.

    How to find the period of two signals added for example: if f= s1+s2 where s1 is a squre wave of (+ -) 1 A, period √6 secs and s2 is a square wave of (+ -) 1 A, period 1/√6 secs. Is this signal periodic if not why? Can anyone let me know about some link where I can learn all the examples...
  4. nukeman

    *Simple frequency and period question - Thanks

    Homework Statement Ok, below is the question. I am having trouble with getting started. Like the first steps. A and B are the questions I am having trouble with. "A 1.00 kg glider attached to a spring with a force constant of 25.0 N/m oscillates on a frictionless, horizontal air track. At t...
  5. T

    A pendulum on some moon has a length of 1.5meters and a period of

    A pendulum on some moon has a length of 1.5meters and a period of 4.2seconds. On Earth a girl throws a rock 13meters in the air, if she was on that moon how high would that same rock go if she threw it with the same effect? (Ignore all air resistance)
  6. D

    Period of swing of a rope with two fixed ends

    Friends: If you take a rope and fix the top end and allow the rope to swing, then it is just a pendulum and the period of swing is widely known (and on wikipedia) as approx. T = 2*pi*(L/g)^0.5 where L is the length of the pendulum and g is gravity. My question is: What if I take both ends...
  7. M

    Infinite Time Period of Simple Pendulum at Center of Earth

    In the center of earth, g=0, T=2*3.14*√(L/g) =∞ question: what do you mean by the "infinite time period"? and explain the situation of simple pendulum at the center of earth
  8. A

    Expression for time period of simple pendulum

    Which of the two is a better expression for the time period of a simple pendulum? t-=2∏\sqrt{(l/g)} or t=2∏\sqrt{(1/T/m)} ; l=length of the pendulum T=time period of the pendulum m=mass of bob...
  9. G

    Finding the period of a simple pendulum given angular acceleration

    Homework Statement A physical pendulum oscillates through small angles about the vertical with the angle, measured in radians, obeying the differential equation d2θ/dt2 = -4πθ. What is the period of the oscillation? Homework Equations T = 2π √(L/g) The Attempt at a Solution I...
  10. G

    Period of a ball rolling on a cycloid

    I have a friend that has solved this problem already and he explained it to me and gave me some initial hints so I could see if I could solve it. You are trying to show that the period of the cycloid is independent on the point where you leave off the ball, and specifically that it is equal to...
  11. A

    Problem with Thermodynamics. Period dependence on temparature.

    Homework Statement Picture. The volume of that cylinder is V = 1l. In that cylinder we have 1g of hydrogen m=0,001 kg. The cylinder is separated in two equal parts with m1=0,005 kg and d=0.006m length piston. Imagine that we pushed that...
  12. D

    Period and amplitude of oscillations.

    Homework Statement Block “A” is released with initial velocity v=10 m/s. Find the period and the amplitude of oscillations after inelastic collision of block “A” with block “B”. The mass of block “A” is 2 kg, the mass of block “B” is 2 kg. The spring constants of the springs are 100 N/m and 300...
  13. B

    Show that the satellite's orbital period P at large distances (r a) is given by

    Homework Statement Assuming that the satellite's orbit is circular, show that its orbital period P at large distances (r>>a) is given by the expression: P=[(4pi/GM)^(1/2)] r^(3/2) (1-(3/4)((a^2)/(4r^2)) J(subscript2)) Comment on the behavious of P in the limits as r approaches infinity...
  14. R

    Period of a Simple Pendulum with Varying Masses and Gravitational Forces

    Homework Statement The usual formula for the period T of a simple pendulum of length l is T=2\pi\sqrt{\frac{l}{g}} where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Denoting rhe inertial mass of the pendulum bob by m_{i} and its gravitational mass by m_{g}, derive an alternative expression for T in...
  15. N

    Period of arbitrary amplitude pendulum using average speed

    Homework Statement A simple pendulum of length L is pulled aside to angle θm then released from rest. For arbitrary angle θ on the path of motion the acceleration along the path is -gSinθ. The speed at this point is V(θ)= √[2gL (cos θ - cos θm)]. Find the period T of the pendulum (do not...
  16. B

    Spring oscillations determining period of motion

    Hey guys, i can't figure this one out. a mass attached to a spring oscillates with an amplitude of 18cm; the spring constant is k=18N/m. when the position is half the maximum value, the mass moves with velocity v=27cm/s. a) determine the period of motion. b)find the value of mass i...
  17. F

    Finding the period of a vibrating string

    Hello all, Homework Statement A vibrating string 50.0 cm long is under a tension of 1.00 N. The results from five successive stroboscopic pictures are shown. The strobe rate is set at 5000 flashes per minute, and observations reveal that the maximum displacement occurred at flashes 1...
  18. H

    Find period of a matrix - Math Help

    can someone please tell me that "how period of a matrix can be determined?"
  19. S

