Perpendicular Definition and 511 Threads

In elementary geometry, the property of being perpendicular (perpendicularity) is the relationship between two lines which meet at a right angle (90 degrees). The property extends to other related geometric objects.
A line is said to be perpendicular to another line if the two lines intersect at a right angle. Explicitly, a first line is perpendicular to a second line if (1) the two lines meet; and (2) at the point of intersection the straight angle on one side of the first line is cut by the second line into two congruent angles. Perpendicularity can be shown to be symmetric, meaning if a first line is perpendicular to a second line, then the second line is also perpendicular to the first. For this reason, we may speak of two lines as being perpendicular (to each other) without specifying an order.
Perpendicularity easily extends to segments and rays. For example, a line segment



{\displaystyle {\overline {AB}}}
is perpendicular to a line segment



{\displaystyle {\overline {CD}}}
if, when each is extended in both directions to form an infinite line, these two resulting lines are perpendicular in the sense above. In symbols,





{\displaystyle {\overline {AB}}\perp {\overline {CD}}}
means line segment AB is perpendicular to line segment CD. For information regarding the perpendicular symbol see Up tack.
A line is said to be perpendicular to a plane if it is perpendicular to every line in the plane that it intersects. This definition depends on the definition of perpendicularity between lines.
Two planes in space are said to be perpendicular if the dihedral angle at which they meet is a right angle (90 degrees).
Perpendicularity is one particular instance of the more general mathematical concept of orthogonality; perpendicularity is the orthogonality of classical geometric objects. Thus, in advanced mathematics, the word "perpendicular" is sometimes used to describe much more complicated geometric orthogonality conditions, such as that between a surface and its normal.

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  1. 1

    Given two vectors find a unit vector that is perpendicular

    Given two vectors \vec{A} = - 2.00 \hat{ i } + 3.00 \hat{ j } + 4.00 \hat{k} and \vec{B} = 3.00 \hat{ i } + 1.00 \hat{ j } - 3.00 \hat{k}. Obtain a unit vector perpendicular to these two vectors. Express your answer as a unit vector N_unit in the form N_x, N_y, N_z where the x, y, and z...
  2. V

    Find the scalar equation for a plane perpendicular to another plane

    Find the scalar equation of a plane that contains the point P(4,9,-3) and is perpendicular to the plane 3x - 5z + 3 = 0 I know that the normal vector of the given plane is 3,0,-5. I also know that in order for two planes to be perpendicular, their normal vectors must also be perpendicular. I...
  3. A

    Find the Plane: Perpendicular to yz-Plane & y=-2, z=4

    Homework Statement Determine the Cartesian equation of the plane that is perpendicular to the yz-plane and has y-intercept 4 and z-intercept -2. Homework Equations ? The Attempt at a Solution I'm pretty sure that the normal to the plane I want to find would be (0,1,1). A...
  4. A

    Determining coordinates of a point on a line perpendicular to a vector

    Homework Statement The two lines L1: r = (-1,1,0)+ s(2,1,-1) and L2: r = (2,1,2) + t(2,1,-1) are parallel but do not coincide. The point A(5,4,-3) is on L1. Determine the coordinates of a point B on L2 such that vector AB is perpendicular to L2. Homework Equations ? The Attempt at...
  5. D

    Does skin perpendicular to sun’s rays burn faster than if not perpendicular?

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  6. P

    Torsion of space curves, why dB/ds is perpendicular to tangent

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  7. M

    Find Value of \alpha for Perpendicular Vector to Plane

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  8. S

    Perpendicular Inelastic Collision

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  9. P

    M2: moments when forces are not perpendicular

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  10. V

    Basis for Plane Perpendicular to a Line

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  11. A

    Perpendicular Bisector & Altitude of Triangle: A(4;2) B(11;6) C(-3;-1)

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  12. S

    Mobius Maps: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, Disjoint Circles

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  13. R

    Planes perpendicular to vectors

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  14. R

    Prove two vectors are perpendicular (2-D)

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  15. D

    Perpendicular 3D Vector Problem

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  16. V

    Can tension be generated perpendicular to a rope?

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  17. S

    Find Intersection of Perpendicular Lines: Solve L1 & L2

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  18. L

    Perpendicular components of motion

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  19. T

    Perpendicular Lines: Slope, Angle & Equations

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  20. E

    Plane equation perpendicular to line

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  21. R

    Find vector parallel to yz plane and perpendicular to other given vector

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  22. B

    Relative velocity of perpendicular vectors

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  23. F

    Finding Perpendicular Lines to y=0.25x and Tangent to f(x)=1/x

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  24. C

    Unit vector perpendicular to two known vectors

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  25. T

    Find a vector perpendicular to these vectors

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  26. A

    Why is a changing magnetic field and changing electric field perpendicular?