    Period doubling for a damped, driven, harmonic oscillator

    I'm not sure I'm in the right forum but I'll try and ask anyways. So I simulated a damped, driven pendulum in Java with the goal of showing period doubling/chaotic behavior. But then, as I was increasing the driving force, i saw the double period born. Then the 4-period...but then suddenly...
  20. A

    Finding the period of a limit cycle

    Homework Statement We're considering the following special case of the Duffing oscillator, in the limit of small nonlinearity: \ddot x + x + \epsilon x^3 = 0. The problem asks us to find a conserved quantity, and use it to write the period as an integral. Then, to write it as a power...
  21. smokingwheels

    Frequency to period adjustment in program loop calculation

    Homework Statement Adjust a program loop so frequency will change linearly with a keyboard increment or decrement. The current calculation adjusts about 40 counts in the delay loop but when the frequency gets high the step is frequency is very large with each decrement in the loop. A...
  22. H

    The physical pendulum - distance, period, and angular frequency

    Homework Statement The physical pendulum shown on your paper is a 27.0 kg wedge of a circular disk of uniform density with radius, R=1.87 m and opening angle β=0.847 radians. The pivot point of the pendulum can be moved along the center line of the wedge as shown on your paper...
  23. M

    Period of a Pendulum | Calculate in 1.2s

    I am getting confused regarding what a 'period' in a pendulum is. In a recent Olympiad/Exam I was given this question... Can you please give me the method in which it can be done so that I can solve these type of questions with ease if they appear in future... Thanks :smile: A Pendulum...
  24. B

    Why Does a Negative Spring Constant Give a Nonreal Period in Oscillation?

    Ok so i am doing a lab...and i graphed my data points and my slope turned out to be negative. The y-axis is in Newtons and the x-axis is in Meters. So my teacher said the the slope=k (constant) period of an oscillation formula: T=2pi(m/k)^1/2 But my k is negative so when i substitute all my...
  25. X

    How Far Should a Satellite Be from Earth to Match the Moon's Orbital Period?

    Homework Statement A satellite is placed between the Earth and the Moon, along a straight line that connects their centers of mass. The satellite has an orbital period around the Earth that is the same as that of the Moon, 27.3 days. How far away from the Earth should this satellite be placed...
  26. 1

    How Does Doubling the Amplitude Affect the Oscillation Period?

    Homework Statement A weight suspended from an ideal spring oscillates up and down. If the amplitude of the oscillation is doubled, the period will Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution There are no equations relating xm to T. Obviously it gets larger, but how do I find...
  27. S

    Period of oscillation (potential energy equation given)

    Homework Statement Let the potential energy of particle depend upon coordinate x as: U(x) = U0(1-cos(ax)). Where "U0" and "a" are constants. Find the period of small oscillations that particle performs about its equilibrium position. 2. Given Answer T = 2∏√(m/a2U0) The Attempt at a...
  28. QuarkCharmer

    How Does Graphing Time Squared Reveal Pendulum Dynamics?

    Homework Statement We did a lab, where, in the first part we timed the period of a pendulum with varying lengths. In the second part, we timed the period of a pendulum with varying masses. I got the results that I expected to get. However, I do not understand two of the lab questions...
  29. J

    Time period of a torsional pendulum

    For a piece of practical work, I'm investigating which factors alter the time period of a torsional pendulum. So far, I'm changing the mass of the pendulum, the length of wire, type of wire and thickness of wire, can anyone recommend anything else? Also, I'm looking at the formula...
  30. F

    Period of a pendulum is measured to be 3.00 s

    Homework Statement The period of a pendulum is measured to be 3.00 s in the reference frame of the pendulum. Homework Equations What is the period when measured by an observer moving at a speed of 0.960c relative to the pendulum? The Attempt at a Solution I don't want to...
  31. C

    Amount of time for a half period to occur

    Homework Statement A mass-spring system has k = 105 N/m and m = 1.75 kg. If it is undergoing simple harmonic motion, how much time does it take the mass to go from x = A to x = 0? Homework Equations T=2pi*sqrt(m/k) The Attempt at a Solution Tried plugging in the values for the...
  32. A

    Calculating Time Period for Simultaneous Relativity in All Ref Frames

    Homework Statement Challenge: a rather eccentric group of astronomy students wanted to celebrate the impact of the Shoemaker-Levy comet on Jupiter by holding a party of sufficiently long duration that their celebrations were simultaneous with the impact of the comet in all inertial reference...
  33. C

    Finding radius of satellite in orbit given mass and rotational period

    Homework Statement Suppose that Captain Omega of the Imperial Space Patrol wishes to place a spy satellite in geosynchronous orbit above the mysterious Planet X, which has a mass of 5.90 x1024 kg, and a rotational period of 26.4 hours. (a) What should be the radius of the satellite's orbit...
  34. L

    Does mass affect the period of a pendulum attached to an elastic string?

    if if we have a string and a object with mass m connected to it , it does extend for 11 cm (string) . if we put another object with the same mass m , what will be the period of that ( of the 2 objects in the string) . please explain does mass affect the period ? thnx
  35. A

    Time Period of SHM: Opposite Charges in Springs

    1. Homework Statement Two Springs are present (one just infront of the other). The Spring towards the left has +Q charge and towards the right -Q charge (at their ends).The distance between the two charges is d. The Springs are of length l. Find the Time Period of the Simple Harmonic Motion...
  36. A

    Time Period SHM of Two Springs with +Q & -Q Charges

    Homework Statement Two Springs are present (one just infront of the other). The Spring towards the left has +Q charge and towards the right -Q charge (at their ends).The distance between the two charges is d. The Springs are of length l. Find the Time Period of the Simple Harmonic Motion if...
  37. A

    Deriving the Equation for Period of Simple Pendulum? Is my attempt correct?

    Homework Statement I have to derive an equation with the following variables: T= period m= mass Theta= angle l= length and I was told to think of the period as the perimeter of a circle.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution C=2\pi r,C/2=\pi r,d=\pi r,(at^2)/2=\pi r,t=\sqrt{\frac{2\pi...
  38. T

    Discovering mass of a star and orbital period of one of two planets

    Homework Statement Two newly discovered planets follow circular orbits around a star in a distant part of the galaxy. The orbital speeds of the planets are determined to be 41.7 km/s and 55.5 km/s. The slower planet's orbital period is 8.04 years. (a) What is the mass of the star? (b)...
  39. P

    Finding the period of 2 multiplied trig functions

    I am trying the period of 2 cosine functions that are multiplied with each other, but I am blanking out on how to find them. For example, given a function like: x(t) = cos(10*pi*t)cos(20*pi*t) I know it has something to do with the frequency of both functions (10*pi & 20*pi), but I...
  40. C

    Question on the equation for the period of a pendulum

    [a]1. Homework Statement [/b] essentially my "problem statement" is to determine what the mg in the equation T=2π√(I/mgL) is being used to represent Homework Equations T=2π√(I/mgL) The Attempt at a Solution in a nutshell, i solved a difficult problem in a way that my...
  41. G

    Finding the period of trig series analytically?

    Is there a way to calculate the period of a trigonometric series (like the one below) analytically? x(t)=5sin(16t)-4cos(8t+3.1)
  42. O

    How Do You Calculate the Orbital Period of a Satellite?

    Homework Statement An Earth satellite is observed to have a height of perigee of 100 n mi and a height of apogee of 600 n mi. Find the period of the orbit. Homework Equations (1) Period = (2*pi/sqrt(mu)) * A^(2/3) (2) rp+ra = 2A Where: Mu is the Standard Gravitational Parameter...
  43. J

    Calculate the period and frequency of rotation

    Homework Statement An object rotates in a circle of 2m diameter. The angular speed is 2.5 rad/s. Calculate the period and frequency of rotation. Homework Equations frequency=1/period The Attempt at a Solution That formula seem funny considering i need a value to work out the...
  44. F

    Period of a satellite orbiting Earth

    Homework Statement A satellite is orbiting Earth 4200 km from Earth's surface. Considering the trajectory to be a circle, calculate the period of the orbiting satellite. Homework Equations a=v2/r F=GmM/r2 c=2r*PI v=l/t The Attempt at a Solution Well, the textbook gives the...
  45. T

    How to find the period of a Fourier Series

    Hi. My problem is that even though I can find the Fourier series, its coefficients etc. I have trouble determining the period of equation. For example let's say we have f(t) = t, t \in [-pi,pi]. I thought that the period was 2pi but in the solution it says that the period is pi. This isn't the...
  46. P

    Simple Harmonic Motion - Acceleration and Time Period

    Hi, I am a bit confused regarding the relation between the acceleration and time period in simple harmonic motion. This questions asks what would be one change to the motion of a car's wing mirror in case the glass was switched for a heavier one. I don't understand for example, how would...
  47. S

    Time period and natural frequency

    A fundamnetal question here; IS it that the terminologies natural time period and frequency are used only for simple harmonic motions and not for motions which are periodic/sinusoidal like an SHM?
  48. N

    Calculating the period of a harmonic function

    For a example, x=16cos(10t+5π/3) ,S.I. How am i supposed to calculate the period?(in order to do the graph) Thanks in advance
  49. S

    Polynomial expression of Pendulum period with respect to angle (large)

    [b]1. Homework Statement The swinging period T(θ) for a small amplitude simple pendulum, is given by T, a constant for a constant length pendulum. If the initial angle θ is large, then the amplitude becomes large and the period needs to be corrected. The correction to the large amplitude...