    Hi, My question is as per the title. Why 90 deg and no other angle else? I did a thorough Net Search and could find no satisfactory answer. Can it be explained using Maxwell's Equation? (Sorry, i don't really understand Maxwell's equations) I am a teacher who is apprehensive about...
  27. T

    Solving Perpendicular Vectors: (a - 2b) \cdot (3a + 5b) Explanation and Solution

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  28. M

    Equation of a line perpendicular to two vectors

    Homework Statement Find the parametric and symmetric equations for the line through the point (2,1,0) and perpendicular to both <1,1,0> and <0,1,1,> Homework Equations Parametric equ: x = x_0 + at y = y_0 + bt z = z_0 + ct The Attempt at a Solution Cross product of <1,1,0> and...
  29. N

    Vector Algebra (line perpendicular to plane)

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  30. G

    Confusion about a laser shining perpendicular to a moving inertial frame

    I found this nice book on Google that does a great job explaining relativity, however, even though the conclusions make perfect sense to me so far, I'm stuck on a conceptual issue when reading over the classic thought experiments that makes me feel like I'm still...
  31. R

    Finding the Unique Perpendicular Vector at P=(3,4,5)

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  32. N

    Find a vector which is perpendicular to the plane

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  33. S

    Expansion of a Circular Loop with Perpendicular Forces

    Consider a circular loop. If I were to apply forces at all points on the loop such that the forces are perpendicular to it and in the same plane as the loop, the net force experienced by the loop equals zero. But it expands. The loop expands even when no work is being done on it. How can it be...
  34. C

    B-Field at a Perpendicular Distance

    Two long horizontal straight parallel wires are 28.28 cm apart and each carries a current of 2.2 A in the same direction, namely, due south. What is the B-field at a point that is a perpendicular distance of 23 cm from both wires? Answer in microtesla. B= (u0*I)/(2Pi*r) u0= 4Pi*10^-7=...
  35. C

    Finding perpendicular bisector.

    Homework Statement Point A (–4,1) is in the standard (x,y) coordinate plane. What must be the coordinates of point B so that the line x = 2 is the perpendicular bisector of AB ? Homework Equations don't know where to start. The Attempt at a Solution haven't tried.
  36. K

    Are E and H Fields Perpendicular to the Direction of Propagation?

    Hi all.. I am just stuck upon something very trivial.. We know that E and H fields in an EM wave are perpendicular to each other.. I was also told that they are respectively perpendicular to direction of propagation.. Is it correct? are there any conditions for this to hold..??
  37. F

    Given perpendicular vectors A and B, solve A x Y = B for Y

    Homework Statement Consider the equation $\mathbf{A}\mathbf{\times Y}=$\mathbf{B}$ for perpendicular vectors A and B. Derive a general solution for Y. Homework Equations The solution was actually given to us, and I plugged it into make sure it works. (It does.)...
  38. S

    The Perpendicular Subspace of R^n: What is it and How is it Defined?

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution The terminology in this question confuses me into what I am actually trying to solve. It seems to me that S-perp would naturally be a subspace of real column vectors based on the fact that we specify that S\neq0. It goes on to mention...
  39. F

    Determining perpendicular tangent line

    Homework Statement Determine the coordinates of the points on the graph of f(x) = \sqrt {2x+1} where the tangent line is perpendicular to the line 3x+y+4 = 0 Homework Equations f(x) = \sqrt {2x+1} 3x+y+4 = 0 The Attempt at a Solution For this, I was going to find the...
  40. O

    Need the parametric equation of a circle perpendicular to a vector.

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  41. M

    A force perpendicular to velocity does not change speed?

    Homework Statement There's a ball moving at a constant velocity V and I apply a force perpendicular to the direction of the velocity. Why is it that there's no change in speed? If I add a perpendicular force, there would be a new vector thus resulting in a new velocity with a different...
  42. N

    Planes perpendicular to reciprocal vectors problems

    Homework Statement Given the shortest reciprocal lattice of fcc is (2PI/a)(+-x+-y+-z). How can i show that (111) is perpendicular to the shortest reciprocal lattice? And how to show that other planes such as (001),(010),(110) is not perpendicular to the shortest reciprocal lattice...
  43. K

    Finding a vector perpendicular to two vectors

    Homework Statement "A vector perpendicular to both vectors V & W Vector V = 3i + 2j - 2k Vector W = 4i -3j + k Homework Equations Cross product equation The Attempt at a Solution The way our teacher tried to teach us was to do the cross product of vectors V x W Which...
  44. H

    Electric flux related to perpendicular suf?

    Electric flux related to perpendicular suf? Hello. This is my first in here. I am studying on Physics electricity and magnetism. While I am reading the concept of electric flux, the textbook repeatly mention about "perpendicular to the surface" . Why is the perpendicular surface important...
  45. M

    Lengths perpendicular to relative motion are unchanged

    This has been bothering me for a long time. I can see that it's "obviously" true but I'm having trouble arguing it rigorously from what I know about special relativity (i.e. I "believe it" but when I try to (hypothetically) explain it to someone, I can't do so convincingly.) I first found...
  46. K

    Why Electric Fields are perpendicular

    Homework Statement If electric fields are perpendicular to the equipotential surface, what is the orientation of the field on the surface of a conductor (like metal)? Why is this so? Homework Equations E= ∆V/d The Attempt at a Solution I know that there is no charge within a...
  47. M

    Find Perpendicular Planes Intersecting at a Point

    How to find (equations of) two perpendicular planes intersecting to a plane (say 3x+y+z=10) in a point (say 1,2,5 ). All the three planes are perpendicular to each other and intersecting at a single point (say (1,2,5) in this example) If possible explain it in vector form and non-vector...
  48. J

    Find Equation of Plane perpendicular to line passing through a point

    Homework Statement Find an equation for the plane that is perpendicular to the line x = 3t -5, y = 7 - 2t, z = 8 - t, and that passes through the point (1, -1, 2). Homework Equations Equation of a plane: Ax + By + Cz = D D = Axo + By0 + Cz0 The Attempt at a Solution I am not sure...
  49. M

    Line perpendicular to given passing through point

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  50. B

    Reynolds Number of a circular plate perpendicular to external flow

    Hello, I am trying to obtain how to find the Reynolds Number of a circular plate perpendicular to external flow. Thanks